Entry Thirty-Four

Date: May 1, 300 After Landing, Spring, Long Winter

Location: Sea Dragon Point

Victory for the Iron Islands.

After a failed counter-attack on the captured shield islands, held by Euron "Crow's Eye" Greyjoy for Asha, resulted in the near complete destruction of the Highgarden navy, Stannis and his Kingdoms were forced to recognize the independence of the Iron Islands. First the North, and now the Islands…the (now) Five Kingdoms are breaking apart faster than Stannis's hands can grasp them.

And I can see why. Stannis himself is a good leader, but his Red Woman and her religion are being forced down the throats of men and women everywhere. And those who don't convert, are burned. Fear is a powerful weapon, but not really conductive to leading a nation. And as the fires spread, I fear Westeros will be lost under the rivers of blood.

Anyway, as soon as peace was declared, Asha sent a message to Winterfell asking for a military alliance. King Eddard had recently returned from the wall with Robb, and while he told me he was reluctant to do so, he agreed. "The relationship you have fostered with who was once the North's greatest enemy should not be squandered."

This works for me and my longer plans. I understand that, as much as I would like to knock down the rule of Kings and establish a national republic here, people fear change. They fear the unknown. They fight, and die, for what is comfortable and familiar. I can plant my feet and tell the world to change, but it won't. Not after 10,000 years of the same thing filling their histories and mindsets. But what I can do is change things in my little corner of Westeros.

I know there were a lot of Lords here that were happy to see me leave Winterfell, to leave the ear of our King, but I don't think they understand I can cause just as much "trouble" from here.

I sent a letter to Asha today, congratulating her on the hard won victory. With (King) Theon a "hostage," she is free to rule the Kingdom of the Iron Islands as regent. At some point Theon will have to go home, but hopefully by then he will has as much power as a flea. In the letter I also offered the possibility of Sea Dragon Point opening its maw to those Islanders who wanted to settle down on a tract of land and avoid future wars. I doubt I will see many immigrants from there, but it should be enough to attract those who have had their fill of reeving. In addition, with the Ironborn being the best shipbuilders around here, I offered to pay to have several dozen dockbuilders and shipwrights rebuild the ancient harbor here and establish a ship-yard. I don't know if they will go for that, paying the gold price, but it is worth a shot.

The Keep has begun reconstruction. I decided against building a wall for now, focusing instead on a home for my family…with an eye cast towards the future. What we are building will look a lot like the Capital Building of my forgone world. The dark, heavy stones of the original castle will be the buildings bones, the skeleton, of my Capital, and I have secured a nearby quarry (disused of course, but still functional) that will supply blocks for the out walls. The design is unlike anything the builders here have worked with, so I will also be inviting masons and carpenters from the South to aid me (the Great Sept of Balor is proof that they know how to build domes). In fact, it seems new construction in the North is very limited. Most of the builders usually just repair existing structures.

Well, lots of work to do in the morning, should get some rest.