Apocalypse Descends [Status Screen]

She helplessly shook her head. She waves her right arm, resulting for the space to tremble. In the next instance, out of nowhere a majestic blue holographic screen manifested, this screen slowly forming green runic letters. Unlike, the previous plane looking black holographic screen that held golden inscribing's, this one, on the other hand, seems to pulsate strangely displaying its majesty.

"Now let's see what you got here…" Little Aisha excitedly said.

System Announcement – Boundless "Origin Limitless Order" Trial [Crimson Lexus Planet] (Tier 6 World) [Taboo Sinner World]


[Individual – Ken Kanzen – Trade skills level True Saint Forge Master] (Impossible Grade)

[System Announcement – You have gain 10,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]

[Individual – Ken Kanzen (Human 100%) – Survival time count span 1,500 years] (Impossible Grade)

[System Announcement – You have gain 10,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]

[Individual – Ken Kanzen – Purge sinners count 16,980,100,900] (Impossible Grade)

[System Announcement – You have gain 10,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]

[Individual – Ken Kanzen – Power world scale analysis Undefeated Strongest] (Impossible Grade)

[System Announcement – You have gain 10,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]

[Individual – Ken Kanzen – New found power unlocked – Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body (Tier 11) Pseudo Boundless Infinite Grade] (Impossible Grade)

[System Announcement – You have gain 1,000,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]


[System Announcement – Congratulations Ken Kanzen for achieving a (Impossible Grade) feat becoming a True Saint For Master Tier, without the intervention of the Origin Limitless Order]

[System Announcement – You have gain the title Unmatched Genius – Mythic Grade]

[System Announcement – You have gain 100,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]

Unmatched Genius – Increase one's proficiency, analytical prowess, comprehension, assimilation, integration, embodiment and success rate in every aspect by 75%. User's intelligence is permanently boosted by 50%, why, reducing any energy cost in every aspect by 25%.

[System Announcement – Congratulations Ken Kanzen for achieving a (Impossible Grade) feat Surviving in a Tier 6 world for 1,500 years, without the intervention of the Origin Limitless Order]

[System Announcement – You have gain the title Immortal Survivor – Mythic Grade]

[System Announcement – You have gain 200,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]

Immortal Survivor – Boost one's recovery speed in every energy aspect by a factor of 25%. It grants the user's a regenerative power comparable to that of a Legend Grade skill. This title also allows the user to revive ones a day.

[System Announcement – Congratulations Ken Kanzen for achieving a (Impossible Grade) feat of purging taboo sinners numbering 16,980,100,900 without the intervention of the Origin Limitless Order]

[System Announcement – You have gain the title Cosmic Executioner – Mythic Grade]

[System Announcement – You have gain 400,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]

Cosmic Executioner – Boosts the users combat power by 25% during combat. This title also increase the user's combat power by 150% when confronting taboo sinners.

[System Announcement – Congratulations Ken Kanzen for achieving a (Impossible Grade) feat becoming an undefeated strongest in the entire world without the intervention of the Origin Limitless Order]

[System Announcement – You have gain the title Paragon Of Might – Divine Grade]

[System Announcement – You have gain 500,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]

Paragon Of Might – Permanently increases the user's overall attributes by a factor of 10% except for charm that is increased by a factor of 25%. Time in combat, user's Heath and Stamina is increases by a factor of 250%, at the same time boosted both Health and Stamina's recovery speed by a factor of 20%.

[System Announcement – Congratulations Ken Kanzen for achieving a (Impossible Grade) feat creating the "Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body" and reaching (Tier 11) Pseudo Forbidden Grade without the intervention of the Origin Limitless Order]

[System Announcement – You have gain the title Prime Primordial – Origin Grade]

[System Announcement – You have gain 10,000,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]

Prime Primordial – The title allows the user to open a gate to the forgotten ancient end legacy trial grounds. The forgotten ancient end legacy trial ground has a time dilation of 1/10,000 hours based on the world the user originated from. Entering the forgotten ancient end legacy trial ground might be extremely dangerous, but, the challenger couldn't die inside the trial grounds. One's the user dies he would be kick back to where he came from before he entered the forgotten ancient end legacy trial ground.

