[{ the blue and red Beast }] part 2

[after a day]

On the coast of ATLAS, someone came out of the water it was Rimuru

Rimuru: my back is killing me why did I not just buy a bullhead dame I need to rest I need to find an inn

/system: you gat a coll from Ron do you want to answer or not

Rimuru: yes answer now

Ron: hi Rimuru... with the f@&# happened to you look tired

Rimuru: Nothing strange I flew half the distance and pirates attacked me so I had to swim for a while and I just gut here

Ron: Does that mean you swam for half a day without rest?

Rimuru: Also I had to fight some sharks too I don't know how many they were I lost the number after fifty or more

Ron: do you need help I can send you the girl and her puppy

Rimuru: no I'm fine ok all I need now is to rest and then to MANTLE dame it's cold and I'm wet ok send me some winter clothes and food I can't eat more MRE

Ron: ok here is some food and clothes and some new weapons you will need theim


[ get 1000 ml of soup ]

Rimuru: o and Ron where are you and are you fine

Ron: I'm fine all I do is kill Grimm Plant date palms for dates and be a doctor Lots of patients come to me because of prosthetics and diseases most are fighters who want guns arms or blades one guy asked me if I can give him poisonous fangs or claws or some are looking for scoop eyes and the rest of the day I spend helping protect the protesters ok I have to go bay

Rimuru: bay

/system: call has ended ok now can we sleep

Rimuru: but you can't sleep

/system: I'm talking about you if not for the mask you will look like an undead

Rimuru: is it that bad

/system: I can use your eye socket like a Wallet so yes

Rimuru: ok I'm going to sleep good night

[{ Ron pov }]

Ron looked Different now his hare is blue and not red he is now in a veterinary taking care of the sick and giving handicapped ones prosthetics and drinking a lot of black tea

Ron mind: ok Rimuru is safe all I need now is some rest

Ron: no sir we run out of guns arms. blades are the online ones that lift

a handicapped Faunus: what but need one now cant you tell the one making them do it faster

Ron: I'm the one who is making them the only guy who can make them too

handicapped Faunus:...

Ron: *drinks black tea* blades or poisonous arms

handicapped Faunus: blades

Ron: ok back in a second

Ron: now look I gut a good one and don't worry my mam taught me how to make things out of scrap. This is one of the best ones


[After a quarter of an hour]

Ron: I'm done now move it

the handicapped Faunus moved his new arm like it was there when he was born he start crying and his family cried too

the handicapped Faunus: thank you what can I give you for what you did for me

Ron: just smile and help the rest of the protesters if you can

Five minutes later, he left with his family

Ron: Sorry everyone we will close now we run out of prosthetics and medicine we will see you after two days now bay

When everyone left, Ron sat down

Ron: dame I feel like my blood has turned into tea now ok

After Ron closed the vet, he went to the junkyard, opened the door, and then went to bed the next day he woke up to eat and wash up, and next go to kill Grimm and help Plant date palms for dates he is the one who gave the seeds to High Leader Ghira and sed to plant them and it worked After working for two hours he goes back to the junkyard to make prosthetics After making for a whole day, he goes to sleep and then repeats the routine the next day and after

On the second day, he comes back and opens to the vet for two days without rest The cycle is repeated sometimes, he goes to protect the protesters and does first ade to some time he kills the attackers when protecting the Faunus will he got stronger too

/name: RON *the red Abomination*

/titles: *the red Abomination* * the red angel* * the blood fox * *???* *Enemy of humans* *Miracle Doctor* *hunger healer*

/race: ?????Faunus

/age: 10_eternal

/bloodline.[bloodline of all Faunus ]/ ????/[bloodline of grey eyes ] /[ bloodline sacred white bat]/[bloodline of the Grimm]

/extra / [ organ blood bank ]/[fire glands]/[high dragon heart]/[orgen blood filter]/[orgen fire stomach]

/clones [ Rimuru {ego}]


/level: 37

/forms /[ sea form]/[ flying form]

/job; expert assassin/expert aura user/expert beasts hunter

/ex job; Hunter/Rogue/expert Hunter/assassin/beasts hunter/aura user

/element; necro magic

/semblance blood Petal Burst

/ aura dark blood aura

/30 hours left for you to become that thing [ he eat some times]

/sp 13.768

[and for Rimuru]

/name: Rimuru [Ron ego]

/titles: *Enemy of humans* *last blue dragon* * the blue savior* * the blue devil lord* *The most wanted person in the world* *Genocideir * *

/race: high dark blue dragon/demi-human

/age: 15

/bloodline.[bloodline of all Faunus ]/[bloodline dark blue Dragon]/[ bloodline sacred white bat]/[bloodline of the Grimm]/[bloodline of an angel{dark} ]

/extra /[high dragon heart]/[Fusion engine ]/[organ mist glands]/[ winges of the Dragon king ]/[ advanced sup brain ]

/level: 30

/forms/ Dragon form

/job; emperor assassin/expert aura user

/ex job; king assassin/aura user

/element; shadows magic. water magic

/semblance control of the shadows

/ aura grey cyan aura

/sp 2.431

what will Ron and Rimuru do next time