Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 83 Here Comes Chaos

   "This is what the Primarch means." Regula said, his voice carried the coldness and rationality unique to Mechanicum. "Before carrying out the Pharos mission, the Primarch had already thought of this problem, and thus issued a gag order to all the technicians."

  "The Mechanics members and technical workers responsible for overhauling the Pharos Lighthouse are not allowed to ask about the defense system, and the work we are doing is not allowed to be disclosed to others at will."

  Amarich stared closely at Regula's face made of pure gold and cables. It could be seen that he was somewhat resistant to the Primarch's order.

  During this time, he always felt restless.

  A soldier's intuition told him that the reason behind this incident was not simple.

  Amarich felt like he was in a huge whirlpool.

  Something is going on, and he doesn't know it.

   "My lord, you don't need to worry. Proper secrecy is conducive to the advancement of the plan. Not everyone can maintain absolute reason. Sometimes, the truth will only make the plan mess up."

   Regula's mechanical prosthetic eye was buzzing.

  He stared intently at Amarić's broad face.

   Capture the other party's inner thoughts from the expression.

  The auxiliary computing brain in the skull calculates the possible consequences of each sentence.

   "I have absolute allegiance to the Emperor," said Almarich, "and is it not ironic that I cannot be trusted?"

"Before the real test came, everyone said that they had absolute loyalty to the emperor. Before I was promoted to a sage, I wandered around many planets in the galaxy, looking for the technology left by the God of All Opportunities. During that time, I have witnessed countless crimes committed in the name of the Emperor, and people used the name of the Emperor to vent their twisted desires, but they pretended to say that they were for the Emperor, so as to justify their every move."

  Sage Regula's voice showed a rare sarcasm.

   "Are you doubting me?" Amariqi frowned, and his tone was a little raised. Obviously, Regula's words made him a little angry.

   "I am not doubting you, Marshal. The Emperor has not spoken for ten thousand years, and he is on the golden throne, only one step away from death."

  Regula said, "Do you think the current Milky Way is what he needs? Or is it really his dream?"

"I have in my hand an angry recording of Vulcan, the Primarch of the Salamanders Chapter, who returned during the Beast War. He angrily denounced the members of the Imperial Senate as traitors to the ideals of the Empire. If it were not during the Beast War, the whole empire would need to be united. Unanimously, do you think they can survive the enraged Primarch?"

"Think carefully about every scene when you met the Primarch. Whenever he talked about the status quo, there was always suppressed anger in his voice. Instead of going to Terra, he chose to start from Macragge. The problem has been explained."

  Amarich's expression changed from angry to serious, "What's the problem?"

"He doesn't trust the Senate, nor does he trust the current empire. He would rather rebuild it than waste time going to Terra to waste time with those noble bureaucrats." Regula whispered, "You are loyal to the emperor. The emperor, but is your loyalty really the kind of loyalty the emperor wants? There is a reason why the Primarch ordered you to guard here, why do you want to get to the bottom of it?"

  Amarich opened his mouth, but finally did not refute the words of the mechanical sage Regula.

   "I see, I won't ask any more."

  After leaving this sentence, Amariqi turned and left.

   Regula's ruby-like electronic eyes moved with Amarić's footsteps until the opponent's figure disappeared in front of his eyes.

  Connected with nerve cables, the silver-plated servo skull was suspended and flew in front of Regula.

   Following Regula's thoughts, the servo skull released beams of light from the mouth, forming a holographic projection.

  By using the projection, Regula had a panoramic view of all the structures of the Pharos Lighthouse.

  The lighthouse covers a vast area, like a majestic mountain piercing through the clouds, entrenched on the plain.

  The Pharos Lighthouse played an important role during the Horus Heresy, using its special empathy pulse to guide Imperial ships through warp storms.

  Such technology is urgently needed by the empire.

  If the lighthouse can be reproduced, the navigation difficulties on the dark side of the empire will be alleviated.

   Warp space storms can no longer stop humans.

   At that time, with its huge size, the human empire will once again gain an advantage and drive out chaos and many aliens.

   Regula checked the repair progress. The main functional area has been repaired, and the secondary area will also be completed.

  The Pharos Lighthouse was once destroyed, and the back was filled with cement by the Primarch.

   Now that it is dug out, many places need to be repaired.

   There is actually a very old story about the Pharos Lighthouse.

  Loyal, but also full of sadness.

  Witnessed human beings from glory to betrayal and decline.

   This story is the story of a loyalist of a renegade legion.

  The loyalist's name is Dantihawk, and he is an Iron Warrior.

  The Iron Warriors under the leadership of Perturabo rebelled against the Empire and participated in the massacre of loyalists in the Isstvan system.

  Dantioch spurned the actions of his original body, led the remaining subordinates, killed the traitors who came to persuade them to surrender, and took the ship and fled after the battle.

  He planned to go to Terra, but ended up in the Ultramar Starfield by accident

   Under the entrustment of Guilliman, Dantioch took charge of the maintenance of the Pharos Lighthouse and activated it.

   Later, the Night Lord attacked Pharos. In order to repel the enemy, Dantihawk gave his life, overloaded the Pharos Lighthouse, and killed the enemies who invaded Pharos.

  Danti Hawk also died because of this behavior, in the arms of his teammates.

  The Pharos Lighthouse was able to witness a true Iron Warrior who fought for his beliefs.

   This incident happened very long ago, and Sage Regula only knows a rough idea.

   Too many loyalists died during the Horus Heresy, and they all have their own stories.

  It's a pity that these stories are not sung or remembered.

   Sage Regula also learned of this by accident when he was looking for information on the Pharos Lighthouse.

  He didn't feel any emotion about this story.

   Mortals are mortal.

   Whether loyal or not, fate will always erase the signs of anyone.

  All return to dust.

  Sage Regula remembers this steel warrior who died ten thousand years ago.

  Just because the various materials left by Dantihawk to repair the Pharos Lighthouse are important references, allowing him to understand the lighthouse more comprehensively, so as to formulate relevant maintenance work.

  Actually, Regula was also confused.

  The relevant data of the lighthouse has been sorted out and sent back to Macragge for the imitation there.

  There is absolutely no need for maintenance on this old lighthouse.

  But Kaul and Guilliman insisted on repairing, and even sent a large number of troops over, making a posture of guarding against death.

  According to rational logic, this matter reveals the word "weird" from beginning to end.

   At the other end of the Pharos Fortress.

  Clovis and the members of the Brotherhood of Gray Knights gathered together, performing daily prayers.

   Then, Clovis opened his eyes suddenly and stood up.

  His movement interrupts the prayer ceremony.

  Many Gray Knight brothers opened their eyes one after another, looking at Clovis in bewilderment.

   "Chaos has invaded this planet." Clovis looked at his brother with a solemn tone.

  The faces of each gray knight became solemn and dignified.

   "Can you feel where the evil is?" a Gray Knight brother asked.

  The other gray knights looked at Clovis, waiting for his answer.

  (end of this chapter)