And so it begins

[Kiyotaka POV]

"Aa-...n, no. Ay, Ayanokouji, that place, nn❤...-"

The girl twisted her body in order to escape from my grasp.

Her long pink hair shook smoothly.

" bad Sera, guess you don't like it there then."

I pulled my hand back and examined her.

"...So which area makes you feel good when touched?"

The girl, 'Seraphine Rose', Sera for short, turned red in a flash.

"Th-there is no way I can tell you that! So-so-so-something like tha――ahnn❤-"

I wish they could just tell me honestly, makes things easier from my end. That way I don't have to do any second-guessing. Guess I just like being lazy.

"Anyway, it seems that this place makes you feel good," I said nonchalantly.

My hands crawl on Sera's plump thigh, grabbing it firmly.

In one of the old buildings of the campus, there is an abandoned club room, one which is rumored to be haunted. Now I'm no believer, but I rather go to a room that's not famous for being haunted, just for that 0.1% 'what if?'

There is zero concrete evidence that ghosts exist, but there is also zero concrete evidence that they don't exist.

But Fuuka being Fuuka thought it would be a great place to make a lair for her new club.

It was a wide room capable of handling a huge array of furniture.

In the center of the dimly lighted room, hidden by curtains was a king-sized bed with white bedsheets.

On top of that bed, I was seated embracing a girl my age.

I was still wearing my usual school uniform.

As for Sera, she was wearing a swimsuit. The fabric was thin and fit tightly to her body. The cut at her back was also extremely risqué in the style of a competitive swimsuit, it seemed like a leotard in appearance.

Those clothes that hid her body also made her look excessively enticing, even though that probably wasn't her intention.

Her chest was bared and the line of her smooth breasts peeked out. They were pretty big and just looking at them could make anyone's heartthrob.

That figure looking at me in that appearance with upturned eyes was nothing but lascivious.

When wearing a swimsuit, a woman reveals 90 % of their body... I'm so polite that I only look at the covered parts.


Sera's body trembled as I swept up a strand of her pink hair and brushed it against her ear.

"You're pretty sensitive aren't you?"

"I-Is that so? I am... aau❤"

I stroked her cheek and then moved my hand down her luscious hair. My index finger brushed against her body and traveled down from her bareback to her smooth waist.

"Aa-a, ah❤... u❤"

She knitted her eyebrows and bit her lips trying to endure the pleasure.

"So? How does your back feel?"

"I-it's ticklish."

"Ticklish? That's weird, didn't you say it felt good last time?"

I pondered with a troubled expression, either I'm going senile or she's lying. This really isn't the first time she been with me in this bed.

"Yo-you're wrong! How can you say stuff like that with a straight face-!"

Sera shook her head and denied my claims. Fuuka did tell me to smile when I'm with a girl. Something about making me more likable and trustworthy.

That's easier said than done. When you don't use a part of your body there would be a loss of strength and loss of neuromuscular coordination from the brain to the muscle. Hence why coma patients are massaged regularly to make sure their muscle remains active.

I don't think I smiled once during the last 16 years, maybe I did when I was young. No wonder I am what I am today. Even fake smiling feels like a strain. So I don't even bother.

"It doesn't feel good or anything, in-in the first place I don't do this because it feels good! This is just a club activity, so it can't be hel... hyaaaa❤❤!"

My hand slid through her back until it fell just above her supple butt, but I stopped when I recalled something-

"Hold on, didn't you say you got plans with your friends today?... we should probably stop this."

Unlike me who has waaay too much free time in my hands, Sera is a social butterfly.

"...Forget about them. Just focus on me❤."

She answered calmly. I stared at her with a weird expression, that is not the response I was expecting.

Sera looked up at me fixedly. Somehow, those eyes of hers looked coquettish, like she was drunk.

I sighed. ''Well if that's what you want.''

I once again reached out my hand to Sera.

"Aa-! Again-, just where are you touching-, haa❤... uun❤."

My fingers stroked around Sera's white thigh. The marshmallow-soft skin felt good in my hands. Even the smooth elastic sensation of the swimsuit felt nice.

From the thigh, my hand next reached out to her calf. The slender calf gave a slim and elegant image to her whole leg.

From there my hand once again traced through her leg, this time caressing just above her knee. My fingers continued to massage her inner thigh moving towards her body.

"Jeez, how long you are going to touch my legs, don't get carried awa❤... aaa❤-!"

Kinda hard not to, when I'm in the presence of men's hopes and dreams. But...I should probably keep that to myself.

