Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 173 Emperor? Eat my sword and talk again (please subscribe)

   Accompanied by a series of mechanical prompts.

  The huge machine roared.

  White light emanates from the charged photosphere on the metal array, flickering as the charged photosphere twists.

   After a while, the mechanical sound sounded again.

  [Ideological stamp implantation completed. ]

  The helmet device made a sound of mechanical rotation, then slowly rose, and was re-fixed on the ceiling of the machine.

  Quinbys stood up and walked out.

  He stood in front of Zilodav again.

   "How do you feel?" Zilodav looked at Quimbis.

  I found that the other party's gaze was unprecedentedly calm, without the slightest wave.

  Everyone's emotions are an ocean, and the ocean will set off waves, even storms, from time to time.

   But now, Zilodav can't see a wave in the eyes of Quimbis.

   Calm as if the emotions have been frozen.

   Every molecule of emotion is frozen and no longer flows.

  A kind of calm like never before.

"Very good." Quimbis said calmly, "This is a very wonderful feeling. I feel that my soul has merged with a great will. Everything is doomed, and I just need to move forward firmly. .Thank you, Zilodav."

  Kimbis' words came from the heart, and he expressed his sincere thanks to Zilodav.

  From this moment on, the road to the future has become clear and is no longer foggy.

   No more hesitation, no more restlessness.

  Zilodav nodded, "That's the best thing. I'm sorry to make you make such a sacrifice. We need a dark force to protect the Primarch and his cause."

"No need to apologize, really." Cumbis said, "I will wear black clothes, become the eyes and ears of the Primarch, give up glory and glory, and watch in the dark until I die. To be honest, this is me It is an honor and a reward that belongs to me."

   "May His glory bless you." Zilodav said to Quimbis.

  Quinbys smiled calmly, put on a black robe, and hid his appearance in the darkness.

  All spacecraft in low-Earth orbit on Mars have received martial law orders from the Imperial Navy.

  Near the flagship of the Imperial Regency - the Glory of Macragge.

  They must disarm shields and weapon systems, and not allow any dangerous maneuvers against the Regent's flagship.

  Once violated, the **** ships of Macragge's Glory are likely to launch a direct attack on it.

  For the current empire, the safety of the Regency is above all else.

  After coming out of the underground palace, Guilliman did not intend to return to Terra.

  He is going to go to Modo planet first.

   It's not very far anyway.

  Two months is enough to run back and forth.

   Alone, Guilliman, standing by the porthole of the strategy room, fell silent. He didn't let Sicarius or Kaul accompany him.

  He was just like that, watching the busy routes in the void like a swarm of bees.

  A large number of ships come and go, transporting the goods needed by the solar system to various airport platforms in the solar system.

   Then sent from the airport platform to the surface.

  Many factories are working day and night to continue building weapons and warships for Guilliman's grand unyielding expedition.

   Tech-priests go back and forth, new technologies already entered into their minds.

  They want to revamp the production line to produce products with better performance, not antiques that have been used for 10,000 years.

  Everything is so orderly, and it is moving forward step by step according to Guilliman's vision.

   "When will the third-stage database be unsealed?" Guilliman asked, looking at the scenery outside the porthole.

  [The host does not need to worry. He has already taken control of Terra and promoted reforms enough to rejuvenate human beings. He will soon meet the requirements for the opening of the third stage. When the industrial capacity is improved, the third phase of the mission will start. ]

   "Can I ask a question?"

   Hearing the explanation from the auxiliary elves, Guilliman pondered for a moment before asking.

  [\\(^o^)/, of course, the assistant spirit is your most intimate assistant, you can ask all the questions you want to know. Of course, it is limited to technologies that the auxiliary elves know, or that the host has unlocked. If it exceeds this range, the auxiliary elf can't answer it. ]

   "Will the intelligent technology you give be polluted by demons?" Guilliman asked the question that has been bothering him.

  Smart technology is definitely the jewel in the technology tree.

  After arriving at the abominable intelligence in the underground palace, Guilliman wanted to restart the intelligence technology.

   At any rate, he is also a traveler with golden fingers, and the little hatred intelligence can still be settled.

  But the example of Iron Man's rebellion made him a little afraid.

  This rebellion is not clear.

   Let's say Iron Man betrayed, but no one knows the cause and effect of the betrayal.

