to the menagerie continent part 4

/name: RON *the red Abomination*

/titles: *the red Abomination* * the red angel* * the blood fox * *???*

/race: ?????Faunus

/age: 10_eternal

/bloodline.[bloodline of all Faunus ]/ ????/[ bloodline sacred white bat]/[bloodline of grey eyes ]/[bloodline of the Grimm]

/extra / [ organ blood bank ]/[ soul ego]/[fire glands]/[high dragon heart]

/level: 23

/forms /[ sea form]/[ flying form]

/job; expert assassin/aura user/beasts hunter

/ex job; Hunter/Rogue/expert Hunter/assassin

/element; necro magic

/semblance blood Petal Burst /control of the shadows [ego]

/ aura dark blood aura/ grey cyan aura [ego]

/21 hours left for you to become that thing

Ron was wearing some of his new clothes and making sure his body is fine


Ron: now let me see clon

Suddenly someone appeared in Ron's tent he looked like Ron in every way but he was naked and had two eyes one was the old green eye and one was grey

Ron: ok now let me customize /system help me and you can have your loli next time ok

/system: host all your customize for the first clone is free but you promised me a loli so get to work

[ after an hour ]

the clone now lookit like a Dragon man he looked a 15-year-old teen he have two blue horns and his hair is blue on the top and get dark down he wears one of Ron's war clothes and holds a sniper on his back he has blue and wings and blue scales on some parts of his body his eyes look like space full of stars and he wears a mask and lasts his stats

/the mask and the clothes [image]

/name: Rimuru [Ron ego]

/titles: nona

/race: high dark blue dragon/demi-human

/age: 15

/bloodline.[bloodline of all Faunus ]/[bloodline dark blue Dragon]/[ bloodline sacred white bat]/[bloodline of the Grimm]

/extra /[high dragon heart]/[Fusion engine ]

/level: 10

/forms/ Dragon form

/job; king assassin

/ex job;

/element; shadows magic. water magic

/semblance control of the shadows

/ aura grey cyan aura

and for now Ron

/name: RON *the red Abomination*

/titles: *the red Abomination* * the red angel* * the blood fox * *???*

/race: ?????Faunus

/age: 10_eternal

/bloodline.[bloodline of all Faunus ]/ ????/[bloodline of grey eyes ] /[ bloodline sacred white bat]/[bloodline of the Grimm]

/extra / [ organ blood bank ]/[fire glands]/[high dragon heart]

/clones [ Rimuru {ego}]

/level: 23

/forms /[ sea form]/[ flying form]

/job; expert assassin/aura user/beasts hunter

/ex job; Hunter/Rogue/expert Hunter/assassin

/element; necro magic

/semblance blood Petal Burst

/ aura dark blood aura

/20 hours left for you to become that thing

Ron: good now take this and go level up When you reach level 20 go to ATLAS and live there I will see you in ten years now go but stay with me for three days now ok

/The things Ron gave [image]

Rimuru: yes master

And then disappeared into my shadow

Ron: Now let's see the white fang members

Ron exits the tent to see lots and lots of Faunus all looked hurt and wounded some lost hands and some legs the white fang members were helping the Faunus but humans were coming from all sides, not any humans the Schnee dust company all armed and ready in all the blood and conflict I saw I little girl The same little girl who cried yesterday was dead in a pool of her blood Now all the thoughts of mercy are gone.

Everything left is one thought in my mind, kill them all

Rimuru was angry too so you want a Beast you will get two

Ron: let's kill all of them Rimuru Are you with me

Rimuru: yes master

Ron/Rimuru: COME AND GET SOME YOU f!@#$%^&&^ %$#@!@#$%$#@!#$ %^&**& ^%$# ##$ @#$##$%^

I and Rimuru ran to the frontlines killing every human we found I use the fire ruby sword and Rimuru the twin black katana I give him I killed a guy who looked like the commander and Rimuru was taking down the planes a man was running but I cut him down I half he begs me to not kill him and more Soldiers join him They beg for mercy but I sed

Ron: did you give mercy to the man you killed the woman you ****** and the kids you tortured no So my answer is no die

it was red all red like my days as an assassin in my old world People don't change all I want is peace war war war fuking WAR no I need to calm down I went to the body of the little girl and sed

Ron: sorry little one if I was not an idiot this will not happen

I put my hand on her and noticed a weak pulse, almost impossible to feel She remembered something and then Screamed


I'm am an idiot How can I forget all the medical information in it? I can bring a person back from death if he does not pass three days, or if he doesn't lose his brain