Late night Blowjob

[Kiyotaka POV]

Since it was getting pretty late I told Fuuka to go home.

She nodded and I noticed that Fuuka was watching me with doe eyes. There was a strange tension in the air as the two of us walked past rows of doors until we arrived in front of the entrance door. I unlocked it, and then let Fuuka walk outside.

"Well, bye," I said. "Hopefully I don't meet you tommor-"

"Mmn❤, mwah❤... *slurp*... Mmmm❤!"

Fuuka was on me before I could say another word. Her lips pressed tightly against mine, and she mashed her body and breasts into my chest as though I was her long-lost lover. I was surprised, but I found my cock caught up to the situation much more quickly than my mind.

She managed to kick the door shut before Fuuka began kissing my neck and rubbing her arms up my back. I could smell her perfume, and her natural pheromones, and something about the combination was absolutely intoxicating.

"Mmn❤,mwah❤! *slurp* *lick*! Mmn❤...''

The two of us fell back onto my room bed in a tangle. Fuuka kicked off her shoes and pulled my shirt up and over my head. I ran my hands across her back, feeling for the clasp of her bra, and enjoying the sensation of her soft warm body pressed against mine.

"I think you deserve a reward," whispered Fuuka "And I'm your reward❤, Ayanokouji."

She pulled the tank top she was wearing up and over her head, and then unhooked the clasp that I'd been fumbling with. Her breasts were nicely sized, with delicious-looking pink nipples dotting the centers.

I leaned forward and kissed her, and felt Fuuka's lips kiss me back with aggressive eagerness. She leaned back on the bed and wiggled out of her jeans, a sight that was admittedly incredibly erotic for me to watch. I pulled my own jeans off, feeling my cock throb in anticipation of what was to come, and then pushed forward onto her.

"Ayanokouji, fuck me!" cried Fuuka. "Do it, fuck me!"

I always imagined my first time would be with a girl who's refined but noble, you know the type that says 'please be gentle' with moist eyes before I put it in, but Fuuka was acting like a possessed woman, horny and hungry for cock. I pulled off my boxers and immediately felt one of her hands wrap around my shaft, sending a hot wave of pleasure through my crotch.

"Jeez calm down. Did you catch the mad cow disease or something," I complained.

Fuuka didn't seem like she was listening. She had a fierce, enflamed look in her eyes, one that was more captivating than the moon outside. Fuuka licked her lips, and then pushed me down on the bed, bringing her mouth down to my member in a teasingly slow movement.

She pushed her tongue out and gently licked the head of my cock, smiling at my reaction. Begrudgingly I have to admit it did feel amazing, beyond anything that I had known before. My sexual experience was limited, so scratch that, it is pretty much nonexistent.

It felt like the doors to a new, enticing world had been thrown open by the tender touch of Fuuka's tongue.

"Do you like that, Ayanokouji❤?" whispered Fuuka. "This is what a loyal club member like you deserves..."

"Meh... I guess" I shrugged my shoulders as Fuuka leaned forward and brought my cock into her mouth. Her lips were big and perfectly suited for the task, and wrapped around my hard member as though they were stitched with elastic.

Fuuka bobbed her mouth up and down on my cock, letting more of me into her with each pass. My hand instinctively reached for the back of her head, but she swatted it away playfully. She was in complete control of me, or at least that's what she wants it to look like.

But something about it made the sensation even more intense and overwhelming, so I just let it happen.

"I can't believe I'm actually letting you do this." I sighed.

I tapped the girl lightly on the shoulder. I wanted to give her a heads up, or some kind of warning. I wasn't used to the amount of pleasure she was giving me, and I felt his body being driven towards a premature climax. Focusing on my breathing could only take me so far when my cock was inside a warmer, wetter, more heavenly place than it had ever been before.

Fuuka pulled her mouth off my cock, a string of saliva connecting them, and jerked me off for a moment. She looked up at me and smiled devilishly.

"Does this feel good, Ayanokouji?"

I nodded, feeling my heartbeat and my cock throb with eager, erotic horniness.

"Do you want me... to make you cum?"

I paused and stared at the ceiling, deep in thought. Am I really gonna let Fuuka be my first? I can think of at least 100 girls better than Fuuka.

''Seriously you gotta think on that? Bro, I got your dick in my hands!''

''Ah...screw it. Do whatever you want.''

I agreed and watched as the attractive girl brought her lips to the head of his cock and gave it a passionate kiss. Her lips were so soft, and as she began to lick and suck and pleasure me, I felt my body crossing over the line.

She pulled back right as I began to cum, taking the better portion of my load onto her cheeks and face, as if I was marking her. I felt himself melting back into the room bed, oblivious to anything other than the intense release that I'd just been given.

"You must be new at this," said Fuuka, smiling. "I wish I could do more than this. But I'm sleepy right now."

I looked at her, and saw that she meant what she was saying. I slowly began to pull my clothes back on.

''So, how was it?'' Fuuka asked with a teasing smile.

"Better than I expected. But not something I would be doing again."

She smiled at me, and something about the look in her eyes made me uncomfortable.

I noticed Fuuka making herself comfortable next to me. Pulling the blanket over her like she is about to sleep.

''What?'' Perhaps noticing my gaze she asked, before turning off the lights. ''Don't tell me you still want to kick me out after all that.''

''No, you can stay. But only for today.'' I answered calmly.

I couldn't see Fuuka's face due to the lack of light, but imagine she's smiling in a smug manner. By the time I woke up the next morning, Fuuka was gone from my bed.