SS Collection: Kiyotaka after graduation [Glimpse of the future]

[Banging the President's daughter]

[Here is a one-shot of an older Kiyotaka, basically on what he's up to after graduating from ANHS]


I look down at the sight of the lascivious lady sucking my cock greedily and I grunt with a self-satisfied air. She's getting into it. Her body isn't the best, but I don't fucking care. She's the President's only daughter, and she's giving me head while I'm sitting comfortably on the President's chair.

That's right. I'm sitting in the Big Chair itself. Right behind the President's desk in the Oval Office. It's night of course, and no one else is in here.

Here's a history lesson for you. The President's desk is called the Resolute Desk because it was given as a gift to the United States from the HMS Resolute from Her Royal Navy.

Abby [The girl whos sucking me off right now] starts moaning my name between blowjobs.

''Mmmm, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji❤''

That's me, alright. And that's probably the only reason that Secret Service hasn't hauled me away from here, or building security hasn't been set on me yet.

Because I'm supposed to be here.

It was one of my father's instructions.

My father isn't a good person, but I will admit that he's a great man, considering everything he achieved in life despite the fact that he started from scratch.

He's very adamant about putting his name deep in politics. He says it's to protect the family business. Whatever. He just probably likes the power. Even though he is my legal guardian. We haven't talked face to face in forever.

She moans again lewdly and I think about politics.

My father said I should go into politics too. That's basically why I'm here as a White House Intern right after my senior year at Yale. With a few favors and a few strings pulled, he's put his son in at a job where he can sit in the President's chair and get a blowjob from the First fucking Daughter.

Speaking of which, I look down. Damn. Abby is bobbing her head up and down my shaft like a pro. My cock is in a world of its own. It's throbbing so hard, ready to cum that it must have its own heartbeat.

Yeah, my dad definitely wouldn't approve of this.

To be honest? He probably wouldn't approve of a lot of things I do.

Although, there's nothing I can really do about that. The women, they seem to throw themselves at me.

At least, that's what Fuuka tells me.

''Hey, can you fucking blame them? You are 21 years old.'' She would say.

''Young, with yellow eyes and dimples. A ripped fucking body. The body of a fucking Greek god. A fucking gladiator. 8pack abs. You bench twice your weight easily. You have a body fat index of 5%.'' When she starts ranting I just turn up the volume of my ear-pods, so I can drown out Fuuka's voice.

Well, I guess she's not technically wrong. That's probably what brings the ladies to me in the first place. First-year co-eds, sorority leaders, graduate student assistants, professors, housewives, and now First Daughters.


They coo with lust as I take my clothes off and kiss between their neck and their shoulder. Then they get my pants off.

And their eyes bug the fuck out.

Because they see it.

My cock.

At first, they're afraid.

"Kiyotaka, I don't know....if it would even fit" they say out loud with fear and trepidation in their voices. They try jerking it, but they usually need two hands. I get them off once with my fingers and tongue. And then no matter their protests, I get them to take just the tip.

I'll probably only be able to sink in halfway into them. But by then they're clawing at my back and screaming for God. Moaning as enticingly as possible.

I grunt savagely as Abby continues her ministrations on my cock. I need to put it in, just thinking about all these women.

"Hey, get up," I command. She looks at me for one second but then I pull her up with my arms. She squeals as I turn her over and bend her on her daddy's desk. I lift up her skirt and yank down her panties. I may have ripped those panties. But they were boring purple cotton briefs. Not really worth the loss, if you ask me.

Abby squeals again in excitement and juts her ass out. I waste no time and put on a condom and position my head into the mouth of her pussy and shove it into her canal.

"Oh my fucking God, Kiyotaka❤!" Abby moans out loud.

She starts squirming on my cock, her legs trembling—her arms writhing all over the desk. I don't notice because I've closed my eyes and I'm imagining all the various girls I've fucked over my short lifespan.

Is it a lot?

I guess. I won't lie.

But I've always taken care to be safe and I've always been honest with the girls. I've told them that I'm young. I'm not looking for anything permanent. Hell, I'm looking for one night. Maybe two if they're really good and I'm in the mood. A week is the absolute max. Two weeks? Fuck that.

