SS Collection: Kiyotaka / Kei / Haruka / Fuuka

[The following are a bunch of SS that took place during the events of Polygamy route, but weren't mentioned in the main story]


[A Butt hurt Explanation]

[In Chapter 13, Ayanokouji scared away Ike and Yamauchi with a death glare, to stop them from hitting on Sera senpai. The following events occur the very next day, during which he explains to them why he is not a threat in order to avoid potential complications in the future]

[Kiyotaka POV]

''Hey, Ike, Yamauchi, we need to have a chat.''

''S-sure! of course...''

''Anything you say Ayanokouji-sama!''


''Uh, why are you guys hiding behind Sudo?''

Both Ike and Yamauchi hid behind Sudo, only peaking at me. Guess my death glare had a bigger impact on them than I anticipated. They looked at Sudo like he was their bodyguard or something, protecting them from me.

I gave Sudo a questionable look, but he just shrugged his shoulders in confusion. He himself didn't seem to know why they were acting like a bunch of pussies.

Well, time to tell them the perfect lie I came up with. It's gonna be at the expense of my dignity, however, it's a small price to pay for eternal peace.

''Well... I guess I won't beat around the bush then. Remember how I uh... deterred you guys away from that pink-haired senpai?''

''D-Deterred us?''

''Dude you looked like you were ready to skin us alive and send our body parts over the pacific!''

Sudu crossed his arms and had a confused look on his face, no doubt wondering how someone like me could possibly scare them.

''You see, I did it to protect you guys, you are my... uh bros... after all,'' I tried to sound as convincing as possible.

''Protect us?''

''Uh... from what exactly?''

Curiosity filled their heads. They both finally looked like they wanna hear me out.

''That pink-haired senpai was no ordinary senpai. She is a part of a secret all-girls club, their mission is to find innocent under-classmate boys to dominate. Sexually I mean.''

There was a brief silence before all hell broke loose.

''You idiot! That sounds like paradise. This is a betrayal of the highest degree!'' Ike stopped hiding behind Sudo and grabbed my right collar.

''I thought we were brothers in arms Ayanokouji! What happened to the bro code,'' Yamauchi grabbed my left collar.

Jeez, where did all the fear disappear off to?

''She ties you to a chair, and they have their way at you. Doing all sorts of lewd deeds.'' I explained.

''Holy shit that's hot! '' Ike shouted.

''Being dominated by older girls has always been a long-lost dream of mine!!'' Yamauchi joined in.

''Let me finish. You see...'' I continued talking ''She and her friends strap on 12-inch black dildos before ganging up on you and pegging you. While you just take it, helpless to do anything else.''


Silence filled our conversation. Their excited and betrayed faces changed into perfect poker faces within a split second.

Their gaze slowly went down to my butt, I tried not to seem uncomfortable.

I kept staring at them wondering how long this awkward silence would last.

All of a sudden their eyes watered up, and they burst into tears. It was like they were having a midlife crisis breakdown.

''Ayanokouji! No Ayanokouji-sama. I'm sorry I misjudged you. I thought you were some sort of heartless sociopath born in a secret lab or something.''


''Y-Yeah, you are a true man. A man among man. Sometimes it takes a real man to be best girl, after all.''


They both hugged me like I was their long-lost teddy bear.

I gulped and kept chanting 'no homo' in my mind, pondering how long this hug would last.

''Who k-knows what would've happened to us, if you didn't stop us that day.'' Ike shivered with a pale face.

''I don't even w-wanna think about it,'' Yamauchi covered his eyes while agreeing.

Even Sudo placed a hand on my shoulder, tears dripping down his cheeks as he gave me a sad but proud look.

''I don't know what going on... but I will never forget your sacrifice. I will tell my grandkids of your bravery.'' He muttered.

Please don't.

''We will build you a statue in your honor, it will be labeled- Here lies the man who sacrificed his ass for his bros,'' Ike started wiping his tear-filled face with my shirt sleeves.

It's like he wants to piss me off.

''I will name my first son after you.'' Yamauchi looked up at the ceiling as if daydreaming. ''Kiyotaka Yamauchi.''

God, I wanna throw up.

