Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 260 The Rebellion of the Slave (for subscription)

  The top of the hive city shuddered in the howling winds of the troposphere.

  The whole majestic building screamed in a dying whine.

  The shutters at the top of the Hive City are all carefully designed. Before they are eroded by the God of Plague, the wind blowing through these buildings will be shunted by these shutters, and wonderful music will be heard.

  Nowadays, the building structure has been corroded with many dilapidated holes, wrapped in wriggling flesh and mycelium, emitting a foul smell.

  The switches that controlled the shutters were nailed to the walls of the steeple's flanks, hanging in the wind, long ago tattered.

   Phikris and others walked on these decaying buildings with the help of the balance system of the armor.

  Slight changes in the air flow and the structure of the bottom nest will make the place wobble.

  In the strong wind came the scream of dying machinery and the irritating rattle of metal.

  The floor doesn't feel real, and every time a strong wind blows, the floor will vibrate violently.

   Only the battlefield demigods who have incorporated the latest technology of the empire can easily walk in such a harsh environment, as if walking on flat ground.

  The suspended armed skull is equipped with a rotary laser cannon, and a high-precision detection device is turned on.

  They fly in front of the Primordial Warriors, carry out pathfinding missions, collect information for Phikris and others, and control the battlefield situation.

   Phikris observed the enemy's situation through the tactical panel of his helmet.

  Death Guards will hide in those squirming flesh or lightless darkness to attack.

  In old battles, the old battle-brothers have often suffered heavy casualties from their despicable sneak attacks.

   But now, the original cast warriors have already known their positions with a more advanced detection system.

  The enemy has already been defeated by them before they launch an attack.

  Plague drones hovered among the ruined buildings, trying to use plague stingers to attack the advancing original cast warriors.

   Phikris and the others used explosive bombs and plasma jets to blast the drones.

   Thin liquid flowed from the surface of the pitted metal flesh, and the demon imprisoned inside screamed in pain.

   Nothing can stop Phikris and his party, they entered the building where the subspace creation was placed from the crumbling high bridge.

   "There are enemies inside." A Primaris warrior said.

   Phikris also received the battlefield data, and the three-dimensional map appeared in the tactical visor of the helmet.

  There are solid red dots all over the building, which is a mark representing the enemy.

  Accompanied by a deep roar, the staggering dead came out of the darkness.

  Wearing tattered Chinese clothes, with a weird laugh from his mouth, and helplessness and pain in his eyes.

   "Plague zombies." Phikris spat.

  Think tanks stepped forward to clear the power of the subspace and establish an anti-subspace force field.

   Neither plague nor disease can create zombies, let alone resurrect the dead.

   This is something that the law of reality does not allow.

   Only the power of the Warp can do this.

   Without the warp, these plague walkers would have no way to move.

  After entering the force field built by the think tanks, the action ability of the plague zombies was infinitely weakened.

  Like a computer with a bad network, the web page opens very slowly.

  These weakened plague zombies did not pose any threat to Phikris and others.

   Weak, rotting hands and makeshift weapons are useless against the latest developments in power armor.

   They tried to tear at the limbs of Imperial warriors, but smashed rotting teeth against the armor.

  They were efficiently cleaned up, ignited by the chemical flames ejected from the incineration injectors carried by the original cast warriors, and became moving torches, which were easily blown into pieces by explosive bombs

   Phikris and others drove straight in, and the biggest threat was the demon vehicles that imprisoned demons.

   Traveled all the way to the deepest part of the building, only to encounter the death guard again, and a fierce battle broke out.

   Those traitors built a fortification, guarding a hall.

  There is Phikris' ultimate goal.

   Exudes heart-pounding psionic energy fluctuations, making the psychic user feel unparalleled depression.

   The Death Guard's resistance is very tenacious.

   Relying on the last fortifications and demonic vehicles, they prevented the advance of the Primordial Warriors.

  Virus refiners continuously released various suffocating poisonous mist and plague spores.

   Primaris warriors are armored enough to withstand these carriers of the plague.

  The constantly rotating poisonous fog made their aiming accuracy drop a lot.

   There are also those death guards who have been blessed by the devil, and they have also shown strong combat effectiveness.

   Among them is a champion of the Death Guard. The opponent has received more blessings and is more powerful.

  The death guard champion finally died in the hands of Phikris.

   Got blown in the head with a single shot from his bolter.

   Facing the attack of the Primordial Warriors, the Death Guard suffered heavy casualties.

   Just when everyone thought they were about to win.

