Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 323 Dr. Manhattan was instantly killed by Sanguinius (subscribe)

  Sam stood by the porthole of the imperial battleship, looking at the bright galaxy and the magnificent battleship.

  The holographic image in the strategy room can provide a more comprehensive, three-dimensional and intuitive view.

   However, Sam didn't like that.

  He still likes to see with his own eyes.

  Since the imperial fleet set sail for a few days, he is already familiar with this scene, but every time he sees that magnificent scene from the porthole, he will still be overwhelmed by it.

   The light emitted by the conventional ion engine thrusters of hundreds of battleships is as dazzling as the sun.

  The huge ray of light pushes the astonishingly large steel giant to fly in the dark void.

  The length of imperial battleships is generally between ten kilometers and fifteen kilometers, and the height is between three kilometers and five kilometers.

   It can be said to be an out-and-out behemoth.

  Each battleship is a moving floating city.

  In addition to the battleship as the main force, as an auxiliary, the smaller cruiser is also three kilometers to five kilometers in length.

  These warships are all equipped with brand new energy matrix and new weapons.

   Force field tentacles, psionic matrix, void correction device and so on.

  These weapons are all newly developed by the empire and can be installed on battleships.

  Specially suitable for Universe 02, it is powerful and can deal with superheroes with strange abilities very well. .

  With such a powerful space fleet, destroying a world is just a matter of pressing a button.

   If James was still alive, he must have loved this scene.

  Thinking of James who died in the battle of Robert Building, some sadness appeared on Sam's face.

   That was the only relative left after he returned.

  But still died in the war with the superhero.

  His line, "Fuck you superhero." is still talked about today.

  His heroic deeds are also sung by people, and they are regarded as the spirit of the new era.

   In the beginning, James' death was not commemorated.

   On the contrary, it is full of abuse, accusing Robert Company of fighting against superheroes and directly treating him as an evil villain.

"They are superheroes. How can Robert Company fight against them? This is a blasphemy of justice. I can't believe the guy who insulted superheroes before he died. How can there be such ungrateful people? Man, you know superheroes are always there to protect us."

  A woman holding up a protest sign finished speaking to the camera, and then chanted slogans to stop the atrocities committed by Robert Company.

   "You know we all owe Superman a favor, how can he insult superheroes like that?"

   "To be the enemy of a superhero, don't you deserve death!"

  "When will human beings have a grateful heart? The heroes have paid so much for us, but they don't get a trace of gratitude."

   Such violent arguments continued until the Empire defeated the Justice League in the United Nations Building and seized the dominance of the world before it changed.

  Under the management of the empire, street crime cases declined, society was highly developed, wealth was distributed reasonably, and the gap between rich and poor was narrowed.

   In the true sense, everyone is equal.

  Those ignorant people who chanted **** James realized that the existence of superheroes is unreasonable and a cancer that hinders social development.

   Until that time, James was slowly rectified.

   It is even regarded as the benchmark and spiritual representative of rebelling against the old era.

  The siren sounded, and the loud voice came from the loudspeaker, echoing in every corner of the imperial battleship.

  Sam's dangerous intuition trained in the foggy world was touched, and he subconsciously looked into the vast void.

  The ability he developed in the foggy world has not disappeared.

  However, the distance in the void is too far away.

  It is hundreds of thousands of kilometers at every turn.

  Sam can sense danger, but can't see anything.

  He turned his head and hurried to the nearest strategy room.

  The suspended holographic projection answered his confusion.

  The destination of their trip is the Prometheus galaxy.

   It is said that there is a wall of origin here.

  According to information provided by unknown persons, the rebels who tried to subvert the empire gathered here.

  Prometheus is a typical binary star system.

  A blue dwarf star in its prime is the host star of the Prometheus galaxy.

  The star has a diameter of 14 million kilometers and has a radiation output tens of thousands of times greater than that of the sun.

  Another red dwarf that is approaching its twilight age acts as a secondary star.

