Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 324 Ratman Empire (for subscription)

  A large number of imperial warships activated various devices to block the Prometheus galaxy.

  Established an anti-magic, anti-divine power, anti-space, and anti-dimensional prison.

   Trapped a large number of superheroes on the surface.

After learning that Earth's Justice League had collapsed, Dr. Manhattan used his abilities to create an oasis for superheroes to rest on an earth-like planet in the Prometheus galaxy, and also built a magnificent modernization in the oasis. City.

   At this time, many superheroes are staying in that magnificent city.

   They came out of the building as Golden Superman pushed the stars.

   Witness the feat of the Golden Superman.

  I thought I would see the empire being beaten to pieces and fleeing in embarrassment.

   Unexpectedly, the commander of the Empire killed the Golden Superman and Dr. Manhattan in seconds.

   There are also some superheroes full of rage, ready to face the minions of the empire.

   They swore secretly in their hearts that they would let the empire witness their unyielding spirit.

  The next move of the empire shattered the delusion of those superheroes.

  War is not a contest.

  Military commanders will only consider how to win with the least cost.

  The empire has absolute air supremacy. Under such an advantageous situation, it is absolutely impossible for the landing troops to directly parachute and start the surface battle with the superheroes.

   Carpet saturation bombing is often used to weaken the enemy's resistance before landing.

  The target of the imperial bombing is the city where many heroes are located.

   Raging energy beams and bombs rained down.

  When the anti-matter bomb hit the ground, it screamed and spewed out raging flames, flooding an area with a radius of over a thousand meters.

  The annihilation flash formed by the collision of positive and antimatter made those heroes cry out in pain.

   Realizing the Empire's evil purpose, many members of the Green Lantern Corps took flight.

  They all wore green battle armor, forming a huge square formation.

  The Green Lantern Corps is the most powerful organization in the universe.

  They maintain the peace, order and justice of the universe.

  Face the most frightening horrors and crises in the universe.

  Faced with the threat of the empire, they immediately stood up.

  The green light rings in their hands shone brightly under the impetus of their tenacious will.

  Those rays of light are intertwined to form a giant energy shield that protects the entire city.

  Members of the Green Lantern Corps can control the Green Lantern Ring with their firm willpower and imagination, and embody energy into any object.

  Facing the indiscriminate bombardment of the empire, they united together and embodied a huge energy shield to protect other heroes and the city.

  Atom Smasher, Plastic Man and other heroes also took action one after another, trying to find a way to resist the indiscriminate bombing of the empire.

   Unfortunately, everything they did was in vain.

   Even if the mantis tried its best, it would be impossible to stop the car from moving forward, it would only be crushed to pieces.

  Look at those places without protective covers, and you will know how terrifying the weapons of the empire are.

  The sky is falling apart, and the mountains and rivers are broken.

  The majestic mountains became fragmented.

  The steep canyon was smoothed out.

  The tower-like flames of the nuclear explosion shot up from every horizon, and the shock wave shook the whole world.

  The meandering energy flow is covered with burning flames, falling from the endless heights, releasing unimaginably high-temperature flames, turning rocks into magma and the surface into glass.

  The continuous bombardment made many members of the Green Lantern Corps pale.

  The attack released by the empire is enough to destroy the entire planet in a few minutes.

   It is not a simple matter to block it.

  The energy of the green light ring is not infinite.

  The mental power of legion members is not unlimited.

  The berserk attack of the empire made the power loss rate in the green light ring extremely terrifying.

  The energy of the ring that could be used for a long time will soon be exhausted.

  The energy consumption of the ring is second.

   What's even more frightening is that the mental power consumption of legion members is the most terrifying.

   After persisting for more than an hour, a member of the Green Lantern Corps spit out blood with a puff.

  Continuously releasing the energy of the green light ring at a high intensity and maintaining the protective shield is a heavy burden for them, and it will continuously consume their spirit.

  Members of the Green Lantern Corps possess tenacity.

   It doesn't mean that their spirit can be wasted at will.

  The members of the Green Lantern Corps who vomited blood soon passed out.

  No longer able to maintain protective shield.

  The body in the green armor fell to the ground like a free fall, and was caught by other heroes.

  The defeat of the member of the Green Lantern Corps seemed to be some kind of signal.

   More and more members of the Green Lantern Corps exhausted their strength and fell to the ground.

  After losing so many people, the energy of the ring is almost exhausted.