  The strange bell rang, stirring up the poisonous mist and making it tumbling continuously.

  An extremely obese death knell messenger came out of the darkness, and the heavy body made the floor creak.

  A small bronze clock covered with strange lines and eyes hangs above his head, hanging from a huge black pointed horn.

  Accompanied by shaking, the bell tongue struck the clock wall.

  A bell of sadness and despair rolled over the battlefield.

   Shocked the spirit of the Death Guard and weakened the Primaris Warriors.

  The sound itself is highly poisonous to the soul, and the soul will be polluted by these sounds.

   Phikris felt the pain.

  He heard the promise of darkness in the chimes of the bell.

   "Embracing my pain will end all future pain."

  Dark thoughts filled Pheklis' mind, pulling him away from the fight.

  He is tormented by visions of his own death.

  Strong, comparable to a demigod's original cast body, it will eventually become a trembling and weak figure under the influence of disease and years.

  He will die of old age, left unattended, or tortured by his enemies.

   No one will come to save him like the one who saved Gene-Father.

   All that awaits him is the evil howl of the warp.

   "All living beings are mortal, but I don't want to die." Dark thoughts grew in Phikris' mind, quickly took root and grew stronger.

  The bell rang, and the voice of the death knell messenger also sounded.

"This is the relief of suffering, there will be joy in the pain, allegiance to the father of Nurgle, never have to fear the doomed death, become eternal, become the carrier of life, join the dance that never stops, enjoy it ."

  The strange and profane voice reaches everyone's ears, tempting their dark side.

   Believe in the great Nurgle and get rid of the suffering in the world.

"The Emperor will eventually bring every soul into the kingdom he created. Death is not the end, but the beginning of another journey." A think tank raised his scepter and said loudly: "Don't listen to those vicious language, that's just a poison of the Warp."

  The scepter and the crystal imprint of his protective helmet radiate intense light.

   "Captain Commander," the Librarian yelled, awakening Phikris from all his visions of death.

   Phikris understood what the other party was thinking.

  He activated the power sword in his hand, and a flicker appeared beside the messenger of death knell.

  The power sword in his hand pierced the opponent's chest, and the gauntlet slammed the opponent's head.

   Death Guards can take more damage than other Traitors.

   Phikris knew that he had to release enough overflow damage to the opponent in order to kill him.

  The Deathstroke is a terrifying existence.

  The body is violently swelled by the influence of unnatural plagues and corrupt forces.

  The cracked armor can barely contain its huge body.

  Many sickly pointed horns growing out of the back.

  Those horns are part of his body.

  A dirty tunic hung over his armor, yellowed by the smoke from the censer at his waist.

  Death Knell's head was hit hard once, and his chest was shredded by the force field, but he was still able to move.

  Bloated, rotting hands shook a small clock.

  The sound wave hit Phikris so hard that the psionic damper crackled and burned out.

   Warm blood flowed from the ears.

   "Go to hell." Phikris yelled, getting rid of the opponent's influence, and the power sword in his hand slashed across the opponent's rotting body. Amidst the crackling sound, foul-smelling smoke floated out of the wound.

   The traitor let out a final roar, trying to shake the little clock in his hand again.

   Phikris let go of the hilt of his sword, and punched the opponent's head with his fist.

   Phikris, who has been upgraded twice, possesses terrifying power, and he dented the opponent's helmet with just a few punches.

  Knellbringer fell.

  The bell disappeared.

  Many original cast warriors recovered and launched attacks again.

  The remaining Death Guard fell.

   Pushing open the door of the room, Phikris saw the subspace device that Mortarion placed in this world.

  All the furnishings in the room were removed, leaving only the empty room.

  The walls are cracked.

  The precious paintings inlaid have also been destroyed, and even the murals have been smashed, leaving only plaster crunching underfoot.

  The pedestals of the removed statues remained in the room, and seven strange stills were arranged in a circle at precise intervals.

   Stills bubble and boil, releasing cold fumes laden with pathogens.

  Seven stills surround a gigantic flask of brass glass and some unknown evil material.

   The lower half of the giant flask is a giant hemisphere filled with swirling black particles.

   If you look closely, you can see that it is a group of crazy flies.

  In the upper half of the flask, is a complex mechanism of rusted bronze and brass.

  The machine is equipped with seven broken gauges, and each gauge is divided into seven divisions.

   The appearance of this machine is primitive, as if from a backward world of steam and clockwork gear-driven machinery.

   At the heart of the mechanism is a complex fluid circuit encased in a shimmering shard that looks like stone.

