A gyaru's prey


''Is it just me or has Karuizawa been looking at you the whole day?'' Horikita asked me out of nowhere.

''Can't say I blame her, if I were a girl I would check me out too.'' I humored her.

Though Horikita is right, Karuizawa has been taking sneak peeks at me all day....Wonder what she wants? Every time our eyes would meet, she would look away in a panic.

Cute....but annoying.

''Did you blackmail her or something?''

Why are you making such a creeped-out face Horikita? You're making it sound like I did something criminal. How low does this girl think of me?

''Listen don't tell anyone I told you this...'' I leaned towards her until we were at a whisper distance.

I was expecting her to pull out her compass or maybe her signature karate chop, but she surprisingly didn't seem to mind.

''You know those cologne ads you see on tv, the ones where you get all the girls. Well, I wanted to test them out, you know to see if it's real or not. So maybe it's working?''

''Your nonsense never ceases to amaze me.''

Most of the class was either chatting, on their devices, or even downright sleeping. Almost no one was paying any attention to sensei, who was explaining world history. Horikita on the other hand was diligently taking notes, like a true honors student.

''Though I do wonder why it's only attracting Karuizawa,'' I pondered while rocking my chair.

'' Maybe because she's a Gyaru?''

''Does being a Gyaru make you attracted to Axe body spray?'' I asked with a confused look on my face.

''Who knows? She's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed.''

Well, I do get where Horikita's coming from. The other day when sensei asked her 'what ended in 1896?' Karuizawa's response was '1895'.


Huh....now that I think about it, she's actually really smart.

''...A plausible theory, but I'm having a hard time buying it in her case. I'm sure there's more to her than meets the eye.''

''I don't know. I think I should mention this, but I'm not interested.'' There was a certain annoyance in her voice.

''I'm wasting my breath talking to you.'' I sighed.

''What a coincidence. I was just about to mention how incredibly tedious I find speaking with you.'' She brushed off a strand of hair behind her ear.

Normally this is where you would end a conversation. But normal and Horikita don't work in the same sentence.

Horikita is Tsundere by nature, but a Kuudere at heart. I sometimes feel like she's a sick joke played by God, trying to see what would happen to a person if you mix two different personalities together.

So when Horikita says something like ''I hate talking to you'', nine times outta ten she doesn't really mean it.

''...In the first place, why do you think she's suddenly interested in me...'' I asked after waiting 10 seconds.

''Let's see... did you perhaps do something to gain her affection?'' Horikita continued talking while still taking notes.

''Affection?....what do you think I did?''

''...Uhm... let's see... for example, maybe you rescued Karuizawa when she was surrounded by a gang of hooligans...?''

Sounds very cliche, I'm pretty sure I have seen that event play out in every romance anime. It's like the world ran out of originality.

''Sorry doesn't ring a bell. I also don't have any memories of us being lovers in an alternative life, either.''

''You do stand out from the other boys for your ridiculous stunt on day 1. Maybe she wanted to sort of "try-out" the experience of dating now that she has the chance...?''

''Really? Hmm... Incidentally, Horikita, does that mean you've got an interest in holding hands and going on a date with me as well?''

''Me? Holding hands? On a date? With you?'' Horikita stopped taking notes for the first time and leaned against her seat, staring at me.

''Right. Got any interest?'' I pressed.

''...This is a problem. I'm not sure how to answer that without hurting you...'' Horikita started taking out her compass from her bag in a dramatic manner.

''...Uh... forget I said anything.''

I'd rather not have holes in my hands.

When class ended, Horikita was to first to stand up and leave. She didn't even say goodbye to me, but I'd already grown accustomed to that side of her.

As I started to walk away, I felt a sudden chill on my back; looking back from the corner of my eyes, I saw Karuizawa still watching me, but this time she was joined by Satou and Matsushita. Oh God, they are multiplying!

I shrugged my shoulders and tried to ignore their gazes.

Just as I opened the classroom door and turned to the corner, a certain girl collided with me. Of course, the impact wasn't enough to make her fall down, but it was enough to startle her. She meekly held her nose with both hands.

''Ah, Kushida perfect timing!''

''....Ehh..'' Kushida blinked a couple of times.