  Its light is much dimmer than the main star.

  The volume and mass are even smaller.

  The secondary star is tightly locked by the tidal force of the primary star.

  The distance between the two is 4620 billion kilometers.

  For the average human mind, this is an unimaginable distance.

   But from the perspective of the universe, the distance between these two stars is already precarious.

  If the tidal force created by the blue dwarf is not strong enough, this binary star system will be destroyed in chaos.

  Two stars will collide with each other at a speed unimaginable by ordinary people, creating a cosmic catastrophe that would make even the gods turn pale.

  Prometheus has three planets, one Earth-like planet and two Jupiter-like planets, which move irregularly around two stars.

  The Prometheus galaxy is not a habitable place for humans.

   Radiation from the two stars blasted those planets to nothingness.

   What's more important is that the gravitational pull of the two stars pulls these planets, making them go back and forth over long distances, causing them to sometimes have winters without sunlight for several years.

  The rebels that the empire has to deal with are on the earth-like planet in the Prometheus galaxy.

  The reason why the battleship sounded the alarm was the detection of a powerful energy fluctuation.

  Sam saw a golden figure through the holographic projection generated by the observation data.

   That figure stood in the icy void, blocking the front of the imperial fleet.

  With the help of the high technology of the empire, Sam can see the appearance of the other party very clearly.

  His whole body was shrouded in golden light, and the cloak behind him was flying in a vacuum.

  The well-defined muscles look particularly strong against the tights.

  The S-shaped mark on the chest indicates the identity of the other party.

   "Another Superman?" Sam stared at the holographic projection and said to himself.

  He has heard some internal news, saying that the structure of this universe is different from the normal universe, and it has been artificially divided into parallel universes.

   It's like a breeding garden separated by walls.

  The appearance of this superman undoubtedly confirmed the truth of this news.

  There are also superheroes in other parallel universes.

   It seems that Prometheus really has the so-called wall of origin.

  The appearance of Superman shocked Sam, the natives who belonged to this world.

  He is suspended in the vast void alone, looking extremely small, and he wants to fight against the millions of empires with his own strength.

  Thinking of this, Sam felt that the other party was a little astonishingly arrogant.

  No matter how strong an individual is, how could it be able to stop the millions of legions of the empire.

  In the next scene, what happened made Sam's eyes widen.

  That superman's whole body was filled with brilliant golden light.

   Dazzling and divine.

  Like a **** coming out of a myth.

  Gold Superman's eyes turned pure gold.

  He unleashes all his energy.

   Making his presence known to the Empire.

   Subsequently, the Golden Superman flew at high speed in a vacuum.

  His speed is extremely fast.

  Even the auspicious bird can hardly find him.

   Only by using the Dimension Observer, can we see the trajectory of the Golden Superman from a higher dimension.

  In the view of the empire, the Golden Superman flew to the side of the secondary star locked by the tidal force of the primary star.

   He stretched out his hands and pushed towards the void, and the star shook.

   This scene made Sam's eyes widen in disbelief.

  How could it be possible to push a star? ?

   Do you think it's a ball? ?

   Under people's amazed eyes, the Golden Superman pushed the space structure where the stars are located.

  A shocking scene appeared.

   The secondary star locked by tidal force is pushed up by the golden superman.

  Sam was almost terrified.

  Is this still a normal creature? ?

  On the surface of the terrestrial planet in the Prometheus galaxy, many heroes of the alliance are also watching the feat of the golden superman.

  Promoting a star is something even a **** can hardly do.

  The Prometheus galaxy was originally a stable binary star system.

  Golden Superman moved one of the stars abruptly by virtue of his own strength, ushering in the disorder of the gravitational field.

   The consequences of gravitational field disturbances go beyond throwing planets off course.

   It will also change the magnetic pole of the planet.

  The change period of the magnetic field is calculated in millions of years.

  It is as if the compass will always point north and south.