  The shape of that fragment is not regular, it seems to be formed naturally, at least not deliberately created.

   "According to the information of the Eldar, this is a lost artifact of theirs, with extraordinary power in the warp." A think tank said: "Mortarion got it and used the power in it."

   "Now, let's destroy it." Phikris took out the bomb with the power of warp annihilation.

  Mankind had some terrible knowledge during the Golden Age.

  Those knowledge can create weapons that erase souls or imprints in the high heavens.

   Later, these technologies were lost, and some were sealed up.

   Now these techniques are being applied again by Guilliman.

  After installing the bomb, Fickris and the others turned and left. After reaching a suitable distance, they detonated the bomb.

  Accompanied by a subspace scream, the originally suppressed spiritual energy dissipated.

   Those still active plague corpses were like electrical appliances that were suddenly disconnected from the power supply, and they all fell down.

  The fog and poisonous clouds shrouded in the sky also quickly subsided, revealing a clear and cloudless sky.

   Phikris watched as the Imperial forces smashed the enemy's defenses and entered the hive.

   Another overall victory.

  Phicles believes that Ventris will also complete his task.

  He couldn't think of any force that could stop the imperial army he led.

   "Let's go, continue to the next battlefield, we have to push Mortarion to Ix." Phikris walked to the gunboat docked not far away, and said to many Primaris warriors in the communication.

   "For Guilliman."

   "For Guilliman."

   they shouted.

  Many people think time travel is a very happy thing.

  Be able to start a different life in another universe, so that you can start over.

  Thinking like that is wrong.

  If you can't live well in the original universe, then why should you live well in another universe? ?

  The same suffering exists in different worlds.

  People can only change themselves and seek better living conditions in the harsh environment.

  How many times the game is restarted, some level BOOS are so tortured.

   Either beat it or stop there.

  The same is true for people. Only by defeating the weaknesses and shortcomings in the heart can we pass to the next level.

  Qiuchen used the voice pen to record his thoughts.

  He walks on the road across different universes.

  Different from the first time travel, he is sober at this moment.

  At that time, he was in a daze and didn't know what was going on.

  According to the empire, it is like an unlucky egg that crashed in the ocean, was engulfed by ocean currents, and finally reached another world.

  Qiuchen acted together with those exploration members of the empire, walking on those seemingly ancient roads.

  These roads, like the tunnels built by the empire, have the ability to travel through different universes.

  Qiuchen learned from the chat that these roads were built by those ancient races.

   Don't ask how old it is, the evolutionary history of human beings is just a fraction compared to the years experienced by those ancient races.

  In the ever-changing time and space, even death will wither.

  Qiuchen couldn't describe the excitement and hesitation in his heart.

  He can feel that he is in a very great era.

   But with his short-sightedness, it is difficult to see the whole face of this era.

  After recording his diary for today, Qiuchen poked his head out from the observation window of the vehicle.

  The scene outside is extremely weird, and those terrible nightmares born in dreams appear on both sides of the road.

   Seeing the entities that turned into nightmares, Qiu Chen felt a little confused.

   It is human nightmares that create those horrible images.

   It was these horrible creatures who intruded into human dreams and created those nightmares.

  Qiuchen couldn't think of an answer.

  This question involves profound knowledge.

   Wait until human beings' research on the subspace reaches an extremely high level, and then we will get the answer.

  Qiu Chen tried hard not to pay attention to those weird scenes.

   Keep your eyes on the road.

   They were crossing a tall, steep and rocky ridge.

  This ridge seems to be rising to the clouds.

   "Don't stay outside for a long time, those scenes are not friendly to us." The mechanical priest whose two-thirds of his flesh and blood had been replaced with mechanical prosthetics made a cold voice.

  Qiu Chen shrugged and shrank his head back.

   The space inside the vehicle is quite spacious, and you can stretch your hands and feet when you are resting.

  The Mechanical Priest stood on those screens, manipulating the machine soul, making it follow the established route.

  Many vehicles in the car have given up the high-precision virtual projection technology and switched to more reliable mechanical technology.

  Even the display is an old fashioned display with wiring.

  Qiu Chen couldn't remember the time.

   According to vague memory, this troop has been on a long journey for more than three months.

   Such a journey is tormented.

  Qiu Chen can only stay in the car all the time, and cannot go out at will.

  Roads have a special protection ability, staying away from the road is equal to a dead end.

   Truth be told, the journey was excruciating.

   If the traveler's mind is a little weaker.

   I'm afraid I will be driven crazy.

   Traveling through the universe is no fun.

