Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 174 The Road to Another Universe (Subscribe)

   Without the slightest hesitation.

  Guilliman drew his sword and stabbed at the speed of the opponent, which can be said to be decisive and ruthless.

   It was as if the face before him was not that of the Emperor, but a vile demon.

  The emperor's sword burst into light, and the sword pierced into the opponent's body.

  That figure didn't even have time to react.

   Just watched helplessly as he was stabbed with a sword.

   "I am your father." The figure made a painful voice and twisted, "Why do you want to do this?"

   "Try it, there is nothing wrong with it, right?"

  Guilliman smiled, and the Emperor's Sword in his hand burst into flames.

  The figure let out a scream.

  The surrounding scene changed with the cry of that figure.

  The earth is shaking and the sky is rumbling.

  The surrounding scenes were also shaking, as if a magnitude 9.9 earthquake had occurred in the subspace.

  Amidst the shrill and painful screams, the figure revealed its original appearance.

  In the golden flames, it turned into an ugly and ferocious head, with red bewitching lines all over its huge body, like a monster made of embers.

  The monster was covered in cracks, and a red glow radiated from it.

  The thin, deformed horns wear an ancient and fragmented alien armor.

  His face seemed to be scorched, like the most painful nightmare of those ignorant people.

   The pair of eyes staring directly at Guilliman were lifeless, full of extreme malice and hatred.

  Hands and feet are covered with gray scales, behind a pair of huge gray wings, red lines are all over the surface of the wings, which looks like they are stitched together.

   On that scorched face, there was a huge and complicated branded rune, like lava patterns exuding a red shimmer, that rune almost covered the entire face.

   "It looks like I guessed it right." Guilliman smiled, and the Emperor's Sword in his hand went a little further, piercing the opponent's body completely.

  The devil's face is painful, and his eyes are full of disbelief.

  It is good at disguising and deceiving.

   Deceived countless self-righteous wizards and kings.

  The result is that the car overturned here.

  It never expected that Guilliman would be so ruthless that he would strike someone with a sword whenever he saw him.

  This is the so-called loyal Primarch?

  The Emperor is your father anyway? ?

  You can ask a few questions at least, and you will be given a sword when you come up.

  Is there any enmity between father and son?

   Otherwise, how could the sword stab so smoothly.

   I'm afraid Horus can't stab as fast as you.

  The demon screamed in pain, but Guilliman didn't kill it directly.

  What a good consumable, it's a pity to waste it.

  Guilliman withdrew the Emperor's Sword and placed it on his opponent's neck.

   "Tell me your real name, Demon, and swear to be my servant forever."

   "Don't be delusional." The demon shouted, "Let me go, and you will gain the friendship of my family. Otherwise, you will be torn apart by my countless companions."

"The answer is wrong." Guilliman reached out and grabbed a horn on the demon's head, snapping it off violently, causing it to scream out of pain again, "I am not asking for your opinion, the living. Submit Me, or die."

   "You dream." That demon has a lot of backbone.

  Guilliman threw away the opponent's horn, stretched out his hand and grabbed the demon's throat.

  The servo system of the Destiny Armor hummed continuously, allowing Guilliman to easily pinch the scaled throat of the thin demon and squeeze it slowly.

  The demon was lifted by his feet off the ground, and vomited out foul-smelling blood that exuded black air.

   "Never, the devil is eternal, we will never die, and we will never submit to people."

  The raised demon slammed every word, trying to resist Guilliman's enslavement.

   Guilliman stabbed in with his sword, and the Emperor's Sword sank into the demon's body.

   This time, he poured his strength into it.

  The golden sword made the devil look terrified, and it could feel unprecedented terror.

  There is an extremely terrifying power in the sword body.

  Once that power is released, its demonic nature will be directly erased.

   "Kneel down." Guilliman said, "Otherwise, you will have no chance to live in this world."

  Feeling the threat in Guilliman's tone, and the golden long sword piercing into his body again.

   "Respectful master."

  It succumbed, and the threat of death forced it to kneel down to a human, begging for a chance to live.

   Hearing this, Guilliman threw him to the ground.

"What's your name?"