  When the magnetic poles are changed, the north and south of the compass will be reversed.

  Such magnetic pole changes are unobtrusive and pose no danger.

  After all, the cycle is as long as millions of years, and the life in it cannot feel the change of the magnetic pole at all.

  Golden Superman has shortened these millions of years of magnetic pole cycles to a few hours.

  For planets, such an approach is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

  The core of the earth shook, and magma spewed out along the cracks in the rock formation.

   Natural disasters such as tsunamis and strong winds have appeared on an unprecedented scale.

  Dr. Manhattan stood among many heroes, his body turned into dots of light.

   Outside the planet, Dr. Manhattan, who looks like a titan, appears in the void.

  His body is extremely huge, just one finger is as majestic as a mountain range.

  The whole body exudes a blue light.

   Standing in the void with both feet, protecting the planet where many heroes are with both hands.

  The performance of the two heroes like the gods of the universe made countless heroes excited.

  The silver scarab and the others all showed excited expressions.

  Is there really anything in this universe that can fight against Golden Superman and Dr. Manhattan? ?

  One can easily move stars, and one can knead a planet that is about to fall apart.

  The performance of the two superheroes horrified the natives in the imperial army.

  The actions of Dr. Manhattan and Golden Superman are no longer ordinary heroes, but two cosmic gods.

   Maolong also felt that his legs were weak at this time.

   It's scary.

  He participated in the Battle of Paradise Island and the Battle of Olympus, and now he has stepped into the starry sky again. He no longer has any doubts about the strength of the empire.

  However, the performance of Golden Superman and Dr. Manhattan at this moment can't help but make him feel desperate.

  Can the empire really defeat such an existence? ?

   Those guys are no longer considered normal creatures, right?

  Golden Superman pushed the huge star, rushing towards the position of the empire's fleet.

  This behavior made many soldiers pale.

  If it weren't for the battleship in the void at the moment, it would be impossible to escape.

   I'm afraid they turned around and fled long ago.

  As a senior general, Mao Long's face was pale, and his hands on the railing were trembling.

  He can already imagine his own doom.

  The battleship will be run over by the golden superman pushing the star.

  He will be engulfed by the flames produced by the explosion, and his body will be vaporized in the high temperature and decomposed into the most basic particles.

   Just when the native soldiers absorbed by the empire fell into despair.

  A figure flew out from the fleet of the empire.

  Through the observation device of the ship, it can be seen that the pair of white wings are waving powerfully, allowing it to fly at high speed in a vacuum without any air.

   It stands to reason that wings can only function where there is air.

  The greater use of the wings is to rely on the buoyancy of the air to allow oneself to fly.

  The only explanation is that the pair of wings can pry the energy flow of another space in a way that the world does not know, so that the user can fly at high speed in the void.

  Mao Long has rarely seen that big man with wings.

  The identity gap between the two is too great to describe.

  He, the general, is considered a person of status to many ordinary people.

  However, at the macro level of the empire, Mao Long's sense of existence was almost zero in the eyes of the big man.

   Those officers and technicians from the Empire called him Sanguinius, the great angel of men, the sword of the emperor.

  When they say these names, they always have a kind of piety.

  Before, Mao Long could not understand that those people were all pious.

  At this moment, he finally understood why those people were so devout when they talked about Sanguinius.

   That big guy is like Hope.

  When you fall into despair, pessimism, no confidence in the future.

  His presence will cheer you up.

   Even if he doesn't do anything, you will feel the power flowing through your limbs, giving you the courage to face those terrible things.

  Sanguinius has the speed beyond everything.

   All eyes are on him flying towards the golden Superman that pushes the stars.

   Sanguinius didn't feel any coldness.

  His body can withstand the severe cold in the void.

   When Guilliman reshaped his body, he didn't take away the ability to fly, but enhanced it.

  When his wings are waving, not only can they have an impact in reality, but they can also use the etheric currents in the subspace to accelerate.

