POV - Stannis (ii)

Exhausted, Melisandre sighed and laid back against the pillows of her bed as her King looked down at the tiny crumpled face in the crook of his arm; amazed fire-red eyes looked back at him from beneath a faint fuzz of jet-black hair. As the newborn stared back at him, all of his guilt for laying with another woman faded from his mind and a rare smile crossed his face.

He had a son.

"He feels so warm," Stannis commented, running a free hand along the infants face and chest. Worry gnawed at him, and memory of his wife's many stillborn rushed him, "Is he ill?"

"The Lord of Light blesses him. He shall never fear the cold or grow ill so long as he keeps the faith." The Red Woman muttered, mostly to herself.

Thank you, he thought, and stared at the child who seemed to giggle in reply.

He glanced back over at the bed and the mother of his child. His wife sat there beside her, bringing cups of water to the Woman's lips. Nearby was a small tray of food, the smell of the meats and fruit was sweet amid the underlying tang of sweat and blood.

The midwife came back in the room, opening the door as quietly as possible to not disturb the newborn. She'd taken out the last of the soiled linen and buckets of water, but returned to see if there was anything else that needed to be done while also bringing a fresh cloth to wrap the child in.

"Half the castle is awake." She said, approaching her King and opening her arms to offer holding the child. He reluctantly let her take the baby from him, and as she carefully folded the cloth around the newborn she continued, "The other half of the castle is getting up and asking for the news. One of the most asked questions has been the Prince's name."

Stannis contemplated for a moment, and then said, "Born in a Targaryen castle to Azor Ahai, my son shall be named Orys Baratheon. One of Aegon's greatest generals."

His wife, Selyse, smiles wide, "That is a wonderful name, a strong name!"

The midwife took the well-wrapped baby and handed him back to Stannis. He took the bundle with the same overly careful care common to all fathers. She then walked over to Melisandre and fluffed the pillows as she said, "It was a surprising easy delivery, and the child is beautiful with all its limbs and facilities working well."

The Red Woman smirked, "And a good pair of lungs, as I'm sure everyone heard earlier."

The King carefully laid the infant back on his mistresses stomach. Her arms took it, and he said, "I've got to get things ready. I want everyone to know that this child is my heir, and so I have to legitimize him." He gave a look at his wife, searching her eyes for approval, and was greeted with a grin and slight nod of acceptance.

As he left the room, he could hear Melisandre sigh and lay back; a soft wail, and silence as she put the baby to her breast. "This world is dark and full of terrors, but your father will try to make it brighter for you."