First Kiss tastes like vanilla

[Kiyotaka POV]

The moon looks beautiful today.

The night sky at this school is rather stunning, maybe because it's so far from the main city, so there is no external light filtering out the stars. I thought strolling through the park would cleanse my mind from BS Fukka made me go through.

At least that was the plan, but now I got a senpai pressing her breasts against my back, with her arms around my neck.

I'm so used to her body being all up on me, that I don't even have to look behind to know who it is.

''What do you want now Fukka?''

''You know how in anime the sensei's would always throw their disciples on mountains just to see if they can survive. What I did was the same! I was testing you to see if you're worth my time.''

''I see.... Well, I hope I brutally failed your tests.''

''Failed my Test!! Far from it! You passed with flying colors!!'' She patted my back excitedly. ''I mean why else would I ever make you go through all that?''

''Because you are a sadist who enjoys the misfortune of others?

'' that what you really think of me? Now I'm just hurt.'' Fukka pretended to wipe away her imaginary tears.

I just looked at her with a deadpan face.

''Alright! Alright! You are probably the most fun I had since I come to this boring school. Can you blame a girl for messing around?''

''Wow...what a sob story, but can I go now?''

''Ayanokouji, I believe you and I met for a reason. It's like the universe was saying, ''Hey Fukka, there's this dude, he's pretty cool, but it's your job to make him awesome.''

I turned my face to look her in the eyes, but that made me realize how short of a distance we were from each other. I could feel her breath against my neck and if I were to lean in a bit, I would be able to kiss her. Fukka grinned like she knew what I was thinking.

''Can I get a refund from the universe?'' I said while removing myself from her embrace.


Did she really think I would fawn over her just because she's good-looking? I rather play Minecraft with Horikita.

As I began walking away, I was suddenly pushed against the tree with a loud thud, enough to alert anyone nearby.

I found myself pinned against the tree by my senpai. Did Fukka just kabedon me?

I could've disengaged her, but she didn't pin me with the intention of harm, so my body naturally didn't react.

Fukka wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me into another embrace like before, only this time it's from the front. And the difference.... was night and day.

Previously I had to use my imagination.

but now...

I could see her breasts changing shape as she rubbed against me, as well as all the other little details I hadn't noticed before. Like how long and detailed her eyelashes are, or how her gorgeous crimson eyes had a distinct shine to them in the moonlight, or how soft and well-cared her skin was, but it was her glossy pink lips that struck out the most.

''You ever watched 'Star Wars' Ayanokouji?''

'' Liked the prequels, hated the sequels,'' I replied while still maintaining my composure.

'' Fufu good answer.'' She caressed my cheek gently, her hand warm to the touch.

''Think of me like Yoda, but instead of being little and green, I'm sexy and awesome. I'm your senpai—I'm Senpai-da!''

This young lady is either high or under the influence of drugs. And I'm not interested in waiting to find out.

Someone, please get this sexual pervert off of me. Where is the virgin police when you need them?

''Yeah, that's great and all, but go bother some other guy. I'm sure there are plenty out here.'' Her natural proximity made me inhale her scent, and I'm starting to get intoxicated by it. Are all girls supposed to smell this good?

''Trueee, but I'm sure I won't find another Ayanokouji.'' She said while running her hand through my hair.

Elon Musk once famously tweeted that he is working towards genetically engineering catgirls. How I wish he focused on creating clones instead. So many of my problems would be solved by that.

White room? Who cares? just send my clone in there.

Crazy white-haired senpai who's horny? No problem! Just give her my clone so she can use it as her personal sex toy.

Fukka tilted her head and looked at me with a curious gaze. Her signature smirk disappeared for the first time.

''Help me understand,'' She brought her lips near my ear, her voice causing goosebumps on my skin. '' You want to sleep with a girl right? Annnnd... I'm practically throwing myself at you, so why do you look so annoyed? Shouldn't you be overjoyed?''

I sighed, the faster I respond the faster I can get out of here.

I spent last week Just observing people while taking a passive approach. In the 19s the Russians would send KGB spies posing as Americans, to select and spy on powerful political targets in case they needed to be assassinated. I'm the same in that regard.

Well....not the assassination part.

But I was selecting a target.

''The number 1 thing I look for in a girl is not how beautiful she is, or how lively her personality is, or even how many assets she has. It's how little trouble she brings me.''

Marla Lopez, a 54-year-old woman is known to be the world's pickiest eater. She's never eaten a piece of fruit or even tried a green vegetable her whole life.

I guess I'm just as picky when in regards to women.

''You, on the other hand, are at the very bottom list of girls I wanna be with, Not only are you a natural trouble-magnet, you are literally 'TROUBLE'. You are like the manifestation of trouble whose sole purpose is to bother my peaceful life.''

