The difference in planning and winging it

For the next few moments, I didn't give a damn about calming down because weirdly I was calm

For a brief time since I came here, I was completely honest and I was reckless in it, I was irresponsible in my actions right now, I was in a way throwing a tantrum

And that at the end of the day is all me!! Honestly throwing a tantrum-because let's be honest that's what this is - simply because I could was something that I would have done originally and it's proof to me that despite the shit in the world I can still be myself.

' The D or the hanma bloodline don't have a damn thing to do with it '

But in that brief amount of period when I was relaxed I recognized a few things

I felt my conqueror haki awaken for a few moments, I even felt that the ferocity and savagery of the Hanma blood that lay in the back of my mind was completely expressed for that few moments

But the moment no matter how amazing and good it felt eventually passed in an instant and I was left to fend for myself again, this time without any prior planning on my behalf and the only thing I could hope was that they were still shocked enough that I could bring them to as close to the path I planned before instead of winging it.

And sometimes the fact that your parents are not civilians can bite you in the behind quite strongly. Had the people standing before me been civilians I might have been able to convince them that what they felt was just a figment of their imagination

But unfortunately, my current audience is not civilians and thus they recover even quicker than I do

' I say that because I can see the tension lining their bodies being concealed '

Honestly, if I didn't have observation haki then I probably wouldn't have picked them stealthily return to normality, as far as normality could be in this situation

Still, it's quite clear that they knew something just happened even if they didn't exactly realize what the hell just happened

But I don't know if I gave something away but till I get tangential proof that the gig is up I will just continue the act. So I take a few seconds before composing myself physically and standing straight with as much pride and arrogance I could pack into standing as I could

My stance is all they need to know about my mind as they immediately question me

" What the hell just happened? "

" Do you really have an armor jutsu as well ? "

And humorously enough a " What the hell are you feeding him ? " from Genma

While uncle Chouza and Asai-san stand silently waiting for my answer while Mother has started to walk towards what I know is the liquor cabinet in the home

" First of all stop shouting, it's annoying.

Secondly 'I' just happened Uncle Iniochi, keep up.

Thirdly yes, the armor does indeed exist.

Fourth really Genma? Have someone told you that your sense of humour is a little weird? If not I'll be the first "

" Nothing is wrong with my sense of humour brat!! "

" You do recognize we have no idea what it means when you say you happened right? "

Genma and Uncle Iniochi explode with their opinions as I finally succeed in pushing their buttons to the limit. Meanwhile, Dad is all cool about it outwardly

" Show me "

In response I just let armament haki come alive on my body. Dad takes a step forward when I motion him and feels the toughness of my skin while speaking

" In a way, you're right son, I did put you in a category but never doubt for a second that anyone who has met you will believe you to be a clone as you put it "

" That's comforting I guess "

At this point, Mom has finished pouring sake into cups and presented them to the others

Genma downright gulps it down while looking at me while the others are content to slowly sip it

" So what now? " I admit I'm winging this and it feels like I've done my part anyway

Dad just gestures for me to sit down with him and as we all sit together everyone looks to Dad for his decision

Me because the answer should be the result I want

' Because I may not have bled for it but I damn well need it '

And the others just cause they realize this is out of their hands

" I believe this is where we start over again Shikamaru, this time we ensure we do not need a meeting such as this again "

" I can accept that "

" So tell us. Tell me what you need. Don't hold back any longer, you've made your point clear anyway "

And it's clear that most of them expected this but mom tries half-heartedly to change it

" Dear, don't you think that's too much freedom for our dear son? "

" I do believe he's earned it Yoshino"

' Damn right '

" I concur"

" I guess "

So let's let the ball rolling

" I want access to elemental affinities "

" While I'm willing to relent on you starting on elemental training, I would like for you to keep in mind that I'm not budging in certain techniques above the academy level even at this point "

" That's fair. But while jutsus are appreciated I assure you all I need is their training methods and some information to understand it better "

" That is acceptable to me but I hope that you understand that until you reach a certain proficiency within the training you will not be left alone to do this training "

" I'm alright with that "

" Good. Is that all? "

" Not even close. As we have already crossed into shadow manipulation I would like to further it, my conditions are as said before "

" Same conditions with the same limitations are acceptable "

Our conversation is enough to break the atmosphere for the peanut gallery to start their own discussion

" This feels strange. Does this feel strange to you guys? " Uncle Chouza is looking confused while Uncle Iniochi looks in disbelief over at him