Were they always this emotional? I noticed the entire class looking at us with judgemental gazes, but I didn't give it a second thought.

Still, I can't help but feel like our bond as friends deepened.

That's a good thing.



[A Stalker's Fiasco]

[Karuizawa spending time with Satou and Matsushita while discussing about Ayanokouji. However, Kei seems to notice something weird, about Matsushita. Took place sometime during the end of first month]

[Kei POV]

''Hey Karuizawa, how's seducing Ayanokouji going?'' Satou asked.

''Ah mou, don't even let me get started. The guy won't even budge to my advances. It's like talking to a brick wall. He has to be gay or something.''

''Mmmm..'' Satou pondered for a moment. ''I guess it's not too late to get a gender swap surgery.''

Da fuck? Is she serious?!

Matsushita our voice of reason spoke up,'' Through my research observation, I can confidently say he's 100% not gay.''

Research observations she says... That's a funny way of saying stalking.

''Oh, that's great!'' Satou clapped at her friends

However, I couldn't help but notice something odd.

''Hey Mats?'' That's like a nickname I call her sometimes, her last name is quite the mouthful after all. ''How often do you see Ayanokouji, exactly?''

Mats slurped on her drink, before letting go of the straw. ''Mmm... Anytime I just happen to see him by accident, nothing special.''

''As expected of Matsushita, you are such a good luck charm.'' Satou nodded.

However, I still wasn't convinced.

''Hey Mats, what's Ayanokouji's favorite food?''

''Judging from what he orders the most, I will have to go with a vanilla latte.''

''OK... When is his birthday?''

''20th October.''

''His favorite color?''

''Anything except white.''

She doesn't even hesitate between answers.

I glanced at Satou, eyeing her to notice the oddity. C'mon woman, open your eyes! Your so-called friend knows more about your crush than you do!!

''OMG!,'' Satou's eyes opened up in shock, as realization crept into her face.

Fucking finally!!

''M-Matshushita y-you...'' Satou's eyes were hidden behind her bangs. A fight between girls can get quite ugly, so it's best to get it over with at this stage. Better now than later. ''You would...''

Satou seemed to struggle with the words, can't say I blame her. Two girls liking the same guy sounds like a recipe for disaster. However no matter the outcome I will make sure to comfort them both. They are my first friends at this school after all.

''You would go this far for little old me!'' Satou gave her a bright smile. ''See Karuizawa, now this is what I call dedication to a friend. Look how hard she's working to keep up to date with a daily dose of Ayanokouji lore!''

''Aw, no need to flatter me, it's the least I could do,'' Mats giggled.


I banged my head on the table. No, I can't stop now! For the sake of my friends, I have to go to the extreme.

''What did Ayanokouji eat this morning?''

''Instant cup ramen. First, he took out the contents from the cup in a glass bowl before filling it will 150 ml of water, and heating it up in the micro oven. He seems to dislike directly eating from the plastic.''


I pointed at Mats while staring at Satou with a crazed look. Look Satou! Look! Do you not see a problem with her behavior?

''Matsushita... You... How could I be so blind,'' Satou looked down at the table, her eyes filled with anger.


''You should've told me earlier that Ayanokouji cant cook,'' Satou pouted at Matsushita like a spoiled brat. ''Poor guy is stuck eating cup noodles. I should make something for him. The fastest way to a guy's heart is through his stomach, after all.''


I started pulling my hair in frustration. Why can't she see the obvious?

''Hey Mats,'' I asked, my eyes filled with determination. ''What did Ayanokouji do after breakfast?''

''Oh that's easy, He finished breakfast at 9:18. After eating his breakfast he went to his sink to clean up the dirty plates exactly at 9:20. He happens to be very orderly. At 9:36 he changed his clothes to a casual ones. Blue jeans and a light blue polo shirt. At 9:40 he walked out of his dorm. At 9:51 he met Sudo on the way and they shared a brief conversation. At 9:56 he got ambushed by a white-haired senpai. At 9:57 she dragged him to a nearby cafe while pressing her boobs on him. At 10:03 they ordered green tea and two sandwiches. I'm sorry but I don't know what happened after 10:04, cause I had to come here to hang out with you girls.'' Mat's told the last line with a hint of disappointment.