I happen to really like peace in my life. That's like my numero uno. Heck if peace was an actual person, I would've married her already. Then maybe tie her hands to my bedframe while getting all down and dirty on her. Peace-chan happens to be a very kinky girl.

Fukka was surprisingly silent listening to everything I say with an ever-present interest. Like a son listening to their dad talking about the birds and the bees.

Is she hurt? Well, that's for the best. Finally, I can get rid of her. I should get myself a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

Oh wait, I'm underage...

''You know at first I was just curious about you,'' Fukka's eyes had a sudden predatory glint as her smile widened. ''But now, Now I just WANT you!''

'' Damn Fukka, you need to get those ears checked out, I feel like you are deaf an----''

Before I could complete my sentence her lips met mine, and the world seemed to melt away.

The fragrance of her perfume and the taste of warm vanilla was intriguing. With my eyes open, her warm breath felt like a summer breeze. Her delicious lips melted like chocolate in my mouth.

Her lips were soft, almost silken, and pillowy against my own. I could feel the soft tickle of her breath beneath my nose, her fingers carding through my hair as we breathed each other in. Before finally parting ways.

She looked at me with a smug look, her body still pressed against mine.

''Sooo~~ How was your first kiss?''

''Why do you taste like vanilla?'' I said with a grumpy voice while wiping my mouth with my sleeves.

''Hehe, I will take it as a compliment.....But don't look so upbeat, it was my first time too,'' She traced her lips with her finger, probably reminiscing the kiss.

Though that vulnerability only lasted a second before she brought her predatory gaze back to me, lunging forward, hand striking the tree while forcing her lips onto mine. Tongue forced its way into my mouth and immediately twirled. Exploring every inch of my mouth while not giving me a chance to even reciprocate the feeling.

Touching me as she pleases, throwing her tits around as she pleases, and then kissing me as she pleases...

She's really starting to piss me off.

Well if this is what she wants... Might as well use her as a test dummy for my future conquests.

If I can't explore the insides of her mouth, I rather just explore her body.

Lifting my hands up, my fingers trailed up to her sides. Feeling the tough, but flexible muscles that laced every inch of her belly and back from under her shirt. One hand traveled up her belly, scratching at the increasingly flushing Fukka's body while my other hand pulled her waist close, to give me better access to her soft and supple butt that seemed to melt in my hands, even though her panties were still in the way.

''W-Well well well someone is finally getting in the mood-d... hah❤ Suck❤ Nh❤''

I kissed her just to shut her up. Surprisingly effective, sadly not practical.

My hand squeezed her hip and pulled her forward.Her hips ground against mine. Fingers trail under her panties as far as they can go, firmly grabbing onto her butt. My other hand already reached her plentiful breasts kneading it gently, tho that dumbass bra acted like a major obstacle. A moan pushed out from her mouth—she was definitely feeling it.

"Nh❤ Suck❤ Ah❤ Nh, kiss❤''

Fukka lightly bit my lower lips before nibbling on them. She uttered a delightful moan as my tongue played with hers.

The kissing intensified with scintillating touches and stimulating gestures. I plunged my tongue deeper and deeper savoring her taste.

Squeezing her breast and butt, Fukka let out a mewling noise as she finally broke free from my lips. A strand of saliva still connecting us. Her eyes now glowed a beautiful red while holding a gaze of pure lust.

I must've overdone it because she was left a gasping mess, her face fully flushed and her knees weak. I never knew she could make a face like that.

She rested her forehead on my shoulder trying to get her breathing stabilized. And for a while, we stayed like this, basking in the moonlight.

''Y-You know most girls would be fucking pissed if you look at them with a poker face after a hot makeout session.''

''I have a hard time expressing myself.''

''Ya I know,'' she purred.

Fukka licked her lips before looking down at the growing tent on my pants.

"Let's be friends Ayanokouji," she brought her lips close to my ear, tongue lightly trailing over it for a moment, "Best of friends." She bit my earlobe once again, lightly beginning to suck on it like a suckling cat.

I eyed her suspiciously but stayed silent.

She eventually released me from her embrace, before walking away in the direction of her dorms without looking back. Her white hair glistering in the dark.

I stood there leaning against the tree until Fukka's figure became nothing more than a dot.

''But Fukka... Friends don't kiss friends.'' I finally whispered.

That woman is so troublesome, but I more or less understand her by now.

Just from the way she presents herself, you can tell she comes from a wealthy family. She would've been so much easier to deal with if she was a rich spoiled brat, but sadly Fukka has talents to back up her arrogance.

Life tends to be dull in the eyes of those who have everything. Hence why she is driven by 'anything' that can keep her entertained. The problem is, right now, that 'anything' is me.

I probably need to brush my teeth thrice just to get her taste off my mouth.

How annoying.

And just like that, I left. Heading for my room. I'm too tired to even confront the three white rabbits stalking me all day.