Stuck in locker room with senpai

"Ah Finally〜!" "

"The first time on the pool is really the worst〜"

''The boys were being such perverts too〜"

Various voices are heard from across the entrance of the locker room.

"W-Wha—" Seems that was enough to wake Sera up from her drunken lust state.

The chime signaling the end of the swimming lesson didn't ring. Why are the girls returning so early, even though there are just 10 minutes left?

Ah... I see.

It seems I've been naive and forgot about basic common sense. Under typical circumstances, changing clothes in a swimming class takes much longer than in a conventional PE class. It's all more natural if it's a girl. If that's the case, it's no wonder the class got dismissed ahead of time.

Well, Sera getting caught isn't an issue since she's a girl in the girl's locker room. Nothing out of the ordinary. Me, on the other hand.....

I scanned the room until I found the air vents, big enough for my body. Guess I'm going with tha---

"—Ayanokouji, quick hide!"

Sera pulled my unwilling hand with force towards the lockers.

"Hey, Hey! You, what are you..."

Rather than answering, Sera took out a hair clip and bent it enough to produce a makeshift key before selecting and lockpicking a random locker.

I would've been impressed if I wasn't in a position where I'm about to be permanently labeled as a pervert.

Sera's hand abruptly forced me into the random locker as a hiding place. It is a narrow dark space—

"Damn that was fucking close〜 wasn't it Ayanokouji." Sera breathed a sigh of relief.

The moment Sera said that, the girls who had completed their swimming lessons filed into the locker room one by one. The sound of steel doors opening quickly echoed around the room.

Guess escaping through the air vents is out of the question now. And here I thought I was gonna pull off some cool stunts like the ones in mission impossible.

"Throwing me in a place like this all of a sudden. What were you thinking?"

"Hey! A simple thank you would be nice. You are welcome BTW! However, on the bright side of things we are able to stick close to each other right, Ay-ano-kou-ji?〜"

The locker was kinda small enough to make anyone claustrophobic so it's no surprise that her body is pressing against mine.

"You do realize you basically trapped us right. What do you think the owner of this locker is gonna find when she opens it?"

Taken aback by what she had heard, a large amount of sweat dropped from the face of Sera.

"What are we going to do now, Ayanokouji? We are fucked!?"

"Relax... Because I'm more fucked than you are."

"SHIT!! In that case screw the world! Let's finish what we started!''

"You, What do you think you're doing! Oi!? Why are you taking my clothes off for?!"

" If I'm going to die, then I might as well die with a smile on my face. It's your fucking fault for making me feel this way❤. Just being this close to you makes my body mush❤ I can't stop myself anymore❤"

Having being said that, Sera skillfully took off my gym Tshirt in this minuscule space,

"Hey... you are making things worse!"

I persuaded her to no avail. Sera looked up at me with hearts in her eyes.

"Ara Ara... Just let senpai take care of the rest❤"

And just like that, her smooth slender hand entered my tracksuit's trousers.

In the girl's locker room-

"Hey Haruka, why didn't you join us for a swim today?"

"Ah,... I wasn't feeling well"

When asked by Kushida, Haruka responded rather ambiguously in a spur of a moment,

"Or maybe— you have trouble wearing your swimsuit because of your enormous breasts, need help?"

Kushida teased in such a manner. With fingers on both of her hands performing a groping motion, Haruka desperately thought for an excuse.

"No... Nothing like that, I just don't like to swim. That's all."

Haruka overheard the boys talking this morning about a bet to see who had the biggest breasts. Not wanting to be seen as an object of desire for the boys, she skipped the swimming class entirely.

She was still wearing her school uniform. The only reason she's here now is cause she left her hairpin in her locker.

I actually do like swimming, if only the boys would stop being so immature about it— as those feelings swirled inside her heart-

Haruka opened the door of her locker, and all of her thoughts and actions came to a halt. Inside the locker, her face turned pale, as she found her classmate Ayanokouji dressed shirtless in his PE uniform.



With a sudden incident that came out of the blue, an awkward silence drifted between Ayanokouji and Haruka. —furthermore, it was a situation not possible to overlook.

There was a beautiful pink-haired girl wrapping her body around him, kissing his neck. Looking more carefully, there were hickeys all over Ayanokouji's neck. The girl has clearly been at it for a while.

Ayanokouji doesn't seem to be bothered by the girl, as he gazed at Haruka with a face that betrays no emotion.

The pink-haired girl stopped what she was doing and looked at Haruka, a string of saliva connecting her lips to his collarbones.

Haruka stared at the amazing sight with a blank expression.

She blinked a couple of times before slowly closing the locker door and opening it again. However much to her dismay, the sight didn't disappear.

Just like the Chronicles of Narnia's, she thought her locker opened a rift to an alternative dimension. A pervert dimension... which had Ayanokouji in it for some reason.

Haruka reached out her hand and pocked Ayanokouji's cheeks, wondering if he was real or not.

"YO, what's up, Haruka?" Ayanokouji greeted the girl with a very chill voice and a perfect poker face.


Jumped up in surprise because of the sudden sight, the locker door was slammed hard at the speed of light.

And she dashed away from the girl's locker room as if her life depended on it. Her cheeks were cherry red and there were spirals in her eyes.

''Whoa... What's wrong with Haruka?'' Kushida asked with a voice of concern.

Kushida has already taken off her swimsuit and finished her preparations to go to the shower. Next to Kushida was Mei-yu.

''M-Maybe she saw a c-cockroach.'' Mei-yu said with a shaky voice like she spoke lord Voldemort's name.

All the girls instinctively backed away from Haruka's locker. Needless to say, Meu-yu's comment further saved Ayanokouji from being discovered.

''Ah yes. Even I don't like pests, you're the same too, right Horikita?'' Kushida asked with a gentle smile.

''Indeed, I despise them. Just like the pest that's trying to talk to me,'' Horikita replied without hesitation.

''S-Sorry I couldn't catch the last part?''

''Nothing, pay no heed to my words.'' Horikita coolly took her uniform and headed to the girl's bathroom to change her clothes.


After ten minutes or so, the locker room was empty. Haruka's locker instantly opened and out came Sera and Ayanokouji. They were stricken with sweat, the inside of this locker might as well have been hotter than the latest oven.

They already lost their mood to do anything lewd, after almost getting caught.

''You should go first.'' Ayanokouji gave Sera a pat on the head.


However as she was leaving, she came to a halt and turned around.

"—Hmmmm. We are still gonna continue.... this.. later, right?"

Seraphine Rose said with her arms crossed under her ample bosom. Exposing her bare legs and her natural and perfect shoulders— her outfit was still a swimsuit and haven't changed yet.

'' Of course, that goes without saying.''

Ayanokouji doesn't know when it's going to happen, but he was definitely looking forward for it