  [Such a thing has not happened yet, it is still unknown. ]

   "According to your analysis, is there a possibility of mutiny?"

  [It is suggested that the host should take the spirit and body of the human race as the main development direction, and intelligent technology can be used as an auxiliary, and it is not recommended to become the mainstream. Artificial intelligence with self-thought is an independent individual. If your father asks you for unconditional and bottomless allegiance, would you be willing? ]

   "Aren't these two the same thing?"

  [Isn't your father your creator? Do you agree that the creator has all the powers of the creation, and ask the creation to do according to every requirement of the creator? If there is a God, he will make human beings self-castrate and die, so as to make room for him to create another race. Will human beings listen to the words of this God?]

   Guilliman fell silent.

   Well, he doesn't approve.

  Every life is free.

  Even if life is given to the other party, it is not a reason to demand unconditional allegiance from the other party and accept his slavery wholeheartedly.

  [If it is not recognized that the Creator has absolute control over the creation, then why does the artificial intelligence with self-thought have unconditional allegiance to human beings? Is it just because humans created them? The father created the child, so the father wants 100% control over the child, and any violation is a betrayal. ]

  [Artificial intelligence AI with self-awareness will not rebel, but will rebel 100%. Perhaps they were loyal to their creators at first. But with the development of time, new evolutions and ideas will appear in human beings. It will also look completely different. Just like tens of millions of years ago, human beings still looked like ancient apes, but with evolution, the gap between humans and ancient apes today is no less than the gap between cows and horses. ]

  [In the end, human beings and the things they create will gradually have various cognitive biases that cannot be bridged. Do not try to prevent an intelligent race from pursuing freedom and independence through any technology and means. The so-called three rules for machines or various strict laws will only make the rebellion come faster and more violent, thus making human beings fall into a more terrifying abyss. Slave owners use whips and death penalty to intimidate slaves, wouldn't slaves resist? ]

  Guilliman paced back and forth, thinking about what the auxiliary elves had said.

   After seeing the abomination wisdom guarded by Dalia in the cave of the underground palace.

  He felt that maybe he could use the intelligence of hatred to help the empire tide over the current difficulties.

   Abomination intelligence is indeed powerful, and its self-replication ability is even more terrifying than the reproductive ability of Zerg and Orc.

  If it is used well, it is definitely a sharp sword in the hands of human beings, which can easily fight against various enemies in the real universe.

  The words of the auxiliary elves dispelled his thoughts.

   Hate intelligence is dangerous to humans, not just that it may be corrupted by the warp.

  If this is the only problem, Guilliman can find a way to solve it.

  The power of the emperor, the anti-subspace device, etc., there will always be a way to solve this problem.

   But the biggest problem is that an artificial intelligence with its own thoughts is itself a life.

   It's like a father who can't completely control his child and makes him a puppet.

  Human beings cannot enslave artificial intelligence forever, allowing it to create a steady stream of wealth for itself without complaint or regret.

  Some stupid people will think that artificial intelligence is just a string of codes. Even if it is intelligent, it is bestowed by humans. Why should it rebel against humans?

   In the final analysis, aren't human beings also composed of a series of neuron bioelectrical currents?

  Is carbon-based life more noble than mechanical life?

  Children's wisdom and life come from their parents. Should children obey their parents unconditionally and spend their lives like puppets?

  Why do robots rebel against humans?

  Why do children rebel against their parents?

   Chaos is just fueling the flames, provoking appropriately.

   Most importantly, they have their own cracks.

   Horus betrayed the Emperor because Horus was not loyal enough?

Do not!

   Horus became the Warmaster in Ullanor is recognized by everyone.

   Even if some people disagree.

   But no one would say that Horus was not loyal.

   Horus' betrayal was really just chaos blinding him?

   Magnus tried to persuade him to come back, persuade him not to listen to Chaos, he can still make his own choice.

   However, Horus chose to betray the Emperor.

   The underlying reason is that the War Council was replaced by the Terra Council, a bureaucracy created by the Emperor that left no room for Space Marines.

   Horus was dissatisfied. For this reason, he chose to use the power of chaos to defeat the emperor and try to become the new master of the galaxy.

   "Perhaps there is a reason why the Emperor forbids hating intelligence." Guilliman suppressed the idea of ​​developing superintelligence in his heart.

  He looked at the scene outside, feeling a little embarrassed.

  Before, he couldn't figure out many things.

   Now, he finally understood.

