Entry Twenty-Five

Date: 299 After Landing, Winter, Long Winter

Location: Lannisport

Finally, peace.

Balon Greyjoy, King of the Iron Islands, has agreed to peace with the Westerlands, in exchange for the West and North staying out of their war of independence from Stannis's Kingdom. For his part, they swear to no long raid the lands of West or North, instead they will swing further south and aim for the Reach. I like to think my talks with Asha had something to do with that, but in any event the Ironborn were pushed off of the mainland with comparatively few losses so they are in a strong position to get what they want.

If I remember correctly, Balon tried the same thing a decade ago but was put down by King Robert with help from then Lord Stark. With only half of Westeros fighting him, Balon may actually succeed this time. Whether or not he keeps his promise afterwards is another problem, and an issue for another time.

All of the soldiers that were originally needed to face off against Greyjoy are moving south, to protect the Wasteland/Reach border and the Golden Road, but my Commandos and I are not. Our job is done, and we are going to head back North to Winterfell after a few days of rest. Tyrion insisted on giving us a feast for helping save his lands, as well as what remained of his family. On the way back we will be installing Jaime at the Golden Tooth as planned. I feel sorry for Tyrion, with the Westerlands tied to both the North and the Iron Throne they will be forced into an awkward situation one day.

Not sure how to phrase this, but I guess the best way is to just say it. Dacey and I are a couple now. After Tyrion's feast, during which I watched most of my men get so drunk they couldn't stand, I retired to my quarters. I had just finished stripping down and getting under the covers when she barged into the room, wearing only a bear-skin cloak to fight against the cool night air… We had grown close over the last year, but I hadn't realized how close until that night. I knew I cared deeply for her, but I wouldn't have guessed she felt the same. I guess I knew things changed after the Banefort, just didn't realize how much.

Hmmm…guess there isn't much else to say.