   "March Kidd, my lord, the humble servant begs your forgiveness."

  The demon lay prone on the ground, and its huge gray wings were also gathered together.

   "Make an oath, there will be no survivors. Otherwise, you won't survive today." Guilliman stepped on the opponent's head with one foot, and said condescendingly.

  Marchie Kidd felt the anger burning in his chest. He had never been so humiliated after being a demon for so long.

   Keren is under the eaves, so he has to bow his head.

   "Humble servant Marche Kidd will forever be loyal to the great regent of the human empire, Lord Roboute Guilliman. If you violate this oath, you will fall into the abyss of evil forever and cannot be freed."

   "The attitude is not bad."

  Guilliman smiled.

  He moved his foot away from the opponent's head, and then kicked the opponent aside, with an extremely bad attitude.

  The Marche base was kicked into a circle, and then crawled back very numbly.

   "Good performance."

  Guilliman did not kick the opponent this time, but gave a rare compliment.

   Marche Kidd: ┭┮﹏┭┮.

   Did you take the wrong script?

  Are all human beings so cruel nowadays? ?

  Forcing people to be slaves without saying a word, and beating demons so arrogantly.

   "I ask you, where does this road end?"

  Guilliman turned his head to look at the end of the road.

  At this time, countless barbed wire fences appeared in the wasteland on both sides of the road.

  The barbed wire fence covered with iron hooks is full of loyal followers who follow him.

   Calgar, Azrael, Kaur, Penny and more.

   They twisted their blood-stained bodies and kept reaching out, begging their lord to save them.

  Guilliman knew that these were illusions, and the purpose was to lure him out of the path under his feet.

  As long as you deviate from the road, the impact will be unimaginable.

   "It has no end." The demon whispered, "This road is not real, but something on a metaphorical level."

   "So where does it lead?"

   "Many places, the Pantheon, the battlefield of the gods, and those lost ancient gods, etc., are countless. You can even go to different worlds of the heavens."

   Marche Kidd said respectfully.

  Guilliman was silent for a moment, frowning slightly.

  When talking with those black-robed villains in the Great Stone Fortress, he learned that this universe has a way to other universes, of course it is a path.

  The real road, the portal enough for the entire civilized race to migrate, has been closed or lost maintenance, and lost its original function over a long period of time.

   The only one that can still be used normally is located on the eternal battlefield where the four gods were beaten to death.

  As long as they control that place, they can let their power expand unscrupulously and engulf other worlds.

  The portal on Modo is very old. Before the planet was formed, some races had built this road.

  Guilliman guessed that the roads were built by those races before the ancient Civilization War.

  Civilizations that can grow must have a sense of crisis.

  After realizing that the situation was wrong, some of them chose to migrate, while others joined the battlefield.

  When the Civilization War is over, the remaining Old Sages will start to clean up the mess, trying to use the webway to restore the prosperity of the universe.

  The ending is also obvious, they also failed in the end.

  The Old Ones of this universe may have been exterminated.

   I just don't know if there are any Old Ones who migrated to other universes.

   "Why did the Emperor bring himself here?"

   Guilliman pondered the Emperor's purpose in bringing him here.

   To be honest, he was a little confused.

  There is nothing here, only those entities that eternal malevolence has become.

  Where is the secret of the Primarch?

   I don't have a clue, and I feel like it's a waste of time to go on.

  Guilliman is in no hurry to go to other universes.

   After all, the reform has also been promoted, and the knowledge base of the second stage has also been activated.

  The second original casting upgrade has also started.

  The advantage lies with me, and if I want to run away, Abaddon will run away.

   "Confusion is the norm, and the truth is not so easy to find."

   Another voice sounded.

  A bare, bruised feet, withered and aged body wearing a very worn-out robe.

  Holding a nearly broken scepter in his hand.

  The old man who already looks like a candle in the wind is standing here.

  The hair is gray and thin, and the age spots on the face are clearly visible.

   He was panting for breath every time he said a word, which made people worry that he would suddenly stop breathing while speaking.

  The old man looked at Guilliman with no pupils in his eyes, but a golden light.

   "Who are you?" Guilliman looked the old man up and down, raised the Emperor's Sword in his hand, asked, and walked towards him.

