Tour and a new friend.

Malakai and Hao Sheng were walking leisurely around the school as he showed Hao Sheng the school infrastructure.

"So anyway, what's new with you? ", Malakai asks.

Hao Sheng shrugs, "Well, not much really. I haven't really changed much since we last saw each other".

Malakai turns to him, baffled.

"What do you mean, not much has changed? What about the fact that you have glasses now? "I see you're going for the nerd look," he teases, bumping his shoulder into Hao Sheng's.

Hao Sheng chuckles.

"Oh come on. I don't think they're that bad, I think they make me look kind of cute.", he says, as he pushes his glasses back up.

"Oh sure~. If you say so~", he says, directing them towards another building.

"Well, how tall you've grown, you're basically towering over me!", he states dramatically.

"You're exaggerating. I'm not that tall, you're just short". Malakai sent a glare in his direction. As he looked at him, Hao Sheng laughed quietly, his eyes twitching with delight.

Malakai laughed along with him. But he really wasn't joking. Hao Sheng was a bit taller than he was, which was a huge feat considering Malakia wasn't exactly short himself. As kids, Malakai used to be the taller of the two, and he'd always lord that fact over Hao Sheng.

Oh how the tables have turned, I guess.

"But forget about me, look at you! You've left behind those chubby cheeks and now it's all sharp edges", Hao Sheng says, bumping his shoulder back into Malakai's.

"Oh shut up. I was never chubby.", Malakai says, in an affronted tone.

They enter a new building.

"Anyway, this is the extracurricular building. All the extracurricular club rooms will be found in this building except the sports ones, which are in another building near the field. ",

As Malakai took him through the building, Hao Sheng took this opportunity to really look at him. He wasn't kidding earlier when he said he was beautiful.

He was slim, but not in a skinny way, but in a more lean way. You could tell he took care of his body. He had shoulder-length light brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, a slim face, and cute pink lips.

He could see why the boys and girls went crazy for him. He looked pretty good.

Well, not better than him, of course, but he wasn't too bad.

After leaving the building, they continued to other buildings before finally stopping by the main building.

Malakai held out his hand, "Hand me your schedule real quick and I'll take you to your class."

Hao Sheng took it out of his bag and handed it over.

Malakai looked it over and handed it back.

"It looks like we only have English together. How the hell are all the classes you're taking in advance classes?!", he asked incredulously.

"How the hell are you not?" Hao Sheng furrowed his brow. From what I remember, you used to do pretty well in school. Even better than me.", he retorts.

Malakai just rolls his eyes with a smile and walks into the building.

"Come on, I'll take you to your class."

Hao Sheng followed after him. It looks like he was avoiding the question. Interesting.

The hallways were empty as classes had already begun. They walked through the hallways and finally stopped at one door.

"Alright, this is you.", Malakai said. "Wait, give you your phone real quick," he added, almost as an afterthought.

Hao Sheng hands it over.

He handed it back a few seconds later, with a wink, "That's my number. Text me. "

And with that, he walked away, to his class, presumably.

Hao Sheng smiled. What an interesting guy.

He turned back to the door and gently knocked. A few seconds later, a kind-looking young woman opened it and smiled at him.

"You must be the new student. Come on in. We've already started with some work, but I'm sure you'll be able to catch up. Tell me if there's anywhere you need help".

Hao Sheng gave her his most charming smile.

"Thank you ma'am. I'll be in your care.", he said politely.

She smiled wider and opened the door wider so he could get in. She closed the door behind him and turned to the class.

"Class, this is the new student, Hao Sheng.", she said, and whispers immediately broke out. "Now now, I know you're all excited to get to know him more, but we still have a lesson right now, so settle down."

Then she turned back to him. "You can go sit over there next to Luxia", she said, pointing to a girl at the back of the classroom, with glasses.

"Yes, ma'am," he says as he walks over to the table, and the teacher resumes her lesson.

He sits down and nods in Luxia's direction.

He took his books out, and only then did he notice the cover of Luxia's notebook.

It was the anime character, Rerouch zi Italia.

He got a piece of paper and wrote, "All Hail Emperor Rerouch!", then slipped it to her.

She looked up at him and smiled before looking back down and scribbling something on the paper.

"You're a man of culture, I see" the paper read.

He looked up, and they shared a smile.

This looks like the start of a beautiful friendship.