so time for the first war in the dimension

[a month later]

so yes it has being a while Since I did something important The only new thing I do is train the kids [Blake Belladonna and Night and moon and some kids ] and for me now

/name: RON *the red Abomination*

/titles: *the red Abomination* * the red angel* * the blood fox * *???* *Enemy of humans* *Miracle Doctor* *hunger healer*

/race: ?????Faunus

/age: 10_eternal

/bloodline.[bloodline of all Faunus ]/ ????/[bloodline of grey eyes ] /[ bloodline sacred white bat]/[bloodline of the Grimm]

/extra / [ organ blood bank ]/[fire glands]/[high dragon heart]/[orgen blood filter]/[orgen fire stomach]

/clones [ Rimuru {ego}]

/pets: Night and moon

/level: 40

/forms /[ sea form]/[ flying form]

/job; expert assassin/expert aura user/expert beasts hunter

/ex job; Hunter/Rogue/expert Hunter/assassin/beasts hunter/aura user

/element; necro magic

/semblance blood Petal Burst

/ aura dark blood aura

/30 hours left for you to become that thing [ he eat some times]

/sp 24.745


/[ dungeon dark Grimm cave for 23.500] [butterfly drone for 1.000]

/summoning system is unlock now

Ron: so system how are the dimension and where can I go init

/system: the system It is recommended that you send a message to the people in the dimension for waring and to be prepared for the Grimm and make a shrine for Night and moon ok

Ron: yes ok and I will give them some gifts

/The third shrine now for Night and moon there two religion are [happiness/Night ] for Night and [beasts] for Moon

/An announcement will be announced to everyone in the dimension to warn them of Grimm

[ inside of the dimension ]

My name is Karl the priest of the gods I am 35 years old I started my job as a priest when I was 20 years old. I was a hunter who hunted wolves, but I lost my foot one day. it was the day the second god was born Rimuru the god of water and shadows I was one of the first ones to see his shrine but a wolf Bit my feet when I didn't notice and now I'm a priest of the gods and a farmer of the land I bow down to the great Ron and Rimuru who protect us These days many do not believe in gods Out of 1346, only 300 believe in gods our leader is one he was the firstborn in the end But today we got bad news

/announcement A new god is born Night and moon there two religions are [happiness/Night ] for Night and [beasts] for Moon

/the wolf Yarol is now a sacred animal he will be known as the king of wolves

/the firstborn Hades will get a fire ruby sword from the god Ron

/Warning The war between gods and demons continues and some demons they know as Grimm have entered the world be ready for war

[Inside the chief's tent]

a young man: It is all the fault of the gods. If they did their work, the demons would not have entered

a priest: Dare you to say it again and the time he who speaks the gods take care of us daily and you grumble about them Tell me why everyone follows Ron give more meat more than you, unbelievers now tell me

a young man: dame the gods are They are just bloodworms drinking from our work

At this moment, the chief's got up and hit the young man and sed

chief's Hades: tell me if the gods are bloodworms What are we parasites? the god made this world for the like of us and here you are insulting them It seems that the generations are getting weaker, tell me if the gods did not make this world Where will you be? will you be the captain of the hunting squad or nothing?

The young man understood what the chiefs said and apologize

Chief Hades: Now, my children, it is a time of war against the enemies of all, even the animals are preparing now, and together with the sacred weapon we will win FOR RON FOR RIMURU FOR NIGHT AND MOON FOR THE WORLD FOR THE GODS




Chief Hades: TO WAR *roar*

everybody: *All kinds of animal sounds*

[ hades is a white tiger advanced demi-human]

[Ron and Rimuru and Night and moon can get some XP from their believers if they kill monsters or animals ]

This is how the first war in the dimension started and the advanced demi-human and animals win the war in Seven years Chief Hades is now the first holy king Known as The white king of the Fire Sword And the name of their kingdom is Reimer

[ After seven days, we are back to Ron ]

Ron: ok so that was a fast war hi system can I have magic in the dimension

/system: yes for ok

Ron mind: (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻"

Ron: ok now tell me About the summoning system and How it works

/system: ok host you can summon alive/dead Figures from all kinds of worlds and games and manga and novels but you need to pay 1.000.000sp and have something related to them like you need a demon-killing sword for tanjiro or a tooth for a tooth fairy and a bone for a bone fairy

Ron: a what now

/system: tooth fairies are a smaller and friendlier subspecies of the larger and much more hostile bone fairies Why do you think they collect teeth for food tooth fairies eat teeth and bone fairies eat bones This is normal information in some places, ok Don't ask stupid questions now the first is free now go and summon someone

Ron: ok

Ron Takes out a gun and he starts summoning What came was a person wearing a military uniform and a skull mask, Ron knows who this guy is after all he's famous And the ending is sad


Ron: ghost