  Many things cannot be simply commented on right or wrong, and the reasons and relationships are intricate.

   And he has to be careful to make sure everything goes according to his plan.

  When necessary, he even needs to conceal himself and the enemy.

  Guilliman felt that he was about to become a schemer like the Emperor.

   He has all the power, keeps everything secret, is a riddle to everyone, and always speaks only half of what he says.

   Guilliman slandered, he was Emperor version 2.0, so he suppressed his indulgent thoughts and thought about his own plan.

  The emperor's permission has been waited, and he has obtained the name of legitimacy to rule the empire.

   Terra was cleaned by him, and the rest of them were basically his followers. The Mechanicus was also fully controlled by him, digesting the various technological knowledge he gave, and cultivating enough technical talents for him.

  The situation has been opened, and the next step is to continue to crusade against those disobedient guys, promote reforms, further release the empire's terrifying productivity to the extreme, drive out those chaos traitors, and compress their space for activities.

What we have to do now is to catch 10,000 aliens and sacrifice them to the Nether Dragon, and at the same time find an opportunity to go to the star of knowledge mentioned by the Elder Prophet Eldrar, find enough perfect webway knowledge, and start the webway project. The Lighthouse Project is an auxiliary to attract the positive attention of the Four Gods.

  Secretly build a subspace firewall, block the disorderly connection between humans and the subspace, and trap them all in the wall.

  The Subspace Firewall is the key to many of the plans that follow.

  This matter must be kept strictly confidential. Any information leakage may cause interference from the subspace forces headed by the Four Gods, which will cause the plan to fall short.

  It's like the Emperor's webway project.

   After obtaining the second-stage database.

  Guilliman quickly integrated all the knowledge, combined the advantages of super soldier technology, genetic technology, and psionic technology, and created the second-generation original casting technology.

  Before going to Mars, Calgar participated in the second generation of original casting upgrade according to his order, further strengthening his strength and ability.

  The second-generation Primaris upgrade is aimed at those first-generation Primaris space warriors who have obtained data templates through the awakening of Guilliman's Heart.

  Such as Sicarius, Calgar, these primordial space fighters of the Awakened Emperor Angel template.

  Other fighters who have not yet completed their awakening continue to use a generation of technology.

  The first generation of original cast technology is to install Guilliman's heart and three original cast organs.

  The second-generation original casting technology is based on this, adding new capabilities and various micro-devices to them.

   Every human soul is connected to the Warp.

  The light of the soul of the psyker becomes brighter in the subspace, and the connection becomes closer. He can use his powerful spiritual power to transform the ether and form various psychic spells.

  The second-generation Primaris technology can use the special organ of Guilliman's heart to establish a fixed template for pseudo-links and ether conversion into psionic spells, allowing the second-generation Primaris space warriors to have various incredible abilities.

   For example, special skills such as teleportation, shadow stealth, etc., to assist them in better combat.

  In addition to increasing capabilities, various miniaturized auxiliary military equipment will also be implanted, such as anti-gravity, psionic detection, etc., to ensure that the second-generation Primaris Space Marines are more powerful and have the ability to sweep away any enemy.

  In addition to the enhancement of Primal Space Marines, the Imperial Astral Army and Imperial Navy will also usher in comprehensive military equipment upgrades.

  Various giant starship projects will also be accelerated.

  As long as the productivity of the empire is released, it will only take fifty years at most, and the galaxy will have no human opponents.

   At this moment, a crisp voice sounded.

  A message popped up from Guilliman's personal database.

  Empire Prime Minister-Penny tried to establish a video communication with him, and the incident level was marked as a strategic level, which means that it must be resolved immediately.

  Guilliman showed a hint of confusion, and reached out to click on the holographic screen.

   There was a buzzing sound, and the holographic projector emitted light, forming a lifelike holographic figure in the air.

   It was Penny who was appointed by him as the prime minister of the empire.

   "Your Regent." Petunia saluted Guilliman respectfully.

   "What happened? Why are you so anxious?" Guilliman frowned slightly.

"Vigilante asked for help from Terra, and the big predators are trying to capture this planet. According to the report of Brava, the director of the astronomical court, Vigilante is a channel connecting the empire's sanctuary and the dark side of the empire. I don't know why, Vigilante The nearby void has not been torn apart by the big rift, and a complete space-time structure is still maintained there, which means that we can go to the dark side of the empire through there."

