New limits

Even though I had only been training for a week the gains I had was anything but small

Some of it was expected which of course meant that some weren't, but I'll take every little upgrade happily

The new status looked different in a few details

Name: Shikamaru Nara

Title: Nara heir

Age: 5 year


Strength: D

Speed: D

Dexterity: D

Intelligence: D+

Stamina: D-

Wisdom: D

Luck: D+

Chakra: D

Chakra control: D+


Observation haki: D

Armament haki: E+

Conqueror haki: E


Strategic Level 5

Sleeping Level 6

Language Level 7

Calligraphy Level 7

Hiding Level 5

Killing intent (resistance) Level 9

Dungeon admittance Level Max

Umbrakinesis Level 3

Drawing Level 2


Leer Level 4

Scary face Level 2

Shadow binding Level 2

As one might notice I gained a new skill called drawing which I honestly thought would be higher than level 2 since I was an ok artist back in the first world but for some reason, it wasn't

' I mainly suspect it's because the status bar only takes the abilities of this body into account '

Aside from that, I gained a level in sleeping which I have no idea how to go about confirming how useful it is as I'm not conscious when sleeping but I hope it's something along the lines of fewer sleeping hours or healing faster when sleeping or something like that

But aside from the unexpected, I gained a whole new level in umbrakinesis and shadow binding which took my longest time holding the binding from 10 minutes uncomfortably to 10 minutes mildly uncomfortable and the new time when I'm uncomfortable is 14 minutes and 27 seconds

' Of course, some might not see it as that much of a breakthrough but as it was accomplished when doing step two and I can now hold step 3 for 5 minutes I believe it's a great step up from before '

Anyway, today was special in more ways than I expected and you might ask how

' It's because of the paper that Father just handed me '

As normal I woke up and after doing the rest of the routine I joined the others at the dinner table but after I finished eating the delicious breakfast Father slides a piece toward me, a paper I immediately recognized despite how normal it looked outside

' The paper itself despite looking normal is admittedly more interesting than I thought it would be. This paper is a neutral land to put it short '

Atleast that was how it felt to my sense with haki. The paper felt like it had no affinity at first but when you listen a little more you realize that it's wrong, it's not that the paper doesn't have any elements it's just that all of them are equally present in it

' An object in complete harmony till outside interference, is this what nature would have been like if none of us had existed to pollute it? '

But it was as far as I was concerned quite amazing, just imagine if you could achieve such a state within your body or even make a weapon with such a state, the elements would be far more easily manipulated and conducted

' I should look into this but for now, let's just shelve this back and see what element this body of mine favour '

Still, I shouldn't be rude without a good reason

" Thanks for the paper "

" You wanted it "

" For quite some time "

' A long time actually '

" Enough time for you to act so slow when taking it? "

" Mainly going over the plans and making new ones, just in case "

" Of course " and off to the side Mom goes " What were we expecting? " while Dad looks quite nonchalant

" Is this paper expensive? "

At my question, Dad looks interested as he replies to me

" Not really for us "

" Can you get a few more "

" Why? "

" Training "

" Training what? "

" Senses "

" How do you train your senses with a- "

" Just get him the damn paper Shikaku "

From his reply, till his mother cut him off while speaking, Dad had gone from interested to confused quite quickly

" I can tell you if you wish to hear it Mother"

" I love you son, but no "

That's cold, I hope I won't drive her away from me because of my actions or make her feel bad or something

I smile at her while hiding the unease I felt from her reply hoping that she was just messing with me and that I was overthinking things

Still, I walked to the training ground and held the paper in my hands and ensured that I could feel the harmony the paper had with my haki when dad started speaking

" I doubt that you don't know how the paper tells your affinity but just to be clear

If it's fire the paper burns

If it's water the paper turns soggy

If it's wind the paper will have cuts

If it's ground the paper crumbles around the edges

If it's lightning the paper will wrinkle inward "

I just nod to him when he finishes talking and finds that it's just as I remember it being

' I knew that but thanks anyway '

So I gather myself and focus my chakra on the paper while making sure I can still hear the harmony of the paper

But the instant I inject my chakra into the paper it starts smoking and goes ablaze shortly after

Dad just shakes his head and says that I have a strong affinity towards the fire if the paper could catch on fire at my age while Mom just agrees with him

Still, while I was hearing their words, I was also replaying the change in the paper I heard to see if I had any chance to have another major affinity towards anything but unfortunately, I don't think I'm any different from normal folks in that regard

' I mean in most of the novels and fanfics you read how the OC can have multiple natures or all natures just cause they are OC characters but that just doesn't happen in real life '

I mean while I would have appreciated another major affinity towards an element I wasn't really expecting it because these things are guided by genetics on a certain scale

' I mean I'm already alive with all these extra gifts, there isn't any reason or need to give any more powerups than usual folks get and most importantly both the 'blood' I added don't really have an affinity towards any elements '

