Chabashira sensei's nightmare

[Ichinose POV]

I was completely out of breath as I reached the door of my classroom. My hands were on my knees as I took a breather.

Phew.....I feel like I just ran the Olympics.

Okay, Ichinose, you've got this. You are late...but everything is going to be OK..... I gave myself a pep talk before opening the door.

Right as I opened my door, I closed my eyes and bowed my head in apology.

''Sorry for being late Sensei!''

However, I was received with silence. Until--

''Uh....Ichinose? what are you doing'' I could hear the distinctive feminine voice of Chihiro.

I opened one of my eyes and looked around the room. All of my classmates stared at me in silence. Well, this is embarrassing. I could feel my cheeks heat up. But right then I realized something important...

''wait where is sensei?''

''We don't know, we been waiting for past ten minutes,'' Chihiro replied.


''Seriously tho what kind of teacher is late for the first day of school.''

''I'm gonna bet she overslept or something.''

''Ohhh you think she got k-kidnapped? I bet my lunch she got kidnapped by the yakuza.''

''No one wants your lunch Shibata, plus do you realize how absurd you sound.''

''But Kanzaki they are homemade cookies my grandma baked this morning. What are you grandma-phobic or something?''


Everyone started getting riled up in the conversation, though the purple-haired guy 'Kanzaki' was the only one who looked like he wants no part in it, level-headed to be honest. But I couldn't help but smile at my new classmates, I'm glad everyone gets along so well.

I'm sure we will make some great memories together.

Even though I'm lucky that I'm going unpunished, I can't help but wonder where our sensei is?

Almost as if my voice was heard, I could hear the sounds of heels approaching the door.

I started backing away from the entrance as the teacher made her appearance.

An adult woman of average height with chest-length light-brown hair curled at the bottom with bangs on the right side, purple eyes, and a thin yet well-endowed body.

"Good morning class, sorry for blueg....sorry for being late. I'm dealing with the worst hangover.'' Our so-called homeroom teacher looked like she was about to throw up. ''I should've listened to Sae when she told me to stop at the 11th bottle. Goddamit I hate it when she's right.''

Our homeroom looked absolutely awful. Totally pale as a ghost. Those eyes looked severely sleep-deprived. The class was pretty much shocked; needless to say, no one expected their sensei to be a massive drunkard.

Nobody knew how to react, much less what to say.

''Give me a sec guys, I j-just need to catch my breath..'' Sensei said with a lazy smile.

She closed her eyes and leaned against the nearby wall before zzzzzzzzz...


Did she just fall asleep?!?

I've heard that troops in the army must train themselves to sleep in any place since they never know how long the war will last. What I didn't realize was that homeroom teachers possessed the same talent!!

''Is she OK??''

''I feel like we should notify the school..''

''NO, NOTIFY THE YAKUZA! I don't want to lose my lunch!"

''Shut up Shibata!''

The concerned voices of my classmates rang out in the room. Well, I'm gonna just ignore the last part.

Sensei reminded me of my second aunt. Every time she would come to visit, she would be drunk a skink. She was still my favorite aunt tho since she was so fun to hang out with, however, my mom didn't share my sentiment. As she would always look at my aunt with disappointment in her eyes.....can't say I blame her.

The fastest way she got rid of her hangover was to ask me to brew her some lemon tea.

So I used to make her lemon tea whenever I could in the hopes that it would permanently cure her drinking habits. I was quite naive as a child, now that I think about it.

As a result, I made it a point to drink lemon tea on a regular basis. I even brought a thermos flask with me to keep it warm.

''Here sensei.....for your hangover.'' I handed sensei the opened thermos flask containing the lemon tea.

''Sorry, water is for the weak, I vowed never to drink it,'' she said in a sleepy voice with her eyes closed.

''.........sensei.... it's lemon tea,'' I replied with a poker face.

She opened her eyes and took a sniff before downing the entire thing. The outcome was nearly immediate. I could feel the caffeine rushing through her veins as she looked fresher than she had in a long time. It's like resurecting a dead body.

''Holy....what did u put in this. It's stronger than that marijuana I had last week.''

'' Uhh...You did what now?''

Sensei came closer until they were both at whisper level.

