Entry Two

Date: 298 After Landing, Spring


I have been learning much during my time here at Eastwatch, especially about where and when I am.

I have spent some time aiding the fishing boats who sail into the Bay of Seals, and it was there that I happened upon the strange sight of my shield floating atop a piece of ice. The crew thought I was mad when I leapt into the freezing waters, but upon seeing the shield they grew quiet. They had never heard of anything called "Vibranium," and many of them assumed it to be a material they call "Valyrian steel" which is supposed to be a magical alloy no one can remember how to make. They had known of Valyarian swords and daggers but never a shield, especially one so brilliantly displaying the colors of my Nation. I assumed that based on the apparent value of it there would be some fighting over the shield, but between the star on it and my chest, they all agreed it was mine.

At least they did during the day. That night someone attempted to steal the shield from me in my sleep, and regretted it shortly after.

It was after that incident that the Commander of Eastwatch, a man will small eyes and a pox-scarred face by the name of Cotter Pyke, told me how the Watch was crewed almost exclusively by criminals. Maybe a total thousand people between three castles, intended to defend a border 300 miles long against an enemy whose number was unknown. The idea seemed impossible. They used to have thousands more people, manning no few than a dozen castles, but it seems victory has defeated them. With no constant and serious threat, their numbers have dwindled.

The strange thing is, from what I have learned about the rest of this world, the "Nights Watch" is the closest to a democracy as exists here. Leaders are voted upon, unanimously, and tasked with leading them until their "watch has ended." Elsewhere in the world it seems everyone is governed by a Lord or King. Westeros alone has many Lords, who rule to varying degrees of strength, who then answer to their King. Across the sea it is much of the same, just more of it as each city is basically its own kingdom.

I have spent the last few days trying to decide where I should go, and what I should when I get there, but it seems my options are limited. I could stay here with the Watch, I know they would welcome me and my strength, but they have a single task and are bound by oaths that prevent them from exceeding it. The cities across the sea sound interesting, but they are far and I have no coin to book passage. And with little but ice and snow to the north, my single direction of travel seems to be south. But where? What will I do when I get there?

I have often asked myself what you would do, or even what Bucky would say, but I find there are less answers and more questions with that line of thinking. I miss you both.

My decision may have been made for me in any event. Pyke sent a message to their Lord Commander, and since he was coming this way anyway one of his Rangers was tasked to investigate me. I should point out that by their standards I'm a giant of a man, with few reaching more than six feet in height (though I have heard rumors of a man nearing eight). But this Ranger, Benjen, was able to look me eye to eye. We talked for a time, told him what I knew of how I came to be here, but I think he took it to be a strange dream rather than the truth. In the end he felt confident I wasn't a "wildling" and said I was free to go, and when I asked him for his thoughts on where I should go he recommended coming with him to a place called Winterfell.

With no other prospects I followed Benjen back to Castle Black, and from there south to the regional capital of Winterfell. As we traveled I learned Benjen's brother was the Lord and leader of the region, and that made me more than a little curious about why he was living and working in the company of criminals but I kept the thought to myself. I would like to say before I forget that the Lord Commander of the Watch, Jeor Mormont, reminded me more than a little of Colonel Phillips. They both have the air of authority that comes from being "one of the men," and they both hide their smiles behind faces of stone.

Mormont asked me to stay with the Watch once more before I left, and for a moment I considered it. I could see how badly they needed someone with my…abilities. I had been practicing with the sword in my free time at Eastwatch, and found that the art came naturally to me. I could lead men, maybe one day even be the next Lord Commander, but my need to see more of the world pushed me on. I needed to know more about this world I was in, more about what I could do to help it.

After all, there are always bullies that need to be stood up to.