Bunking class to do it with Senpai Part-2

"Oh, um, can I touch ... directly?"

"I already told you to do whatever you want! Why do you have to check every single time?

''I wouldn't want to do anything that you wouldn't like.''

''.......'' Her ears suddenly turned red as a tomato.

''You gone radio silent, something wrong?''

'' S-S-Shut it! My bra-less tits, do what you want, there I said it! happy? Aah❤!

When someone says something like that, it's no longer tactful to hold back. Gently putting my hands under her uniform I got my first taste of those supreme tits with both hands.

I can't help but be impressed by the incredibly soft feeling like a giant marshmallow on my fingers.


The sweet, numbing voice of the sensitive girl filled the room.

I kept groping her with my hands and looking for the tops of her tits. I let my fingers brush up against those puffy, swollen nipples. Slowing down eventually to do it more tenderly. Gently, but gradually, apply more force to it, rubbing and wrapping her breasts in my hands.

"Mmn❤...Hahh❤, ahhn❤...''

I always tend to see such activities from a logical standpoint.

However, during one of my many conversations with Fuuka, she did mention that I'm supposed to feel, not think. I suppose this is what she meant, to let my instincts take over.

Guess even that woman has her uses.

With delicate fingers, I began touching the rest of Sera's body.

I was sliding my fingertips from her shoulder to her arm while looking at the girl's reaction.

I ascertained other places similarly like that. From her soft shoulders to her side, her waist, and then her thigh, her calf.

''Mnnn❤!Ahn❤..s-stop ahnnn❤!''

Is the body of a girl really this soft? It's so much different than I expected.

Before I realized it, I had already become absorbed in the pleasant feeling of touching Sera's body.

"Aa❤... n, haa❤ Hey calm d-down❤..."

The girl's face from the corner was colored red.

Somehow, the feeling of fondling the body of a beautiful girl earnestly was not bad.


And then I felt her body shake with a jerk, and I could feel her heat in my palms. Catching a glimpse of her through the window I noticed that she was sweetly biting the index finger of her left hand, desperately trying to hold back her voice.

Seeing her having a hard time with her sensitive body made me rather fascinated. So, I went back to groping her breasts with both my hands.

I rolled it around with my fingers, squeezed it, pulled it hard, and played with it a lot.

''Mnnn❤!Ahn, ahnnn❤! Ahn, don't be so rough❤... !''

She was moaning hard, the kind of moaning you only see in porn. She bent her back down, probably to escape my caress. But that only made her butt press more prominently against my lower body. I wonder what face she's making? I can't even see her reflected in the window glass because she's lying face down.

"Stop ❤ No ❤❤ I feel weird ❤❤ Mmh❤"

''Hey Sera, I'd like to see your beautiful face. Show it to me.''


When I ask her to do so, she falls silent. So I resumed caressing her, her body trembled but she endured. She wouldn't budge and seemed determined to not show me her face.

Now that I think about it, she accepted everything I did, except when it came to showing her face.

That made me more interested.

A curious Ayanokouji is a dangerous Ayanokouji.

The only reason I escaped here is to indulge my curiosity about freedom and the many things that come with it. I'm willing to go pretty far until I'm satisfied.

Guess I gotta be more forceful, but I'm sure she'll forgive me--

''Oh, ❤❤❤."

I pulled one of my arms out of her uniform and lifted her chin.

The girl reflected in the window had an entranced expression, she looked completely defenseless and irresistibly lovely, drool spilling from her mouth, and a faint smile on her face.

The very lascivious expression on her face filled my heart with a strange sense of satisfaction. How could I not be content when I could do whatever I wanted with such an exquisite body, even if it's just for now?


"~~~~-!! !?"

Her red face became even redder to the degree as if one could hear a *puff* sound.

"Y-You stupid❤ ... Hyan ❤❤ Gonna p-put tape on your m-mouth❤ Ah❤❤"

A flirtatious sweet voice leaks out of her mouth as I gently fondle her nipples impatiently and then stretch them all at once. Sera raised her upper body. It was like she was still in a dream, her body was wavering unsteadily.

''You know I always wondered if you could make a girl cum just from her nipples?''


Once again my curiosity got the best of me.

The nipples, which had swollen up nicely, had changed a lot since I first touched them. I can see clearly how it has changed. Rather erotic if I'm being honest, so I start putting more attention to it.

"... Ah❤ nnn ❤ hafu, ❤❤ ah, s-stop ❤❤ Why are you s-so g-good, ❤, Ah❤ You're being too r-r-rough❤....''

"You know, you say that, but.. Your body reacts the most when I'm being rough. How peculiar" I answered observingly.

''C-Cum, I-I'm❤ Cumming❤! "Aaahhhh❤! Hmm❤. ... hmm❤❤❤❤"

She ended up in my arms, shaking with a violent seductive voice. In the mirror, I could clearly see her face as she came, mouth agape and drooling from her half-open mouth.

At the moment of climax, her legs, which had been stretched out, hit the flooring with a thud. In the aftermath of her climax, she slumped back against me, her mind not really working.

We were silent for a bit, the only sound was her stabilizing breathing. I was still gently rubbing her tits, while wondering if cereal is a soup?

What? I like multitasking.

"Oh, um, ... ❤I have a favor to ask you before we do anything else❤" Sera cooed with a flushed face.

A female in heat would always say the most outrageous things.

However before I got the chance to hear out her favor, my doorbell rang.

I decided to ignore it since my door was locked, and whoever was outside would leave after not hearing any response. Sadly, my plan was promptly obliterated. Even though the door was locked I heard it being opened.

''Yo Ayanokouji! Where you at?''

Wait...I know that voice.

It was Fuuka's!

Sera jumped off me with a blush and started to button up her shirt in a scurry.

Well....there goes my chance to get rid of my virginity. And I was so close too!


''I was waiting for you in that cafe for 2 hours! Do you know how damn boring it was? I even brought the ice cream back! It's probably melted now tho. Meh... let's eat together!''

Fuuka entered my room and came to a halt when she saw Sera sitting straight from a little distance from me. The red Sera was fidgeting in her seat, clearly embarrassed. Fuuka's gaze was drawn to the pink bra that remained in the middle of the bed. Sera must have forgotten to put it on in a rush.

The room was dauntingly silent.

Fuuka gazed at my annoyed face then at the bra then at Sera, before bringing her attention back to me. Thoughts were being formulated on her mind till she reached the correct conclusion.

''Ayanokouji were you hanging out with her instead of me?''

''Yup,'' I answered without hesitation.

''So let me get this straight, you rather bang a chick than spent time with me, your self-proclaimed best friend.''



Fuuka's eyes were hidden behind her bangs, and she seemed to be trembling. I briefly wondered whether it was from rage or sorrow. Maybe today is the day I can get rid of her. However, my hopes were shattered when her smile grew, bigger than ever.

She was... trembling from happiness?

''C'ome here You!! I raised you so well!!'' Fuuka opened her arms to hug me with a bright smile planted on her face. I had to use my feet to stop her from reaching me. '' God, I feel so proud of you. That was a test! Hoes before Bros.''

''Isn't it the other way around?''

'' Only if the girl is ugly.''


" Since this is your first time, I forgive you. But never forget... No matter what you do... It's not legendary, unless your friends are there to see it."


''So make sure to give me a heads up next time! I will bring the camera.''


Don't tell me she gets a kick out of seeing lewd stuff happening in front of her?