Sleeping with Fuuka Part-1

[Kiyotaka POV]

My sweet dreams were broken by the pressure I felt on my lower body.

"Well~Well~Well~ Look whose finally awake."

A sultry voice called out to me. When I lowered my gaze, on top of my blanket --- a certain senpai was mounting me around my hips with me pinched between her plump thighs. She had placed both her hands on my chest and had a sly grin on her face.

Fuuka Senpai.

She looked down at me with a concentrated gaze. Why do I feel like she's been watching me sleep all night?


"....Morning," I replied, not even a bit surprised.

Fuuka pretty much comes and goes from my apartment as she pleases, she might as well kick me out and start living here at this point.

"Sooo... What are you doing?"

"What you ask, waking you up of course. I thought boys like being woken up like this?''

I'm dealing with a certain phenomenon known as morning wood, and worst of all, all of Fuuka's body weight is currently pressing down on it. The way she was sitting on my hips was just like the cow-girl position.

How annoying.

Furthermore, spring is almost over. Summer is right around the corner. The season when a girl's clothes receive the most exposure of the year. In a nutshell, she's dressed casually. Fuuka was dressed in a camisole-style brassiere top and hot leggings this morning. Her bare thighs dazzled in my eyes and the sensation of her mounting me.... regretfully felt good.

And much to my disappointment, my eyes were inadvertently attracted to some other spot.

Her breasts.

Fuuka's breasts were rather voluminous. Her corpulent swellings stretched out the highly elastic brassiere top all the way. The cleavage, where multiple of my fingers could fit, was something not to be underestimated either.

"Hey, you wanna get up, or do you want to stay like this?" Fuuka smiled seductively.

I pushed Fuuka to the side before getting off.

However before I got get off my bed, Fuuka grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled me towards her. Until she was lying down while I was on top of her.

''Kyaaa.. Ayanokouji you pervert.'' Fuuka faked a voice of complaint, despite the fact that she's the perpetrator.

Our faces were near to one other at a distance where our breath could be felt.

It was so close that I hesitated to speak. The sweet aroma of my senpai entered my nose. The moment I had collapsed, both straps of Fuuka's brassiere top slipped down her arms and her big breasts were about to spill out. It had slipped down so much that the tip was nearly visible.

Furthermore, one of my knees was wedged between her enticing thighs that protruded from her hot short jeans, and if I moved even one inch, I would unintentionally touch a spot I wasn't allowed to touch.

And in a silence of a few seconds, which felt like an eternity, I stayed still, still processing what just happened.

''Quite energetic today, aren't you,'' Fuuka whispered.

I sighed before calmly getting off her. Fuuka who was still lying on the bed took a more comfortable posture.

''Just you wait Ayanokouji. I will make you crack. Soon. Very soon.''

I ignored her words and got ready for school.


Chabishira sensei was explaining Quantum physics on the black board, but my undivided attention was on Horikita, or rather her breasts. Her breasts were average-sized, but it was perky and the ideal shape.

I'm not perving out, I'm just window shopping. Fuuka said she wanted a club member who has small boobs she's self-conscious about. Horikita does seem like the self-conscious type, sadly everything else doesn't match the criteria.

Perhaps noticing my gaze Horikita showed me a displeased expression.

''Your thoughts are clear as day,'' she glared.

''Hey Horikita what's your bra size?'' I asked just to be sure. There is a chance she's so self-conscious of her boobs that she's wearing breast pads to make it seem bigger.

Don't worry I don't judge.

Horikita stared at me with a blank expression. Whatever she expected me to say, this wasn't it. It was as if 'Horikita.exe' stopped working, and was waiting to reboot.

''Are you sure you want me to answer that.'' She took out her compass from her purse with a trembling hand and pointed it at me as if she was ready to slit my throat.

''On second thought, it's probably not worth it.''

''A wise decision.'' She calmly puts the compass back in her purse, like she was sheathing a sword.

Guess Horikita is off the list, Kushida is an obvious no-no. That leaves Karuizawa's group. Maybe I will ask them tomorrow.


Just as I opened the front door of my dorm I found a certain white-haired senpai sitting in a seiza sitting position, with her back straight and her legs crossed. I'm not even surprised she got in even though my door was originally locked.

''How do you always get here before me?'' I asked my intruder.

''Arent you the one who arrives early? Don't you have any friends in your class you can hang out with?''

''I'm not really an outgoing type of person.''

"Little about you suggests a lack of social skill. I mean a beautiful girl is in front of you, and you never seemed nervous nor stuttered," Fuuka conceded. "You're not shy, but you are an introvert."

"Why are you in my house again," I said warily.

"My house, your house. What's the difference?" Her flirtatious tone made me sigh.

''Can I ask you something?''

''Who me? Go ahead'' She smiled smugly.

''Why the heck are you naked?''

Well, naked is the wrong term. She wrapped herself in a long red ribbon, while strategically making sure it covers all her alluring parts. She looks like a present for me to open.

I didn't know what to say. So I just stared. Her eyes danced with amusement. Her voice alone was entrancing, and just standing there talking with her gave me the stiffest hard-on of my life—and I wasn't even looking below her smug face.

Wait a minute... Why am I getting a boner?

I have seen this woman topless before, her pink nipples in full display, and this hasn't happened.

What's different now? Is it what she's wearing? If you compare a completely nude woman to a woman in a tight swimsuit, the one clothed will have a higher sex appeal.

The idea that imagination makes things more appealing lends some credibility to that notion. Having it covered up makes the male mind ponder and conjure up images of what it might look like. Seeing it directly eliminates any guesswork, and while it may be arousing, the mind does not continue trying to create a visual.

Totally normal. The tease is often more alluring than the reveal.

A magic trick loses some of its flairs once you know the truth. Like foreplay is to sex.

A kind of horny curiosity. Dick-uriosity.

Perhaps to break the silence, Fuuka started speaking-

"How may I serve you, master? Pfft..haha I'm sorry, I always wanted to try saying that." she purred.


It's a fetish... isn't it? Cause I just felt my dick throb the moment she called me master. However, it's nothing to worry about. Everyone has different fetishes.

Mine just happens to be half-naked girls delivered to me wrapped like Christmas presents, while they call me master.


I think I need therapy.