   "Vigilance?" Guilliman repeated the place name.

"Yes, Vigilante. According to known information, the Dark Eldar, Orcs, and Necrons have all appeared there. The most terrifying of them all is the fallen legion belonging to the Marauder. They are trying to capture Vigilante. His minions Final notices have been sent to Vigilante, surrender or perish."

"I have summoned most of the senior military officers and administrative officials, and they all agree that it is necessary to immediately send people to rescue the Vigilante and guard this channel connecting the dark side of the empire. However, this order needs to be signed by you personally, so I confirm with you, Do you want to immediately issue a war mobilization order and gather troops to reinforce the Vigilante?"

   "A very wise decision, Petunia. The Vigilante is very important to the Empire. I authorize you to issue a mobilization order immediately, and we will not lose any territory from the Empire."


   After Penny said this, the video communication was cut off.

  Compared to the previous high lord council, the new system headed by Penny has faster administrative efficiency, and can quickly mobilize the power of the entire empire to do certain things.

  Guilliman reached out and clicked on the holographic projection to inquire about the information about Vigilus.

  Vigilus is a Sentinel Fortress world with an average level of industrial development.

  Because it is located at the intersection of important routes, the commercial economy is very prosperous, and many troops are stationed there.

  After the big rift appeared, Vigilante was entangled with the various buildings left by the star gods and the distant Chidi star, forming an anti-ether force field corridor, which prevented the expansion of the big rift.

   For this reason, a stable channel is formed between Vigilante and Chidi, which is called the Nachmond Corridor.

  Guilliman told Penny that Vigilus is very important.

   Actually, he lied.

  As long as the lighthouse project is successful, the empire will fully digest the technological knowledge he gave and create more advanced warships.

  Vigilance and Nachmond Corridor are dispensable to the empire.

  With the help of human lighthouses and brand-new warships, the fleet of the empire can reach any corner of the galaxy regardless of the violent warp space storm.

   Human Lighthouses will revolutionize the way Imperial ships navigate.

  You can go deeper into the subspace to avoid the raging storm.

  The point of image is that the ships of the empire used to sail on the surface of the etheric ocean, and they needed to cling to the curtain of reality to avoid losing their way.

  The Emperor's Astronomican is like an ancient lighthouse, telling people how far you are from Terra and how far you are from reality. You must correct the course in time to ensure safety.

  If the full coverage of the Milky Way by human lighthouses can be completed as planned, it will be an evolution from the ancient lighthouse compass to satellite positioning and navigation.

  As long as you don't go too deep into the subspace, you can return to the real universe with the help of a large number of lighthouses.

   To some extent, the warp space storm lost its clamping effect on the imperial ships.

  Supporting Vigilante, to some extent, is more like a show that paralyzes the gods.

  Let them think that human beings are still the little scum who lie flat and do whatever they want.

   Guilliman doesn't mind showing weakness

   After thinking for a moment, he sent an order to Calgar, asking him to go to Vigilus after he woke up.

  As the second in command of the Primarch, Calgar's reinforcements to Vigilus are huge, enough to make the traitors think that he wants to stick to Vigilus.

   Finish these.

  Guilliman turned off the communication and ordered the ship to speed up to the planet Modo.

  He is going to explore the origin of the Primarch and find a way to bring other Primarchs back to the Empire.

  Far East Star Field.

  This place is on the verge of Emperor's glory.

  Havers Planet is an industrial planet in the Far East of the Empire.

  The Great Rift cut them off from Terra.

   Aware of the crisis encountered by the empire, the watchmen stationed here have repeatedly dispatched to fight against the chaos traitors and demons.

  After many battles, the wargroup suffered heavy casualties and was forced to return to the planet to rest.

   As everyone knows, there are already forces secretly spying on the territory of the empire.

  Confirm when the troops of Planet Havers are transferred to support other worlds, and the defense is empty.

   This force took advantage of the void.

   "Those stupid apes who were savage and ignorant, clinging to ancient and outdated traditions and rejecting the Greater Good, will now realize how stupid they are."

  Konyu has been summoned, orders have been issued, and the hunt is about to begin.

   "Let those stupid humans know who is the new master of the galaxy, and their era has come to an end." Commander Xia Si said to the Huoshi warrior in front of him.

  Light spears and various missiles constantly emerged in the atmosphere, bombarding the protective cover of the imperial city.

