Chapter 8: Ouroboros

After turning into countless particles, a stream of light erupted from where the wolf's body once was.

Everyone in Dynasty was ecstatic while Hegen just stood there blankly.

"A Jackpot!" They almost simultaneously exclaimed.

Hegen just felt even more confused before simply asking them what a jackpot was. He could have looked through Hyun-Woo's memories but he felt this would be quicker.

Demon: "Really? Well, a jackpot is when a monster drops an increased amount of loot but it happens very rarely. It's chances can be increased with Luck points but it's too early in the game to even be thinking about that."

Hegen nodded to show his understanding before looking towards the loot pile. After the shine had lessened and loot stopped appearing there was a large pile of coins and materials on the ground, as well as a sword, a dagger, and a chest plate.

Although the group was disappointed that there was mostly materials, they had already expected such a situation. Without hesitation they inspected the stats on their new equipment.

[Item: Mana-infused Sword

Grade: Uncommon

Attributes: +5 Intelligence, +15 Strength, +5 Agility

Skills: Mana Blade

Description: A normal blade infused with the essence of mana! Can take mana to create a lengthened mana blade!]

[Item: Silent Demon

Grade: Rare (Set)

Attributes: +25 Strength, +25 Agility, +10 Vitality

Skills: Silent Vanish, Silent Steps

Description: A dagger forged by a demon. When used together with its twin blade it becomes stronger!

Set Effect: (2 of 2):+10% Strength, +5% Attack Speed]

[Item: Bronze Chest-plate

Grade: Uncommon

Attributes: +30 Vitality

Skills: N/A

Description: A high-end bronze chest-plate.]

Although there were only three items, the group was ecstatic. Every single piece was an upgrade for them, although Hegen and Slumber were the exceptions. Hegen had better equipment and Slumber couldn't use the equipment. As such, they got a larger amount of the currency, each receiving 50 silver each.

Demon ended up receiving the Silent Demon, fittingly, while Maniac received the chest-plate. Style decided to take the sword as a means to protect himself in case someone got too close to shoot.

After a short break, the group resumed formation, albeit slightly more relaxed now. They continued through the forest until they reached a large river. Having no choice they decided to follow the side of the river hoping to find the Silent Devourer that way.

They followed the river until they heard a large explosion sound from the forest. Quickening their pace, they quickly reached the source of the noise. A group was locked in battle with the Silent Devourer!

The Devourer was crazedly attacking the other group, slowly and steadily diminishing their numbers. As Hegen and the others noticed this group, they were noticed as well.

Demon: "Oh, I recognize a few of the players in that group. That must be the Ouroboros guild. The warrior tanking the Devourer is Harrowing Owl, Thunder Valley's young genius. We shouldn't interrupt them."

Hegen: "Oh? Are they strong?"

The rest of Dynasty was surprised before Demon responded.

"Were you not listening to what I said or are you new to games?"

Shortly after saying this, however, Demon and the others thought back on how Hegen didn't know what a jackpot was before realizing that he truly was a noob when it came to video games.

After a brief silence, Hegen commented on the fight to break the quiet.

"It doesn't seem like they're going to beat it."

Demon: "That's what's worrying me, if they can't beat it then how should we beat it?"

"Just don't do what they did?"

Everyone stared blankly at Hegen and even the group from Ouroboros, who was currently in the process of retreating and were heading in their direction, heard his statement.

"Outrageous!" Shouted Harrowing Owl who was closest to their group.

Immediately, he changed his direction from running past their group to right towards Hegen before using charge. However, right as the two groups collided, Hegen unsheathed his sword and swung upwards, causing a bright flash of light, before ricocheting off of the charge.

After Hegen landed, he noticed that he didn't take any damage and was delighted. He had specifically used a sword technique in order to offset the damage. Unfortunately, he was also trying to register it as a skill in the game, but maybe that just took longer for more complicated skills.

Harrowing Owl, who expected Hegen to die upon contact, was shocked to find out that he hadn't taken any damage. He immediately called over the rest of his group while Dynasty was frozen with shock.

Demon, who realized the situation they were in, quickly tried to talk to Harrowing Owl.

"Isn't this a little much, to simply make a comment?"

Harrowing Owl, who was red with rage at this point, simply swung the great sword he was holding towards Demon, who was ill prepared for this attack. Luckily, he used Silent Steps to reappear a few steps behind where he just was before he and the rest of dynasty retreated towards Hegen.

It seemed that there would be no reconciliation between the two groups.