''Now don't tell anyone that sensei told you this, but if u pay the good doctor 50 bucks, he's gonna give u a fake prescription for medical marijuana. Hehe, don't worry your sensei here is gonna teach you all about life.''

Who gave her a teaching license??

Well, she certainly will teach.....a lot of questionable things but at least she's passionate about her job. I think?

she placed an arm on my shoulder

''So what's your name?'' She asked with a bright smile.

''Uhmm....H-Honami Ichinose''

''Ichinose huh? What a cute name!! Well, congrats Ichinose you have been promoted from my 'student' to my 'favorite student'. You must feel very proud.''

''.....uhhh...s-sure.'' I honestly didn't know how I'm supposed to react to that so I just decided to go with the flow. Plus sensei looked so happy...I hate to be the one to break her bubble.

She then scanned around the classroom making sure to look at everyone, her smile widening with each second.

'' Oops teehee, I haven't even introduced myself, have I? It's Chie Hoshinomiya,'' she tapped her cheeks in a cute manner. ''Hasn't even been 2 minutes since I entered here and I already have a good feeling about this class.''

Well, I have a bad feeling about you sensei!!!!!

''I wonder if Sae also found a favorite student of her own.'' Hoshinomiya sensei seemed to be talking to herself.

Whose Sae?

[Chabashira POV]

Godamn I hate Ayankouji.

Never have I ever met a student who infuriated me to this degree. I even got my hopes up for him. In Obi-Wan Kenobi's words- YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!

Plus what kind of student flirts with his teacher this openly. In front of everyone no less.

It's like whenever heard of forbidden relationships.

When I heard rumors about him from the director, my role was to just simply treat him like any other student in class D. But how could anyone pretend that the gold in front of them is copper.

But who could've ever seen this coming? I was expecting him to be something else. A master manipulator with no regard for emotions perhaps? Or someone with a difficult personality and selfish tendencies? Geniuses tend to be odd in the eyes of the ordinary. As a result, I prepared myself to be ready for anything.

What I didn't account for is him being a damn pickup artist!!!!!

Why couldn't you just be a heartless sociopath....who the hell added playboy to the equation?

[Kiyotaka POV]

Chabashira sensei looked like she was going through some shit.

She looks like a girl who went to Disney Land with her parents but got lost in the crowds along the way and is now crying while looking for mother and daddy.

She is like that one girl who grew up watching Miley Cyrus as Hana Montana but then got Vietnam-style traumatized when she found her wrecking ball video while browsing the internet.

On the bright side of things, my classmates had mixed feelings about me. I could see a lot of the boys looking at me with newfound respect in their eyes. They were trying their best to hide their laughter.

The girls on the other hand were not so amused. It seems they joined Horikita at her unofficial 'glare at Ayanokouji club.'

Though I did see a few of them giggling, especially that short brown-haired girl, gotta memorize her face.

Sooo, I could just play the role of a class clown by making it seem like a joke. That appears to be the quickest route out of it. But humor isn't my strong suit, and it honestly sounds like a lot of work.

Believe it or not, I'm not doing this because I got charmed by Chabashira sensei or something superficial like that.

If I hit on every girl that I found hot, then I would basically be a lost cause. Especially since every girl I met at this school so far was a 10. Now that I think about it... it's just weird. I wonder if being hot was a requirement?

I expected a normal school but the rules sensei told us were ....interesting to say the least.

I just wanna know how flexible the rules are, and if it's possible to exploit them by bending them.

But as no one asked any questions themselves, it seems they haven't noticed yet. So if I were to blatantly just ask them then people would get suspicious of me, and perhaps even see me as a leader figure, or even worse, they would start being dependent on me.

That's the last thing I want.

So painting myself as the fool is far more beneficial for me in the long run.

On the other hand, I can also observe how sensei reacts to my advances. Essentially it's killing two birds with one stone.

[Chabashira POV]

I placed my hand on my forehead trying to calm myself down. Well, I guess it's gonna be another 3 years of unproductivity.

I packed my things and tried to stride off the classroom, 'tried' being the keyword. Just when I was about to leave Ayanokouji raised his hand again. Great, what does he want this time?

''No, you can't have my photo,'' I told him solemnly.

''But I'm attracted to you and according to Newton's Law of Gravitation you are attracted to me, too.''