My mouth was wide open the entire time. But surely this time, Satou would use common sense. And sure enough, a single tear dripped from her eyes, before more followed.

''M-Matshushita we are no longer friends!''

Geez took you long enough! I wasn't worried about them fighting, I'm sure they will get over it soon.

''Because now, you are my best friend!''


''I wonder if I was a saint in my previous life, to be blessed with a friend like you Matsushita.'' Satou gently wiped her tears away. ''For you to work so hard for my sake. You too Karuizawa. Ah... I truly must be blessed.''

''Aw shucks, no worries. It's not like I'm forcing myself. I like doing it.'' Mats said with a mischievous smile.


Ya know what... screw it!

'sigh' I'm not even gonna bother anymore.


[Haruka's Wild Imaginations]

[Small SS of Haruka fantasizing about Ayanokouji during a bath, after seeing him and Sera making out in her locker]

Haruka closed the door of her bathroom and hastily drew a bath.

No sooner had the steaming waters filled the tub she stepped in, sliding beneath the hot waters with a shivering sigh. She glanced at the sports tracksuit on the bathroom hangers and flushed.

She has to burn that. It keeps reminding her of that.The memory of Ayanokouji intruded itself on her again.

The way that pink-haired girl was kissing his neck, leaving behind hickeys.

She didn't stop her hand as it slid through the waters andbetween her thighs. Her breath hitched as she touched the tender labia of her cunt, her face flushing.

She shouldn't.

She reallyshouldn't.

"Mmmm❤," she breathed softly as her finger teased her pussy open. Her breathing deepened as she recalled the image of that girl pushing her boobs against him. The sound of her hot breaths hitting his neck, through her parted lips.

Haruka let her fingers dip inside her, gasping as the vision changed. The pink-haired girl, now in a bedroom, riding Ayanokouji. His expression was the same as ever, dominant but not even a hint of a blush. The woman screamed her ecstasy as she was taken by the guy's thick manhood.

Her inner walls clutching Ayanokouji's big cock with every bounce. Her moans echoing in the imaginary bedroom, as her tight honeypot was claimed by him. And Ayanokouji, his thick manhood plundering her cunt with every thrust.

More things in her vision changed. The pink-haired girl's face was gone, replaced by Haruka's own face, transfixed with ecstasy, a vision that sent her finger moving with faster, more frantic thoughts.

"Ayanokouji," she moaned. "Yes. Yes! Fuck me. Ayanokouji❤!"

The waters of the bath sloughed against the sides as Haruka jerked her hips against her plunging fingers. Her moans rose louder, her body tightening with a sweet tension of impending orgasm.

"Yes! Yes! F-fuck meeeeee❤❤❤!"She arched, moaning as her orgasm seared her nerves andraced through her in a rush. Soaking in the waters filled by Ayanokouji's imaginary seed, Haruka moaned again as her pussy convulsed with pleasure.

Panting, she drew her finger from her quim and briefly stared at her fingers, now slick with her own love juice.

Her head spun and ached. Wearily, she climbed out of the hot waters.

She pulled the plug, watching the evidence of what she had done go down the drain with a drawn-out slump.

''I really need to get him out of my head.''

She sighed, rubbing her face tiredly. With a plodding stride, she went to bed, asleep as soon as she lay down atop the sheets.


[Fuuka behind the scenes]

[Story of how Fuuka made the club for Ayanokouji]

In the student council room, there were two figures. One was a calm and confident man with glasses, sitting straight on his Chocobo wood chair. The other was a white-haired girl with a mischievous grin, her back leaning against the sofa while her legs were on top of the table like she owned the place.

Manabu already excused Tachibana, so he can have this... private talk with Kiryuin Fuuka. One of his underclassmen. A troublesome individual, if he's being honest.

''So I take it that you wish to start a new club,'' Manabu fixed his glasses in place. ''Again...''

''Yeah, pretty much.'' Fuuka shrugged her shoulders.

''You realize this is the 3rd time you started a club. And each time you made one, it ended in utter disaster.''

''No it didn't, stop over-exaggerating senpai.''

''You tried to make Uranium-214 in the chemistry lab, the entire lab had to be locked down due to radiation leaks.''

