[{ the blue and red Beast }] part 3

[Rimuru pov]


What's that sound Why all the screaming

/system: Mr. Rimuru woke up

Rimuru mind: why

/system: you slept on the frozen coast and were covered in snow someone find you and They took you to the hospital after they saw you were fine You are in good health. They did some experiments and now you are being sold to a suspicious laboratory

Rimuru: what the f@#$% are you doing to me you lil s!@#$%

After a wave of anger and some victims, Rimuru comes down and starts running after he was safe he asked the System

Rimuru: where I'm I

/system: you're in MANTLE now your mission begins, join the army, and raise your rank quickly. You have nine years ok bye

Rimuru: so now my mission starts

[Ron pov]

Ron: so all alone now let's summon her and be ready

/you are summoning humanoid Grimm x1 puppy Grimm x1

a little girl was looking at me ok let's see her stats

/name: night

/titles: non

/race: humanoid Grimm alpha/demi-human

/age: 1 day

/level: 35

/job; Grimm master

/ex job;


/ aura dark aura

/element; no element

now the dog

/name: moon

/sex: f


/race: Grimm cub

/age: 1 day

/level: 30

night: master what can I do for you

Ron: ok Wait for a second


/[ customize pack for free x2 ]

/system: now my turn to do get a loli ok spin the Wheel and we get to miss Shark aka Gawr Gura and her little shark bloop *bleeding from the nose* o my so cute give me some of her


/name: night

/titles: non

/race: humanoid Grimm alpha/demi-human/Shark

/age: 1 day

/bloodline.[ bloodline of the Atlantis shark]/[bloodline of the ruler of the sea]/???

/level: 35

/forms /[ blue form]/[ red form]/[cut form]/[dinosaur form]

/job; ruler of the sea/ Grimm master

/ex job;

/semblance ruler of the sea

/ aura blue and red aura

/element; water. nature


/name: moon


/race: Grimm cub/Shark

/bloodline.[ bloodline of the Atlantis shark]

/age: 1 day

/level: 30

/semblance the beast

/ aura blue

Ron: system you need some help and who can you bleed Do you know something I will no longer care ok now can you help me Night

Night: a-ok master

Ron: good now receive patient ok

Night: hm-hm

as Night left the room Ron looked at the wall and said she is cute

Ron: o how can I help you sir

after two days of working, Ron looked at the happy girl who is eating soup and her little flying Shark a lot of people looked at the happy girl all wanting to hug the little Thing Or pinch her cheeks Now I feel like a big brother

Ron: ok now everyone we will close so goodbye Night let's go home

Night: UwU

all the Faunus: *bleeding from the nose*

/system: *dying from bleeding from the nose*


after I closed the vet Night and moon and I gut to my house and started making dinner and we have 2x Steak and 1x pizza after the meal we go to sleep and I but a new bed for Night and moon will she will help me in my stay here ok


/1x trident

/6x Gawr Gura Clothes


Ron: ok now System what are you doing

I wake up to see a blue screen looking at Night and moon the screen has Two red lines from the middle

/system: o a host you woke up fast today

Ron: I wake up every day at the same time now tell me what are you doing tell me or MR. FPI will be here

/system: host look at her sleeping face and tell me she is not cute

Ron: she is cute but you are like a perverted old man looking at young girls if any of the NUMBERS saw you he or she will kill you without hesitation

/system: host is cruel I'm ten years old and I joined the loli sect as an ally for your no harm sect so will you break Our relationship down and start a new war or what

Ron: dame you l!@#$%^&

Night and moon wake up two after some time