Flirting with Chabashira sensei

[Chabashira POV]

''Your student cards can be used by simply swiping the----''

My words were suddenly interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Of course, I wasn't startled in the slightest. Why would I be?

In a class consisting of 40 students, one was missing. I had already memorized each student's face and name beforehand, it was part of my job as the class's homeroom teacher after all.

Given what I had heard about him, it just so happened that the absent student was one I had planned to keep an eye on. Perhaps he could....I stopped myself before I got my hopes up.

As the interrupter took a step forward, I could get a clear view of him. A boy with brown hair and distinctive yellow golden eyes, dressed in the usual red school blazer and green pants.

Being the perpetrator of disrupting the class, everyone's eyes were naturally on him, well everyone except Koenji.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

A young man with handsome features but not the stand-out type.

He has a natural gloominess to him, which he uses to his advantage. A camouflage that conceals him among a swarm of ordinary people.

A student who doesn't deserve to be in class D.

[Kiyotaka POV]

Mmmmm....I don't really like prying eyes, but I guess I gotta get used to this.

This is high school after all. Teenagers thrive off of attention.

Ignoring the classroom's curious gazes, I casually strolled over to the last empty seat with my name on it. It was by the window.

Glancing outside the transparent tempered glass I could see the rest of the school campus including the track field. Well, at least I have a nice view.

I looked at my right only to be surprised by the face of the pretty Horikita. A very nice view indeed.

But it seems Horikita doesn't share my views, because the beautiful jet-black-haired honor student looked at me with the coldest glare she could muster. I simply just shrugged it off.

Is she gonna be like that for the next three years?

Now that I think about it, everyone probably thinks I'm a delinquent. Me being late and all....

Not really a good first impression but not the worst either.

Even the homeroom teacher, ignored the situation and returned to her lecture on school rules. She didn't even ask me why I was late. I couldn't tell if it was because she was a laid-back instructor who wasn't strict on kids, or if this was something not worth her time.

Speaking of the homeroom teacher-

She seemed to be in her late 20s. Her long dark brown hair was tied in a ponytail with bangs swept to the left, brown eyes and a well-endowed voluptuous body. Her stern and serious expression seemed to add to her charm. She wore a black blazer with a white polo shirt underneath, a short black skirt, and black stockings, along with a pair of black heels.

I wasn't sure of it before, but after meeting Ayaka and now seeing my teacher, I realize I might have a thing for mature women.

My gaze trailed through her smooth neck to her prominent collar bones until it reaches her big...assets?

Yup, I definitely might have a thing for older ladies.

[Chabashira POV]

I spent the next couple of minutes explaining the school rules to my students, at least the ones I was allowed to say for now. Most students had a look of disbelief, shock, and excitement. Not really surprising since the school just handed them 100,000 yen worth of allowance.

As expected, everyone was too preoccupied with the prospect of having 100K private points, entirely blind to the absurdity of their current situation.

If there was one word I could use to describe my class, it would be pathetic. I could only sigh at the lack of potential of my class. It wasn't a sigh of disappointment, but rather one of acceptance.

I had been the homeroom teacher of class D since I began teaching, thus I am well used to the first year's attitude.

Ignorance is bliss. Though in their case it probably doesn't apply. They would likely spend the month thinking this school is something equivalent to heaven, only to reawaken in hell when the time comes.

I have seen this far too many times.

However, I had hoped this time would be different. Maybe....maybe even after all these years I still can't let go of my desire of reaching class A. The memory of that day eats away at my heart. Perhaps I am subconsciously projecting my desire onto these children, but I honestly don't know what else to do.

Maybe it's time to finally let go....for good.

'' Well, it appears no one has any questions. I hope that you enjoy your time here as students.''

With that final farewell, I began to leave, no point in me wasting any more time here.

Though my exit came to a halt when I saw a lone student raising his hand.

''Kiyotaka Ayanokouji?' ' I tilted my head in confusion.'' Do you have any questions you need me to clarify?''

It's him again....

If the information I have on him is even remotely credible, then I am dealing with a secret trump card of class D. He didn't have the aura of a leader when I first saw him, but his eyes suddenly had a special brightness to them, a sharpness that could cut through diamonds.

Wait...could it be? Did he figure something out? I have left enough clues while talking to the students. Well enough to make them suspicious at least?

''I do,'' he said in a clear confident voice. ''A very pressing question, one that simply cannot wait.''

He rose from his seat, capturing the attention of the entire class, even the excited ones who were already making shopping plans looked at him, interested. His hands, concealed in his pockets like he's hiding something.

The ever-silent Hokitika raised an eyebrow at him confused. Everything about Ayanokouji's body language screamed that whatever he is about to say is going to be important.

That's right! He must've figured out something about school rules! Even if it's a small fragment! How things operate around here! The true nature of this school! No ordinary student should be able to see through the mist of this school's facade on Day 1 no less.


If there's anyone here who can accomplish's probably him!!

My lips curled up into a little smile. An unintentional smile. I had a hunch that things would be different this year. Class D will finally make progress. If someone as keen and as talented as Ayanokouji leads the class, they have a good chance of making it to class A. This time, my long-forgotten fantasy might come true.

I crossed my arms, which undoubtedly emphasized my large breasts, but I don't care because I'm in a wonderful mood right now.

"Go ahead," I said. The entire class was curious to hear what their new delinquent classmate had to say.

Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be significant.

Game-changing even.

''Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?'' he said in his usual monotone voice.