At least that's how I expect it to go in my head, but the world doesn't seem to go my way.

The fact that Fuuka still bothers me is a prime example of that.

Sure when my cock is going in and out of them like it's doing to Abby they nod their head and bite their tongue.

But as soon as they cum? As soon as they recover from that amazing climax? They're getting all clingy. They're making plans to go up to the Cape to meet their fucking parents. They're renting hotel rooms in the middle of the afternoon where we can go and fuck.


I turned my attention back to Abby. She's going crazy, grunting and groaning like a fucking animal in heat. Her eyes are clouded up with fucking lust. Her hands are desperately trying to grab hold of something. Anything.

She hits one of the phones along the side of the desk. I don't know which one. But whatever, she actually feels pretty good. She's a bit of a slut—at least that's the word around the West Wing. But she's tight. I'll grant you that.

"Hey, I'm going to fuck you so hard!" I tell her.

But I didn't get a response.

Is it me or is she talking in a very low voice? I bend over closer to hear her without breaking my stride.

"Oh unggggghh❤, Kiyotaka, it's so daaaa❤....good❤," she moans again.

I shrugged and closed my eyes again, and went back to imagining the women I've been with.

"Tell me how much you want it," I tell her. I hold onto her hips and increase my tempo.

"Oooohh❤," Abby coos. "Eeeeee❤," she pants. At least that's what it sounds like. I haven't opened my eyes yet. Just going by auditory impulses.

"Tell me how much you fucking love my cock," I say, getting closer and closer.

"Khee bhol❤ cho❤..." Abby says and I have no idea what she's saying now, but I'm not going to lie – I'm not really paying attention. I'm maybe five seconds away from exploding.

I will be honest with you, I say these same lines to every single woman right before they climax, like I'm reading from a script. I'm not really a natural when it comes to dirty talk, so I just memorize them off the internet.

"I'm going to cum all over your fucking face," I grunt as I slow down my thrusts.

"Kheee❤❤❤," Abby says in a high-pitched voice. She's speaking gibberish now. Unintelligible. But that's just the effect I seem to have on women.

I finally open my eyes and look at her. Her eyes are wide and she's looking back at me in fear. Three more strokes. Two. One.

Fuck, no time to turn her around.

I pull out and whip my condom off.

"I'm gonna cum," I say with a nasty sneer of pride.

The door bursts open.

I look up.

It's the President of the United States of America. He's being followed by three Secret Service people.

But it's too late for me.

I'm cumming. Bolts of lightning and electricity have seized my body and paralyzed my muscles. All over his daughter's ass. I unload rope after rope of thick, viscous white cum on his daughter's ass cheeks and lower back.

Despite the fact that this 22-year old First Daughter just got caught in the Oval Office with a White House Intern's cock inside of her, and despite the fact that her eyes tell me she's afraid of something, which has to be my cock because she can't help but sigh in pleasure as thick, heavy spurts of hot jizz land on her lower back and ass.

I grunt and start looking at my handiwork.

The first shot hits the right ass cheek. The second shot hits the left. The third rope hits her lower back and pools right above her ass before trickling down her thighs. The fourth shot hits right on her crack, dribbling downward. The fifth shot goes and smears the right ass cheek again.

"Well, glad that's over," I sighed and slicked my hair back.

In a fog of sex, I'm vaguely aware that the President has rushed to the desk. I'm slowly becoming aware that the Secret Service agents are standing at the entrance to the Oval Office.

What I don't understand is why the President doesn't seem to be paying any attention to Abby and I. Is his daughter that much of a slut that he's basically given up on her?

That's when I notice he's saying something.

Fuck, he's talking into the phone. Wait, he's talking into the phone?

The phone was on?

"Mr. Putin, please understand that this is not a provocation of war!" the President yells into the phone and that's when I snap back to reality. "America is not looking to fuck you and cum on Russia's face!"

Oh. Fuck.

"Kakvo Kazvash!" the voice yells on the other end.

"He says the missiles are ready for launch if you're lying," a voice says and I notice that the President's Russian translator is behind him. I didn't even notice him.

You remember as I was fucking Abby and her hands were going all over the place as she was squirming?

Remember the phone she grabbed?

