Chapter 17

It had been six months since the battle of the Spade kingdom, due to the injuries he got from the fight Asta was in coma. The clover kingdom in the past six months recognized the Black Bulls not as a gang of ruffians but a band of talented knights. Yami and William recovered from the effects of the advent of Qilpoth. Lorophechika recovered from the curse put on her, her and Gaja were now in a relationship. (Gaja had confessed to her just like the manga). Yuno became the Spade kingdom's new king, he has been visiting Mimosa, the two were engaged. The Black Bulls have waiting for Asta to wake up, thanks to Owen and other recovery mages his wounds had healed up. Noelle took care of him, she was always by his side, always telling him about the missions they went on, she will always pray that he would wake up and come back to her.

Deep in Asta's subconscious

Asta is walking down a hill, " This is strange, I could swear I was in the Spade kingdom some minutes ago whoa! What the heck is that light?" Asta asked when he saw a bright light, he started walking towards it. A hand pulled him back, Asta turned to see it was. "Alec, what are you doing here?" Asta said with his voice filled with joy. "I should be asking you that, anyway you should head back the others are waiting. Take the straight path you meet up with the others." Alec said pointing at a narrow road in behind them. "What about you? Where are you going?" Asta asked looking at Alec. 'What is he talking about? It seems that he doesn't remember dying.' Alec said in his mind. "I going somewhere important, and I don't know how long I will be gone." Alec said looking at the floor, Asta was confused, "You will come back right, right?" Asta asked in a worried tone he wanted to know if his friend would be coming back. "Look Asta, you might not remember it but we defeated Lucifero." Alec said, then something triggered in Asta, he started holding his head, he was having splitting headaches. "Wait I remember we won but I died, wait how I'm I alive,  i should be dead." Asta said still in pain. "Yes you did die, but I gave you your life back, in exchange for mine I surprised to see you here, it seems you wandered off. So please go back." Alec said, "Why did you do that? I was the one meant to die, I was not you. How could kill yourself for me, if you are dying I'm to-" Asta's words were caught off by a punch from Alec, the punch took Asta down. "You idiot, how selfish can you be? Everyone was crying, your rival friends, team mates, captains, even the girl you love. I couldn't just see you die, I gave up my life so you could fulfil your promise to her." Alec said in tears. "Look kiddo, I know you wanted me to join the squad and I did I want to meet the others. But I want you to be there also. So live for me please." Alec said with tears dropping from his eye. Asta was also crying, Alec then pulled him in for one last hug, "Promise me this Asta, promise me that you will become Wizard King, promise me you will marry Noelle, promise me you take care of Mister Nacht Asta promise me." Alec said sobbing, "I will, I promise." Asta said in tears. "Good now go back they are waiting for you, it's time for me to go." Alec said as he got up, "Isn't it strange? How a kid I met in just three months changed me. Asta one more tell Mister Nacht that all the time i spent with him was the best time in my life if I had a chance I would want to re-live it. Goodbye Asta." Alec said as he walked into to the light. Asta watched as his friend walked into the light, he stood up wiped the tears off his face. "I promise Alec I won't let your sacrifice go in vain." Asta said as he turned back and started running towards the way out.

Noelle had finished cleaning Asta's face that morning, she gave him a kiss on his forehead and she then stood and left the room. Five minutes after she left, Asta started to regain consciousness, his vision at first was a bit blurry he couldn't see well at much but he knew he wasn't in his room. He had been in Noelle's room the entire time. Four chibi figures appeared it was the four devils, one of the devils hugged and started crying, "Idiot don't scare us like that you know that we all need you alive. Lichta won't forgive me if she sees you and I dead." Liebe said crying. Asta giggled a little, "Sorry for making you worry, I'm back." Asta said, he then turned to Ajuka and Anos, " You two thanks for the help back there. If it weren't for you guys we would have died there yesterday." Asta said scratching the back of his head. "It wasn't a big deal, by the way you have been asleep for six months." Anos said sweat dropping at the fact that Asta doesn't know that he had been in coma. Asta was shocked he froze for a minute. "What did you say? I have been sleeping for six months. How? What happened when I was asleep?" Asta asked still shocked, Liebe explained what happened after the battle of the Spade kingdom, how Asmodeus is now in contract with him, about his injuries and how Noelle took care of him. Asta became sad on remembering Alec's death. "Don't cry his wish was for you to live on, so don't beat yourself up." Asmodeus said. "I have to go see the others." Asta said as he got down from the bed. When he was about to stand up the door opened, "I'm back As-." A certain silver haired woman said as he came in but she couldn't complete her words due to the shock of what she saw. Noelle started tearing up, see the love of her life awake standing in front of her. Noelle ran to Asta and hugged him, Asta who wasn't  prepared for the hug lost his balance fell to the bed with Noelle on top of him. " Idiot, idiot, Idiot." Was all Noelle could say still crying. Asta who was still shocked from the hug, started patting her head. "Sorry to make you worry Noelle, please stop crying I'm back now." Asta said, Noelle  released her hug. They were facing each other, the distance between their face wasn't much. Noelle then kissed Asta, Asta returned the kiss. The both of them were happy seeing each other again. They broke the kiss, "Hmm Noelle I think we should go see the others." Asta said blushing, "Yeah they would be happy to see you awake." Noelle said also blushing, she got up from the bed, and started walking out of the room. " The moment you come back you start kissing, boy have you changed." Liebe said in his chibi form. Asta started blushing more than before, "Shut up." Asta said as he quickly followed Noelle.