  Problems soon appeared with the shield too.

  A gap is exposed.

   Failed to make up in time.

   The opportunity was seized by the captains of the Empire.

  Several light spears and shells fell from the gap.

   The moment it hit the ground, there was a big explosion.

  The terrible shock wave swept everything.

  The streets of the city were flooded with raging flames.

  Those heroes who had no way to resist the high temperature uttered mournful cries.

  The terrifying high temperature scorched their flesh and blood, and in just a few tens of seconds, they turned them into charred black corpses that kept running away and exuded the light of embers.

   The gap was enlarged sharply, like a dam with a gap, which was washed away by the terrifying flood along the gap.

  The heroes have encountered an unprecedented crisis.

  Death swept across like a tsunami, eroding the majestic city built by Dr. Manhattan like a tsunami.

  The heroes gathered from various parallel universes died under the violent offensive of the empire, and their bodies were reduced to ashes in the crazy explosion and raging energy flow.

  They tried to escape, but the empire had already blocked all possibility of escape.

  Superheroes have superpowers related to space, magic, and divine power are all blocked.

  They have no escape, but passively bear the wrath of the empire.

   Wearing a green light ring, Hammond stood on a building, overlooking the city that had turned into a sea of ​​flames, with anger in his eyes looking towards the sky.

  The protective cover has been completely broken.

  The bombing of the empire poured into the city without reservation.

  The heroes screamed in despair, their voices full of despair and panic.

   Hammond was trying to do something.

  However, the light of the ring flickered.

  Even if he can hold on mentally, the energy of the ring will be exhausted.

  The danger instinct in my heart was touched.

  Hammond raised his head and saw a strong light in the sky, which was the light spear released by the imperial warship.

   If the estimation is not wrong, the landing point is where he is.

  Hammond's pupils dilated with fear.

  He tried to use the power of the Green Lantern ring to escape to safety.

  However, the green light of the ring flickered a few times and then went out.

  The ring needs to be charged.

   Without energy, it is useless.

   "No, how can it be consumed so quickly?"

  Hammond stared at the ring on his finger and fell silent, and shouted in horror.

  His voice was quickly drowned out by the explosion of the lance landing.

   Wait until the strong light subsides and the shock wave sweeps away.

  The place where Hammond stood was empty.

  Only one molten ring is embedded in the glazed surface.

"What's going on? The temporary lantern that can replenish the energy of the ring has lost its energy??" A Green Lantern saw that the temporary lantern that was originally used for the legion's expedition and stored the energy of the ring dimmed little by little, and his tone suddenly became panicked. .

   Several other members of the Green Lantern Corps were also shocked.

   Without the help of the Green Lantern ring, there is no way they could have survived.

   "Only the guardians know the secret of the lantern, but now they are all on Oa Star." Another legion member said in a desperate tone: "We are destined to die here."

   As if to fulfill his words, an antimatter missile fell near the tall building where they were.

  The shock wave from the booming explosion enveloped the entire building.

  Half of the building was directly destroyed and collapsed, and the rest was scorched black by the terrible high temperature.

  Those members of the Green Lantern Corps who wanted to recharge were wiped out in an instant.

   Only an inhuman alien member of the Green Lantern Corps, relying on his terrifying vitality, did not die immediately.

  He staggered out of the smoke of the building.

  The green armor has been fragmented.

  The whole body was scorched black.

  The skin of the whole body is carbonized.

  Every step he took brought him unimaginable pain.

  The member of the legion looked at the sky with his one eye, and then knelt down feebly.

  Even if it has a powerful vitality far surpassing that of human beings.

  The alien could hardly survive with such a serious injury.

   Vitality is passing by little by little, but his one eye is still staring at the sky.

  The one-eyed eyes that slowly faded reflected countless bright lights in the sky. They fell to the ground like meteors, and they were bound to turn the entire city into hell.

  The Green Lantern Corps is done.

  Without rings, their combat power is ridiculously weak.

  Even the aftermath of the empire's bombing was unbearable.

  Dr. Fate and the surviving heroes hurried into a deep, naturally formed underground passage, trying to escape the crazy bombing of the empire.

  When Dr. Manhattan built the city, Dr. Fate happened to be involved in it, knowing that such a place has not yet been shaped and smoothed.

  The underground passage goes hundreds of meters underground, and it was originally planned to be used as a secret meeting room.

