Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 259 Capture Mortarion Alive

  After the discussion between Chagatai and Phikris, the army of Ultramar launched a full-scale counterattack against the minions of the plague god.

   Launch a fierce attack on the enemy from various battlefields and fronts.

  According to the established strategic plan, Chagatai led the huge imperial army to approach the Ix system.

  Using a huge fleet to besiege the planet and carry out orbital bombing, forcing Mortarion to fight him.

  The demons headed by Kugas are besieged on the planet Ix.

   Phikris and Ventris also launched a fierce attack on the battlefields of each node detected by the psyker according to the plan.

  Ardiham Galaxy is one of them.

   "In five minutes, we will be close to the opponent's hive capital defensive position." The pilot of the anti-gravity hover gunship stared at the screen in front of him, and his voice echoed in the ears of many soldiers through the communication device.

  High-frequency converters ensure that the pilot's voice is not drowned out by the din of the battlefield and the hum of the power armor's power core.

"Very well, in the name of Guilliman, we will surely win." Phikris said: "Brothers, it's time to let those traitors and demons know the wrath of offending Ultramar, get ready, the upcoming Airborne combat."

   Following his words, red lights flickered in the cabin.

  Accompanied by a hissing sound in the background, the numerous Space Marines check their bolters and melee weapons one last time.

  The armor painted with the emblem of the chapter looked like it was soaked in blood under the light.

  The light emitted from the armor energy pile and weapons made the atmosphere of the cabin extremely dignified.

  There are five fighters in the cabin of an anti-gravity suspended gunboat.

   They are all giants beyond mortals.

  This time, hundreds of gunboats participated in the operation, more than 500 original cast warriors participated in the battle, and there was also a large auxiliary army.

  Such power is enough to destroy the resistance of a galaxy civilization.

   But now, they are only used to destroy the enemy of a planet.

  Guilliman did not hesitate to use stronger troops than during the Great Crusade.

  Whether it is equipment or warriors, the Empire today is much stronger than it was during the Great Crusade.

  When the Space Marine's hovering gunship enters an enemy-controlled area.

  Vehicle engine pitch has changed noticeably.

  The smooth flight also became bumpy.

  The pilot tried his best to appease the spirit of the machine.

   Let the vehicle try to adapt to abnormal, frequently changing air pressure.

   Let it fly towards the target.

  The enemy's attack also started at this time.

   Beams and cannonballs appear in the fog-shrouded airspace.

   Bombarded on the shield of the gunboat.

   There were ripples.

  The new gunships have armor designs and capabilities that shield them from enemy fire.

  However, the laws of the physical world are extremely powerful and cannot be easily changed by the will of mortal creatures.

  The shock wave formed by the explosion and the pulse of the light beam all changed the direction of the gunboats, forcing them to fail to reach the designated location.

  Fighters corroded by the dark gods were also looted from the hive capital.

   They charge towards Imperial gunships, unleashing their wrath on Imperial vehicles with missiles and lances.

  In the flesh-and-blood buildings of Hive Capital, there are many artillery positions.

  Those muzzles are lit up one by one.

   Unleash countless attacks.

  Thunderbird amphibious fighter joined the battle.

  They are air support and also titans.

  In high altitude, can suppress the enemy with terrible firepower.

  After landing, they can turn into the **** of war-Taita again, crushing the enemy with their huge body.

   In the beginning, they had an absolute advantage.

   But the good times didn't last long, the enemy changed his attack method.

  They are clearly aware that the empire cannot be stopped with existing attacks.

  The cultists drove the suture monsters like hills from the twisted flesh and blood buildings.

  Holding a barbed iron whip in his hand, he beat the monsters to make them obey his will.

   In addition, there are those ancient catapults, huge siege towers and other creations.

  The Thunderbird, which turned into a Titan, destroyed all enemies with its huge Titan weapon.

   Missiles rumble, and lasers shine in the sky.

  The driver becomes the messenger of the God of All Opportunities, setting the whole battlefield on fire.

   "In the name of Guilliman, weep, cowards, scumbags of the subspace, remember the name of your grandfather Adams." The pilot controlled the huge mecha, burning all enemies in sight.

   Tall ruined buildings were pulled down.

  Everything is soaked in flames.

  There is only death, only burning.

  For the sake of great people, go forward bravely.

  The driver uttered a battle cry without the slightest fear.

   Even if it is facing the minions of the gods, facing the greatest evil in the universe.