I crossed over from her thigh to her nether region, only grazing it before advancing her stomach towards the depression of her navel. Tracing her abs through her swimsuit.


At that time, Sera let out a gasping voice and suddenly held onto my sleeves tightly. She stared at me with an intense gaze filled with ŀust, drool leaking from the corner of her mouth.

I remained unfazed by that sėxy expression on her beautiful face that would make any men go crazy and jump on her without hesitation.

I guess she's getting really close.

But before I could do anything else I got a call. Taking out the phone from my pockets I checked the ID, it was Fuuka. Wonder what she wants? Just as I was about to receive the call-


I was pulled back towards her.

"Geez, aren't you still in the middle of pleasuring me❤? Why are you getting distracted?"

Sera's condition was clearly different compared to before. A light of obscenity shined from her eyes.

"Ah, what are you doing?..." I asked.

Her hands grabbed my face and she threw herself down on the bed, dragging me along with her.

Until I was on top of her.

"Fufu. It's fine you know, to forget about the outside... Just pretend we two are the only ones left in this world❤." She said with glazed eyes and flushed cheeks.

Sera knelt and slipped my crimson blazer off. Until it fell into the bed. I was down to my green pants, shirt, and tie at this point.

Sera's slim hands embraced my cheeks with fierce strength.

"Hey? This place of mine... it already became like this you know❤... you cannot hold back anymore right❤?" Sera's sweet whisper tickled my ear.

Can't hold back? Now that's just false information.

I'm pretty sure if you lock me up with 10 of the world's lustiest sluts, I could make them emerge back as devoid Buddhists while I remain a virgin.

So the question isn't if I can hold back? It's..... will I?

Sera embraced me and shoved my face towards her large breasts.

Even though her swimsuit was blocking me from the real thing, I could feel enough softness. Sera's body temperature was warm and I could even hear the rhythmic vibrations of her heartbeat quickening.

Normally, she doesn't want her breasts to be touched, in that case...

I circled my hand on Sera's body and turned our bodies over in reverse. Until she was on top of me, sitting on my stomach, dangerously close to my crotch.

I slid my fingers on the Sera's back, tracing the firm muscles built through years of swimming.

And then I did a pro-gamer move...

I grabbed her round butt.


Sera leaned back and her long pink hair which was tried in a ponytail spread open.

My left and right hands were each gently holding her left and right hills.

Regardless of how softly I was holding her, my fingers were sinking without end into those cheeks.

My fingers were rubbing those two hills resting on my hands while drawing a circle, kneading them.

"H-hey❤...Sto-stop that❤❤!"

She shook her head like she was trying to escape from the pleasure assaulting her body.

As if to give her one of those mortal Kombat finisher moves, I put more strength to my fingers and grasped Sera's butt even tighter, enough to leave temporary red marks.



Sera raised a coquettish voice and bent her back like a bow.

While Sera was still on top of me, breathing hard, I reached out for my phone to check the time.

"I think this is enough club activity for one day, right?"

"Sheesh❤... it's over already?"

Sera looked down at me with a pouty face.

"Well, you know how Fukka can be when I don't show up in time."

She scowled as if her mood was worsening.

"Sheesh, something like that doesn't matter right-?"

She buried her face on my chest and hugged me tight as if trying to trap me in her embrace.

"Uh, you OK?" I asked with a hint of concern.

Doing......certain activities like this tend to bring too much blood to the brain, so it's really not uncommon for someone to faint or blackout when they overdo it.

Sera put her hand on my chest, using it as support to raise her body.

Guess she's fine.

"Anyway, see you tomorrow." I tried getting up, 'tried' being the keyword because Sera had different plans.

She put her body weight and straddled my abdomen until she was practically grinding against me. Her smile bewitching.

"But Ayanokouji, this place, you still haven't touched them yet❤."

She let out a sweet voice and gestured by lifting up her own breasts.

Sera's body was slender but filled in all the right places, so it was rather difficult not to be conscious of her.

As if inviting me, she moved her hands getting out from her swimsuits shoulder straps, until her breasts popped out. Those pink tits immediately caught my eye.

The shape of the two melons altered elastically when she grabbed them, like she was presenting them to me.

Sera leaned forward and her long pink hair touched my face.

"Here, Ayanokouji❤..."

As if being charmed by her voice, my hand started reaching for those big boobs------

*record scratch*

*freeze frame*


Yup, that's me.

You're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation.

Well it all started one week ago