  Relying on the characteristics of the subspace, he can easily surpass the Flash who was once the fastest in the Justice League and take the title of the fastest.

   Sanguinius faced the propelled star, flapping his powerful wings in the void, allowing him to continue to accelerate, using the characteristics of the subspace, contrary to the common sense of the universe, breaking through the speed of light in the void.

  Photons gathered in his hands and turned into a bright light.

  The light turned into a spear that could easily cut through everything.

  The lethality of the spear is terrifying.

   destroys the target's structure at the subatomic level.

  Even a neutron star can easily penetrate it.

  Dr. Manhattan, Doctor Fate, Silver Beetle and other superheroes also see Sanguinius flying in the void with their extraordinary senses.

  The other party has a strong and powerful body, wearing a golden armor, and that face has an indescribable sense of nobility.

   "He must be defeated, Golden Superman." A superhero shouted, "Justice must prevail."

  The other heroes also shouted.

   They are all heroes from another universe.

   Abhorred the invasion of the empire.

  A power that cannot even tolerate a hero is destined to be cast aside.

  They will defeat that damned empire and save the world.

   Just like those big events before.

  The heroes of justice will eventually defeat the power and let the people usher in a happy life.

  Golden Superman also sensed the approach of the enemy.

   He stopped.

  The star was also dragged to a stop by him.

  Such power is frightening.

   A star.

   In the hands of Golden Superman, it is like a toy. Push it when you say push, and stop when you say stop.

  Golden Superman stood in the atmosphere of the star, and his strong body was washed by a steady stream of heat.

  Stars are gaseous planets, and the thermonuclear reactions inside will continuously generate huge energy.

  The difference in dimensions between the interior and exterior creates large-scale convective motions of gas.

  The atmosphere is divided into photosphere, chromosphere and corona from inside to outside.

  Golden Superman is standing right in the corona, where the star's atmosphere is the hottest, with a temperature of 1.5 million degrees Celsius.

   There is a certain change in the temperature of the star from the inside to the outside.

  The temperature of the solar core is very high, but the temperature of the photosphere is very low, tens of thousands or even thousands of degrees Celsius.

  When it reaches the corona, the temperature will reach hundreds of thousands again, or even rise to the million level.

  The essence of temperature is particle motion.

  The higher the density of free particles in a certain space, the more intense the movement and the higher the temperature.

   It is not the distance that affects the temperature, but the density of free particles and the amount of thermal radiation received.

  The higher the free particle density, the more short-wave heat radiation it receives, and the higher the temperature will be.

  The high temperature of 1.5 million degrees Celsius can already turn gold, silver, iron and other substances into gases, and fly freely, but it can't even burn the golden superman's cloak, and he is still hunting and flying in the void.

  He just stood in the corona, the gushing out of the stellar heat had no effect on him, like a spring breeze.

   "Are you the commander of that dictatorship?" Golden Superman used his thoughts to ask the flying Sanguinius.

   "Are you the hero of that decaying alliance?" Sanguinius asked in the same tone.

Golden Superman frowned slightly and shook his head, "Your stubbornness is beyond my imagination, but I don't want to kill you, as long as you are willing to surrender, I will let you go. Give up that dictatorship, any tyrant will eventually die. will be overthrown."

   "From ancient times to the present, there has never been a tyrant who was overthrown by a clown-like figure." Sanguinius had no intention of talking nonsense with the other party.

  Golden Superman also realized that he could not convince the other party.

   He no longer had any hope.

   Red lights appeared in both eyes, and two thick laser beams suddenly appeared, shooting at Sanguinius, intending to kill him with one blow.

  Golden Superman's laser is extremely powerful.

   He shot through a planet once, cutting it in half.

   This time, his laser beam didn't do what he wanted.

  The faint halo blocked Golden Superman's laser.

  The void shield that emerged diverted all of Golden Superman's lasers into the subspace.

