Apocalypse Descends [4]

Name: Ken Kanzen

Existence Tier Level: 0

Title: [Unmatched Genius](Mythic), [Immortal Survivor](Mythic), [Cosmic Executioner](Mythic), [Paragon Of Might](Divine), [Prime Primordial](Origin)

Race: Prime Primordial Human (Newborn, Progenitor)

Origin Level: None

Origin Class: None

Trade Skill Class: None

Exclusive Power System: [Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body]

Exclusive Power System Level: 2 Tier

Health: 360/360

Stamina: 720/720


Mana: 1,200/1,200 [Medium Tier]

[Special Energy]

Bloodline: 180/180

Soul: 5,000/5,000 [True Saint Tier] [Lock]

Spirit: 5,000/5,000 [True Saint Tier] [Lock]

Free attribute points [25]

[Strength – 50(10%), Agility – 50(10%), Vitality – 50(10%), Intelligence – 150(60%), Charm – 50(25%), Luck – 50(10%)]

Active Skills [1/10]

1. [Celestial Soul Spirit Compass](Legend)

Extra Passive Skills [2/10]

1. [Indomitable Perseverance](Legend)

2. [Ring Flora Octagram Domain](Legend)

Contribution Points [12,240,000,000]

Prime Primordial Human (Newborn) Bloodline Skills [2/2]

1. Deus Primordial Ambition

2. Prime Primordial Family

Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body (Tier 2) Skills – [Revamped] [4/4]

1. [Body Enhancement](Tier 2)

2. [Supreme Perception](Tier 2)

3. [Impenetrable Body](Tier 2)

4. [True Origin Sense](Tier 2)


"This… You must be joking… How can this be?" Aisha couldn't believe what she's seeing, she rubbed her eyes repeatedly, unable to believe the reality presented in front.

She looked back and forth on the displayed (Status Information) holographic screen and back at Kanzen.

"A newborn True Supreme Existence…! You just what are you exactly?" Her eyes shine in a golden light, looking at Kanzen like how one looked at a priceless treasure.

"Hey… Stop buzzing around like a bug, aren't your role for being here is to guide me?" Kanzen said in annoyance, he felt infuriated due to the time that's being wasted.

Information might be crucial, but one need to be alive to use such knowledge.

He could hear several loud sounds of pained cries coming from outside. Furthermore, these sounds were getting closer and closer. So Kanzen is not in the mood to continue conversing with Aisha.

Hearing Kanzen's insults, she tried opening her mouth to retort back, but before she could speak, a massive finger the same size of her entire head but longer shut her mouth.

She only the size of a teenager's palm, so a single finger from Kanzen is enough to encompassed her head, not to tell her tiny mouth.

Realizing that she made a blunder, inconveniencing the person she supposed to guide, Aisha could only lament. "I am sorry." She apologized in a low voice close to muttering.

Kanzen didn't response, his full attention driven towards the figures outside his house.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Consecutive loud banging sounded on Kanzen's front door. The zombies seemed to know that a meal is present behind the door, they continue to pound it, endeavoring to enter and destroy the thing that block their path.

He stood up from the bed and pick up the broom beside the cabinet.

"You need to be careful, those zombies possessed dangerously corrosive essence in them that could turn any other living creatures into mutant undead." Aisha reminded him. The reminder was direct and simple.

Hearing the important reminder, he halted his movements. Kanzen look back, his crystal blue eyes meet Aisha's emerald green eyes. For a moment, they've stayed like that gazing at each other, before she suddenly snap out.

"Sorry about that, I tried using one of my analysis skill on you." Kanzen revealed with a straight face.

"You…" Aisha could only shake her head, unable to understand the thoughts running through the strange man in front of her.

He stepped out of the room, continuing straight for the front door, where the loud bangs rung.

'This person, is he inviting them!" She couldn't help but think so, seeing his nonchalant approach for the door.

Reaching the door, Kanzen shrugged a little before sending a heavy kick on it.

A single kick all it takes for the door to blow up.

The two zombies continuously pounding trying to smash open the door was sent flying six meters back, their bodies rolled on the concrete street before smashing to another zombie.

This third zombie lost its balance stumbling to the ground, its face first and was smashed straight to the hard concrete.

A small chuckle left Kanzen's mouth, trying to hold back his laughter.

The three poor zombies and the nearby zombie in the neighborhood accounting all to twenty-two glare at him, hunger can be seen flaring up on their blood crimson eyes.

"I thought that things would turn out boring if I succeed in returning… Thankfully not."

Kanzen stepped on the broom's body, he broke the poor broom then wielding it strong like that of a spear.

[System Announcement – The user is in combat. Title – Cosmic Executioner – Boosts the user's combat power by 25%]

[System Announcement – The user is in combat. Title – Paragon Of Might – User's Heath and Stamina is increases by a factor of 250%, at the same time boosted both Health and Stamina's recovery speed by a factor of 20%]

Instantly, Kanzen appeared beside the nearest zombie. This zombie clearly has yet to react before a sharp wooden object easily pierced through it's head.

Easily killing the nearest zombie. He quickly steps back, avoiding the splattered strange crimson gray blood.

[System Announcement – You receive level 2 corrupted mana zombie origin essence. Strength +2, Vitality +2]

[System Announcement – You have reached Existence Tier Level 1. You acquire [25] Free attribute points]

"Oh ho, so I can also increase my main attributes just by hunting zombies…" Kanzen grinned wide, his grin almost reaching both of his ears.

He dashed straight to the nearest zombie from his position, this time, however, the nearest zombie and the nearby one's reacted. They themselves run straight towards him baring their enhanced teethes and dangerously terrifying sharp claws, there's also their monstrous jaws that's as powerful as an alligators bite.

Twenty-one zombies run straight in a speed similar to that of a veteran athlete setting out to have a bite on the foolish human bravely approaching them.

He arrived at the center of the first three zombies. Kanzen almost at their reach a meter distance apart, the three zombie pounced at him.