chapter ५

Thinking so, he gathers some of his companions and all take their weapons and go out to kill pride on the pretext of hunting in the forest. Even saying that he will not hunt the animal, he sends everyone in different directionsHere, after erasing his fatigue, he starts inspecting the Takshak hill and he sees many caves on Wah, he also sees many wild animals in those caves, he goes to a small cave on Vahpar, any wild animal is present on Wah. And in that cave he starts meditating by standing on one legAnd he keeps meditating there for four consecutive days, after meditating he realizes that his powers have increased more than before and he becomes happy because of this and he comes out of the cave, he stays in the ashram. He could also meditate, but by keeping there he could not work with all his strengthIf he did this, then someone would have doubted him, that's why he had to decide to come to the forest, he then decides to go to his ashram because staying in this forest for a long time can prove to be dangerous for him at the bottom of the Dixit hill. As soon as he gets down and walks some distance, he gets a voice, Oh you children of Tultul, you are very muchHe has come away, he looks here and there but he does not see anyone, he is not there That's why the boy laughs and says it doesn't matter who I am to youBrother Akshay has remembered and you have to walk to him, then pride asks him another question, how did you find me then that boy said, don't worry about how I found you, you are just with me Will have to walk and if I say no, then pride told him, then I will have to walk on your hands and feetAfter breaking you will have to take it to Akshay Bhaiya, he laughed and replied to pride, then pride tells him that you can do whatever you want to do and I will do whatever I want to do. Seeing this, the boy gets furious and he jumps from the treeIt comes straight down, the place where he jumps down, the soil of that place flies in the air and he proudly says that you have this courage that you talk to the top warrior of the land like me, proud to hear his words Awakens your meditative power and every one within a radius of a hundred meters of your armBegins to gather information about the movement, in fact, there are different phases of the warriors, the first land phase, the second air phase, the third sky phase, and there are many phases ahead. All the mantras of war were remembered, using which he could fight more than himselfHe could also face the warriors of the mandala and his meditation power was also very strong and he had increased his power very much even in four days and it could easily face even the first level warrior of the air phase so Garv had nothing to fear from that boy with his fifty kilos swordHe runs after the pride and after going after him strikes his back and then the pride bends slightly to the side and turns back so that he is saved from the blow of that sword and he immediately hits that cake. Holds and twists his sword, as soon as he twists the wrist, his sword starts falling down and the handle of the same swordHolding the tip of that sword, proudly puts it on the boy's neck and says to him, yes, what were you saying, I did not hear anything, what is it, nor the power of my ear has reduced and I can hear something less. Seeing this technique of wielding the sword of pride, the boy is stunned that the boy who is five kilos till tomorrowHe could not even lift the sword. He puts the sword lightly inside the boy's throat and a few drops of blood from itSeeing this, the boy gets scared, seeing his fear, pride asks him, so now I will ask you some questions and you will answer him correctly or not His voice spreads in the form of pride, at that time he would not have seemed less than a demonic ghostSeeing this, along with blood, sweat starts flowing from that boy's body, proud asks why Akshay wants to call him and what is his business with me, then he says that I do not know anything about him, I am just Was following the orders given by Akshay, are you the servant of him that you follow his ordersIf you go on following it, he says, in fact, we are not from this state, we are spies of other states and other tribes, and to spy on this state, we have to join the army of this kingdom, after all, which clan do you belong to? Garv asked, he said that we belong to the Tandav clanSeeing that the boy tries to get the dagger out of his back, seeing this, pride cuts off the bone of his neck in one stroke and he dies in agony. After this, pride soon goes to the forest and hunts an animal. And puts his claws around his neck and puts his sword back in his handsKeeping it in the stomach of that animal, because while seeing it, it seems that he has died fighting with the animal and goes back to the ashram with his 15 kg sword and goes back to the ashram like that boy proud of Akshay. He also kills his companions, including some girls and that AkshayHe also starts looking for her with the help of his meditation power but he is unable to find her and then he goes back to the ashram. Manohar Pandit would be happy to see that he also entrusts the precious parts of animals to the guruHey or proud you have really changed and now you should prepare for the military entrance exam, it is just a few weeks away and you should put all your strength on this test, only then the sound of loud noise outside the ashram If it happens, then Manohar Pandit and Gaurav come out and see what is happening only thenHe sees that six seven boys of the Sainik Ashram of Bharatpur State's Air Circle bring the dead bodies of the girls, seeing that Guru Manohar Pandit is stunned, in fact Manohar Pandit knew all of them, he was his own student, how did they all die? He asks the same question to those soldiers who are proud of their faceEven without bringing emotion, he stays calm, he has killed all of them in the forest, in fact everyone considers him to be a weak man, even though he has been performing well for some time, yet no one doubts him. Guru Manohar Pandit proudly asks whether you had met these people in the forest then heIt says no, Guruji, my meeting with these people was new in the forest, they must have encountered some big animal, that's why it was good that I did not meet these people, otherwise I would have been killed like these people. At the time, Akshay was doubting pride but he knew that his partner was more than proudHe was powerful and he could easily kill pride, yet he was doubting pride, due to the killing of so many people in the ashram, there was an atmosphere of fear in the ashram, so many students could not be killed by animals. He was well educated to avoid the animals of the forest, then only oneSeeing how many deaths can happen in a day, there is a strange fear in everyone's mind about pride because that pride and those who died had gone to the forest in the same day, but pride came back alive and the rest of the people It cannot be a coincidence that he came back from the forest after dying