   "You met me before, and I sent you here."

  The old man also staggered towards Guilliman, stopping every step he took, and needed the crutch in his hand to move.

   Marchek Kidd on the side saw the appearance of the old man, showing a horrified expression.

  It lay prone on the ground, not daring to make a sound.

  The breath of the curser is extremely terrifying.

   I feel like I've been devoured just by looking at it.

   Guilliman stabbed with a sword.

  The subspace is extremely weird, and relaxing your vigilance is equivalent to courting death.

  Being cautious is the only way to survive.

   Marchekid saw Guilliman's movements, his dark eyes widened.

   This guy is indeed a cruel master.

  Everyone is stabbed first.

  The emperor's sword pierced into the old man's body, but there was no reaction at all, instead it merged with him.

  Even if Guilliman activated the force field on the sword, it was the same.

   It was as if the Emperor's Sword and the old man were originally one.

   "Now, you have confirmed my identity." The old man said.

  Guilliman looked up and down, "I believe it a little bit. You asked me to come here to find the origin of the Primarch, but there is nothing here. The only gain is to find a demon servant."

   While talking, Guilliman kicked Marchai Kidd who was lying on the ground again, completely disregarding the other party's dignity as a demon.

   Marche Kidd was furious and bullied the devil too much.

  Relying on having a good father, he does evil in the subspace, a shameless and despicable second generation.

   "Come with me, you will know about the origin of the Primarch." The old man turned around and continued to walk forward, Guilliman could only follow him.

   "How much do you know about your own existence?" the old man asked while hurrying.

"The mixture of subspace and real matter has the characteristics of fiction and reality. Those traitors said that you found the portal to the realm of the immortal gods in Molok, made various promises to them, and obtained the power of the gods. And you From this power and genetic technology the Primarch was created."

  The muscles on the old man's face twitched, revealing an ugly smile.

   "Then what do you think?"

   "I don't know, I want to hear what you said about this matter. Of course, I may not believe it, just as another reference."

  Guilliman is very calm.

  He only believes in himself.

  There are so many lies in this world, it is undoubtedly the most stupid thing to trust another party unconditionally.

   "They were right, I made a promise, and deceived their power and all kinds of knowledge." The old man admitted frankly.

   "And you broke your promise?"

"I didn't intend to abide by it. Horus knew part of the truth, but the other party didn't tell him the whole truth, and I couldn't tell the truth, otherwise the entire empire would collapse, and even the Primarch would be difficult to fight against. Give up in despair."

   "Besides the truth that you lied to the gods, what truth is there? You can tell it now, I don't care."

   Guilliman looked at the old man and said in a relaxed tone.

   Labor and capital are all time travelers, your truth can still scare me? ?

  My truth is the scariest one.

   Telling me that I am a time traveler may frighten you and the four vendors.

  The advancing old man turned his head and looked at Guilliman before continuing.

  His voice was very weak, as if saying a word would cost a heavy price.

"Every Primarch has certain characteristics of human mythology, the wolf of Fenris, the silent black angel, you all have your own subspace essence, these essences are very special, why do you think the gods have these Something completely inconsistent with their characteristics?"

   "How did it come here?" Guilliman asked puzzled, "Is it subspace? Or chaos?"

"Nothing can be created out of thin air. Even the subspace needs the emotional filling of creatures to form everything it is today. Not all forces are suitable to be shaped into primarchs, and those subspace entities formed with the help of alien races are If you can't use it, even if you can, it won't exert great power. For example, Waldo, he is the incarnation of the king in yellow. His subspace entity is stronger than yours, but his power is far less powerful than yours. Only those existences that are fettered with humans can use human genes to shape and exert the strongest power."

   "That is to say, the materials used to create us belong to humans themselves." Guilliman asked a key point, "You just take it back?"

"Yes, in the Warp, each race with a soul will form its own area. Eldar gods, orc gods, etc. Before the Warp has the power of chaos, each race has its own Heaven and hell, they will form entities in the subspace, accommodate souls, and continuously expand the subspace domain, so as to give back to the race, allowing this race to slowly realize spiritual evolution, transform into psykers, and continuously evolve into more advanced Race."