The title "Prime Primordial" also grants the user a true supreme existence status where if the user is to encounter a creature that relied on its bloodline power, this creature's power would either be suppressed or be negated.


Name: Ken Kanzen

Existence Tier Level: 0

Title: [Unmatched Genius](Mythic), [Immortal Survivor](Mythic), [Cosmic Executioner](Mythic), [Paragon Of Might](Divine), [Prime Primordial](Origin)

Race: Prime Primordial Human (Newborn, Progenitor)

[Individual Ken Kanzen's race evolved into that of a Prime Primordial Human due to the influence of the title [Prime Primordial] forcibly transforming Ken Kanzen bloodline into that of a true supreme existence]

[Prime Primordial Human (Newborn) – Unique Benefits – Each of the main attributes is fixed at 50 point mark except for intelligence that isn't fixed but increase by 50 point mark. Furthermore, in every level up of Origin Level for the Tier 1 existence order [25] free main attribute points is added. Prime Primordial Human "bloodline" boost the user's control, affinity, power, and resistance of any essence or energy the user held inside them by 150%]

Origin Level: None

Origin Class: None

Trade Skill Class: None

Exclusive Power System: [Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body]

Exclusive Power System Level: 2 Tier

[Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body. This newly found power system is an almighty near omnipotent power able to harness Reality Essence, Chaos Essence, Chronos Essence, Dream Essence, Nothingness Essence, Origin Essence, Boundless Aurora, Neither Essence and All Great Natural Elemental Essence into a one new unnamed energy form]

Health: 360/360

[For each strength count 2 points is added to Health. For each vitality count 4 points is added to Health]

Stamina: 720/720

[For each vitality count 2 points is added to Stamina. For each strength count, 4 points is added to Stamina. For each agility count 6 points is added to Stamina]


Mana: 1,200/1,200 [Medium Tier]

[For each intelligence count 5 points is added to Mana]

[Special Energy]

Bloodline: 180/180

[Bloodline energy is a power exclusive only for supreme existence or higher races. The first bases of bloodline power is dependent on the user's bloodline rank. The second bases will be based on one's comprehension, assimilation, integration, and embodiment of one's bloodline. Bloodline count is determined by half cut of the user's health.]

Soul: 5,000/5,000 [True Saint Tier] [Lock]

Spirit: 5,000/5,000 [True Saint Tier] [Lock]

[Soul and Spirit is temporarily locked for the greater good of the user's well-being, to prevent the user from exerting power that could hinder the user's progress and development. Exerting power that surpassed that current body limits could lead to the user's self-destruction. In exchange user's Spirit and Soul is factored to the medium tier stage of Supreme Earth Tier, and as compensation individual "Ken Kanzen" is granted the skill [Celestial Soul Spirit Compass] – Soul and Spirit power is automatically boosted by 50%, cost payment when using either soul or spirit power is reduce by 20%, recovery is enhanced by 2% per minute. The skill also allows the user to imprisoned a soul that didn't possessed a spiritual body and physical body or capture a spiritual creature that didn't possessed a physical body. User's success percentage rate is near absolute]

Free attribute points [25]

[Strength – 50(10%), Agility – 50(10%), Vitality – 50(10%), Intelligence – 150(60%), Charm – 50(25%), Luck – 50(10%)]

Active Skills

1. [Celestial Soul Spirit Compass](Legend)

Extra Passive Skills

1. [Indomitable Perseverance](Legend)

2. [Ring Flora Octagram Domain](Legend)

Contribution Points [12,240,000,000]

Prime Primordial Human (Newborn) Bloodline Skills

1. Deus Primordial Ambition

2. Prime Primordial Family

[Bloodline Skills didn't require a ranking system. For each breakthrough in "True Life Pyramid" the skills and natural passive boots of the "Prime Primordial Human" will automatically increase]

Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body (Tier 2) Skills – [Revamped]

1. [Body Enhancement](Tier 2)

2. [Supreme Perception](Tier 2)

3. [Impenetrable Body](Tier 2)

4. [True Origin Sense](Tier 2)

[Skills of Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body, didn't possess a ranking system. For each breakthrough in system power the skills and natural passive boots of "Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body" will automatically increase]


[Indomitable Perseverance] (Extra Passive Skill) (Legend)

Grants the user the ability to recover fast, regenerate fast and high pain resistance in every aspect such as physical, spiritual, and origin soul. Indomitable Perseverance also grants the skill holder an increase in status alignment, resistance and defensive capabilities on the three main factors that represents one's very existence.


[Ring Flora Octagram Domain](Extra Passive Skill) (Legend)

Grants Kanzen the highest authority over a kilometer ring space. [Ring Flora Octagram Domain] is an auto passive trait that's always in run. This trait boosts Kanzen's superior physical, spiritual and soul sense's by double. Increases his perception speed and power, analysis speed and power, prediction speed and power, spatial reading power, and elemental control affinity.


[Celestial Soul Spirit Compass](Active Skill) (Legend)

Soul and Spirit power is automatically boosted by 50%, cost payment when using either soul or spirit power is reduce by 20%, recovery is enhanced by 2% per minute. The skill also allows the user to imprisoned a soul that didn't possessed a spiritual body and physical body or capture a spiritual creature that didn't possessed a physical body. User's success percentage rate is near absolute]


[Dues Primordial Ambition] (Bloodline Skill Tree Type)

1. [True Madness] (Active Skill)

Spreads a wave of madness and insanity force. This force directly attacks a persons spiritual body and origin soul. Inflicted individuals that didn't possessed a commendable will power, spirit, and defensive soul obstruction power has a high chance of succumbing into a terrifying illusion called infinite terrorize dream.

2. [True Fear] (Active Skill)

The Skill can only be activated when the target lost their will to resist or been defeated. Once this condition is met, from that point on, a permanent fear status is inflected on the user's soul, reducing the targeted person's combat power by a factor of 10% to 50% depends on level of fear the other party felt towards the user. Even if the target has recovered their will to fight back simultaneously, the user could just easily awaken back the fear status hidden inside the target's Origin Soul.


[Prime Primordial Family] (Bloodline Skill Tree Type)

1. Primordial Pyramid Bloodline

(Emperor Seat)

Granting one the capability to introduce 10 other people into the Emperor Seat of the bloodline pyramid. These 10 lucky individuals will be granted 75% purity assimilation of the "Prime Primordial Human" bloodline, allowing them to freely control 75% capabilities and benefits of the "Prime Primordial Human" True Supreme Bloodline. Those who become part of your Primordial Pyramid Bloodline will never be able to betray you and will be able to use 25% of your energy, special energy and main attributes.

(King Seat)

Granting one the capability to introduce 20 other people into the King Seat of the bloodline pyramid. These 20 lucky individuals will be granted 50% purity assimilation of the "Prime Primordial Human" bloodline, allowing them to freely control 50% capabilities and benefits of the "Prime Primordial Human" True Supreme Bloodline. Those who become part of your Primordial Pyramid Bloodline will never be able to betray you and will be able to use 20% of your energy, special energy and main attributes.

(Noble Seat)

Granting one the capability to introduce 40 other people into the Noble Seat of the bloodline pyramid. These 40 lucky individuals will be granted 35% purity assimilation of the "Prime Primordial Human" bloodline, allowing them to freely control 35% capabilities and benefits of the "Prime Primordial Human" True Supreme Bloodline. Those who become part of your Primordial Pyramid Bloodline will never be able to betray you and will be able to use 15% of your energy, special energy and main attributes.