Oh my ....with such sound logic how could I ever refuse....God, I wanna strangle him.

I could feel my veins pop up in my forehead.

''That's no way to talk to your sensei...''

''In that case, how about I stop calling you my sensei and call you my soulmate instead''


He stretched his limbs, the crack of his knuckles could be heard reverberating in the classroom.

''Okay enough messing around, I'm gonna stop with the cheesy pick-up lines.'' His entire playful vibe seamlessly disappeared. ''Say sensei, hypothetically speaking can I ask you on a date if the price is right.''


''Don't look so anxious I'm not saying I'm gonna do it, I'm saying hypothetically. Besides you're the one who stated we can buy anything as long as we have private points for it, I believe a date falls under the realms of anything.''

Laughter erupted in the classroom.

Everyone was unsurprisingly treating it as a joke. Ayanokouji himself seemed unbothered by it.

However, beneath that question's dumb exterior is actual substance.

So he's sharp enough to figure out that you can use it for more than just simple groceries this quick. The use of private points is significantly more versatile than the students currently know.


Come on!! Use it to help your class or something. You don't wanna stay in class D, do you?

I tried to compose myself to make sure my expressions don't betray my feelings. He must be doing this for reason. My faith in him was rapidly rising again.

''Yes, hypothetically you can take me on a date if I accept your payment offer.

''And how much.....Hypothetically?''

Tch, this kid. Hypothetically my ass. Does he think I'm some sort of escort? And is this the kind of conversation you have with your sensei?

The whole class was watching quite intently. I could still hear laughter and giggles.

I sighed, '' Let's see here.....if u can hypothetically cough up 1 million I might consider it.''

Ayanokoji looked immediately disinterested. Whoa, that was fast. For someone who said I was your soul mate you sure gave up fast!

He looked outside the window, staring at the birds flying by.

What happened to all that motivation from a split second ago? This bastard! Does he think I'm worth less than a million...that was like a 95% discount.....guh...wait why am I getting so upset by that?

''That's a shame, now there's no guarantee.'' he softly muttered before slowly seating back.

The class was a mixture of giggles and chuckles.

Though a few astute observers raised an eyebrow at his choice of words. Horikita's eyes suddenly widened as she realized what was going on. Whatever she was thinking, she seemed uninterested in sharing it with the class.

No guarantee huh? What does he....WAIT A MINUTE?

[Kiyotaka POV]

100K private points a month isn't constant.

Anyone with an acute mind must've realized that crucial fact during sensei's talk about the school rules. She never once mentioned that we are getting 100000 private points every month. Though I still don't know what factors determine the distribution of private points, I'm satisfied for now.

Also, private points are more flexible than I gave them credit for. I wonder if you can pay your way into graduation? I need to watch things play out for now.

On the other hand, I did learn quite a bit about Chabishira sensei.

She is not the type to be swayed by sweet words. If I want her I got to play the long game, corrupting her outer shell little by little before I can have access to the beautiful pearl inside.

That's fine.

I always did consider myself a very patient man.

[Chabashira POV]

Ayanokouji I never should've doubted you. You used those ridiculous flirty lines to hide your actual questions. My confidence in him was higher than ever.

However, I don't know why you are trying this hard to not seem gifted.

In any case, I'm glad you are showing interest in cracking the rules, so I'm gonna help you a little.

''Instead of focusing on this nonsense, you should use your time more productively.''

By making his banter seem like trivial nonsense, I'm sure I removed any suspicions against him.

''But picturing you naked is the most productive thing I did all day.'' he immediately replied.


I felt my fist clench so tightly that it probably left marks. Calm down Sae....calm down. That boy over there is your free ticket to class A. Keep your eyes on the prize.

You are an adult Sae....who cares if your student imagined you naked.

Taking a long breath I simmered down.

''Well students see you in the next class, I need to have a smoke to get ....all of this out of my system.''

With slumped shoulders and an annoyed expression, I left the classroom. But from the corner of my eyes, I could see him waving goodbye at me with a carefree look.

Maybe it was because I wasn't in the right frame of mind, or maybe it was because I was so defeated by this boy's actions....that I actually waved back.

[Kiyotaka POV]

I have a good feeling about her.