[{ the blue and red Beast }] part 1

Rimuru: Why are more than ten thousand people following me?

/system: you killed a hundred men in minutes and blow a quarter of the city of VALE now just keep running

Rimuru: ok It's my fault but the guy was looking at my ass and licking his lips he was gay so he has to die or I will have nightmares for the rest of my life

/system: you can fly two did you forget

Rimuru: be in my place and let me see that if you don't forget now fly away

Rimuru was flying fast The reason is that planes are tracking him down Every armed plane had an army of mercenaries, hunters, and soldiers

Rimuru mind: Wait, I can steal a plane, and I will not have to fly to ATLAS good now all I need to do is to kill all 30 people on the bullhead Easy

[after two hours]

Rimuru mind: why did it go all wrong

The place in front of him was like a bloody battlefield Corpses of Grimm and humans were all over the place Planes ablaze everywhere

will it all start When I tried to steal a plane, they shot it down Then there was a fight between everyone then the Grimm joined in and it become free for all ok I killed some two but not many

/system: you killed 324 humans and 487 Grimm now just go fly to ATLAS we don't want more bloodshed than what you did now and before you go, steal all the money and ammo but buy a 5 x 5 km storage space first ok and you will get it in 3...2...1...


/kill more than 1.000 of any kind of people alone

/ you gut 5 x 5 km storage space

/ you gut Anti-detection skill

/ you gut space jump skill [ locket ]

/ you gut MRE x10

/system: Why are you standing in your place go and loot as fast as you can now

[After half an hour]

Rimuru: I'm done with all the money and ammo now let's go

[ 50/46 km]


/name: Rimuru [Ron ego]

/titles: *Enemy of humans* *last blue dragon* * the blue savior* * the blue devil* *The most wanted person in the world* *Genocideir *

/race: high dark blue dragon/demi-human

/age: 15

/bloodline.[bloodline of all Faunus ]/[bloodline dark blue Dragon]/[ bloodline sacred white bat]/[bloodline of the Grimm]/[bloodline of an angel{dark} ]

/extra /[high dragon heart]/[Fusion engine ]/[organ mist glands]

/level: 28

/forms/ Dragon form

/job; emperor assassin/expert aura user

/ex job; king assassin/aura user

/element; shadows magic. water magic

/semblance control of the shadows

/ aura grey cyan aura

/sp 11.453


/[ advanced sup brain ] for 1.000

/[ winges of the Dragon king ] for 10.000

Rimuru: now I can go to ATLAS with no problems

/system: no problems my ass you big butterfly you created a problem in this world's history now hunters will be strongest and VALE defenses will be harder and beacon Training will be more difficult now and all the power in the world will want to hunt you down and some want you to join Also, your reward increased a zero and some Some people filmed the happened today and some saw the Grimm not attacking you today will be known as the appearance of the blue devil Faunus who can control Grimm

Rimuru: what

/system: your mask and blue hare made you look like a demon so yes and a cult has appeared at VACUO AND VALE in your name one is at ATLAS and a lot of Faunus look up to you most are the ones you saved

Rimuru: wait System makes my voice heard and makes me a flying throne and let the Grimm bow to me and I will give you a photo of little Ruby

/system: deal

after the flying throne appeared, I sit on it all the Grimm bowed to me The people who were photographing were surprised to see this and I sed

Rimuru: I the demon lord will take this world in 14 years if no hero kills me my Grimm will kill all mankind you see what I can do in an hour so you all know what I can do I will see you in 14 years

Rimuru mind: now teleport me

/system: ok

Then Rimuru disappear Everyone who heard what he said was scared but one man who is laughing his ass off in the menagerie continent {Ron}

back to Rimuru

/system: wow you made a lot of enemies today and she was one of I'm too but you made the world preparing for the worst and now do you have a plan

Rimuru: I get one look


Rimuru: it called to change your identity now to ATLAS