Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 82 Sacrifice Ceremony

  Standing aside, Shaluo, holding a force field scepter, smiled.

   I am sincerely happy that the plan of my lord's layout is going well.

  A perfect conspiracy is the best gift to sacrifice to the Lord of Change.

  Only Magnus could have staged such a perfect arrangement, toying with his Primarch brother to applause.

   Magnus didn't care about the respectful and adoring eyes of his subordinates.

  He played with the etheric ball in his hand, and the complacency in his one-eyed eyes grew stronger.

  He could already imagine Guilliman going mad because of the fall of the Pharos Lighthouse.

   "Catch the surviving humans, we need these slaves of the corpse emperor to perform a powerful enough ceremony. Don't let those **** fools and demons kill them all." Magnus whispered.

   "Understood, my lord, I will do it immediately." Farrow and the other wizards went out to prepare for the upcoming ceremony.

   After ordering his subordinates to do things, Magnus continued to observe the situation of Pharos through his powerful psychic power.

  This plan is so perfect that he is not willing to let go of any detail.

  He knew that in order to protect the special lighthouse on Pharos, Guilliman dispatched the saint-Celestine, the Marshal of the Black Templar-Amarich, and the mentor of the Gray Knight-Clovis.

  This kind of military configuration is enough to fight against the existence of subspace demons.

  Even if you are yourself, it is difficult to break through directly from the periphery in a short period of time. It can be said that it is as solid as a rock.

   Magnus has no plans to confront directly.

   The best way to know a strong fortress is to start the corruption from the inside.

  The seed has been planted, now, the most important thing is to wait for it to take root and germinate.

  The Governor's Mansion where Varun lives covers a vast area and is luxuriously decorated.

  The corridor is covered with a fine-textured red carpet, which is soft to step on.

  The walls are surrounded by precious calligraphy, paintings and sculptures, as well as various collections of handicrafts.

  These works of art are the painstaking efforts of top art masters.

  Every piece is priceless.

  Yake followed the governor all the way, and walked through the garden that the transformation machine slave was repairing and cultivating.

  The garden is very large, equivalent to the size of a golf course.

  After all, he has been the planetary governor for more than two centuries, no matter how clean and honest Valen is, he still has this bit of wealth.

  Varen finally brought Yake into the hall located deep in the mansion.

  This place is very secretive, no one comes here.

  Valen reached out to touch the switch, and the luxurious crystal chandelier installed above the hall emitted a soft light to drive away the darkness.

  The hum of machinery sounded in a hidden corner, and the fan at the exhaust port started to rotate.

  Stuffed and stale air is expelled, and fresh air is brought in through the vents.

  The temperature has also been adjusted better.

   "My lord, why did you bring me here?" Jacques asked puzzledly, he looked at the person he respected and admired, his tone was full of confusion.

   "I need your help, and Pharos needs your help too, Yake." Varun looked at the young and handsome Yake with a solemn tone.

   Once upon a time, he was so young.

  Youth is a good thing, representing vitality and youth.

   "Then what should I do?" Yake asked.

   "Close your eyes," Warren said.

  Yak has no defense at all. Varen has ruled Pharos for two and a half centuries.

  Countless people are praising his achievements, he is the most respected person.

  In Pharos, apart from the Emperor, apart from the Primarch, Varun has become the third faith.

   "I'm sorry." Warren whispered, and then slashed Yake's throat with a stroke of his hand.

  Yake felt the pain in his throat, and he opened his eyes.

  Looking at the dagger that murdered him in the hand of the most respected person in his life.

  Blood slipped from the shiny dagger, crystal clear, like grains of perfect blood jade.

Why? ?

  Yake reached out to cover the wound on his throat, warm blood gushed out, and quickly seeped out from his fingers.

  Young, vibrant eyes filled with the pain of betrayal.

  He didn't understand why the venerable Varen would do this.

   "For the Empire." Varen said softly, "I'm sorry, but I have to do that. For a greater purpose, a little crime is nothing."

  Yake didn't die immediately. He watched Varun take out a book without a cover and rummaged through it.

  After that, crouched beside him, put the book aside, and depicted something on his body according to the complicated graphics on it.

   "He betrayed us."

  Yake's brain lost the ability to think due to lack of oxygen, and in the end his only thought was this.

Why? ?

  Why betrayal? ?

  Jack's eyes were wide open, and those eyes seemed to be questioning Warren, why did he do such a thing? ?

  Why did you betray the empire and humanity.

  Varen didn't pay attention to those eyes, and drew the chaotic runes on his own.

  The eight-pointed star surrounded by three rings, and the ancient, long-lost Nien script.

  After the characterization was completed, Varun began to recite according to the ancient sacrificial text in the book.

  The crystal lamp in the hall flickered, and the temperature suddenly dropped.

  A biting cold wind blows from an unknown corner.

   There were strange whispers mixed in the wind, like twisted creatures inviting Varen to the eternal world.

  Valun suppressed his nerves and continued to chant according to the records in the book.

  The lights flicker more and more, and the floor is covered with thin frost.

  Shadows piled up in the corner, and sharp laughter rang out, making people shudder.

   Fear surged in Valen's heart, he shouldn't do such a thing.

  But now, there is no turning back.

   As the final prayer falls, there are piercing screams, whispers, and moles from the shadows.

   It seems that tens of millions of people are shouting, and it seems that one person shouted out thousands of voices.

  The black whirlwind wrapped in burning ashes, circling around Yake's body.

  Everything reaches a climax, and then a quick low.

   When the body is gone, the cold recedes and the whispers die.

   None of this seems to have happened.

   After going through all the procedures according to the ceremony, Varun closed the book tremblingly.

   Yake's body has disappeared, and only the blood stains on the carpet prove that he existed.

  A warm current appeared in Varun's body, making him feel that his old body was full of strength again.

  The ceremony was successful.

   Sacrificing Yak, he regains his energy.

   "Praise the Emperor, your sacrifice is worthwhile, Ark."

  Varen whispered something.

   "I will serve the Emperor more piously, and serve the Primarch more piously."

   After saying this, Varen packed his things and locked the book that recorded the forbidden witchcraft. He swore that he would never use this book again.

   After a pious repentance.

  Valen asked a servant in charge of cleaning to clean up the blood on the carpet and erase the last traces of Yake.

   It is not difficult to appease Yake's family.

  Varen is fully prepared for this.

  Everything is so perfect.

  No flaws.

  Faros Fortress.

   "This is alien technology, and the Primarch is taking a very dangerous path." The Grand Marshal of the Black Templar Almarich looked at the steel tower towering in front of him, and his tone was full of disgust.

   "But we have no choice." Regula, the mechanical sage whose whole body has been transformed into a machine, said.

  His whole body is covered with machinery, and his body is huge, no less than a heavy tank.

   Walking can only be maintained using anti-gravity levitation devices and hydro-mechanical prosthetics.

  Thick cables connecting numerous weapons and exploration equipment for research make him look very bloated.

   Mechanic Sage Caul commissioned Regula to investigate the Pharos Lighthouse and send relevant data to Macragge.

   "What's the result of the research?" Amariche suppressed the disgust in his heart.

   "This is a secret, and your mission is to protect the lighthouse, not to understand it." Regula's voice came out through the sound generator built into his abdomen, and he refused to disclose any information.

  Amarich frowned, "Don't I even have the right to know what I'm guarding?"

  (end of this chapter)