Even when confused, she looks cute.

''I need you to do me a favor, think you can handle it?'' I asked the girl in front of me.

''A favor?'' Kushida blinked and tilted her head cutely.

''Oh yeah, it's something only you can do. You see Karuizawa behind me,'' I pointed without looking back. ''Can you find out why she has a sudden interest in me?''

''A sudden ..interest?'' She seemed to ponder for a while. ''Maybe she just has a crush on you?''

According to modern-day statistics, a crush is only supposed to last 3 months, anything more than that is considered obsession. Whether that evolves into love varies from person to person, but I don't think I wanna wait that long.

''A crush?'' I shrugged my shoulders. ''Sounds unlikely.''

''Uhhh...You don't have to be so negative.''Kushida pouted.

''I do think your personalities compliments each other. She's the brazen outspoken kinda girl, while you're the quiet mysterious kinda guy.''Kushida scratched her head while smiling awkwardly.

So Kushida thinks we have good chemistry together, Well...I never really talked to her, so I can't really know if her theory is valid or not.

Karuizawa hasn't really been in my strike zone, simply cause being with her would attract a lot of unnecessary attention. A side-effect that comes from dating someone popular.

''But I have to ask, why are you asking me of all people about this?''

Why huh? Maybe because Kushida seemed easy to talk to. Maybe because over the past 2 weeks she's been fully focused on being friends with everyone? Maybe....because the folks in this class are more likely to reveal their secrets to Kushida. Or maybe because they have complete faith in Kushida.

Or perhaps it's cause I randomly bumped into her.

I paused and looked at her for a couple of seconds

''It's because you are the only one I trust,'' I lied.

Kushida's eyes brightened at those words, brighter than Yamauchi's future.

''Well, when you put it like that, can't really let you down can I?'' She smiled. ''I will call you if I find anything.''

She did one of those army officer salutes before strolling off to a group of girls in front of me.

So she's one of those people pleasers. Now that I think about it, I haven't heard anything negative about Kushida. Except for Horikita, everyone appears to enjoy her company. What an impressive feat all on its own.

She's nice to everyone without exception, and she rejoices when receiving a person's trust for her. Of course, I'm not naive enough to take her at face value. As the saying goes 'never judge a book by its cover'.

But for now, she will serve her purpose.

I was about to depart when I felt a touch on both of my shoulders. When I looked to my right, I saw Ike, and when I looked to my left, I saw Yamauchi.

''Hey, just so you know...''

''We are aiming for Kushida.''

'' So don't get in the way.''


'' Ahem!''


Both of them exclaimed while taking turns.

Ah... I get it. They are trying to get rid of all the competitions so they have a better chance. However, their plan has one fatal flaw. I'm not even interested in Kushida.

Though I don't think they would've been this forceful if it was Hirata or Koenji instead of me. Do I really look like an easy target?

''And you were talking about someone with her. Who was it?'' Yamauchi asked.

''I'm not going to tell you that.'' I casually replied.

''Someone you can't tell me about?'' Yamauchi started getting all up my face. Is he pretending to be one of those low-level street thugs?

''You really wanna know?'' I asked him.

''Oh yeah, tell me all the juicy details.''

''It's your mother. We had an appointment at a hotel tonight.''



''I was keeping quiet out of the goodness of my heart. You dragged it out of me, so don't blame me when your parents get divorced and your happy home is shattered.''

''You watch your mouth...!,'' Yamauchi's face was red, and he looked around until he made eye contact with Ike.

Ike made an O-face like he understood what Yamauchi wanted. He immediately went behind Yamauchi and held onto his shoulders.

'' You're lucky Ike is holding me back, otherwise I would've beat you to a pulp.''


I wasn't sure how I'm supposed to react to this. Wasn't really expecting a circus show. Ike had a face that said ''just play along.''

''Yeah....I'm sure you would be quite the force to be reckoned with.'' My voice filled with sarcasm.

Not wanting to waste any more time here, I started walking away.

''YEAH! You better RUN!'' I heard Yamauchi's voice from behind me echoing through the hallway.

I sighed and casually strolled off without looking back.

I don't wanna deal with a guy whose girlfriend is his right hand.