  The depth of hundreds of meters is used as a shelter, which is also a good choice.

   Unless the empire wants to blow up the entire planet, a depth of several hundred meters is enough for them to escape the high temperature and bombing.

   "We can wait here until the bombing is over." The Atom's voice echoed in the tunnel, and the vibrations continued to come from the surface hundreds of meters away from them.

   "When the bombing is over, what do we do?" Another hero asks, "Surrender to them?"

   "We came here to fight them, not come all the way here to surrender." Another hero retorted, "Let's keep fighting and let those **** imperial lackeys know we won't compromise."

   "Fighting will only lead to death, there is no point in doing that." A member of the Green Lantern Corps was shaking all over, and he also came from another parallel universe.

  Guardians have the ability to connect different universes.

  The Green Lantern Corps sometimes travels to other parallel universes to fight.

   This rarely happens.

   Nor will it be advertised with much fanfare.

  In order to fight against the threat posed by the Empire, the Guardians of the Universe dispatched members of the Green Lantern Corps from other universes to support this universe.

  A total of more than 8,000 members of the Green Lantern Corps from different universes were assembled, plus more than 7,000 members of the Green Lantern Corps from the local universe, forming an unprecedented crusade team.

  Such a powerful force is enough to destroy any force in a parallel universe.

   But who would have thought that the empire would be so cruel.

   The Green Lantern Corps, who hadn't accomplished anything, suffered heavy casualties under the bombing of the Empire.

   Up to now, there are only a handful of members who survived.

  The current situation is very clear.

   It has been shown that the alliance has no chance of winning.

   To fight is to die.

   "Are we going to humiliately surrender to the Human Empire?"

   "Yes, they killed so many people, but we surrendered to the empire in order to survive. How can we be called heroes if we are so cowardly?"

   "Then don't be a hero."

   "What are you talking about!"

   The debate between the two sides was extremely intense.

  Dr. Fate just wanted to say something to ease it up.

  But suddenly felt the shaking of the ground.

  The originally solid rock layer showed signs of fracture and moved.

  This scene made Dr. Fate's face change drastically, and he hurriedly took a few steps back.

   "What's going on?? Is the earth's crust moving?"

  As soon as these words came out, the debate between the surrender faction and the militant faction subsided.

  The surviving heroes look around, observing their surroundings with their superhuman vision.

   They came to a frightening conclusion.

   The crust is really moving.

   "Run, or we'll be crushed here by the shifting crust." A superhero yelled in horror.

  Dr. Fate and others ran towards the way they came in panic, trying to escape.

   However, the crust is moving faster than they thought.

  The original tunnel collapsed, and a mass of tens of billions of tons pressed on top of their heads, rolling those unlucky eggs into it and crushing them to pieces.

   Some superheroes have powers related to the earth.

   It stands to reason that they would never die from this kind of disaster related to the earth.

  Unfortunately, today is not the same as in the past.

  The empire not only blocked magic and divine power, but even the lanterns of the Green Lantern Corps lost their power.

  The earthly powers of those heroes all disappeared, and they became mortals again.

  The moving rock slab engulfs all the heroes.

  The crushing pain made Dr. Fate couldn't help opening his mouth and wanting to scream.

  The mud and rocks poured into his mouth and throat, along his trachea and esophagus into his lungs and stomach.

   crushed his body and internal organs from the inside out.

  For the first time, Dr. Fate loathed his tenacious vitality so much.

   This made him suffer for a few minutes before he died completely.

  His body was crushed to pieces, as were his internal organs.

   Some heroes with very hard bodies and the ability to heal themselves last longer.

   However, this is not a good thing.

  The force of plate motion is so terrifying that the superheroes trapped in it feel as if they are being crushed by the mass of the entire continent, and then continue to grind back and forth.

  The powerful self-healing ability will only bring pain to those heroes.

  They will be ground to pieces until they can no longer heal themselves.

   Maolong was amazed by the variety of weapons the empire had.

  Golden Superman moved the stars, causing damage to the original gravitational field.

  Dr. Manhattan, by virtue of his own power, forcibly prevented the collapse of the planet.

   Now, Dr. Manhattan is dead.

   The disordered gravitational field has no one to restore it.

  The disintegration of the planet that was forcibly suspended was slowly disintegrating again.