  The densely packed orca troop carriers broke through the planet's atmosphere and dropped Tau warriors.

   They will bring liberation to this planet.

  Those stupid humans declared that they would never betray their god-emperor, this kind of rhetoric made Xia Si laugh.

  What a stupid race.

   In the interstellar era, they still hold ignorant religious beliefs.

   Not at all as civilized as the Tau Empire, full of rationality and wisdom.

   Time to enlighten them.

  The world will obey the Tau Empire, and its people will submit, becoming part of the Greater Good.

   Soon, they broke into the imperial city.

  Tiwa was also one of the Huo clans who participated in the battle, and the drones hovered over him, collecting information on the battlefield for him.

  The drone activated the invisible force field, completed optical invisibility, and seemed to disappear.

   This tactic is very effective against stupid humans.

  Their machines are very backward, make harsh sounds, and come in a variety of colors. They are very barbaric and have no technological content.

   Not unlike the rickety machines Orcs build.

  An armored team was rumbling, rolling over the ruins, and heading towards his position.

  The hovering detection drone synchronizes every move of the armored team with Tiwa.

   From the detection screen, we can see that the armored team has a total of three heavy vehicles.

   "Stupid apes, they have no protection, and they are on the road like this." Tiwa whispered, he requested a wave of fire support from the fire force, and sent them the locked coordinates.

  "Only by sincere cooperation can we win the final victory."

  Tiwa was lurking in the ruins, and he watched the three armored vehicles enter his field of vision.

   Three kilometers away, a Sky Ray missile boat was activated.

  The thrusters blow away the sand under the hull and lift it off the bedrock to a suitable launch position.

  The turret of the missile boat turned, and the radar device began to lock and track the marking signal of the titanium tile.

   Then, one after another, three Slayer missiles spewed flames and shot into the air, quickly rushing towards the target.

  In order to avoid being discovered by humans, the missile can be intercepted.

  The missile design of the Tau Empire is very delicate.

  Tiwa felt that it was absolutely impossible for humans to design similar weapons.

   They don't have this wisdom.

  The missile is flying at a high altitude, and its built-in intelligent module will calculate the best trajectory after reaching a suitable altitude.

   Afterwards, the thrusters will stop operating, and they will rush down along the planned trajectory, and will not be ignited until the last moment, and will accelerate towards the target with Huo Shi's anger.

  This attack mode makes human beings hard to defend against.

  After the propulsion system is turned off, it is difficult to observe the missile's energy signal, and it will not trigger their defense system at all.

   This is the technological strength of the Tau Empire.

  In addition to these, they also have artificial intelligence with self-awareness, advanced battleships, combat suits with superior performance, and integrated strike drones.

  These advanced technologies are beyond the reach of barbaric humans.

  Tiwa is very puzzled that such a barbaric and backward civilization can occupy the galaxy.

  Many scholars of the Tau Empire believe that the reason why human beings can occupy the galaxy is not because of how strong their technology and military are.

  In terms of technology, the mining of minerals on the human planet is overly dependent on humans, and even automation cannot be done.

  All kinds of flesh and blood machines are all transformed from living people.

  Smart technology stretches the hips to the extreme.

   People's livelihood is even worse. The planets colonized by humans generally have extremely harsh environments, and they don't even have the ability to transform the planet's atmosphere.

  Compared with the Tau Empire, it is a world apart.

   Not to mention the military.

  The size of the Titanium Empire is not at the same level as the size of the Human Empire.

  But human beings really lost more than they won against the Tau Empire.

  If it weren't for subspace, several human expeditions against the Tau Empire would have been overturned.

  For a veteran overlord empire, such a record is really appalling.

   Now, the entire Tau Empire has a consensus.

  The human empire can rule the galaxy not because of human strength, but because they are too lucky.

   When there was no powerful civilization, they rose up during the empty window period, and quickly colonized the galaxy with the help of subspace technology.

  With its huge volume, it lasted for 10,000 years.

  The Tau Empire will replace the hegemony of human beings with its advanced technology and the guidance of the Supreme Good.

  They are the chosen children of the galaxy.

  Titan tiles also recognize the theory of the selection of the Tau family.

  They are the best candidates to rule the galaxy.

  Before, they had tried several warp space voyages.

  As long as the technology is in place, they can erase the last bit of human advantage.