(Lord Seat)

Granting one the capability to introduce 25 other people into the Emperor Seat of the bloodline pyramid. These 25 lucky individuals will be granted 40% purity assimilation of the "Prime Primordial Human" bloodline, allowing them to freely control 40% capabilities and benefits of the "Prime Primordial Human" True Supreme Bloodline. Those who become part of your Primordial Pyramid Bloodline will never be able to betray you and will be able to use 15% of your energy, special energy and main attributes.

(Royal Guard)

Granting one the capability to introduce 10 other people into the Royal Guard of the bloodline pyramid. These 10 lucky individuals will be granted 70% purity assimilation of the "Prime Primordial Human" bloodline, allowing them to freely control 70% capabilities and benefits of the "Prime Primordial Human" True Supreme Bloodline. Those who become part of your Primordial Pyramid Bloodline will never be able to betray you and will be able to use 30% of your energy, special energy and main attributes.

(Follower Summoning)

A exclusive skill of the Bloodline Pyramid Bloodline, this allows the user to call his (Followers) it would take 10 seconds before the (Follower) is summoned. One's the (Follower) answers their master's call, they are summoned to his or her sides, no matter how far away they are. This skill ignores isolated or space lock spatial abilities and laws. The (Follower Summoning) is tied to a certain number of followers, which varies depending on the pyramid status. (Progenitor – 10), (Emperor – 6), (King – 4), (Noble – 2), (Lord – 2)


Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body

Tier 1 [10% progress unlocked] (Revamped)

Body – Increase one's physical strength, vitality, agility, and dexterity by 10%. Increase one's stamina recovery speed and every form of physical resistance by 10%, grants the user an extra passive physical body low tier regenerative trait.

Mind – increase one's intelligence, spirit, soul and mental prowess by 10%, increase one's mental recovery, soul and spiritual recovery. The same time strengthens every spirit attack, soul attack and mental attack resistance by 10%. Grants the user an extra passive metal low tier fortitude trait.

[Extra Abilities]

Body – [Body Enhancement] (Active) – increase the user's every physical prowess by another 10% to a limit of 20% stack points to the already 10% passive increase for a limited time period based on the user's stamina.

Cost Required – Stamina [1%] for each second that passed.

Cooldown – None

Mental – [Supreme Perception] (Passive) – Increase the user's passive and non-passive analytical skills, detection skills, danger sense skills, analytical appraisal, parallel processing, chant annulment, visual and non-visual skills by a factor of 500 times.

Cost Required – None

Cooldown – None

(Active) – The ability to analyze and appraise a target. This active skill also allows one the capabilities to see through things of the atomic realm.

Cost Required – Stamina [1%], Mana [100]

Cooldown – None


[Special Note]

For every increase in Tier level [Extra Abilities] effects prowess is increase by am additional 20%. The same time the cost of every ability is reduced by 10% the same goes for the one's that possessed cool down timers, these timers were reduced by sort.


Tier 2 [20% progress unlocked] (Revamped)

Body – Increase one's physical strength, vitality, agility, and dexterity by 20%. Increase one's stamina recovery speed and every form of physical resistance by 20%, grants the user an extra passive physical body medium tier regenerative trait.

Mind – increase one's intelligence, spirit, soul and mental prowess by 20%, increase one's mental recovery, soul and spiritual recovery. The same time strengthens every spirit attack, soul attack and mental attack resistance by 20%. Grants the user an extra passive medium mental tier fortitude trait.

[Extra Abilities]

Body – [Impenetrable Body] (Active) – Boost the user's vitality and other defensive capabilities and resistance by 50% for two minutes.

Cost Required – Stamina [10%], Soul [5%], Spirit [5%]

Cooldown – 1 Hour

Mind – [True Origin Sense] (Active) – Grants the user the ability to discern truth and lies of a creature as long as one possessed a soul. The ability grants the user the passive perfect nullification against any form of negative status alteration attacks like that of curses or illusions.

Cost Required – Soul [10], Spirit [10]

Cooldown – 1 Hour