Doing lewd things to swimsuit-wearing Senpai

[Ayanokouji POV]

Today was the first day of our swimming class. The lads were optimistic, perhaps because they get to see the girls in their swimwear. I decided to go to the nearest vending machine to grab something to drink because it takes a while for the girls to change.

The closest vending machine was located away from the swimming pool. Though the long walk was annoying, I was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar face over there.

''Ah, Sera, fancy meeting you here.''

Didn't think I would run into the beautiful pink-haired tsundere senpai here.

''Oh hi,'' She stared at my school-issued tracksuit. "Let me guess.. swimming class?"

"Yup.'' I glanced at her large boobs pressing against her uniform. Her pink hair was tied in a ponytail.

"Ayanokouji you're staring at my boobs...."

''In my defense, they were staring at me first.''


She rolls her eyes, turning a blind eye to my raging adolescent hormones.

I let her use the vending machine first, while I waited. She picked an unusual flavor 'Sakura flavored Pepsi. Opening the can with a swift motion, she took a long sip.

''You wanna have a taste?'' Perhaps noticing me looking at her drink she asked.

''Don't mind if I do.''

'' Okay, just make sure that your lips doesn't touch the can! And I'm not saying it cause I'm afraid of an indirect kiss or anything like that, got it! ''

I grabbed her wrists and pressed them against the vending machine behind her.

"Hey! What are you... Mmngh❤, mwah❤"

And with her arms somewhat raised over her head, I took both her lips between mine.

We felt each other's breaths as we kissed.

Sera's sweet scent graces my senses as her soft lips touch my own. She did give me permission to have a taste so I'm honoring that agreement.

And she did very much taste like sakura flavored Pepsi.

Then my tongue tangled with and tugged on her pink tongue. Even though she resisted at first, Sera began intertwining her own tongue against mine.

The stark contrast between her strict character and the soft touch of her lips is strangely arousing.

"Mwah❤... Mmmmngh❤, mlln❤..."

(Hey! What the hell does he think he's doing sticking his tongue in my mouth❤!? Stop it, you wretch!)

Her breasts are rubbing against me while she's kissing me... so I grabbed ahold of them and softly caressed them.

"Aaahn❤... No... groping... Yaaahn❤, haaahn❤... Hah❤, hah❤, nnh❤..."

With her body pressed lightly against mine, I fondle her breasts and kiss her tongue as it enters my mouth. After a while, she pulls her lips apart from mine as she attempts to stop herself from continuing.

"Haaah❤, haaah❤... E-Enough, Ayanokouji! We can't be doing this in public..."

''You mean it's fine if it's in private.''

"Nnngh... I-I didn't mean it like that..."

Her face blushing, Sera takes a quick glance at my obvious tent pressing against her stomach before gulping.

Taking it as a sign I grabbed her hands and made her follow me.

Hanging out with Sera made me realize something peculiar about her.

''YOU FIEND!! You Horny Bastard! Pervert! PERVERT! unhand me right now!'' Sera shrieked.

That's right... Kissing and groping her out of the blue doesn't bother her much, but the second I hold her hand she freaks out like a cat exposed to cold water. Hand-holding is her kryptonite.

After a few more seconds of verbal abuse from Sera, she calms down. Her face was cherry red, and visible steam came out of her head.

With her fingers intertwined with mine I led her to my next destination.


I was currently sitting on a metal bench in the girl's locker room. Why the girl's locker room, you may ask? I mean I wouldn't wanna do anything lewd in a room that smells like men's sweat. Plus it's currently empty.

There was another reason I picked this area. It's because I noticed a lot of hidden cameras in this school. Of course, I already scouted out the blindspots and safe zones. One of such zones is the locker room. Putting cameras here would be a breach of privacy, so there is nothing to worry about.

I'm basically skipping my swimming class right about now, I briefly wondered who won the boob size bet the guys made this morning. This continued until a figure showed up and closed the door, I had been waiting a while for her.

''You have some weird fetishes, you know that right?'' Sera showed up embarrassed covering her breasts with her hands, showing off her one-piece swimsuit. I told her I wanted to do it while she was in one. Though I didn't actually think she would listen to my request.

"Perhaps? But let's start from where we left off.''

"We are, starting over again right? It's embarrassing but... if it's you, I..."

My fingers scooped up her pink hair. It was soft like silk, a really pleasant sensation to the touch.

"...Take, responsibility okay❤?" Sera looked up at me with reproachful eyes.

I faltered a little. Hearing a girl say those legendary words really awakens something in a man. In fact, I almost spit out three legendary words of mine.

Spread you--... NO! it's still not time yet.

"Roger." My hand caressed Sera's body.

Gently, and affectionately. From the top until the bottom, I relished in it as if making my hand remember the shape of Sera's body.

"Haa❤... aa... Hyan❤!" Heated breath spilled out from Sera's wet lips.

I caressed her side from the bottom of her waist. Sera knitted her eyebrows and raised a soundless voice from her mouth.

Her well-trained abs were squeezed firmly, a faint vertical line following her navel was coming to the surface. My finger was sliding tracing that line.

A lovely voice from Sera was raised.

"Do, doing that, with, my body is... ha❤, ahn❤-"

When I lowered my hand to her abdomen, my movement stopped suddenly. My gaze was absorbed into the two large swelling breasts which were rising and falling from her heavy breaths.

