chapter ६

But everyone knows that pride is a weak person, he cannot kill so many people, realizing that it is impossible for him to happen, a strange fear of the name of pride settles in the minds of all the students of the ashram, but after Akshay Not in your mind, even though you might have killed all of them one by one, but I changed all of them one by oneI will pay by breaking a bone, Akshay said in his own mind, looking at the pride, while handling the situation, Guru Manohar Pandit tells all the students that today we have suffered a great loss, so I decide that from today all the students of the ashram Going into the forest will be forbidden and until these deathsNo investigation is done, no one will be able to go to the forest, in fact Guru Manohar Pandit is the senior guru of this ashram, he had participated in many wars for Bharatpur, even the chief officer of the ashram cannot dare to cut his point. Turns to those soldiers and tells them that your work is hereIt is over, we will cremate them properly and you can go back now, sir, the soldier tells them to him and he goes back, seeing this incident, there is a different name of pride in the mind of the students of the ashram. A strange fear sets in and no one dares to call him Tultul except oneAnd that is Akshay Akshay may have fallen alone, but now the fire is burning in revenge for the death of his companions. I have developed a lot of hatred for him, after this the days go by and that day tooComing soon, the day when the military recruitment examination of Bharatpur state is about to take place, the examination has been conducted in a big field of the same ashram, not only from the same ashram but also students from the rest of the ten ashrams of Bharatpur state to take the exam. There are a total of four stages of the exam that are to come, in each stageOnly the students who pass can go to the next stage, if someone could not pass any stage then he will be thrown out and he will have to try again for the same examination next year Guru Manohar Pandit collects all the students and addresses them. My dear disciples, today the day has come for youYou have to show your strength to the world, you have to show that for what you have come in this world, even though your parents are not in this world, but someone's talent is not from his parents' money but from their own deeds. Say, 'Maharaj Ashwadh ki Jai', after that all the students also chantHe does Maharaj Ashwadh ki Jai Maharaj Ashwadh ki Jai, hearing this, his voice gets stuck in his throat, since when did this Maharaj Ashwadh become so big that the people of the whole world should hail him, in fact, after the death of pride, his book Ashvadne has become the whole world. I would have established my own umbrella ruleVampires and many politicians were killed and a Chhatri Raj was established in the whole world, as soon as Maharaj Ashwad's world had established a Chhatri Raj, the kingdoms of the whole world used to give him many gold coins in the form of tax. Proud thinks that my brother has made a lot of progress after my deathAnd all the people give him so much respect and respect, on one side in the same field, a huge fifty-five feet statue of his previous birth brother Ashwad was standing, from which a high degree of magical power was emanating, seeing him proudly felt in his mind. Said oh wow son, you have had fun over the whole world, that's when the idol'sAn announcement is made from the front stage, all the students and girls pay attention here, today is the day from which your future is going to be decided, put your full strength in today's examination and so that in future you become a brave warrior of Bharatpur state. May the name be illuminated in the whole world, the building built on the side of this groundI will have your first stage exam, those who pass in first stage exam will pass for next stage exam and those who don't succeed in first stage, there is no need to be disappointed, they will try again next year after preparing thoroughly. I can give you examination for me and military training instituteBest wishes from the side, God bless you, say Maharaj Ashwad ki Jai, as soon as he said so much, the sound of Maharaj Ashwad that Jai Maharaj Ashwad ki Jai echoed in the field, after this all the students started going towards the big building on the side of the ground, to show that building is grand. Divine was its height more than fifty meters and width twenty metersMore than that, students of different ashrams were being registered separately, through that the first phase examination was going to be held, a different discussion was happening among the students of the ashram of pride. The bar will be shown by making something different and bigger, the colors of the proud brother are seen in a different way nowadaysWhen one boy said, the other boy said hey what can he do, even though he is making good progress for a few days, but we cannot forget that he got out of bed only a month ago, so little time so much progress It is impossible to do, even if he is discussing it in a low voice, but the meditative power of prideDue to increase, many of his magical powers have been unleashed and he can now hear loud and loud sounds but he does not pay any attention to these things and waits for his registration, soon he is registered and he To take the exam, he reaches a big room and sees that there is a big oneThere is a wall of black rock and the student who is at the front of the row has to punch a punch on that wall. fails in and the one who scores fifty kilos or more will proceed to the next stageOne by one, all the students were punching that stone. Some were punching forty, some fifty-five, then some were punching only twenty or thirty kilos. And everyone else was going out disappointed as soon as the pride didThe teacher who took this exam, seeing him, laughs and says, Hey, you have been giving this exam for so many years, you fail in it every time, why don't you stop giving this exam, why waste your time and others' time. As soon as he says this, he raises his hand fast and that teacher is proudLooks like he will punch that teacher, he pulls his hand back and punches the wall only with half his strength, as soon as he punches that wall starts moving and the numbers come in the mirror Seeing this is seventy forts, only that teacher starts sweating because he has so much strengthHe doesn't even have a teacher and he just made a dirty joke of pride