Chapter 3: Slate

The culprit responsible for the announcement, Hegen, grinned as he checked his stats.

[Name: Hegen

Race: Human

Titles: He Who Creates

Level: 3

Exp: 260/1000

Skills: 9 Trigram Fists (C)

Strength: 15 (+5)

Vitality: 15 (+5)

Agility: 13 (+5)

Wisdom: 15 (+5)

Charisma: 13 (+5)

Free Attribute Points: 19]

[Title: He Who Creates

Info: A Creation Guru, He who has an open mind can create anything!

Effects: +5 all attributes]

[Skill: 9 Trigram Fists

Grade: C

Type: Active

Effect: Send 9 linked punches containing 125% of the player's Attack damage.

Cost: 0 Mana

Cooldown: 1 Minute

Description: A Punching skill created by 'Hegen' allowing one to send a flurry of attacks at their target.]

Without hesitation, Hegen used all of his attribute points on agility causing it to skyrocket to a staggering 32 points. Instantly, Hegen noticed the increased fluidity of his movements albeit still slower than what he was used to.

After testing out his newfound power, Hegen continued to slaughter the boars with ease, astonishing the growing crowd of spectators. He quickly finished collecting all 10 boar tusks and was about to head back to the village to complete the quest when he heard someone calling at him.

"Wait! You there with the boar slaughtering skills!"

Hegen glanced behind him and noticed a skinnier man running towards him astonishingly quickly.

"I noticed your skill and was wondering if you've heard of the mercenary group 'Dynasty'?"

Hegen recalled Hyun-woo's memories but still came up blank, only knowing that mercenary groups were a new addition to this game allowing players from different guilds to still work together and be on the same team.

"I have not, I assume you're here to ask me to join it?"

The man didn't seem shocked that Hegen realized this and in fact, was even more excited.

"Yes! Oh, sorry for not introducing myself, my game name is Ghastly Demon, and I'm a thief."

Hegen nodded at the man's words, glad he didn't beat around the bush when his intentions were exposed.

"Hegen. My class is Mage."

Wide-eyed the man gasped "Mage?! But weren't you just beating the crap out of the monsters?"

"Yeah, this game isn't very kind to new mages, not even granting skills. But that's beside the point. While I'm not sure if I will join you, I'll make sure to check out this 'Dynasty' of yours."

"Great! I'll send you a friend request and let you know when and where we'll meet up next time!"

Shortly after Ghastly Demon said this, Hegen saw a notification asking him if he wanted to accept Ghastly Demon as a friend. Clicking yes, he noticed that Ghastly Demon was only level 1.

"Got it, just let me know. If that is all then I'll be taking my leave now."

With that being said, Hegen turned and walked away and headed back to the village.


After locating the small building where he spawned in he walked straight toward the old man still dozing off in the chair. He noticed that there were significantly fewer players inside the building as most were currently grinding the quest that the old man had given them.

"Elder, I've finished the task you've given me"

Still half asleep, the old man looked up at him and pointed toward a bin in the corner.

"If you've completed the task, place the tusks in the bin."

Hegen promptly placed the 10 tusks in the bin before returning to the old man.

"Now that I've given you the tusks, will you be able to assist me, elder."

The old man looked up once more, then at the bin, before being overcome by shock.

"Already! I expected some people to be fast but you are by far the fastest. I didn't even give you a skill!"

"So you knew what you were doing by sending a mage without a skill out there?"

"Oops, busted."

Hegen was shocked by the blunt nature of this old man who evidently understood how suicidal a mage without a skill going into battle was. Before Hegen could respond, however, the old man promptly stood up.

"Young man, what's your name."

"Isn't it only right to give your own name before asking someone else for theirs?"

The old man was startled by the question, before laughing jovially.

"Of course, of course! My name is Slate. Now may I know your name young man?"

"My name is Hegen, it's a pleasure to meet you Slate."

"Excellent! I knew you were something special but to think you even know your manners! It seems the new generation isn't completely hopeless! It seems I should reward you, follow me."

Hegen followed the old man further into the building into a plain-looking room. Inside the room were various bookshelves and racks full of weaponry. The old man paused in front of the doorway before turning to Hegen.

"Originally I only planned on giving you a weapon to help defend yourself with, but for finishing it so quickly you may select a skill book from the bookshelves as well."

[Quest Completed: The First Step

Rank: F

Hidden Task Completed: Be the First to complete The First Step

Rank: D

Rewards: +2000 Exp, +5 Free Attribute Points, +1 Uncommon Weapon, +1 D Rank or lower skill, +50 Reputation with Slate]

Hegen's level rose once more, but that was the least of his concerns.

'It seems I can get better rewards by completing tasks in the best way possible, I'll have to keep that in mind.'

Hegen affirmed his rewards before walking into the weapon's room.