   It was another typical morning in the Black Bulls base. Everyone was stuck in their daily routine. Noelle came down and stood in front of everyone. They all turned and faced her, "Noelle what's wrong? Are you okay?" Vanessa asked. "No I'm fine Vanessa there is someone that wants to meet you guys." Noelle said with a smile on her face. The Black Bulls were confused, they heard noises coming from the stairs, they were all shocked to see Asta who was separating Ajuka and Liebe who were having an argument. "Come on you guys cut it out already." Asta said holding the two devils. Asta then realized that he was in the main hall of the base he looked up to see everyone looking at him, everyone except Yami, Nacht Zora and Gauche had tears in their eyes. "Hello guys I'm back." Asta said with his usual smile on his face, the black bulls except Noelle and the other 4 hugged Asta, "Asta thank goodness you're awake, we were all worried." Finral said crying anime tears, "Seriously you have a way of making people worry." Vanessa said crying, "You are seriously a block head, but I'm glad you're back." Nero said letting go of Asta. "Seriously man you really are a twerp for making your senior worry." Magna said as he also let go of Asta. The Black Bulls one by one let go of Asta, Yami started walking towards Asta, Asta closed his eyes thinking that his head will be grabbed as usual, to everyone's surprise Yami patted him gently on the head. "Nice to have you back kid." Yami said looking at Asta. " Good to be back sir." Asta said smiling, Asta then saw Nacht behind Yami He walked up to Nacht. " Mister Nacht, I have a message from Alec." Asta said looking down. Nacht eyes widened, the other bulls were surprised. "He said that you were more than a teacher to him that you were more like a father to him. He said thank you for being there to take care of him when he was thrownaway by his own family when he was sick. He said thanks for showing the right path, he said you should take care of yourself and not worry that he knows that everything would ok. He said that you are the best thing that happened to him." Asta said as tears dropped from his eyes, "I'm really sorry Mister Nacht, if it weren't for me. Alec would still be here." He added. Nacht flicked Asta's head, everyone including Yami was surprised. "I don't blame you, or anyone it's good to have you back, but that doesn't mean I'm letting go without more training you now have three more devils you need to learn to control them." Nacht said, "I will do my best sir." Asta said saluting Nacht. "Yo kid let's go." Yami said as he started walking out, "To where now?" Noelle asked as she clung to Asta. "Noelle what are-" Asta said turning as red as a tomatoe "Quiet you just woke up now the captain wants to take you, I won't allow it." Noelle said holding Asta tighter than before. The other bulls were all laughing seeing what was going on, "Oh Noelle, well who would blame her she almost lost him twice." Vanessa said laughing, "Young love it makes me wanna cry." Finral said wiping his eyes. "Sheesh you can come with." Yami said as he left the base. "Yo Finral open up a portal would ya." Yami said when he got outside. "Huuh ok sir wait then that means I can go see Finnese, coming captain." Finral said chasing Yami. Asta and Noelle followed, "Asta." Noelle said quietly, "Hmm what is it Noell-." Asta's words were caught off by a kiss from Noelle, when they broke the kiss Noelle buried her face in Asta's chest, "Welcome back." Noelle said, "I'm home." Asta replied.

Chapter end