  He didn't have the slightest fear.

  The catapult threw out green rays of light, and those rays of light fell like meteorites, shaking the earth.

  The strange magic fire was burning, and the huge impact made the Thunderbird mecha built with all the advanced technology of the empire be smashed to pieces like a toy.

  The high-density alloy armor was deformed by the strange witchcraft fire.

  The pilot inside screamed for Guilliman in the raging demon fire, and then was burned to coke.

  Several Thunderbird fighters were blown up by the enemy, and there was a rumbling explosion on the battlefield.

   "It looks like the situation is not good." Phikris saw the battle outside with the help of an external optical device.

   Even with the assistance of many troops from the empire, it is by no means an easy task to directly break through the hive capital controlled by the enemy.

"This place makes me feel pain." A primordial warrior named Glenn with psionic talent said, "There is a terrible aura of subspace emanating from the depths of the hive. Fear and anxiety. The malice surrounding us is getting stronger and stronger. This feeling makes me fall into the gap between the subspace and the real world. It is that dark force that endows the enemy with the power of the original creation. If you want to Let the enemy lose the power to resist, we must destroy the evil in the depths of the hive."

   "We will, nothing can stop us." Phikris said, "For the sake of the great imperial regent, we must win."

  The voice of the driver also came from the communication, full of panic, "There is heavy firepower in the inner city of the hive capital, we have no way to get close, my lord."

   "Let's go here." Phikris said: "Leave the rest to us. Open the hatch. It's time to let the enemy meet the wrath of humans. They will regret coming to this world."

   "Understood, my lord." The pilot said.

  Accompanied by the hum of machinery and the hiss of hydraulic pipes, the hatch opened at an altitude of tens of meters.

  The high-speed flying suspension vehicle brings strong airflow.

  Air mixed with poisonous mist poured into the cabin.

  Those flies also flew in along the open hatch.

  Many Primordial Warriors could glimpse the fierce battle in the airspace outside from the open hatch.

  The gunship they were on was also firing fiercely, the three laser cannons hanging on both sides were rotating at high speed, and the muzzles were constantly firing.

  The high-speed rotation of the laser cannon can reduce the scattering effect of the laser beam in the atmosphere.

   Otherwise, the energy attenuation caused by the scattering of the beam will be a big problem in terms of distance, and it will be difficult to kill the enemy.

  The melta cannon under the suspended gunboat is also firing crazily.

   Strips of crimson beams fell on the ground, suppressing the enemy's attack.

   "Airborne, everyone jump down." Phikris walked to the hatch and gave orders to everyone.

   One by one, the blessed Primaris warriors jumped down from the hatch.

   Phikris was the last one.

  The height of tens of meters is not worth mentioning to them.

  The strength of the battle armor and body is enough to eliminate the damage caused by these impacts.

   "Fight for Guilliman." Primaris warriors jumped out one by one, roaring deafeningly.

   Nesting together is synonymous with overcrowding and human misery.

   After Guilliman took over the Empire, this situation has improved significantly.

  The comfort level of the residents of the hive capital has also improved a lot.

  In the complex steel building like a jungle, there are gardens and forests.

  The place where Phikris fell was a plant forest inside the city.

   When the war is not coming, this is a place for people to relax.

  The forest has changed beyond recognition.

  The yellow mist rushed out from the hole above the dome, and was swept away by the difference in air pressure between the inside and the outside.

  The mist flowed like a banner among the slimy blackened branches.

   Strong winds blew towards the hole, and the mist wrapped in plague formed a screaming face and was sucked into the planet's troposphere.

  Phicles landed on the soft garden floor, mourning the blasphemous sight before him.

  Garden paths are overgrown with rotting vegetation.

  The swollen trees are as menacing as twisted giants.

  Their shapes are only outlines in the mist.

   Taking a closer look, the trees looked horrifying.

  Human corpses were devoured by wildly growing plants, only the head and limbs were not devoured.

  The remaining limbs that were not devoured also became lignified like wood.

   Behind these rotting groves, enemies appear.

   They are bloated Heretic Astartes in dark gray armor, the Death Guard.

  The cracked armor plates on his body dripped with filthy liquid.

  Accompanied by deep roars, the Death Guards opened fire on Phikris and the others, trying to annihilate them in the early stage of landing.

   These guys were cousins ​​to Phikles.

   It's just that one side is loyal to Chaos, and the other side is loyal to the Emperor.