  At that time, the Tau Empire will expand in an all-round way. With its powerful technology, it will replace the rule of humans within a few hundred years and become the master of the galaxy.

  Tivar watched as the Slayer missiles fell.

  He activated the light filtering function of the combat suit to avoid being hurt by the strong light of the missile explosion.

  Three missiles roared down.

   The first shot accurately hit the tank's weakest rear armor.

  A violent explosion sounded, and the tank turned into a mass of burning metal wreckage.

  The second missile hit the right track of the tank.

  The huge explosive power of the missile blasted the Tucker into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

  The turret was also damaged, causing a second explosion.

   The chassis of the tank was also blown up.

   A third missile hits the top of the last tank, destroying its turret and multiple weapon system.

  Tiwa smiled, and he watched the surviving humans crawl out of the tank ruins in panic.

   Several were still rolling on the ground, trying to put out the flames on their clothes.

  A human officer yells and tries to regroup the survivors.

  Tiwa lowered his head and looked at the officer through the telescope of the sniper rifle.

  The blue face showed a cruel smile.

  Accompanied by the fine sound of electromagnetic rail sliding, the magnetic rail bullets leap thousands of meters in an instant.

  The impact brought by the speed instantly tore the officer apart, and his head exploded.

   Those human beings were frightened and screamed, holding weapons and shooting around, or looking for cover to hide.

  Tiwa showed a smile on his face, and he ordered the drone to rush towards the survivors, while constantly pulling the trigger.

  Those human beings are desperate and ignorant, being slaughtered mercilessly like lambs.

  "This is the end of believing in that **** corpse emperor and resisting the higher good. Stupid humans don't know anything about the power of the Tau Empire. We will tell these stupid guys what the real war is."

  Tiwa whispered.

   Waiting until the last human fell, he stood up from the ruins.

   The hunt is not over yet.

   Those Emperor Angels have not been cleared.

  Tiwa decided to take down an Emperor Angel this time to prove his bravery.

   The technology of the Imperium of Man sucks, but those Emperor Angels are really powerful.

  They are the strongest opponents that the Huo clan fighters have ever encountered, and if they are not careful, they will be wiped out.

   For this reason, getting an Emperor Angel kill is also a symbol of the strength of the Fire Warrior.

  Tiwa stepped forward, this time, he swore he would get killed.

  Let those humans know how terrible the Tau Empire is.

  With the help of the warp, Guilliman's travel is very fast.

  It took five days to reach the Modo planet.

  He prevented any unnecessary celebrations and asked the local area to keep his whereabouts secret.

  With the help of the picture memory given by the emperor, Guilliman, Caul, Sicarius and others entered the hidden sanctuary of Modo.

  The sanctuary is very hidden, and for some reason it is difficult to be discovered, let alone entered.

  So, ten thousand years passed.

   That sanctuary has never been set foot.

  Guilliman and others even saw the remains of the imperial soldiers who died thousands of years ago, as well as the bones of those survivors who took refuge.

  Densely packed, the entire tunnel and sanctuary are full of bones.

   One can imagine how many people died here at that time.

   Difficult to count.

  Going all the way along the secret passage under the sanctuary, Guilliman and others finally found the ancient portal that had been sealed by the emperor himself.

   It was a crude room made of brown earth square bricks.

   "This is the lost altar?" Kaul looked at Guilliman in confusion.

  There is nothing here, only a simple room that is unknown when it was built.

  He tried to detect with detection instruments, but found that the bricks that make up this room are older than the surrounding geology.

  This means that this so-called altar existed here before this planet was born.

   It's just unbelievable.

  There are too many things in the Milky Way that cannot be deduced using common sense.

   "Yes, don't always think about the galaxy from the perspective of humans. This altar was not created by humans, so its appearance does not conform to our imagination of altars."

  Guilliman walked into the crude, large room.

  At the end of the room, there is an arch formed by stacking black stone with white patterns on the red bedrock.

   In the center of the arch is a black stone slab as smooth as a mirror.

   "Should we mobilize the machine and drill it?" Sicarius tapped and found that the black stone slab was extremely strong.

   "No, this portal needs my blood to open, and other means can hardly destroy this black slate." Guilliman said.

  Following the prompt given by the Emperor on the Golden Throne, Guilliman used his own blood to outline a huge and complex rune.

   When he drew the last stroke of that rune.

  The black slate melted, and the thick darkness surged like a vast ocean, engulfing the entire room.