I'm just realizing right now. It was red.

"Mr. Putin, we have no desire for war! I swear to you! The US and Russia have come a long way together. Don't let two stupid kids cost the lives of billions of people!" the President yells. Beads of sweat are forming on his brow.

My cock starts to twitch, it's resting semi-hard on Abby's ass. We're frozen, all watching what's happening.

Apparently, the Russian President got put on speakerphone and misinterpreted me telling Abby the things I wanted to do to her as threats of war.

There's a long silence.

"Daubs Vedanya!" the voice on the other end of the line says and the line clicks as it goes dead.

The President looks to his translator who nods. He sighs visibly and clutches the desk.

My heart rate slows. Fuck, that was close.

I pull away from Abby and start putting on my pants. Abby turns around to look at me. I hastily put on my pants and grab my shirt and shoes, putting them on as I start walking.

I need to put as much distance between me and the Oval as possible.

"If anyone needs me, I'll be at the Executive Building," I say, almost out the door.

"Wait just one minute, Kiyotaka," the President says from behind me.

Fuck. I was so close to getting out of this one as well.

I turn around to face the fucking music.

Guess father won't approve of me almost starting World War III now to add to the long list of other things, huh?

I sighed, not because I was in trouble but because this was just another ordinary day for me.




[The following is a Youtube video uploaded after Ayanokouji's incident. Made by Haruka Hasebe. Yup she grows up to be an influencer here]

Yo what's up Youtube it's your favorite girl, Haruka Hasebe, the Professional Gossiper of all time.


THOUGHT YOU WERE SAFE? Had a great day yesterday? Well, how would you like to know that we almost all died?

That's right. I'm hearing that the United States came closer than it has in a long time to a complete and all-out war with the Russians. That's right. Administration officials and the Pentagon are obviously not saying anything confirming something like this, but my spies in the White House tell me that it all started with some nookie.

You heard that right, viewers. Someone was getting some in the Oval Office, and accidentally pushed the wrong buttons and got on the phone with the Russians. What was said hasn't been found out yet, but it was aggressive enough to get the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, to put his finger on his own nuclear triggers.

Yup. We didn't believe it at first either, but apparently, the sex was so rough that the Russian president thought it was a prelude to war when he thought he was being spoken to.

Can't believe it? Our sources swear up and down that it's true. What's more, a few are even telling me who the man with the nuclear libido is, and this you're not going to believe.

Turns out the man with the explosive sex in his loins is none other than Kiyotaka Ayanokouji. That's absolutely right. Kiyotaka Ayanokouji—the prodigal son of the Mr.Ayanokouji.

If you're seeing this on the subway and need to sit down, I'm with you, babe. I didn't believe it at first. Kiyotaka just graduated from Yale this year and he's only been at the White House as an intern for about a month. He was recommended for the job by both the Mayor and the Democratic Congressman from Manhattan.

With so much political capital by him, we thought Kiyotaka would be a shining star in Washington D.C.

But if you're having trouble breathing thinking how Kiyotaka almost caused World War III, guess who his partner in crime was?

Now for this, our sources are going deep undercover. If the White House found out they were talking to me, they'd not just be fired, but they'd probably be sued too. They're telling me it was the First Daughter, Abby, who was doing the nasty with Kiyotaka.

And was doing it so loudly and so lewdly that the Russian president who was listening thought our country was getting ready to go to war.

That's right. Turns out America's Sweetheart isn't so much of a sweetheart but a sexpot. Which just goes to show that you shouldn't believe everything that those in power are telling you. Who knows what deep, dark secrets they could be hiding?

But fear not, citizens, because I Haruka Hasebe am always listening and always ready to spell the juiciest, dirtiest, nastiest secret for your enjoyment and pleasure. And it looks like Kiyotaka is going to be coming home to daddy so that means we're going to be extra busy.

He and his father have been rumored to not get along.

So, it's going to be an interesting summer, to say the least. Till we find more, this is Haruka Hasebe signing off.

Keep your ears open, and hide your daughters, New York. Cause Kiyotaka Ayanokouji is coming back to town... Mmm❤

''D-Did you just m-moan Haruka?!''

''S-Shut up Airi, you're the one with the wet pussy right now!''