Daily life of a reincarnated otaku

After taking my well-deserved nap I was woken up by my mother (Yoshino) shouting for me to wake up and get ready for the day

Since it was my birthday some of their close friends were invited

' Which means they want to try and keep politicking off the table for a little longer '

And that's very good for me since I really need to have a good poker face for these events

' On the other hand, the technology of this world is advanced enough that the essential things like showers and toilets and lights and so on are only a few years behind ours '

" Thank god for that "

So I walk into the bathroom, do my business, bathe myself and ready myself one last time and walk to the kitchen table and park myself there

And my new mom is in the kitchen cooking breakfast which I have no idea what it is but surely will be edible if not tasty so that's fine but the important thing is Shikaku who is lying on the Tatami floor with his eyes closed

" Good morning Shikamaru and get up Shikaku, you're setting a bad example for your son "

Yoshino says loud enough for both me and Shikaku to look at her and she's serving a plate full of steaming food to us and I was sure I would hear the Nara catchphrase but unfortunately, he gets up with a good morning to me and sits at the table and we begin to eat

' This stuff is tasty, no idea what it is but it's good ' And that's evident in my actions as a slow eater like me starts to eat a little faster which seems to make Yoshino's day if the wider smile on her face is any indication

' I would be worried they would get interested in the change if I didn't have the memories of this body, because even though I only came back a few hours ago the body was born with the specifications I made and that naturally comes with the appetite of two monsters, so me taking less than two servings would be outright suspicious '

Thankfully and very surprisingly to me, I'm only full after a full three servings and that's completed at the same time as the others finish eating their food as well

" Happy birthday Shikamaru, I suggest you get ready because you'll meet a few friends of ours today and I will not let you make a bad impression on them "

Mom says with a smile that gets sweeter after the birthday greeting and sets off trouble signs for me in my head and Shikaku just echoes her and pats me on my head smiling while he opens the newspaper

' Wonder what's in the newspaper of this village anyway '

Anyway since she said in a few hours I reckon that I have enough time to try and read the few books I saw in my room so I walk to my room again and try to read them

' And the fact that I can read a book that's more suitable in the hands of a primary school teacher is very very beneficial to me '

But the book still remains a collection of their version of rhymes like Humpty Dumpty. But when in Rome, do as Romans do

so I keep reading till Mom calls me down

Once I get down I see Dad talking with Iniochi and Chouza and both Ino & Choji are with them

' I don't care what anyone says Choji looks cute, like a hamster but still cute, don't get me wrong Ino is cute as well but if I stopped to coo at every cute girl in anime I wouldn't have seen so many '

Still, I have to play polite so I say the usual hello to all of them and they repeat it back but it's all unheard when Ino shouts " Hello " at me and rushes to grab my arm and babble about being my first friend, and how I should always listen to her and that she and Choji would be my best friends and so on while Choji just smiles in what I think is a little commiseration and pity

And I'm just thinking about the fact about Ino had a domineering personality and was bossy in the future and I would always have to stand with her and I realise abruptly that I'm indeed a person to be pitied

' I mean Sakura overpowers her for god's sake, she tied with Ino in chunnin exams while Ino was trained with her clan and Jonin whereas Sakura has always been kind of leftover of team 7 by Kakashi till Tsunade came '

And that's just pitiful, I don't care what anyone says and I don't care that her character can change now that I'm here because if I'm gonna start saying the phrase now is the perfect moment to start saying it

" Troublesome " and that just seems to stop the adults' talk as my father rubs the back of his head while both Iniochi and Chouza both pat his shoulders while laughing as they see my mother's smile freeze while she talks with Ino and Choji's mom while Ino keeps being oblivious and blabbers on while Choji gives me a chip with a smile

' You're too pure for me Choji, I swear I'm gonna help you man, really I'm gonna punch anyone that's gonna make you cry in the academy '

-Next day-

The events of yesterday were quite interesting to be honest after Ino and Choji left a few more people came as well, obviously, most of them were clan people and other clan individuals but surprisingly some other shinobis came as well still it was a happy moment as far as I'm concerned

' And they brought gifts too, I mean most of them are toys and only a few of them are learning materials but still, they're gifts and I made sure to thank them genuinely but I'm sure most of them could see that I wasn't that enthusiastic in the gifts '

Speaking of gifts mother's gift to me was a super comfortable pillow and I'm thankful for that because it's so damn soft and it's so very comforting too

And my dear genius Father's gift is what I've been doing since I ate breakfast and you might guess it, dad went with the highly unexpected version of teaching me how to play shogi

" Checkmate. " The bastard's been dominating me like nobody's business for the last eight games, I could say it's because of the fact I don't quite know how to play that well or some other reason but still...

' Why the hell can't I last more than 30 moves, I know he's a master at this but still this is too much '

And I'm just sitting opposite of him while glowering at him as stealthily as I could, which is not that stealthily seeing as he just smiles at me

" I think that's enough today, wouldn't you say so Shika "

' Damn the bastard, one day I'm gonna check you bitch, wait for it '

I reply with a hum while my eye twitches and mom tries to console saying " nobody beats your father at shogi ", " don't be sad " and so on

" Still you're not that bad for your age Shikamaru, you just need more time to experience in the game " Dad says while smiling at me and puts on his sandals to go to work

which makes it difficult for me to know if he's being honest or just screwing with me

" So what are you going to do today Shikamaru, do you want to go to the park or are you going to laze around like usual? "

Mom asks as she looks at me like she already knows my answer

And she's not that wrong, if I had not remembered I would have lazed around all day or at most tried a few more rounds at shogi by myself

' But I don't have the luxury of that, I mean I do but that's being optimistic that Naruto's got this so yeah, I'm not gonna waste my time more than necessary '

" Actually I was thinking of starting to train from today on "

' I could try to hide it but they would find out what I'm doing anyway and would just question it so why bother hiding it? Besides I'm not the usual Nara '

But my statement seemed to have knocked both my parents for a second as they just stared at me dazed

" Could you repeat that Shikamaru, I don't think I heard you "Now that's cold mother

" I said I'm going to start my training Mother, no need to be so dramatic " I sass her because I ain't taking this lying down

Pops seems to have overcome his shock as he seems to cover his chuckles at my statement

" I'm not being dramatic Shikamaru, it just surprised me that's all, still I think you should not train at this age Shikamaru "

Mother replies to my sass still not convinced of my statement And dad actually backs her up on this

" She's right son. Physical safety when training is important, if you're not careful you might stunt your body growth, the best training for your body now is just playing physically engaging games. Leave the training till you're a year older "

Dad says as he just nods at mom and me and leaves to work after saying goodbye

' And this is what I was afraid of, just cause I know I'll be fine doesn't mean they will and if I make a fuss it's going to be all sorts of trouble '

" Guess I'll just hit the books and explore the grounds then "

" Not alone you won't " damn spoiled again