My gaze moved from the breasts to Sera's face.

Her face was staring at me as if in befuddlement. And then, inside those eyes, it must be my imagination but there seemed to be miniature hearts in them.

With a quick motion, I grabbed her left breast over the swimsuit, it was as if I was confirming the shape of her breasts with a weak loving caress.

"Aa❤... uu❤..."

Sera knitted her eyebrows as if enduring something.

"How does it feel?"

I asked that question completely expecting a tsundere response from her, however-

Sera faced me with unfocused eyes, then she smiled shyly.

"It, feels... good❤❤❤."

――How cute.

Putting strength into my hand, I grasped Sera's breast.


Sera's waist collapsed and she flopped down on the floor. I stretched my hands before also sitting down on the floor together with her, in order to embrace her body.

With her body tightly pressed against mine, I could feel her heartbeat through my chest.

The radiance inside Sera's eyes was increasing. Perhaps due to sweat her skin's tone and gloss looked all the more striking.

However, Sera's state was strange.

Her eyes that tended to look downcast shined bewitchingly, she sent me an inviting gaze.

"Ayanokouji❤... I want more❤... you too, you feel that this is still not enough right❤?"

"That's not something the Sera I know would say, you oka---!"

Sera leaped at my neck. She pushed and held me down, Sera was now above me.

"Hey, Ayanokouji❤... I, feel that my body is hot❤... can you quickly take responsibility❤?"

She whispered to me teasingly, with a tone that was like bullying me. Those eyes were turning moist bewitchingly.

Okay... she's definitely horny, granted it's probably my fault.

Her symptoms were similar to the time she had that aphrodisiac tea. In addition to this intoxicated state, the way she's being forceful in an exceedingly heightened sexual desire, I can't help but be reminded of Fuuka.

Sera suddenly punched the floor really hard next to my face.

I looked up at her, confused.

"Even though you are doing lewd things with me... you are thinking about other women?" She glared at me.

Killing intent welled up inside Sera's eyes.

How does she know Fuuka came to mind? this must be the case of women's intuition.

Now, this is fascinating. I never expected Sera to have this side to her. Well, I can think about it later. Right now my priority is to diffuse the situation.

"Don't be ridiculous, Sera. Right now I only have eyes for you."

Sera was staring at me fixedly with doubtful eyes, but her looks became lewd once more and she embraced me.

"If that's true then, show me your proof, quickly❤."

She crawled her lips on the nape of my neck.

Her heated breath and her wet and soft tongue were slowly crawling from my earlobe until my collarbone slowly.

It was something I had never experienced before, a ticklish sensation.

I just shrugged my shoulders and went along with it.

I embraced Sera tightly again, my hands getting close to her plump butt. The shape of Sera's breast greatly warped, pushing back at my chest.

Sera also circled her hands-on my back, caressing around as if to confirm the shape of my backbone and shoulder blade.

Sera pressed her lower body on me and entwined her legs. Her desire of wanting to be glued to me for even a little bit more was expressed through her body. I didn't stop softly caressing her butt.

I wanted to touch her face and reached out my right hand. But--

"What are you doing?"

Sera tilted her head welcomed my fingers with her mouth. She put my index and middle fingers into her mouth and licked them around.

A wet licking sound was produced and a strange lewdness filled the air.

In a daze, Sera attentively sucked at the fingers. It was as if she was trying to squeeze out something. The act gave me flashbacks to the night Fuuka sucked me off.

As Sera was sucking my fingers, her breasts were shaking in jiggles. With my left hand, I began to rub those breasts.

"Hyann❤, geez Ayanokouji... You really know how to touch me.. haa❤."

I caressed her soft boobs slowly, however this time I did it with more strength than before.

"Fuu❤, an❤, it feels good❤... Ayanokouji, aaaan❤"

While enjoying the smooth feel of Sera's bare skin and swimsuit, I played with her breasts with both my hands by circling both my hands.

However, curiosity got the better of me again. I wanted to feel Sera's skin directly with my whole palm. Such desire filled my head.

Unable to wait any longer, I shoved my fingers inside through the cleavage gap between her skin and the swimsuit.

"Aah❤, Ayanokouji❤..."

This was the second time I had ever touched a bare breast. Touching it directly does heighten the excitement, how curious. I could feel the throbbing of her rapidly beating heart.

The silky smooth skin under the swimsuit was slightly sweating, I felt a moist feeling on my palm. During that, I felt something that was protruding out from the tip of her breast which felt harder than the surroundings. Her tits.

My fingers tightly pinched her tits.


Sera raised her voice as if she was overcome with emotion. She bent her body with her body trembling from being struck with pleasure.

I reflexively pulled out my hand from the intenseness of her reaction.

However, as if demanding for that pleasure, Sera embraced my face.

My face was buried between the valley of Sera's breasts. The breasts were soft, its shape freely changed, clinging closely to my face. Sera's sweat smelled somewhat sweet.

"Haa❤, haaan❤... do, don'tt... a, aa❤"

Before I could do anything else, I heard voices coming from the entry door-


"Ah Finally〜!" "

"The first time on the pool is really the worst〜"

''The boys were being such perverts too〜"

Various voices are heard from across the entrance of the locker room.

Uh oh....