The Two Faces of The Moon Pt. 2

I seek out to go to church for a confession, but sadly, thanks to the Crown Virus hasn't been entirely eradicated yet. The health protocols still go on, such as wearing face masks and face shields. Always keep yourself sanitised.

The Death of the people, the pestilence of the virus. The poverty the virus has given to us and the famine after and during the global pandemic that plagues the world has caused to the point where people panic-buy overstocked products of food, masks, and sanitisers.

It was the Gehenna as we spoke. The Earth... is under the apocalypse now. But I still lived on, stayed strong, and my willpower increased day by day.

Still, I wear the face of humanity as a façade just to hide my darker face, which is my true nature to murder people with cold Blood as much as I can just because I think it is fun. Go wild, crazy, rampage the city on a killing spree.

Hell, I have all of this vampiric power, and no one can stop me. But what stopped me? Because I know it is wrong to give in to your carnal desire, which harms yourself and your life, and you blame the Devil for temptation.

No, that is on you. You did this to yourself. The Devil is in Hell under the Earth, not on the surface. He didn't like it, showed up in front of you with red skin, holding a pitchfork, with a nymph's tail saying, "Do this, and you'll be like God. You cannot die."

And that is how it works for every temptation. The curse from the Apple of Eden has already been in our Blood since Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden for Beelzebub's sake! You know what they say, history... repeats itself.

The adrenal surge of the Blood of the sinners runs down through my veins. As for Blood is not just life. It is our vitality. The more Blood you have, the longer your life for Blood is lives...

Although this can be either taken metaphorically or literally, even both simultaneously.

Here lies a fly. Do not be impatient with those little things, for where there are flies, there is flesh. Flies are man's best companion from Death.

Beyond flying parasites with wings, vampiric insects called mosquitoes are just like humans who selfishly take from others for their own benefits without consent as for sociopathic manipulators and thieves, even criminals, to feed their carnal desire.

What is your deepest, darkest, most forbidden carnal desire?

After all this Luciferian Vampyre act, I've gained knowledge of God's insights through the humans even gave me dreams, messages, signs from the astral planes to the surface of the Earth of the mundane world until down to the bottomless pit Hell.

Even as many times as I rebelled as a fall of one of his Seraphim, he didn't let me go. Unlike Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness himself, God took me on his own last night in a dream. He took me in his arms and felt comfortable... felt happiness and joy.

Tearing up praying to confess my most sinful acts in all of my life. Even the priests and most people I talk to call me a Saint. Still, I'm not claiming they were right. It's just that God just understands me... he understands why my mindset is like this.

Per se that my mind has been corrupted with evil thanks to the vile acts of the humans he bred and took it on his own account as his own fault. So, he apologised to me instead of me apologising to him. It's not fair! I'm the sinful one here! I deserve punishment, yet there is no punishment, just pure joy he has giveth to me that night... then woke up... to become a vampire hunter.

Whilst the house's renovation, the workers also cut down the tree. I used one of the three parts to make wooden stakes. I wanted to use a sharp-edged bladed knife to create one. Instead, I used my wits about how I even made many with just one old dull hatchet.

And then lastly, I made my best masterpiece. A wooden knife with rune engravings with my name on the handle. It almost looked as if I saw it in a dream last night, such as some of such an ancient knife I saw somewhere before but never revealed to me, giving me the odd emotion such as the Déjà vu.

I forged this wooden steak knife with all the creative intelligence I have. I craved a crucifix on the back with a khan symbol under it, and at the handle's back was titled "God is Good". Most people I shared this with were astonished by my work on this knife. And as for just made out of wood, it is trice as sharp as a real knife and pointier.

At the end of the blade on the other side of the edge was "Holy Jesus' Assassin".

Then at the lowest of the handle was entitled with the Kanji Japanese letter "SHI", meaning Death.

From its lowest to highest symbols, Death is the softest. Above it is khan, which means life in Egyptian, and the highest is the crucifix representing Eternal Life.

I would not go looking for just vampires to slay with this new blade, but rather just the rogue skals around the area. Doing the Veil's Mask, a favour is also at the same time as such an act.

By the time the crown virus was eradicated in the Philippines using the vaccine sent here from many countries and states of North America, I started going outside at night. I even made my own holster for this knife as just an aesthetic to bring around the neighbourhood and other towns to travel.

As much as I need Blood, I also need to kill something. Not giving in to your carnal desires will kill you, but feeding it too much will alter your ego into a higher sociopath.

I spent the night around at Guagua Plaza town smoking tobacco on an old pipe my grandfather used to have. I was wearing shades and a hooded leather trench coat.

I walked through town to see what was going on around the area. To know updates and information about the good and bad news all around. Gossips everywhere, it seems... they did not interest me, for I did not partake in such conversations with the society's status quo. I walked over town, skipping from San Fernando City to Downtown to buy myself a nunchaku.

I am good at this weapon, anyway. Back then, in 7th grade, I was good in Martial arts, their fastest, most robust, flexible, the highest dexterity, and most intelligent student to our sensei back in St. Mary's Academy's Parents' Waiting Hall near beside the cashier and the Directress's office. I was good at what I was doing and was relentless. Even at breaks, I never stop training.

They all take breaks. I never stop. Before warm-ups, I'm already pumped up doing tornado kicks around there and that here and there everywhere in the dojo of the school campus where the Parents' Waiting Hall happens.

Soon those kicks turned into flips, and many other crazy moves I improvised on my own, without anyone even advancing to that point.

I made my own moves, which happened to look nearly impossible to do better than just freerunning parkour flips and twists. I combined parkour and martial arts. Since parkour is already a martial arts category, that can go well.

Those days were over, and my strength had gotten soft, my endurance had gotten slow, my kicks less flexible. I barely trained when I was supposed to. Because I focused too much on being a mage at the time.

Here I went through Downtown. It was already closed when I got there, but it's a good thing their closing hour is at the same time as I arrived. They let me buy anyway. I purchased the Nunchaku. Then left. Downtown is famous for its marketing prices come cheap with high quality everywhere with a mall, a theatre, and many convenience stores.

It almost feels like Kamurocho Tokyo, Japan all over again. The same goes for Sotenbori Osaka, Japan.

I bought a Redbull bottle and chugged it outside the convenience store. Unluckily for me, cigarettes are banned in this part of the city, only here and here only. Even so same goes for all stores. Even convenience stores are forbidden from selling any type of tobacco.

I went through the public market maze and asked a butcher to give me cow's Blood since they don't need it, anyway. So, they gave me a bucket of it. I asked them if they could just put it in a bottle or something. And so they did. Then I went off somewhere dark and cold in an alleyway and drank it all. I almost vomited from the toxic bacteria they had there.

Almost felt like the Blood was dead already and not fresh. It seems that it might still make it before going rotten now. It smelled good, though. The scent of Blood, its taste, is sweeter than any chocolate in the world.