Besides, even if I didn't have any other major affinities I curiously found that just as my chakra helped inflate the fire in the paper it also seemed kinda drawn into the water side for some reason

' Which of course is downright weird considering that fire and water are polar opposites on the spectrum here and in most of the element cycles we have seen. How did that come to be anyway? Is it my soul? Or the added blood? '

I mean in the show they never really revealed what Shikamaruʼs affinity was but we thought it was fire because he mainly used fire jutsu aside from his clan techniques

' So the fire affinity is accounted for but where the hell is the water affinity however slight come in? '

You know what let's just not overcomplicate it now, I mean it's a good thing that I have a second affinity with water and that's that

' And maybe now I have a greater chance of pulling off some of the Pokemon moves I want to learn '

That was one of the main things that my elemental affinity was going to help me out on, what is the thing that always helps a Pokemon to even the fight, its status moves

And I've got my hands on a simple one that would help me out a ton even if I can't learn its greater variant and that move is absorb.

' It's a broken move for most people who don't have great stamina, or gather energy from the enemy, the move may not always work but it's the application it's gonna teach me that I'm really excited about because this isn't a move that just affects the enemy it also heals me at the same time and another major point in its favor is that we did see a person who could absorb chakra at the chunin exams from the sound village in the show '

And if I can master the technique to the point that I will be able to heal with the chakra in the air and nature or better yet for my body to slowly adapt itself to natural chakra so that I can pull off a sage mode by myself in the future

' That is gonna be lit so either way absorb as a move brings only benefit '

Of course, I'm sure there are gonna be minor hijinks but it should be noted that like said before the rewards are gonna be awesome and I haven't been able to stop fantasizing about it from the moment I thought it.

Still, the day moves on whether I like it or not so I move along with it, after dad leaves to work and Mom goes back home, I and Ensui begin our past week's routine

As in that he traps me in his shadow and lays down and I try to break out of it and understand the technique and shadow itself if I could and my improvements are seen as Ensui comments out loud " that I might pull this off "

Ensui actually is cool though despite the mishap that led to him being the clan's go-to person for babysitting, household duties and even little things in construction to my surprise but I guess if you can learn how to use a shadow then you can also learn how to handle a hammer

But that isn't what made me like him, it was the fact that he accepted my request when I asked him to bind me like I was an enemy capable of killing him instead of him acting like a genin and considering that he's pretty much a great chunin level ninja he should have because anyone else would have scoffed

But he didn't, he just hummed before doing just what I asked and lying down and that's something I'm thankful for.

Still at this point I'm doing what is necessarily fighting an opponent at the insane level to put it in fighting game style

' It's not impossible but it's not easy to do especially for non-veterans or pro players, both of which I am not '

Despite the advancements I made this day still wasn't my day as all I could do best was wiggle my fingers sometimes

' Which I hope is still impressive '

And the training went on like that till noon when we had dinner and then resumed again to see the results and ended in the evening when it reached 5:00 in the clock and another thing I like about ensui regardless of missing more training is the fact he gets out as soon as he had agreed on

' No playing around with that one. He doesn't care what I do as long as I leave him alone when the clock hits 5 pm '

Then it's just me practicing inside the house and reading this book about chakra that I found till I eat and train in the lobby

And that's where today's second surprise occurred because usually it's just me gathering the shadows and trying to follow my commands in the body of a man I'm assuming is a shadow dragon slayer as that's what I've set the settings on -shadow dragon slayer arts- in the lobby

However today was different because instead of just training control today, the man does something new

' Wait I know that they taught the techniques young but surely I'm not ready yet? '

But regardless of what I thought the man takes a deep breath and as he opens his mouth what comes out is a corona of shadow with pure power and believe me, the animation didn't do them justice

The move looked like a tightly compressed storm of shadows but at the same time I could feel the control I had over it and seeing that shadow dividing the white lobby walls into sections the only thing I could say was

" Hell yeah!! "


Hope you liked the chapter, I know some of you might think that the character is still not old enough to learn the dragon slayer magic but even in the show all of them were taught the dragon slayer arts pretty young and I reckon with the genes the character has he's not going to get that much of feedback problems with that, at least that's what I'm going for

Once again I thank you guys for reading my story and as always I look forward to your thoughts on it and every thought is appreciated. I really thank QuantumSt1ck, Muiyuki_Snowfall, Lucifer_Glass, Myzy, Stoned_Daoist_666, Multaluli, Styx_River,

Lucifers_Vendeta, Sri_747, Joshua_Welsh, Shanty_S, Gremblem, Reuben_Kotilla_1137, Mgun1, Xeno06, Nightshadeq81, dillon_fluty, Sarvitar_just, Yemisi_ola and Maet_Sucker for donating power stones to my story

And most importantly hope you guys stay safe, stay happy and have a great day