   Heretic Astartes were once the most powerful warriors in the galaxy.

   They possessed extraordinary bodies created by the Emperor using ancient technology, and they were also blessed by the dark gods.

  But that is already a thing of the past.

   Right now, Primaris warriors are the strongest.

   "Counterattack, let them know how powerful we are." Phikris flickered, and the power sword in his hand cut down a death guard, and the bolt gun in his hand also executed another enemy.

  The suspended anti-gravity gunboat also fired immediately, and the heavy bomber cannon rotated at high speed.

  The turret spewed out flames, sweeping down a large area of ​​plants in the path of the shooting.

  Bomb explodes in the middle of overgrown and decaying giant logs.

   Wet wood pulp splashed everywhere.

  The dome of the garden trembled with the explosion.

   Phikris doubted whether the garden would fall apart during the battle.

  The structure of the dome has also decayed like the vegetation inside.

   Those toughened glass and plastic steel that can last thousands of years in the harshest environment are polluted by the power of the warp.

  The rusty surface of the skeleton becomes pitted due to erosion.

   "Advance quickly, stay away from here, this place is not safe." Phikris issued a new order, and the tactical radar scanned the entire battlefield to gather all the information.

  Each enemy's location is revealed in the fighters' tactical visors.

   Their hiding is pointless.

  The Primaris warriors raised their bolt guns and shot every death guard with precision.

   Both sides are fighting fiercely.

   Countless tree trunks were hit by bullets and turned into dust.

  The death guards and demons put up a tenacious resistance.

   But under the attack of Fickris and others, it was quickly defeated.

  The artillery position was concentrated fire by the empire and became fragmented.

  The cultists were routed before the heavily armed Imperial Astral Militia.

  Those weird creations with witchcraft were also shattered under the coordinated attacks of imperial psykers and state priests.

  The death guard tried to stop it.

  But what they faced was the original cast warrior, a demigod built with the latest technology of the empire.

  Phicles is the best among them. Very early on, he activated the Emperor Angel engine and completed the second original casting upgrade.

  With the blessing of skills like flickering, those death guards are not opponents at all.

  They can't even determine whether the next attack will come from their front or their back.

   The recovery ability of the Death Guard is beyond imagination.

   There is a Death Guard warrior who has been turned into a flaming torch.

  All the fat in his body melted in the flames, providing fuel for the combustion.

   But he still stood firm.

   Burning with his gun.

  But the attack unleashed by the original warriors was enough to destroy everything.

   They implement Guilliman's tactical thinking.

  That is unlimited firepower.

   To put it simply, as long as the opponent is still moving, call a round of fire coverage bombing.

   Make sure that the opponent has no possibility of counterattack before moving on.

   Every Death Guard took overflow damage they couldn't handle.

  The Primaris warriors wielding hell-sized plasma cannons are not stingy, sending scorching plasma beams to every traitor who roars to fight for the dark god.

  Let them know that the real universe belongs to humans, not gods.

  The last two death guards tried to escape, but when they turned around, they were attacked by hundreds of Primordial warriors under Felcles.

  Although their speed didn't match their cumbersome appearance, they still couldn't escape, and even their bodies couldn't be saved.

  The participation of more than 500 original cast warriors is undoubtedly a force that can determine victory.

   Besides, there are also titan formations, knights and other imperial troops as auxiliary troops.

   Such a luxurious battle was not found a few times even during the Great Expedition.

   After annihilating all the Death Guards at the landing point and crushing the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower, Phikris ordered people to continue advancing.

  Under the guidance of the psyker, the imperial troops were locked on the most magnificent tower of the hive building.

  It used to be the place where the ruler of the hive city handled government affairs and lived.

   Now, there is a terrible poisonous fog and twisted, rotting flesh plants growing there.

  Fikris looked at the tactical panel in his hand, and the red text reminded him how dangerous it was.

   Pollution of the entire galaxy, and even the source of pollution in the nearby light-year star field is there.

   There Mortarion placed terrible artifacts of the Warp to pollute the world.

   "Go ahead and get rid of them," Phikris said.

   Only by cutting off the nodes arranged by Mortarion can he be forced to the final decisive battle.

  Ikes, there will be his last sound.

  ps: I will add it tomorrow. I will write about Mortarion first. After I finish writing many Primarchs attacking the subspace, I will write the chapter on another world. I have to sort it out.

  (end of this chapter)