the evolution is a......

[ inside of the black cocoon ]

Ron: system

/name: RON *the red Abomination*

/titles: *the red Abomination* * the red angel* * the blood fox * *???*

/race: ?????Faunus

/age: 10_eternal

/bloodline.[bloodline of all Faunus ]/ ????

/level: 23

/job; expert assassin/aura user/beasts hunter

/ex job; Hunter/Rogue/expert Hunter/assassin

/element; necro magic

/semblance blood Petal Burst

/ aura dark blood aura and grey cyan aura

/host can customize his look's in evolution host can have a 15 old look and can add new parts to his body

Ron: I can do wait now

/host can customize his look's now and add new parts like

/gills / scales / other eyes / fur / sup brain / poison glands / canines / night view /wings/and more

Ron: ok now let me customize myself

/[ after an hour ]

/[ sea form come out when entering the water]

/ Deep-sea fish gills /crocodile scales / White shark fines and canines / king cobra poison glands /Shark's eye and nose/ night view /Honeybadger claws/Whale lungs / dolphin tail/rabbit heart/ Jackson's Chameleon horns /Turtle ears/ sup brain/ looks like a 15 year old

/[ flying form It appears when the host activated it ]

/eagle wings/ crows eye/ Mongol eagle feathers/ honeybadger claws/ leopard heart/ eagle tail / Addax horns / owl ears /sup brain / looks like a 15 year old

/[ normal form ]

/ as it was but cuter and stronger

/[ *the red Abomination* form ]

/ all in one

Ron: I miss the time I sang with my sister

/system: host you sing don't make me Laugh You will sound like a horse that wants to die

Ron: Do you want to bet

/system: yes if you win I will give you 1.000.000 and if you lose you You have to be a cute loli girl for the rest of your life deal

Ron: deal now Which song should I sing... ah you are king

/system: your choice be ready to become a cute loli host

[ Music begins ]

Ron: 1...2...3...go

[ three minutes later ]

Ron: you are king

Ron: I win now give me the money

/system: no why can't I have a cute loli host why ok take it and How can you change your voice?

Ron: and

/system: and what

Ron: my missions my daily missions...Don't tell me you forgot

/system:... no, I did not ok take it

/Live your first day and don't die

/ you got to water breathing

/ Obtained Shadow Clone skill

/Kill the first hundred

/you got a Nanite sniper and five hundred ammo

/Kill the first ten

/ you gut 100 sp

/kill the first thousand

/ you gut fire ruby sword

/ your small dimension has become a normal dimension measuring 1750 km x 1750 km

/ your shrine can now develop a Faith But because you are not a god your faith will turn into sp [1---->25

/ Choose your two religion [war /Harvest / Peace / Hunting / Fire / Blood / Light / Disasters ] you choose [ hunting/harvest ] the demi-human can now prey for hunting and harvest in your shrine

/ your dragon heart has become a high dragon heart

Ron: open the shop

/shop 1.000.134

/ buy [ cloning {you can clon yourself and customize them } for 500.000 ]

/[ bloodline sacred white bat ] for 100.000 { let You see everything is white and evil is black and no evil will see you}]

/[bloodline of grey eyes ] for 200.000 { the grey eye of the great * ZERO * the first of the NUMBERS can let you see Five seconds before the future, it can only be used once a week Using it too much can lead to blindness thus who *ZERO* fall }]

/[bloodline of the Grimm] for 10.000{ you can see negative feelings and Grimm will not attack you for no reason But be careful not to become one of them and their master can see you}]

/organ [ blood bank ]for 50.000 {you can store blood to heal your wounds}]

/organ [fire glands] for 40.000 { you can shoot fire out of your left hand need no magic just eat more spicy food All the spicier, all the more powerful of a fire} ]

/[ soul ego] for 100.000{ Like another soul with which your body can bear more strength aura you can give weapons and mindless clones an ego }]

/ because of the new ego, you got a new semblance, control of the shadows

/ Someone started Trying to control you... The intruder has failed and been blinded on Your place Because of bloodline sacred white bat

/half-hour to finish the evolution

[in another place]

in a dark place, a white woman was sitting on. a dark throne In a moment, she rose from her place

???: What is this strange feeling like a new Grimm I can't control but It disappeared faster than it appeared why and what was it

[back to Ron]

Ron wack up and was trying to break the cocoon he is in Slowly cracks began to appear and a hand appeared out and then a red Hair kid who looked cute

Ron: system Show me my stats