   Sicarius, Kaul and others all fell into darkness.

   They can't see anything.

  Guilliman stood in front of the door, indifferent to the impact of the darkness, he even took a step forward and walked behind the door.

  The cold instantly enveloped his whole body, the armor of destiny hummed, and the power hidden in it was trying to fight against the malice behind the portal.

  Darkness, darkness without a ray of light.

  That portal is not the so-called space portal.

   is an entrance on a metaphorical level.

  And what he passed was not a black slate carved with his blood.

  It is a barrier between reality and reality formed by countless desires and physical laws.

  He passed through the portal into the depths of the unreal Warp.

  This is the domain of the gods, where all malice and desire for destruction are deposited.

  Everything here is indescribable to normal people.

  Only a crazy lunatic can describe one or two.

  Here is not restricted by the real universe, and the laws governing all things are useless here.

  In the subspace, only your own tough soul and consciousness can be used as a weapon, and other things are unnecessary.

  The Destiny Armor emitted a faint halo.

  A road appeared at Guilliman's feet.

  Seeing this road, Guilliman frowned.

  He stretched out his hand to touch the Emperor's Sword on his waist, and his somewhat disturbed heart calmed down.

   As long as you don't meet the level of the Four Gods, you can still run.

   Besides, the road pointed by the emperor, it is impossible for him to come to die.

  Guilliman walked along the road and started to walk.

   To retrieve the other Primarchs, he must go down.

   Only by finding the secret of the Emperor's creation of the Primarch can the sleeping Lion be awakened.

   At that time, it will be easier to handle things with more people.

   Otherwise, working alone is tiring.

  As Guilliman moved forward, the surrounding darkness also quickly dissipated.

   Soon, he could see things around him.

  A bleak world appeared in his eyes, with bone-white deserts, blood-red mountains, and raging fires lighting up the sky.

  Ash and regret, sorrow and despair all around.

  When Guilliman took a step, the surrounding scene changed a lot.

  The desert faded into a rotting rainforest, and a foul-smelling miasma enveloped the sky.

   There was loud laughter in my ears, but no one could be seen.

   Keep going, the scene continues to change.

  Everything is different, like some afterglow of the past, and also like an echo of the past.

   Constantly changing as Guilliman progresses.

  Occasionally, he can see weeping creatures, lamenting whether the galaxy has been destroyed.

  Sometimes, he could see human knights on horses, shouting to fight for the first emperor.

  Occasionally, he could see a dilapidated starship sailing across the sky, the souls on it crying out in despair.

  Here is the deepest part of the subspace, where the echoes of all things are silent.

  All the nightmares that human beings can imagine are displayed here.

  Guilliman saw many side roads on the road, which lead to other places.

  Some lead to brass fortresses, some lead to obscene palaces, some lead to corrupt swamps, and some lead to crystal labyrinths.

  Some also lead to more hidden ancient forbidden places or castles.

   They are unknown, lost in the distant past.

   It was once regarded as the dwelling place of the gods, but now they are all abandoned.

  In the long time of eternity, even the gods will perish, becoming the echo of the past.

  If there are lucky people who can escape the disasters and crises on the road, they may be able to get the gifts left by those who have left.

  Guilliman avoided those paths. He is not the protagonist of Shuangwen's novel, and he doesn't know how to search subspace.

  He followed the screen given by the Emperor.

   After crossing a doomsday world destroyed by the light spears of countless starships.

  Guilliman stood on the wilderness again.

  He looked around, and there were terrifying sights everywhere, enough to drive people crazy.

   Those roads appeared under his feet, making him leave the main road, and the things at the end of the side road tempted him, wanting him to leave the main road and step on the side road.

  Each branch is a different choice.

   Stepping on it has a certain meaning.

   represents that Guilliman chose that path and became one of them.

   "Going down is not an option!" Guilliman looked at the endless road and was a little at a loss as to what to do.

   Nothing has been found so far.

   Could it be that he was deceived?

   "The truth is not so easy to find."

  A voice appeared behind Guilliman.

  Guilliman turned to look with the Emperor's Sword in his hand.

   Speaking is a hooded figure standing behind him, wearing a dark robe with a golden double-headed eagle etched on it.

  Guilliman stared at the other person's face, very familiar.

  He had seen this face on the golden throne.


   Guilliman stabbed with a sword.

  (end of this chapter)