"When the power of chaos appeared, the balance was broken. They preyed on those subspace entities that were far less powerful than them, and took the subspace domain into their own pockets, and those races would also become their food. Keep feeding them, in order to obtain more food, even use wars and disasters to stimulate those races, so that those races become more extreme and crazy, and provide them with more food."

"The original orderly evolution turned into barbaric growth, which brought endless chaos and disasters. The fate of human beings is also the same. Any prayers and wars are ultimately directed at those chaotic powers. The same is true for human beings. , our universe is plagued by chaos, but we are not the first human civilization to suffer. There are many civilizations that have been destroyed before us."

"Those traits were collected by the gods. They tried to use the things they robbed from other human civilizations to negotiate a deal with me, and I agreed to them. After leaving, I turned my face directly. Should I fulfill those deals? What they need is an agent to launch a war in the universe so that our universe can be included in the realm of chaos as soon as possible, and you are the best candidates, smart enough and strong enough."

"Twenty Primarchs are twenty pawns, and they are generous, saying I can take half. They don't care about that. All they want is eternal war. Primarchs are a means, not an end. "

   Hearing this, Guilliman suddenly felt a little familiar.

Isn't this just like the globalization of the economic field, where the strong search for the market and resources of the weak, and then leave a piece of chicken feathers to the other party, and accuse the other party of the chaos caused by insufficient democracy and freedom, and vigorously advocate for more freedom and Zero tariffs, break through national barriers, and allow goods to be exchanged.

   It doesn't even mention that I eat a lot of fat, take on more responsibilities, transfer and control wealth, and use it to improve the bottom, further increase consumption, and promote development.

  The only thing they do is want more freedom between countries, preferably without restrictions.

   Let the weak have more children to supplement cheap labor and market dumping.

  Using its own power, the Great Chaos has opened up the subspace domains of those weak races, gnawed away at the opponent's share, raised that race in captivity, and made it their cheap food and servant.

  It's like capital getting bigger and bigger, and they don't care about the long-term development of those races.

"The old religions of human beings all have traces of my dominance. I tried to use the benevolence of religion to guide human beings, but in the end they all turned into wars and killings. The fate of human beings was already doomed at the moment of birth. Either not to rise , to rise is to become cheap food and servants of the gods."

"I am trying to change, even at the expense of setting up the Great Crusade in the Middle Ages. I want to use my power of prophecy to help human beings break free from this sad future and control their own destiny. If you look at it from your perspective, you might think, I shouldn't be too hasty with the Webway project, giving Horus the opportunity to rebel. I can wait for the end of the Great Crusade to carry out a comprehensive reform of the Empire before operating the Webway."

"But in the countless futures I can see, this is the only chance, the only chance for human beings to get rid of the fate of extinction. When the power of chaos is suppressed by the subspace scream caused by the destruction of the Eldar Empire, the subspace fell into a calm. During this period, their control over humans also plummeted. This is the only chance for humans to be redeemed, and it is also the best time to build a webway. Once they are allowed to slow down, they will strengthen their control over humans again Control, when the time comes, there will be no chance of success. Originally, as long as the human being's plan is successful and the connection between human beings and subspace is cut off, the gods will no longer be fed. When human beings are strong enough, there is no need to worry about subspace. The space is threatened, and we can control the subspace like that ancient race, expel those subspace entities with malicious intentions, and restore all peace in the subspace."

"When the webway plan failed, it was inevitable for me to sit on the golden throne. It is not only necessary to seal the entrance of the webway, but if it is simply to seal the entrance, I can lead the group of ten thousand to kill the demons of the webway .I sit on the Golden Throne because I need someone to lead the will of mankind to compete with the power of chaos in the subspace, and prevent them from eating humans in the subspace."

  The old man's tone was full of helplessness and pain. His past failures put him under a lot of pressure. Even talking to Guilliman would require paying a heavy price.