   Unless the Golden Superman has the ability to subvert the entire subspace, it will be difficult to break through the protective shield on Sanguinius with brute force.

   Golden Superman saw this scene and increased the threat level of Sanguinius.

   It seems that there are still two brushes.

  The shot failed, but Golden Superman was not discouraged, he was still full of confidence in himself.

  Since his birth, no opponent has ever been able to defeat him without using kryptonite.

  [The target has been locked. ]

  The reminder sounded in Sanguinius's mind.

  The data model about Superman has been established, and the anchor point is ready.

   Sanguinius threw the spear in his hand violently.

  His way of fighting is as simple as a primitive man.

   This scene almost didn't make Dr. Manhattan and others laugh.

   This is like the attack method of primitive people, and it will be used in the universe.

  Is the intelligence of the empire so lacking? ?

   That imperial commander with wings is just as stupid.

  Golden Superman has a terrifying physique that will not be injured even if he flies into the core area of ​​a star.

  The empire commander should have seen the golden superman standing in the corona with a temperature as high as 1.5 million degrees.

   Did he think he could kill Superman with a spear if he was strong enough?

   Many superheroes have shown confidence.

   Defeating that so-called empire, and even counterattacking their base camp, is probably just a trivial matter.

   Being able to use such a primitive attack method, that empire doesn't look like a powerful thing.

  Golden Superman also felt a little amused when he saw Sanguinius' actions.

  He thought the other party would have some surprising attack patterns.

  Who would have thought that was it? ?

  He flicked his cloak, straightened his body, and his strong chest set off S even more dazzlingly.

   Let the other party see what an immortal body is.

  Golden Superman can already imagine the crisp impact of the spear on his body, and then shatter into several pieces.

  However, something unexpected happened to everyone.

  The spear passed through the Golden Superman's body without hindrance.

   It's as if the immortal body of Golden Superman, which is harder than steel and able to resist high temperatures of several million degrees Celsius, is made of tofu.

  Golden Superman had a look of astonishment on his face.

   His eyes revealed disbelief.

  Look down at the position of the chest.

  A cavity the size of a fist appeared there.

  His super healing ability seems to have failed.

   In fact, it didn't fail, but the location of the wound had a special energy, which was counteracting his self-healing ability and constantly expanding his injury.

  His cells were destroyed at the subatomic level, quickly deactivated, and could no longer heal themselves.

"This is impossible."

   Sanguinius didn't talk nonsense with him.

  A sharp sword appeared again in his hand.

   slashed across the neck of the Golden Superman.

  Golden Superman's head flew up and separated.

  A headless corpse stood in the void, and the dark red blood spurted out thinly, condensing into blood-red crystals in the absolute zero void.

  [Forcing the target survival probability to zero]

  [Deconstructing the target soul data, and deconstructing the target concept data. ]

  [The deconstruction is complete, the target definition is zero, the soul data has been deleted, the concept data has been deleted, and there is no possibility of resurrection. ]

  As the cue sounded in Sanguinius' mind.

  Gold Superman's body was attracted by the gravitational force released by the star he pushed just now, and fell towards the star.

   Sanguinius stretched out a hand and started the decomposition process.

  Superman's corpse turned into a little light and dissipated into the void.

  Superman's body can withstand high temperatures.

   It is not safe for bodies to fall on stars.

   Maybe someone will make a copy one day.

   It is best to completely decompose it into an atomic state.

  From the official contact between the two to the killing of the Golden Superman.

  The time did not exceed ten minutes.

  The expressions on the faces of the heroes who were excited just now and felt that they were sure of winning were all stiff at the moment.

  Golden Superman was instantly killed in this way.

How can this be!

  He is so powerful? ?

  Can do things that even God cannot do.

  But he died so tragically at the hands of the imperial commander.

  The collapse of faith came so quickly.

  The failure of Golden Superman was an unimaginably heavy blow to many heroes.

  The strength of the empire is not as weak as they imagined.