''Bruh, it was the 'Nuclear bomb' club, what were you expecting?''

Manabu facepalmed, before letting out a deep sigh.

''And don't even let me get started on your 'Making Drugs 101' club.''

''What? I binged watched breaking bad that week, and decided to follow in the footsteps of Walter White.''

''Enlighten me if you will, but what were you even planning to do with the 12 Kg of crystal meth you cooked.''

''Sell it to the students, duh! How else do you expect me to make fat stacks?''

Manabu groaned but still maintained his composure.

''Do you have any idea how much paperwork and convincing I had to do, so you don't get expelled.''

''To that, you have my lifelong gratitude,'' Fuuka said while trimming her nails while humming a song, not even bothering to look at the student council prez.

''Every single of your clubs gets shut down after a week, and you never managed to get a single member to join, except for that seraphine girl.'' Manabu paused. ''Why will this time be any different.''

''Because,'' She finally looked at Manabu. ''This time I'm not doing it for me.''

Manabu looked intrigued for the first time in this conversation. Fuuka, not being selfish? Now that's a foreign concept. ''Go on.''

''You see there is this first-year g-guy I'm interested in,'' Fuuka said quite bashfully, which was uncharacteristic of her. ''I wanted to make a club so we can spend time together.''

Manabu's eyes widened, that's something he never expected coming out of her mouth.

''Oh wow,'' Manabu was genuinely surprised to see such a reaction from this troublemaker. ''He must really like you.''

''Pfft LMAO! That guy wants nothing to do with me,'' Fuuka's bashfulness disappeared as an evil grin took its place. ''At least this way I can force him to spend time with me, I'm honestly getting tired of breaking into his house all the time.''


''PLUS,'' Fuuka licked her lips seductively. ''That clubroom would be the birthplace of his ever-growing HAREM!!! Tsundere chicks, Kudere chicks, Yandere chicks, Gyarus, you name it. He's gonna catch em all like pokemon.''

Fuuka let out a bold laugh like she was a villain who just revealed her plans to the hero.

Manabu was completely expressionless, his eyes hidden behind the light reflected on his spectacles. He looked like he just lost hope in humanity.

''And... this guy, does he even want a harem?''

''Who Ayanokouji? Nah he just wants to screw a girl with no strings attached, haha'' Fuuka burst out laughing again like she just remembered a inside joke. ''What a waste right? But that sure as hell won't stop me!''

Fuuka suddenly got up from her chair and gave the most sinister smile possible, her eyes glowing with a mischievous glint.

''He is a 6' 1" of raw animal lust in a gorgeous fucking body. His muscles are cut with the precision of a diamond drill!''

Manabu looked very confused about what was going on, it was like Fuuka was giving a speech on hyping up a product.

''His 8-pack abs and his pecs and deltoids showcase a body that's crowned by his lean face and mysteriously dark eyes. He has perfect skin and smooth brown hair.''

''Seriously what are you t-talking about....''

''And let's not forget the monster of a cock that's gonna be ravaging every single pussy in this school. Mine included.''


''Yeah, I heard enough, this club. There is no universe where I approve this.''

''Aw that's a shame'', Fuuka said casually as she took out an envelope from her skirt pockets and tossed it at Manabu. ''Maybe you should see that first, who knows? It might change your mind.''

The student council president took the letter, pondering on what might be inside. Something that would change his mind? Now that's complete nonsense. His decision is bulletproof.

He gracefully opened it, but inside the envelope were nothing but a couple of photos.

One look and he immediately froze up.

It was pictures of his room, but that's not the only thing. Every single wall, even the ceiling was plastered with pictures of a certain black-haired girl.

His sister.

That's right, Manabu Horikita is a secret sis-con.

But his tsundere side keeps getting in the way.

He kept staring at it for several minutes before taking a long deep breath.

He calmly put the photos back in the envelope, placing it in a drawer and locking it with a key, which only he had access to.

''This club... You got my complete seal of approval,'' Manabu said with a straight face.

''Should've said that from the start, four eyes,'' Fuuka smirked in satisfaction, as she set the wheels in motion.

Polygamy route, here we come!