" It is strange, Ino would have thrown tantrums till she got her way like most children I believe "

well I can guess what his gaze meant now ' Yeah Choji and I are angels compared to Ino, she doesn't take shit from anyone '

" Lucky commander eh? "

' Why does he have to make that into a bloody question ' Mom and Asai-san just stay silent this round

But enough about that time to squeeze this as far as I can

" I would also like to shadow some to learn working such as smithing and weaving "

" Smithing and weaving you say? "

" It will be much appreciated "

" Till we deem it so you will only shadow workers and if you are gifted in the art you will only be allowed to work with supervision "

" That's more than I was hoping actually "

'Considering Genma's "the hell is wrong with this kid" I'm hearing, that is a more welcome approach '

Well the secondary objectives were fulfilled so I do a dab in my head and get right to the one I know is gonna be a bitch to pull off

" Father what I'm about to tell you next will be something you will not like, but I assure you I feel it's quite something that I truly need to train in "

" Tell me "

" I wish to be left alone in an actual forest with a non-designed ecosystem, the more predator it has and the more information we have about it the better but I mustn't be supervised during this period "

Like I thought it would whatever silent spell the others were under this request is more than enough to let them loose as you can hear in my mother's tone as she thunders at me

" Absolutely not! "

" Here we go again " Uncle Chouza seems quite calm compared to the others ' Maybe he thinks Dad won't do it '

" That's vastly different from his other requests " Uncle Iniochi on the other hand seems to want to connect my reasons

" I do believe Shikamaru-kun is just reaching for stars at this point for he has proven he's not devoid of intelligence " Asai-san is always logical and thus boring in this instance

" Dude, just stick to yes or no " Genma simply shifted targets from me to be a menace to Asai-san

" You wish for me to leave you in a dangerous forest to train without anyone watching over you, may I ask why? "

" My instinct is something I cherish most Father. I don't want to be coddled and I refuse to change my opinion on this "

" How is this coddling? "

" Learning to throw a punch and throwing a punch in a fight is vastly different, is it not? "

" I am not convinced about this being the only method "

" Well, it's either this or some enemies or prisoners who hate us! "

" Yes but while they will pressure you, it will be because they want to kill you "

" Once again Dad -strong enough to be kind- remember "

" I didn't get that last part "

" Yeah me too "

" Perhaps if we shut up and listen more? "

At least they're not really poking their heads in it

" What if you were to fight an animal by yourself without any interference from us, while we can watch you "

" It needs to be unaware of the watchers but some predators may need to be starved and depraved to attack me as I'm not that much of serving for them, both of which are cruel and thus not acceptable for me "

" That's where you draw the line? "

" Hunting to eat is acceptable, hunting to ensure one's safety is acceptable but hunting simply for the sake of it can be considered elimination. I don't like it "

" I'm acceptable to the watching option and the forest when you've proved yourself strong enough for us to be calm "

" That is acceptable "

" Is that all? "

" There is one more thing Father. This is something that I will not budge in "

" Hmm? "

" I need access to history, not the jutsus or the training methods but history as whole as it is written down "

" Why? "

" I have a feeling that I wish to see is true or not "

" Will you reveal it to me? "

" If what I suspect is true then the moment I find undeniable proof "

" I will never deny you knowledge but make sure that you design a timetable that will not harm your body "

" If father is alright with it, then you can draw me up with a plan "

Because he's certainly gonna be able to make a better plan than I can and honestly it'll ensure that this incident will be resolved completely instead of being a roadblock in the future

And father sees through it as he just smiles at me and rubs my head and I'm not ashamed to admit I went from a sitting position to laying my head on his lap without any hesitation

' Regardless of what dimension it is laying your head in the lap of your loved one is on another level of comfort for me, always has been '

" Thank you "

" Love you "


I am really really sorry about the late upload the last ten days have been an emotional roller coaster for me. I mean to share a few moments my exam was postponed and only finished 2 days ago, my friend underwent an operation 5 days ago while another got into an accident on the same day and most importantly the family was able to welcome its newest member, the current youngest cousin 7 days ago and I really really thought that I had already done timed updates on the app so sorry about that

Anyways like usual every one of your opinions are welcome

As always I thank Kvndrn,Miyuki_Snowfall,Wizard97,Paul_Artz,

Sils and Eazy498 for donating their power stones to this story

Hope you had a great week and hope you have an even better week and stay happy and safe