"The State Religion is the backup plan for Malcador and me. When human beings cannot isolate themselves from chaos, they must be prepared to compete with those guys. Facing the oppression of powerful foreign enemies, even if it makes the people fall into ignorance, we must try our best." The method is to unite and unite with the outside world. Just like those disgusting green-skinned orcs, giving up everything except war and fanatically launching an eternal war with their own gods is the last way to save their own race, otherwise everything will be destroyed Chaos is assimilated, and the chapter of mankind will end here."

   "Are you secretly promoting the madness and barbarism of the state religion?" Guilliman asked.

   "Some things are released, and you can't control them. Faith is one of them." The old man's tone was a little frustrated. He didn't expect the state religion to lose control.

  He only wants to use the state religion to unite human beliefs, and use this as strength to fight against the gods.

   I just didn't expect that with the development of thousands of years, what the state religion did was crazy, and it was about to turn the empire into hell.

"You may think that I shouldn't acquiesce in the rise of the state religion, so that human beings can continue to maintain rationality and science, and maintain development. Perhaps after 10,000 years, human beings have developed to the level of technology that can solve chaos. That is just a dream, I will show you an example next. If the influence of chaos is not removed, civilization will not be able to develop, and you can only choose between death and madness."

  The old man tapped the void in front of him a few times with the scepter in his hand, and the endless road was condensed.

   The incomparable darkness condensed again, engulfing Guilliman.

   When the light broke through the darkness again, he stood in a void.

   There was a shimmer in front of him.

  When he probed into the dim light, he saw a terrifying scene.

  The light of the galaxy became dim, as if it was shrouded in a layer of fog.

  Rotten stars hang in the icy void, like rotten apples, with tentacles dancing wildly in the hollow.

  The hot star also changed strangely, it was extremely scarlet, and it emitted light as if it was bleeding.

   The ship covered with flesh and scavenging creatures is suspended in the void, drifting aimlessly.

   Those starships are numerous and densely packed.

   It can be seen that this is a highly developed civilization that has reached the ruins of civilization in the interstellar era.

  Those ships look the same as the Empire.

  The souls in it howled with no peace, in extreme pain.

  The stars are rotten, everything is distorted, and everything exudes the horror of despair and death.

   "Here?" Guilliman asked subconsciously.

"Another universe." The old man stood side by side with Guilliman in the void, "I pulled you into this universe that has long been polluted by chaos and brought into the amusement park by the gods. Don't think that it has nothing to do with you. If you fail , this is our future, the tip of the iceberg of the doomsday scenario of the empire, the galaxy will be swallowed by the warp, and all things will be distorted under the gaze of the gods and become their playthings. I have seen everything, and at that time, the heart The fear almost overwhelmed me."

"I will never allow the world I guard to become like this, even if I pay the heaviest price. Keep reading, you will see more, Guilliman, and you will know the reason why you must succeed. Once you fail, the human race The fate will be extremely terrible."

  The scene in front of him continued to change, and Guilliman was brought to the surface of a planet.

  Everything here gave him a chill.

  A decaying city of rotting moss and fleshy vines looms on the horizon.

  The city stinks, is full of potholes full of green slime, squirming mud and worms of all kinds.

  The air is filled with thick smoke and buzzing swarms of flies.

   Swollen plants dripping with disgusting, fetid pus.

   This is a completely corrupted world, just like the demon planet of the Eye of Terror.

   "Has the whole universe become like this?" Guilliman looked at the old man beside him.

"No, this universe is divided, and the gods have different territories. Some are full of wars, some are full of plagues, and so on. The only thing in common is that these worlds have turned into hell. Continue to read, you will see Guys who used to die chanting freedom and reason, you'll see that I've been pretty restrained in everything I've done."

   Scene changes.

  Guilliman stood in a square where flesh and thorns grew, and there were dense green flies floating in the air.

  The remaining metal signs have been corroded, and fungi are growing on all the broken sculptures in the square.

   The buzzing of the swarms of flies gathering together was deafening.

   On the square, there are residents who are covered with pus and rotting flesh, and maggots are crawling around in their rotting and festering wounds.

  An old man with swollen glands and a disgusting fungus growing on his head was standing on a high platform, howling prayers to God.

  Others raised their hands and howled.

   When shouting, some green flies will land and crawl in along their open mouths.

