Chapter 6: Silent Forest

Standing in front of the Silent Forest, everybody could feel a chill seep into their body.

'Interesting, this cold is similar to the Frozen Forests in the Nine Realms. I wonder if it operates on a similar principle.'

As such, Hegen immediately began to focus on circulating his spiritual energy, noticing that he had more now than in Hyun-woo's body.

[Congratulations on creating a B-Rank Skill. Please choose a name for your skill.]

'What? Just like that? I thought it would've been harder to make skills but it seems I've guessed wrong.'

After contemplating the recent events for a while longer, Hegen decided to name the new skill 'Qi Circulation.'

[Skill: Qi Circulation

Grade: B

Type: Passive

Effect: +10 All Stats, +5 All Resistances.

Description: A skill to circulate one's spirit created by 'Hegen'. Allows one to strengthen their body's natural abilities.]

[Congratulations on being the first player to create a B-Rank Skill. Would you like to broadcast your name? Yes/No]

Hegen selected no once again as he believed it wasn't the right time for his name to be broadcasted for the world to know.

[Congratulations to Player 'Anonymous' for creating the first B-Rank Skill. Rewarding title 'Creation Wizard', +10,000 Exp, +50 silver, +10 free attribute points.]

Hegen's level instantly skyrocketed to level 6, prompting another message to appear in front of him.

[Congratulations on reaching level 5. Would you like to reveal your name for the leveling leaderboard? Yes/No]

Curious, Hegen looked at this newly unlocked leveling board, only to notice that multiple people were already at level six, with two people even being at level seven! Both level seven players had decided to hide their names, and many level six players.

'I thought I had a quick enough pace but it seems I'll have to speed up my leveling.'

Hegen decided not to reveal his name, as it would be pointless to have hidden it previously otherwise.

Shortly after Hegen finished reading and sorting through the new messages, the rest of Dynasty had recollected themselves and began talking about what had just happened.

Demon: "Can you believe that someone has already created a C-rank and a B-rank Skill?"

Maniac: "I wish we could get those people in our group, they must even be skilled in real life!"

Style: "What are the chances that it's the same person?"

Slumber: "ZZzzzz"

Hegen: "Oh, those are both me."

Demon: "Hahaha, yea right. If you had that sort of skill then why would you still be hanging around in the starter village still?"

Hegen: "But I'm serious? Here, I'll show you both of the skills."

Following this, Hegen messaged the skills' information to the skeptical Demon. Demon glanced through the data before being overcome with shock. He quickly forwarded the information to the rest of the group, who also looked through it.

Everyone blankly stared at Hegen except Slumber, who stayed half-asleep. Maniac was the first one to break the silence, chuckling.

"We really did get that person in our group! Now we have an even higher chance of becoming the best mercenary group!"

The rest of the group nodded in agreement, and Hegen just smiled. Although he decided to keep his name a secret from the rest of the player base, that doesn't mean he didn't want to tell anybody about it. After talking about Hegen's awesomeness for a bit longer, Demon refocused the group on the task.

"Alright, we've dallied outside the forest for too long; let's go kill us a boss!"

Following this statement, everyone in the group put on a serious look. Even the half-asleep Slumber looked up from his daze and started walking with the group.

Maniac had taken the lead because he was a warrior, while Slumber was in the center of the group as the priest. Style was on the side of Slumber while Demon was behind. This left Hegen with a spot on the other side of Slumber, enclosing the priest within the four of them.

'Seems that they have a bit of experience with this. Things shouldn't be too hard then.'

And just like that, they walked into the forest. Unfortunately, as soon as they got into the forest, their eyesight dimmed due to the immense amounts of fog, although Hegen could still slightly see due to his newfound skill 'Qi Circulation.'

The group continued forward until they heard a group of shrill shrieks come from in front of them, causing them to slow their pace. They inched forward slowly to make less noise before finally coming into contact with what had made the shriek previously.

[Blind Wolf (Common): Lvl 5

HP: 1,000 / 1,000]

[One-Eyed Wolf Leader (Uncommon): Lvl 8

HP: 2,500 / 2,500]

Hegen, as the one who could see the best currently, noticed and relayed that there were 5 blind wolves and only one wolf leader. As the group noticed the wolves, however, the wolves also noticed them.

"Prepare for battle," Hegen told them.

Instantly, they all assumed a ready position as they held their ground. They were at a slight numbers disadvantage so they'd have to remedy that as soon as possible.

Shortly after they prepared themselves, the blind wolves rushed over while the leader stayed behind.

'Oho? Seems that the leader doesn't think us a threat and decided to stay back. That's better for us atleast.'

After this thought, Hegen cleared his mind as he split off from the group and charged at the wolves.