Fake it till you make it unless you don't need to

' Now to make it more and more interesting! '

I smirk as I look at my audience who has been spooked by my haki, for the second time and ' Man, that's a relieving thought '

But my voice naturally comes out snidely as I start to explain haki in simpler enough terms that they'll understand what I want them to understand

' Besides I'm pretty sure that I got a legitimate reason to be proud, not even 10 years old and already scaring adults with my aura '

That's a genius/psychopath level of shit.

" It's something that I've been working on since I can remember, constantly "

This is true because I have been working on it as far as I can remember here and they all look interested as they recognize the effort I've put into this.

Especially because they have seen what happens when I'm motivated, even if it's just my subconsciousness

" What you're so intimidated by is... " ' Wait for it '

" Spit it out "

" Go on "

" I would also like to hear the answer Shikamaru-kun "

And now I can't stop the smirk on my face as I watch their face and anticipate their reactions

" Me!!! "

But I think I've used my last good luck for the month cause I've got none of the expressions I wanted, but I keep my smirk frozen to try and figure out if they had already suspected this. But that was not the case

" That's not possible "

" Yeah that's too much, even for you "

" I concur "

' These punks don't believe me!! I thought it was some other shit '

But my annoyance continues to climb as they explain to me thoroughly why that's impossible their reasons being "We are too experienced to be scared of you yet", "We're blooded shinobi kid", "pfft no... That's a good one"


'll be honest the lack of effort in that last one ticks me off

So I'm absolutely happy when I spook them again with my haki, especially because I had to try it three more tries till it worked again, wonder why the hell that happened

" Would you stop that! "

And my audience as always doesn't like it. What a coincidence, I don't like their lack of understanding of the situation.

" Listen up!! " I raise my voice and garner their attention because I wouldn't have minded if they hadn't reacted to the spirit gun or even my armament haki but this isn't something that I copied off someone.

That's my hard work plus my literal determination in a form that lets me know that I've got what it takes to be a fighter despite everything I lack

" This is not a Jutsu, it's not something that requires chakra at all actually but it is something that is equally amazing "

And they're starting to look doubtful of that, which is weird because it's the damn truth!

" Look it doesn't matter how old you are or how experienced you are. It doesn't matter in this situation, what category you are in or even what place you reside and come from and your bloodline sure as hell doesn't matter "

At this point, they are listening intensely so I remind them of the universal truth

" It doesn't matter because if a thing can bleed it can die. If not by its enemies then by its surroundings, if not by its surroundings then by time itself. And factors like that don't care about what we want or what's fair "

I take a deep breath and continue speaking what I had prepared for the intended reaction

" However the world regardless of the period it's in or the state it's presently in is something that's occupied by life. And life's not fair and every lifeform has a predator and prey, the literal scale of life, the food chain "

At this point, Genma just cut in

" Let's just say I agree with you, what the hell does that have to do with this? "

" Because even though I'm not old as you are or as experienced as you are at the end of the day I. Remain. Your. Superior "

And boy it feels good to see their dropped jaws even if it's because they think my statement is more outrageous than truthful

As they try and start to admonish me I start again

" And that's not just my decision, it's yours as well. You presented your reasons for why that wasn't possible because it wasn't logical and it isn't, but instinct is instinct. Deep down your body understands that it's in the presence of its predator and it's scared "

And the logic starts to spread and to finish my blow

" You are people in touch with your instinct, it doesn't matter what you call it perception, strategy or just a gut feeling. Because at the end of the day regardless of what species it is when confronted by its predator the prey's survival instinct kicks in "

And I chuckle as I act out in a way that only shounen protagonists or just badass characters do

" I'm not intimidating you, you're trying to survive me!! The fundamental instinct of flight or fight to be more exact. "

And there it is. The sheer ridiculousness of the truth they have to swallow whether they like it or not and judging by their expressions they definitely don't like it

I can't help but lose my smirk and laugh out loud as it starts to sink in and all they can do in response to it is grumble ineffectively at me which of course cracks me up even further

But they regain their focus and start to pepper me with questions on how the hell I did that and that's when half-lies start to come in

So I raise my chin like I believe most young masters in those novels and shows behave

" Because unlike you I developed in the right way and ensured that I would continue developing differently from you. I already told you Father, it's all in the mindset "

" And you didn't care to let me know about this Shikaku? "

" Would you like to share with us? "

" That is nowhere near what you told me "

And father is busy fielding their looks and grumbling questions

" Not that different. I told you and maybe not in the exact words or even in the way you apparently needed to hear but I told you still.

I told you that I don't care what the world wants, or what the world demands from me "

And I look at my father carefully as I complete my sentence

" I expect myself to break the world if I need to and that's not me exaggerating or boasting. That's me stating the truth and just as the sky is blue and water is wet is a fact, so is this. "

And they get it

" So being reckless is generally the way to be superior to us normal folk? You're challenging the damn world kid! You're not even strong enough to challenge a damned genin right now "

And most of them agree with what Genma said as they believe me to be reckless and all that thing as what I said basically screams arrogance

' They might have a point though '

" It doesn't matter if I can't back my words yet because the reactions of your bodies which have existed longer than me prove that I've got the necessary will required for it. It's not just a matter of strength, it's about the drive I have and the world recognizes it. "

And I can't help but be smug again as my own words echoed in the room

" The world recognizes me as a damn apex predator Genma. As far as the world is concerned I'm a person on the upper scale. The prey's instinct is to help it survive another day, Mine, however, like with every predator is to ensure that I thrive, dominate and stand at the top of the food chain. It's reckless to you because you can't think of yourself bringing the world to its knees and with me, that's not the case "

That shuts them up quite nicely

' That's a good speech, I didn't know I was capable of it, maybe I should have tried public speaking '

Meanwhile, my precocious audience is still starstruck either by my firmness on the matter or its logic or their gut feeling.

" In short I'm awesome and that's that. Now on to more important matters "

" Please stop "

" Haha...no. As I was saying let's talk about other matters that need discussing like the fact that I think that I should up the training of my friends as well "

" So you won't let them live in peace as well huh? "

" Please tell me that his attitude won't spread to the others "

" I have concerns "

" You're late to the party man, I left those behind the minute when children's bodies decided that creating jutsu when they're asleep is fine "

Now, what can I do when my audience is being so downtrodden except egg them on

" Don't be so dramatic "

And Genma yells at me instantly

" You're the last person who should say that "

And that's a job well done

' Mental self-five '


This is a timed update but still as always I appreciate that you're reading my story and your thoughts about the story is always appreciated and I hope you liked this chapter

And most importantly I hope you stay safe and have a great day