Chapter 4: Gearing Up

Walking into the weapon room, Hegen noticed that while most of the racks were filled with cliche-looking staffs and wands, there were multiple racks dedicated explicitly to swords, bows, shields, and other various items that one would assume a different class' building would contain.

Happily, Hegen walked towards a rack holding the swords as that was the weapon he was most familiar with in the Nine Realms. However, upon arriving in front of the stand, he noticed that one of the swords had a unique aura. The sword looked like a regular Dao, but Hegen could tell that this was no standard sword.

After picking up the sword, Hegen checked its stats.

[Item: Ancient Saber

Grade: Uncommon (Can Evolve)

Attributes: +25 Strength, +10 Agility

Skills: Vertical Slash (D), Sword Aura's Release (C)

Evolution Requirements: 0/500,000 Exp, 10 Spirit Crystals

Description: A saber used during ancient times, forged by a Legendary Blacksmith's will to create an everchanging blade. If enough materials are brought to the sword, it can become stronger. Unfortunately, this sword was broken into multiple pieces; who knows where they could be!]

[Quest Received: A Blacksmith's Dying Regrets

Rank: S

Description: A Legendary Blacksmith, who created the Ancient Saber, died without ever seeing his dream come to life. Help his lingering regrets fade by completing the Ancient Saber.

Task: Find all the pieces of the Ancient Saber: 1/?

Reward: ???

Penalty for Failure: ???]

Hegen was surprised by this sudden turn of events but was not disappointed.

'A quest for simply picking up a peculiar weapon, how lucky! Maybe I can trigger something with the skill books too!"

With this thought in mind, Hegen swiftly made his way to the bookshelves, disappointed as he didn't notice a single book that stood out to him.

He grabbed a book titled 'Consecutive Lightning Strike' dejectedly before returning to where Slate was by the door.

Upon Hegen's return, Slate asked, "Found everything you liked? Wait, is that a sword?"

"Yes, is there a problem with that?"

"There's no problem but are you sure? You are a mage after all."

Hegen smirked, saying, "I believe my swordsmanship can level the world."

"Well put!" said Slate as he chuckled. "Anywho, seeing as you were the fastest to complete the task, I have another task for you. Can you help me to deliver a message to an old friend in Marian City's Magic Tower?"

[Quest Received: Slate's Letter

Rank: C

Description: Slate needs your help to deliver a letter, as you are the first to complete his initial quest. A good messenger never peeks at a delivery's contents. Are you good?

Task: Deliver Slate's Letter to Grant at the Magic Tower in Marian City

Rewards: +5000 Exp, +10 Attribute Points, +50 Reputation with Slate

Penalty for Failure: -200 Reputation with Slate]

"It would be my honor to deliver this letter in your stead." So replied Hegen, noticeably grinning from the quest.

'I would've never expected Slate to have more quests to give me, he really is a bringer of fortune!'

Hegen began to walk out of the building before Slate called to him once more.

"Oh, I almost forgot to give you this, catch!"

Without hesitation, Slate tossed a small golden object towards Hegen, who quickly snatched it out of the air.

[Item: Slate's Token

Grade: Epic

Attributes: N/A

Skills: N/A

Description: A token gifted by a Legendary Mage. Surprisingly has no effects besides authority.]

After Hegen viewed the token's description, he peered at where the Slate once was, only to realize that he had disappeared entirely. Momentarily shocked, Hegen recollected his thoughts before leaving the building. However, he didn't exit the town for Marian City immediately, instead deciding to visit the village's equipment shop only a short walk from the mage's building.

Upon entering the shop, Hegen noticed an extensive array of armor and weapons sprawled on racks across the building's floor. As nothing, in particular, stood out to him, he grabbed a set of light leather armor that cost five silver to purchase.

[Item: Shoddy Leather Armor

Grade: Common

Attributes: +10 Vitality

Skills: N/A

Description: A typical set of leather armor. It might even be worse than average.]

After purchasing and equipping his armor, Hegen noticed that he still hadn't learned the skill he had obtained from Slate, prompting him to do so immediately.

[Skill Received: Consecutive Lightning Strikes

Grade: D

Type: Active

Effect: Send five consecutive lightning bolts containing dealing 125% of wisdom as damage.

Cost: 50 Mana

Cooldown: 5 minutes

Description: A fundamental skill of the Magic tower, most apprentices pick this up within their first few years.]

Satisfied, Hegen exited the building and was about to leave the village before he noticed a small popup.h

[Ghastly Demon: Good news! We will meet in 10 minutes at the Crying River Bar! Hope you can make it!]

Surprised but not disappointed, Hegen simply replied.

[Hegen: Ok.]

'Seems I'll have to change my order of plans; I should check out this 'Dynasty' mercenary group that Demon talked about. Worst comes to worst, I can simply decline him, no harm, no foul, right?'

With that thought in mind, Hegen made his way toward the bar located on the other side of town.