   On the contrary, it is outrageously strong.

  When they saw the imperial commander who beheaded the Golden Superman wave his wings again and fly to their planet, all of them changed their expressions.

   Could it be that they want to repeat the mistakes of the Justice League? ?

  Under the siege of the empire, the whole army was wiped out?

  Dr. Manhattan stood up.

   blocked the path of Sanguinius.

  He still maintains the body of the giant titan, and his whole body exudes light blue light.

  The emblem on the forehead is also faintly glowing.

  The planet is held up by his huge palm.

  Dr. Manhattan's strength is beyond doubt.

   There are only a handful of people who can defeat him.

  However, at this moment, facing the arrival of Sanguinius, he is not very confident.

  The time ability was restrained by the opponent.

  Dr. Manhattan's major killing move was abolished in this way, leaving him seriously lacking in confidence when facing the empire.

   "You are stronger than I imagined." Dr. Manhattan used his mind to communicate with Sanguinius, "You have all the power, why do you have to push each other so hard?"

   "You are the ones who started the war, and the empire is just fighting." Sanguinius responded to Dr. Manhattan's question with his thoughts.

   Sound cannot be conveyed in a vacuum.

   For this reason, they can only communicate with the radiation waves released by their thinking.

   "You are trying to rule the whole world." Dr. Manhattan said: "Why do you do that? Why do you want to break our peace? Why do you want to impose your will on us?"

"Don't you impose your will on those who can do nothing? Don't your so-called hero organizations force this society to run according to your ideas? You call those who violate your ideas evil, don't you think otherwise? An oppression of the will?" Sanguinius was not one of those ignorant populace fooled by words like justice, hero, good, peace.

   Any behavior can be whitewashed with those high-sounding words.

   Right and wrong based on values.

  In the worldview of superheroes, the Empire is wrong.

  The justice in their hearts is above all else.

   In the eyes of the Empire, heroes are wrong.

   The will of the Empire above all else.

  Contradictions between different ideas are irreconcilable.

   The confrontation between the two sides is difficult to resolve with words.

  No one is destined to be able to convince anyone.

   The Justice League launched the Battle of Roboute Building, essentially to maintain their consistent values.

  They think what they are doing is justice.

   Even Dr. Manhattan thinks so.

  The two sides are destined to be unable to compromise.

  Dr. Manhattan sighed lightly, and then shot.

  He has the ability to control the quantum and the most basic particles of matter.

   means that he can disassemble and combine anything with his own power at will.

  He tried to disassemble Sanguinius' body.

  The previous invincible attack methods failed on Sanguinius.

  The body of Sanguinius was created by Guilliman using the star gods, databases, and cutting-edge technological knowledge from the golden age of mankind.

  It allows Sanguinius to control every atom that makes up his body from the subatomic level, and has absolute control over his body.

   Unless Dr. Manhattan's will can overwhelm Sanguinius' will, his attack is doomed to be fruitless.

  Dr. Manhattan's ability comes from an unexpected quantum experiment.

  Before he gained the ability to manipulate elementary particles, he was just a little-known researcher.

  How could he rely on his will to overwhelm a warrior who dared to declare war on the gods.

  Seeing that the decomposition did not exert its previous power, Manhattan's heart suddenly sank.

  The two abilities he is most proud of are decomposition and time tracing.

  Now, both abilities are declared invalid.

  Other secondary means may be difficult to solve the opponent.

   "I can't kill you." Dr. Manhattan withdrew his hand, his blue head looked down at Sanguinius, "You can't kill me either, maybe we should sit down and have a good talk."

   "That's not necessarily the case." Sanguinius looked at Dr. Manhattan, as if watching an arrogant king showing off his land.

  Dr. Manhattan frowned slightly.

"I am immune to all harm, whether it is poison, energy, magic, divine power, etc., these forces can't hurt me in the slightest. Our battle is doomed to be fruitless. If you are willing to waste time, I can fight with you until the end of the universe Moment."

