Three white rabbits

[Karuizawa POV]

Just as Ayanokouji left, the bushes on the backside of the tree started rustling, and out popped out three faces. Mine included.

''I can't believe I spent the entire day stalking him with you guys,'' I said while brushing the leaves off her skirt.

''Hey, we weren't stalking. Stalking implies that there was a dubious intent in mind.'' Matsushita retorted while removing the small branches stuck on her hair. ''We were....merely observing him, you know for research. Right Satou?''

Matsushita actually scares me now. This girl is a natural when it comes to stalking. We would've been caught so many times if it weren't for her. I don't know whether to be proud or concerned.

''I can't believe that succubus is so clingy towards Ayanokouji! My Ayanokouji!'' Said a pissed-off Satou clearly not listening to mine or Matsushitas's conversations.

Needless to say, when that senpai slammed Ayanokouji against the tree, the force caused the three of us to flee into the bushes without glancing up for fear of being seen. We couldn't hear anything because we weren't within hearing distance, and it was so black that we couldn't see anything either.

I feel like we missed something big....but OH WELL!

''Okie Dokie Satou, I got good news and bad news.'' I started explaining. ''The good news is that they aren't dating. She wouldn't have let him hit on those other girls if they were. Even though it all ended in utter failure''

''Bad news, she's horny,'' Matsushita continued.

''Very horny,'' I completed.

''I mean have you seen the way she clings onto him.''

''Yeah, I was like, C'MON GIRL get a room.''

''You gotta help me Karuizawa'' Satou suddenly hugged me, showing me her best puppy dog eyes.

''Whoa whoa whoa! calm down.'' I panicked ''why are you even asking me for help.''

''Huh? didn't you say you had a reverse harem back in middle school?'' Satou asked with innocent eyes.

''O-Oh.....I..s-said t-that did I?..'' I was starting to sweat profusely. '' R-Right, of course, I d-did, w-why would I ever l-lie to you a-about something l-like that.

Oh God, I never should've said that. COME ON!! I just wanted to look cool! Is that so bad?

I should just tell them the truth. They are my friends, they would understand.

Y-you see back in the day boys would line up just to be with me, Ha Ha Ha, but me being the absolute queen that I am, would always reject them.'' I started boasting. ''I have very high standards you know.''


''Ooooooh,'' Satou clapped with sparkles in her eyes. ''As expected of Karuizawa.''


''Of course, I was nicknamed the netori princess in middle school, one single look at me and BOOM! your boyfriend is mine.''


''Great can steal him for me right?'' Satou asked with a smile.

I froze up. what?....

Matsushita was the first to react. ''Uhh...Satou did I hear you right?''

''Imagine this- Ayanokouji just got dumped by his girlfriend, and he is sitting on the park bench all alone, getting completely drenched in the rain. His eyes are hidden behind his wet hair. The water from the rain acts as a camouflage to hide his tears. Tears of heartbreak.

That's where I show up, he's the broody type so at first, he won't react, completely ignoring me. But then I hug him, his face buried in my chest.

''Forget about her Ayanokouji. every time your heart is broken, a doorway cracks open to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities. And I'm that opportunity. I have been in love with you since day 1, And I will continue to do so till the day I die.''

'satou-san' he will finally look up at me with those sexy shoujo manga eyes.

Then he will realise I'm drentched in rain aswell, my bra visible through my wet clothes, sending the mood to a different direction. And soon he's gonna press his lips against mine, stealing my first kiss.

Then we are gonna get married, get a villa in the mountains, have 3 kids and Kyaaaaa..... sorry I got carried away.''

Me and Matsushita stared at Satou with shocked expressions and our mouths wide open. None of us expected her fantasies to be.... this wild.

''But why Karuizawa?'' Matsushita asked.

''I'm worried that white-haired Harpie would realize how great Ayanokouji is, and keep him for herself.'' Satou crossed her arms.

''Let me get this straight....You want Karuizawa to steal him from that she can make him fall in love with her instead.....just to break up with him.... so you can make him fall in love with you in that vulnerable state?''

''Ye dats right!!''


''Sounds like a recipe for disaster, aren't you worried that Karuizawa might accidentally fall in love with him too?'' Matsushita pressed.

'' this isn't a soap opera Matsushita, stop being dumb.'' Satou mussed. ''Besides Karuizawa said she would never fall for someone as gloomy as Ayanokouji, right Karuizawa?''

''Pftt....A-Ayanokouji. Bitch, please. I eat boys like him for breakfast. Consider it done. I will show that senpai whose boss.'' I announced proudly.

''As expected of Karuizawa,'' Satou smiled.

''YEAH!! Ayanakouji is as good as mine.... I mean yours...I m-mean...well you get the point.''

Matsushita was the only one between us who realizes how dumb this whole thing is, but since me and Satou looked like they were having fun, she decided to just go with the flow.


Satou and Matsushita waved me goodbye and went their separate ways.

Just as my friends disappeared from view, my legs started shaking until I dropped to my knees. Sweat dripped from my forehead.

''Ha, Ha.. haah...'' I started laughing maniacally like a patient from a psych ward-

''Ah Mou, I did it again, huh... I couldn't help but put on an act again, but what am I supposed to do now!? I've managed to keep up the act this whole time, but it looks like I've really backed myself into a corner this time!'' I yelled while under the light of the moon.

''What even ARE boyfriends, anyway!? Do they fall from the sky!? Do you just pick 'em off the ground!?''

I immediately took out my phone and-

''——Okay SIRI, how to get a boyfriend?''

Let's see... Improve yourself, don't badmouth others, practice how to cook, and you'll flip on the romance switch...

Ah screw this!! Sounds like too much work.

''Why's this even happening to me? I somehow found a chummy group of friends in my new class and I thought things were going just peachy! So why'd things turn out this way!?''

Well... I guess I should've expected this... I mean I'm the one who bragged about it.

But how could I have just said "Sorry girls, I never had a boyfriend~" in a situation like that...? Wahahahah!"

Oh, today's an unlucky day for me. Wait no. It's not my fault. IT'S SOCIETY'S FAULT.

Whew... Guess I'll go take a bath and forget my worries. I can think about everything tomorrow.

My phone suddenly started ringing.

Huh? It's Satou. Wonder what's up?

"Hello, Karuizawa? Boyfriend time's tomorrow. Make sure to seduce him away from that senpai. See ya later."


Ah Mou! stop trying to give me type A diabetes from all this stress.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I should've never opened my mouth. And that senpai! she looks like she could eat me alive.

It's the end.


I fell on the soft grass, staring at the night sky.

Well, at least the moon looks beautiful today...