Game on...

Hao Sheng woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom. He sat up in the bed and took in the bedroom.

The bedroom was large and clean. It didn't look too lavish but it had various expensive-looking gadgets around. From what he could tell, the person he had possessed came from a rich family.

Thank God! I can pamper myself as much as I want, while I wait for the mission to progress.

Hao Sheng got off the bed and went to the mirror that was against one wall. The boy he had possessed looked to be about 17/18, with black hair and light brown, almost grey eyes. What surprised him was that he looked similar to Hao Sheng's original appearance, just a better-taken of version of himself.

He moved away from the mirror and explored more of the room.

As he took in his surroundings he called out,"333! Are you there?"

[Yes host!^^]

[I will now begin your briefing. Your target in this world is Malakai Astor. Age 18.He comes from a rich family and his father is a well-known businessman. His mother died when he was younger and his father just throws money at him and ignores him most of the time. He was raised by the nannies and maids working in his house. The lack of a parental figure led to him lashing out by becoming a 'bad apple'. He partied a lot and his grades dropped. He was never seen with the same girl/boy twice and most of his 'relationships' never lasted more than 3 days. You and the target were childhood friends but then you moved away with your family. You are now the new kid and it has been arranged that you have to show him around. You both go to Bai Lui Private Academy, which is the school for the rich and influential children.]

"Wow this all seems like a cry for attention to me.", Hao Sheng commented.

[Well since daddy's dearest didn't give him the attention he decided to get it elsewhere.]

Seems interesting. This is gonna be fun.

"Is there anything else I need to know?"

[Right! Throughout all the instances you will have two gauges you need to pay attention to. There will be the love gauge and the blackening gauge.]

[The love gauge will measure how the target feels about you. 30% is a crush. 50% is a deep feeling of like towards you, from 40-50% is roughly when you humans like acting on your feelings and start dating. 60% is love. 75% is a deep love, it's usually around this when people get married. 80% is the highest most feelings ever get but sometimes it does go higher. Now 100% is the epitome of love. It's like the, I would die for you, love.]

[The blackening gauge will basically tell you how far the blackening has increased or decreased. Instead of being out of percentage it will directly just show you how high the blackening is. Reminder: your goal is to reduce the blackening as much as possible. After it has gone down by 80%, you will then have the option to leave the mission and it would still be considered complete.]

"Wait, I have a question. So about the love gauge, do I also need to fill that up to be able to complete the mission?", Hao Sheng asked.

[No host. That is completely optional, your love gauge doesn't really affect the progress of the mission. It's just there for you to be able to monitor the targets' feelings about you.]

"But do I receive any benefits from filling it up?"

[You can only gain point from the love gauge if you fill it completely to 100%. You would be rewarded 1000 points per love gauge. But this is extremely difficult to do as after 80%, that's the extreme type of love that most people go their whole lives without feeling.]

So that's how it was then. This target seems pretty simple to handle. Is it because it was his first mission, that they purposely made it easy?

Oh well the reasoning didn't really matter.

From the looks of it, this Malakai was just an attention whore. Hao Sheng knew exactly how to handle this type of person.

A smile appeared on Hao Sheng's face.

He he. This is gonna be fun.

333 grew worried as he saw the weird smile on his host's face. What exactly was this guy planning?


Malakai was walking down the halls, to the teachers lounge. He had been summoned by Mr Taylor, the one teacher in this school he actually somewhat respected.

"OMG! There's Malakai Astor! Isn't he just hot?", some nearby girl whispered to her friend as he passed by.

"Yeah well too bad he's way out of our league.", the other girl said, sighing slightly.

Malakai sent a wink in their direction, before continuing on his way.

Behind him he faintly heard the sound of the two girls squealing to themselves. He finally reached the teachers lounge and pushed open the door. He ignored the protests of the other teachers and went straight to Mr Taylor.

"You called for me sir?~", he said coquettishly, as he did a little bow.

Mr Taylor just rolled his eyes at him, already used to his antics by now.

"Ah yes, Mr. Astor. I did call for you.", he said dryly.

"I have something I need you to do for me. We have a new student that I need you to show around. I was originally going to do it but something came up so I'm handing this over to you.", he continued.

Malakai crossed his arms and raised one brow. "And why do I have to do this?"

At this Mr Taylor smiled slightly. "Well you are my star student. Plus, I thought you'd be jumping at the opportunity to be able to skip class", he said wryly.

"Fine. But don't expect me to do a good job. This is just so that I can skip class.", Malakai said, putting a hand to his hip.

Mr Taylor flashed him a smile. "I wouldn't expect any less from my favourite student".

This got Malakai to actually smile a bit but he quickly covered it up and pretended it didn't happen.

"Good. He was informed to wait for you at the fountain, by the office. You best get going now if you don't want to keep him waiting.", Mr Taylor instructed.

Malakai harrumphed and left the teachers lounge after a quick goodbye.

As Mr Taylor watched him go, he felt fondness grow in his heart. The kid wasn't so bad if you ignored his rough edges and temper. He was just a bit misunderstood.

Malakai made his way down a pathway and reached the fountain he was supposed to meet the new kid at. It seemed like he was the first to arrive so he pulled out his phone to keep himself busy while he waited.

A few minutes later he heard footstep approach him and he looked up from his phone. That must be the new kid.

He froze in astonishment when he saw the person in front of him.

The person in front of him did the same. He knew that face. That was the face he made many happy childhood memories with. That was the face that brought on a strong wave of nostalgia.

"Hao Sheng? Is that you?", he gave him a genuine smile.

That seemed to snap him out of whatever stupor he was in. Hao Sheng closed the distance between them and engulfed him in a big hug, picking him up in the process.

"Malakai!", he exclaimed as he spun them around.

Malakai squeaked a bit and Hao Sheng finally put him down.

"Sorry. I was just so happy to see you again, I acted without thinking.", he said, smiling shyly and rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's okay, I'm happy to see you too. It's been so long since we last saw each other.", Malakai said.

"Yeah I know! Last time I saw I saw you, you were just a cute little boy and now...", Hao Sheng trailed off as he looked him up and down. "Well that cute little boy has grown up to be a beautiful young man", he winked, sending a smile in his direction.

Malakai felt faint blush creep onto his cheeks at the unexpected compliment. He turned his face so Hai Sheng wouldn't see.

"Thank you. We still have a tour to do, so let's get going now.", and with that little comment, he turned and started walking toward the nearest building.


[Love Gauge +5%]

How cute. Hao Sheng just chuckled to himself as he watched him go and sped up to catch up with him.

Let the games begin.