   "Then do you know what 1+1 equals?" Sanguinius asked a question that a kindergartener would answer.

   "It's such a simple question." Before Dr. Manhattan finished speaking, a trace of horror and disbelief appeared on his face, "You can't reach that level."

   "The funny thing is, we just got there."

   Sanguinius held out a hand.

  [The concept modification module has started]

  [Building the target data model and deconstructing the conceptual data. ]

  [Analysis progress 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 90%, 100%. ]

  [The target is quantum life, immune to psionic energy, light energy, biological energy, dark energy]

  [Block target quantum wave dynamics, modify target concept data, redefine target]

  Feeling the change in his body, Dr. Manhattan's face showed horror.

   "NO!" he screamed, "You can't do this!"

   Sanguinius ignored him.

   stretched out his hand and released a faint halo.

  Dr. Manhattan's titan-like body turned into dots of fluorescent light, dissipating into the dark universe.

  Dr. Manhattan, who was immune to all physics and magic, was redefined and completely dissipated.

  The faces of many heroes who had fallen into despair were no longer pale at this moment.

  Golden Superman and Doctor Manhattan are the finale on their side.

   Now they are being instantly killed by the opponent one after another.

  The empire side is extremely excited.

  Mao Long and the others couldn't help cheering.

too strong.

   Killed the Golden Superman in a single face-to-face.

  Another meeting, Dr. Manhattan is gone.

  Mao Long completely forgot the embarrassment of being trembling with fright just now, and talked with the officer next to him about how bad the brains of these heroes must be to be stupid enough to fight against the empire.

  Golden Superman and Doctor Manhattan lost.

  Many superheroes are in despair.

  The horror of the empire is beyond their imagination.

  At this moment, they all hated Dr. Manhattan a little bit.

  Why bring them to this universe to die!

  The power of the empire is obviously so terrifying, who can defeat them? ?

  Dr. Fate from another universe reacted the fastest. He knew that the alliance's failure was inevitable.

  Staying can't change anything.

  He immediately used his powerful magic power.

   The helmet of destiny emitted terrifying fluctuations.

  The origin of this helmet is astonishing. It was forged with the flesh and soul of a **** named Naboo, for which it possesses extremely powerful magic power.

  With the help of this helmet, Dr. Fate can become invisible, levitate, super-strike resistant, time travel, magnetically controlled, memory erased, create hallucinations, immortal, invulnerable, foresee danger, immune to disease, and more.

  In addition to the helmet, he also has an amulet that can summon the power and minions of Anubis, and a cloak of fate made of mysterious N metal.

  His combat strength is second only to Golden Superman, Superman Supreme, Dr. Manhattan and a few others.

   Witnessing the strength of the empire, he was scared out of his wits at the moment.

  If you stay any longer, you will be crushed to death by the empire like ants.

  He tried to create a super long-distance magic portal.

   However, a weird scene happened.

  His magic is like being driven into glue, it is difficult to drive.

   Not to mention creating a magic portal, it is difficult for him to release a small spell.

   Obviously, the enemy must have done something to prevent them from escaping.

  After realizing his situation, Doctor Fate's face became extremely ugly.

  In the sky, the warship of the empire slowly entered the orbit of the planet.

  The light emitted by the engine is like the sun, making the planet in the dark winter extremely bright, just like the day.

  The faces of the superheroes standing on the surface changed drastically, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

  Dr. Fate looked at the sky desperately, only to see a spear of light piercing through the clouds, and in the bright light, a desolate mountain was moved to a flat bottom.

  In the original place of the mountain peak, only a piece of glazed flat land and billowing steam remained.

   This blow kicked off the Imperial offensive.

  I saw countless light spears, antimatter bombs, pulse bombs, etc. falling like a violent storm.

   There are so many skipping orders, alas, sad, sad, heartbroken, and sad.

  (end of this chapter)