big time skip

[ghost pov]

ghost mind: the last I remember was being killed by a bullet from Shepherd damn traitor and now I'm in front of a kid wearing military clothes is this a joke If it's not funny to be shoot by someone

the kid: ghost

ghost mind:... why is this kid looking at me like that

the kid: ok Mr ghost you're dead and now your alive so tell me Three wishes to come true for you

ghost mind: ok the kid is mad I will go

the kid: hi I'm not mad ok and do not call me kid my name is Ron and you died at the hands of Shepherd and were burned two look

I saw myself die by getting shot and burned

ghost: so this is the afterlife kid are you a god if you are a god tell me What happened to my squad

Ron: Roach is dead soap is dead two all are dead except captain price but price killed Shepherd for you and Roach

ghost Shocked by the news fell to his knees

[ After two hours of explanation and everything and how his friends died And about this world ]

ghost: so you made me a 15-year-old guy and I can't age tell after ten years from now and you summoned me a dead man and ex-special forces soldier man here buy a coincidence

Ron: if you help me maybe I can summon your old friends all I need is sp and something related to them like Hair but no bones we don'T want a bone fairy

[ After half an hour of explanation ]

ghost: so if I gave you the bullet that Shepherd killed me with you can summon him or get a cowboy

Ron: yes ok now I'm done strengthening you I gave you [phoenix bloodline ] and [ sword master ] and [ phoenix heart ]

ghost: you did what

Ron: ok just Say stats

ghost: stats

/name: ghost *the one Born from the ashes*

/titles: *the one Born from the ashes* *son of Flames*

/race: demi-human/phoenix

/age: 18_for ten years

/bloodline [phoenix bloodline ]

/extra / [ phoenix heart ]

/level: 36

/job; special forces soldier/ sword master

/ex job; soldier

/element; fire

/semblance son of Flames

/ aura red fire aura

ghost: ok kid so what do you want from me

Ron: I want to train the kids

ghost: Agreed, but promise me you'll bring my friends back if you can

Ron: deal now to work

[ after two days ]

ok now I don't need to play Together with the kids and I got an ally The look on his face when he saw the house from the outside and inside he get used to surprises now after all he saw a Grimm for the first time and did a solo kill on it now we take about simple things I told him about the plan for the ten years and Rimuru he was still want to see his old friends ok now time skip

[after six years]

[ghost ]

/name: ghost *the one Born from the ashes*

/titles: *the one Born from the ashes* *son of Flames* *Instructor*

/race: demi-human/phoenix

/age: 18_for three years

/bloodline [phoenix bloodline ]

/extra / [ phoenix heart ]/[phoenix eye]/[phoenix hot blood]/[ advanced sup brain ]/[ ]

/level: 44

/job; special forces captain/ sword saint

/ex job; soldier/special forces soldier/sword master

/element; fire

/semblance son of Flames

/ aura red fire aura

[Rimuru ]

/name: Rimuru [Ron ego]

/titles: *Enemy of humans* *last blue dragon* * the blue savior* * the blue devil lord* *The most wanted person in the world* *Genocideir * *ghost *

/race: high dark blue dragon/demi-human

/age: 18-look [ real age 21]

/bloodline.[bloodline of all Faunus ]/[bloodline dark blue Dragon]/[ bloodline sacred white bat]/[bloodline of the Grimm]/[bloodline of an angel{dark} ]

/extra /[high dragon heart]/[Fusion engine ]/[organ mist glands]/[ winges of the Dragon king ]/[ advanced sup brain ]/

/level: 45

/forms/ Dragon form

/job; demi-god assassin/expert hunter

/ex job; king assassin/aura user/emperor assassin/expert aura user/hunter

/element; shadows magic. water magic

/semblance control of the shadows

/ aura grey cyan aura

[night and moon]

/name: night

/titles: non

/race: humanoid Grimm alpha/demi-human/Shark

/age: 6

/bloodline.[ bloodline of the Atlantis shark]/[bloodline of the ruler of the sea]/???/

/level: 43

/forms /[ blue form]/[ red form]/[cat form]/[dinosaur form]/[black shark form]


/job; ruler of the sea/ expert Grimm master

/ex job; Grimm master/

/semblance ruler of the sea

/ aura blue and red aura

/element; water. nature


/name: moon


/race: Grimm /Shark

/bloodline.[ bloodline of the Atlantis shark]

/age: 6

/level: 41

/semblance the beast

/ aura blue


/name: RON *the red Abomination*

/titles: *the red Abomination* * the red angel* * the blood fox * *???* *Enemy of humans* *Miracle Doctor* *hunger healer*

/race: ?????Faunus

/age: 10_eternal [ he look like 15 now ]

/bloodline.[bloodline of all Faunus ]/ ????/[bloodline of grey eyes ] /[ bloodline sacred white bat]/[bloodline of the Grimm]

/extra / [ organ blood bank ]/[fire glands]/[king dragon heart]/[orgen blood filter]/[orgen fire stomach]/[ sonar sup brain]/[ advanced sup brain ]/

/clones [ Rimuru {ego}]

/pets: [night and moon]

/level: 45

/forms /[ sea form]/[ flying form]

/job; king assassin/king aura user/king beasts hunter

/ex job; Hunter/Rogue/expert Hunter/assassin/beasts hunter/aura user/expert assassin/expert aura user/expert beasts hunter

/element; necro magic. blood magic

/semblance blood Petal Burst

/ aura dark blood aura

/20 hours left for you to become that thing [ he eats sometimes]

/sp 6.499.353

will a lot has happened in the real story and me and night and moon and ghost left the menagerie continent after High Leader Ghira step down and all Rimuru and Roman are now friends and we are going to VALE so we can plan for the future and I get some new weapons