   Those who climbed in were very excited, as if they had received some kind of favor.

  Guilliman watched these people's actions, feeling sick and nauseated.

  Compared with these, the madness of the state religion is still understandable.

"They used to be a very powerful civilization, science and technology developed to the peak, advocating democracy and freedom. Even when the crisis broke out, their leaders still shouted that freedom is inviolable. If there is no freedom, there will be no survival." So they became like this, enslaved forever, becoming the cheapest food, the embryos of those demons."

  The old man standing next to Guilliman said in a sad tone.

"In the face of the endless malice of the gods, human kindness, bravery, justice, and freedom are meaningless. There is only survival, the only goal of living. Once you fail, the scene in front of you will be staged in the future, and mankind will You will fall into the abyss of eternal doom, and the galaxy will become a paradise for the gods, you can't fail, No. 13."

   "No one can guarantee success." Guilliman whispered, "The power of Chaos is so powerful, I dare not make any guarantees."

   Hearing Guilliman's reply, the old man became more painful, and he also knew it was true.

  He possesses the power of prophecy and eternal life, can see the future, and resurrect infinitely.

   also possesses power unimaginable by the world, and can easily enter and leave the subspace, and negotiate with the gods.

  Even in a novel, this is a naked protagonist template.

  But on his way of fighting against the gods, what he got was a disastrous defeat all the way.

   Even forced to sit on the Golden Throne.

  What hope does Guilliman have for defeating these chaotic powers?

"I want to know how to wake up number one, Lord of the First Legion, Ryan." Guilliman looked at the old man, and asked the question he wanted to know the most, "There is no way when the power is weak. Win the final victory of this war."

"Because of the space-time tunnel, someone brought him to this time from 10,000 years ago, and the correction power of time-space will make him collapse. For this reason, he has been sleeping in the static force field, protected by those so-called watchmen on."

"A flesh and blood body cannot withstand the power of time-space correction, and the gene sequence will collapse because of this, but the subspace does not follow the real time law. Send him to the subspace, wake him up, and then summon him into the real universe like a demon. OK."

  As the creator of the Primarch, the Emperor obviously had a plan for the situation of Lion.

   He gave Guilliman a solution.

   "What about the other Primarchs? How do I recall them?"

"You can only come one by one. Their situations are different. I will give you appropriate tips. Many things in the real universe can only be relied on by yourself. I can't do much. Human emotions and beliefs are like It's like a mountain oppressing me, and my consciousness is exhausted just to restrain this force."

  The old man approached Guilliman, and the scene around them gradually disappeared.

   Those believers who crazily worshiped the God of Plague disappeared instantly.

   They are back on the endless road.

  The demon Marche Kidd is still lying on the ground.

   It seems that they never left that way.

   "Can you cross different universes?" Guilliman was a little curious, to be able to carry him so easily from those strange roads in the subspace to here, what a terrifying level the Emperor's power has reached!

   Switching to the novel, how can it be regarded as the heavenly emperor who collapsed the world with a snap of his fingers, and suppressed the galaxy with his fist, right?

  It just looks like a hip stretch.

  At this level, it feels unsuitable to bear the body of an old man who is about to die.

"No, crossing different universes, the resistance you encounter is greater than you can imagine. Just like those demons entering the real universe, they are easily driven back by the real universe. The reason why I can take you into this universe , because this universe has been completely corrupted by the power of chaos. Just like the emergence of the Great Rift, demons can easily appear in the real universe. My power can be easily projected into this universe, and I can easily bring you in."

   "The four gods and I can only continue to use our influence to encourage believers and let them continue to strengthen the sacrifice, so that we can have the opportunity to descend to other real universes."

"This trip, your mission is over, on the thirteenth. Go back. Remember your mission, no matter what the cost, you must never allow failure, otherwise human beings will be doomed. The catastrophic scenes you have seen are nothing but It's that corner of the corrupted universe that has more crises."

  The golden light in the old man's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his aura became more sacred and powerful.

   Obviously, the old man can no longer maintain this image.

  The power of human belief is a double-edged sword, allowing him to protect human beings powerfully, but also preventing him from controlling this terrifying power.