   There will not be a mysterious big hand that will throw the traverser from this universe to that universe.

  They have to walk from the deep area of ​​the warp along those ancient roads that are almost forgotten, one step at a time.

   "How long will it take before we reach our destination?" Qiu Chen asked.

   "Time is meaningless in subspace." The mechanical priest said: "Don't think about it."

   "Then how do we know how long we've been wandering here?" Qiu Chen said.

"There is no way to know. You may feel that three months have passed, but from the outside world, we may have just left." The mechanical priest said: "In the subspace, only the will is real, and everything else is illusory ."

  Qiuchen sighed and lay down on his resting place.

   The journey was dull and tedious.

  Qiuchen knew very well that if this journey could really bring him back to the original universe.

  The things he witnessed are enough to make countless posterity lament the power of the empire.

   Also enough to make his descendants proud.

  A powerful civilization at the cross-universe level successfully arrived in other universes for the first time before it rose.

  This historical moment is great.

   represents the pace of a civilization.

   The first time you get Tinder, the beginning is laid.

  The first time he set foot on the moon, it established the beginning of human exploration of the starry sky.

   first reached other universes, laying the beginning of a great multi-Empire.

  But these can't replace Qiu Chen's attitude towards this journey.

  Dry and boring.

  Perhaps this is true of all great undertakings, and romance only belongs to the history books written by literati.

   Those great undertakings are boring to those who have experienced them.

  The Glory of Macragge.

  Guilliman stands in front of the bridge console, next to him is Sanguinius.

  The sight of the two Primarchs standing side by side brought many warriors and Imperial chroniclers to tears.

  This exciting moment heralds the great revival of the human empire.

  The greats who were lost in time are returning.

  The battle for Planet Devon is over.

  Humanity has achieved absolute victory.

  The gods tried to stop Guilliman's madness, but they failed.

  After the return of Sanguinius, their minions were defeated.

"They are excited for your return, Sanguinius, this is a great moment, the people of the empire have welcomed the return of an angel, which will make people very encouraged." Guilliman slid the Hologram, laughing, "No one is better than you, Sanguinius. Those **** traitors will cry at your name, they will cry like a fart at your return, Victory is ours."

   "All this is due to you, Guilliman, the great Regent of the Empire." Sanguinius said sincerely, watching the magnificent fleet in the starry sky from the position of the porthole.

  Those huge celestial-class battleships, each one is so amazing, they are a mobile war world, no force can destroy them.

   And mortals armed to the teeth, and warriors created by the Emperor and optimized again by Guilliman.

   On Planet Devon, Sanguinius witnessed how powerful this army was.

  The demons were easily blocked, wiped out, and driven back to the subspace again.

"You are too humble, Sanguinius. Your return is of great significance, and the gods are weeping for it." Guilliman said with a smile: "I really want you to return to Terra with me, that way On the way, we can still exchange brotherhood. It's just that the current situation does not allow us such a luxury, and I have a task for you, Sanguinius."

   "What kind of mission?" Sanguinius asked.

"Magnus has been working in the dark side of the empire, preparing his psychic empire. Your sons have already gone to try to stop his sinister plot. But I still hope you can go and take Magnus Bring it back. After all, a Primarch can only be captured by another Primarch."

   "I am willing to share your worries, Lord Regent." Sanguinius said: "I will bring that traitor back."

   "Don't be so polite, I'm still your brother, Sanguinius." Guilliman said: "We are equal."

"Someone has to take that position, Guilliman. At this stage, you are the best among us. The emperor is doomed to never stand up again and rule this country. But mankind still needs to continue to Go forward. Every king has its own ending moment, the old king should retire and the new king will be established." Sanguinius said: "Sometimes, we have to admit such things."

"Let's talk about this matter later, I will wait for your return in Terra, Sanguinius." Guilliman said, "I will leave the matter of Magnus to you, bring him back. It has always been my dream to bring those traitors back to Terra to stand trial."

   "I will, Lord Regent, you will get what you want." Sanguinius bowed slightly, and then walked out.

  Guilliman turned his head to look at the console, tapping his fingers on the metal table.

  Magnus's business was handed over to Sanguinius.

   Now, the big question is how to capture Angron.

   "I need a conspirator." Guilliman thought of the demon prince Cherubel who was enslaved by him before, maybe this guy can help him.

   That guy longs for freedom.

   This is a good chip.

   Not only humans will betray, but demons will also betray.

   Angron is a slave.

   What Guilliman has to do is how to make this slave pick up a weapon and slash at his master like before.

  (end of this chapter)