   "Is there any way to travel to another universe?" Guilliman asked at the last chance.

   Seeing the old man emitting golden light staring at him, Guilliman added embarrassingly. "The Four Gods are so powerful, you have to be prepared to escape, no, be prepared to make a strategic move in."

"This road is a road that can lead to other universes, and it is a road used by ancient races for refuge. But I want to warn you, this road is full of dangers. More importantly, the universe you can enter is likely to have To be torn apart by the gods is no less dangerous than the universe we live in."

  The old man pointed a golden finger on Guilliman's forehead, and a mysterious and strange picture appeared in his mind.

"This is a coordinate, which I obtained when I tried to exert my influence on other universes. If you really want to know more about other universes, you can use this coordinate to go to that universe. The gods have opened their mouths there, and their servants and mortal legions are fighting to plunder more food for them, preparing to turn it into another paradise of suffering."

   "When you witness the chaos of that universe for yourself, you will find that everything I said is not a lie. The influence of chaos is much more terrifying than you imagined."

  Guilliman marked down the coordinates.

  He will send someone to check that cosmic coordinate, to see if it is really what the Emperor says it is. .

  The more he understood, the more afraid Guilliman was of the threat of Chaos.

   It feels like the roots of chaos have penetrated into the world of the heavens, and the universe they live in is definitely not the only world suffering from chaos.

  The situation in many universes is probably worse than that of the human empire.

   answered the last question.

  The old man turned into golden light and disappeared in front of Guilliman.

   Being able to talk to him for so long is already the limit of the Emperor.

  But Guilliman also knows a lot about what he wants to know.

  He looks far away one last time at the end of the road, the possibility of encountering another universe just by continuing on.

   Migration to other planets, other countries have fallen behind.

   It is fashionable to emigrate to other universes.

  Guilliman withdrew his gaze and kicked Marchai Kidd away.

   "Go and collect more information for me, and search for paths that can lead to other universes by the way. Don't play any tricks. When I summon you, you have no information or intelligence, so don't blame me for being rude."

  Guilliman told Marche Kidd that he had mastered the opponent's real name, and forced the opponent to make an oath with his own devil essence.

   Such an oath has mysterious power, which allows Guilliman to use rituals to summon this unlucky guy at will in the real universe.

   After teaching Marchai Kidd, Guilliman turned and walked back.

  He got what he wanted, and it was time to leave here and return to the real universe.

   Marchekid prostrated himself on the ground, confirmed that Guilliman's figure had disappeared at the end of the road, and immediately ran in the opposite direction.

   Still want to enslave it, dream.

  Even if you master the real name, so what!

   The vastness of the subspace is unimaginable.

  The role of the ceremony is limited.

  As long as you run far enough, the opponent can't catch you even if you use the ritual.

   "One day, I will eat your soul into my stomach."

   Marchekid cursed angrily as he fled to the depths of the subspace.

   plunged into the end of that road, escaped from this area, and escaped to other universes.

  The damned human regent will never even try to enslave it for the rest of his life.

  Guilliman doesn't know anything about it, he's walking back.

  The voice in his ear was getting louder and louder, howling and roaring laughter echoed in his ear.

  Those branches frequently appeared in front of him, trying to confuse him to take a different path.

  Especially the four branch roads leading to the Brass Fortress, Crystal Labyrinth, Rotten Garden, and Castle of Pleasure once occupied Guilliman's main road, forcing him to stop and watch the road before he could move on.

   After walking for a long time, Guilliman felt the darkness covering him again.

  This is a unique manifestation of the portal, a special black mist formed at the junction of reality and reality.

  Guilliman walked to the place where he started, when he was about to pass through the invisible portal.

  He turned his back to the black mist and raised his middle finger.

   "One day, I will come back here, but I will take the army and warships and wipe out your disgusting lair. Remember my words, this is a prophecy and a declaration. One day, the thirteen sons will kill the gods."

   After saying this, Guilliman stepped in and disappeared.

  The endless howls of anger of the gods echoed in the warp.

  A despicable mortal, an ant like sand, is so arrogant.

   More excessive than his father.

  Since you dare to say kill God.

  (end of this chapter)