  Under the operation of several mechanical sages, the force field device on the battleship released tremor radiation to pry the gravitational field of the planet, accelerate the transformation of magnetic poles, and intensify the disintegration of the planet and the movement of plates.

  In less than an hour, the planet's continental plates moved, moving in tens of minutes what would have taken billions of years to complete.

   Horrible cracks and majestic peaks appeared, and were reshaped into other landforms.

  The city built by Dr. Manhattan was crushed by plate movements and buried deep underground.

   The mechanical sages stopped their movements until there were no more buildings visible on the surface.

  Maolong can see that everything on the surface of the planet has been changed beyond recognition, and there is nothing left.

  Those peaks, canyons, and great rift valleys are all new.

  The original landform has disappeared, been turned over, and buried deep in the ground.

   When everything is completed, the empire's fighter planes take off from the deck of the ship, enter the atmosphere, scan the whole world, and look for the fish that slipped through the net.

  The pilots did not detect any signs of life.

  Mao Long and others were sent to the surface to conduct another detection with heavy equipment to ensure that there would be no omissions.

   They found some wreckage, but no signs of life from any living heroes.

   After recovering the remains of those heroes for research, Sanguinius issued an order to destroy the entire planet to ensure that no superhero would leave alive.

  In order to achieve this goal, the sages finally decided to finish what the Golden Superman didn't finish.

  They activated the space dimension matrix of the battleship, pried the star pushed by the golden superman, pulled it to the vicinity of the planet, and then retreated to a safe range.

  The destruction of the planet is extremely spectacular.

  When the star and the terrestrial planet are close to a certain distance.

  The planet will inevitably be attracted by the star's celestial gravity, and it will crash straight into the star.

  The gravitational field of the planet can no longer guarantee the integrity of the star, and the plate structure is completely destroyed.

  The planet is broken into countless pieces that fall into the star's atmosphere.

  The huge impact caused jets of countless hot particle streams.

  From a distance, it seems that countless brilliant fire trees have grown on the surface of the star.

   Sanguinius didn't pay attention to the rest.

   Instead, Titus and others were called and a meeting was held.

  The expansion speed of the empire in this universe is somewhat unexpected.

  They have to speed up.

  Titus was assigned a new task, which was to get rid of the gods of Apocalypse and Genesis.

  Sanguinius sits in the Prometheus galaxy, where he builds a research base, studies the wall of origin, and deduces related technologies backwards.

  The technology obtained by the Empire from Universe 02 is relatively low-level, and it is basically developed by using those superheroes.

  The quality is not so good, but the huge number makes up for this shortcoming.

  This kind of low-level technology is used to conquer different universes and subdue the local aborigines, but it has a very good effect.

  For example, there is a universe with reincarnation games. Such low-level technology can easily help the empire open up the situation and win over a group of players who support the empire.

  If one can thoroughly understand the principles and techniques of the Wall of Origin, the benefits will be considerable.

  It is even more useful for the empire to attack other universes.

  In the far north, minions of the dark gods lurk in the depths of the boundless jungle.

   Nasty Beastmen ravage towns on the fringes of the civilized world.

  In this land of suffering, brutal killings can be seen everywhere.

   The darkness submerged every creature like a tide.

  The unimaginably cruel fate imposed on every human being makes them move forward with difficulty.

  In this world of magic and swords, there is also an empire belonging to human civilization.

  An empire stretching from the verdant hills of Brittania in the west to the endless wastes of Kislev in the east.

  The huge kingdom is divided into different provinces.

   Its right to rule belongs to the head of the most powerful noble family, or a direct descendant of the province's founder.

  They often call themselves the great earl, the great prince, or the elector.

   Their power is almost unlimited.

  Has the right to rule the province, the power to recruit troops and collect taxes.

   Jurisdiction over the big and small nobles, farmers and slaves in the territory.

   In a sense, they are kings.

   More importantly, these electors also have the power to vote and compete for the supreme ruler-the emperor.

  This alliance-like relationship makes the administrative system extraordinarily bloated and inefficient.

   Farmers and slaves support a large number of nobles and soldiers.

  Life is very difficult and difficult.

  Electors will always try their best to expand their influence, leading to chaos and civil wars among the provinces.

   Further exacerbates the underlying survival costs.

  With the passage of time, the electoral system has become more and more in name only.

  Mistrust between the various provinces intensified and became more chaotic.

  Under famine, war, natural disasters, and the invasion of foreign enemies, the empire is already in a precarious state.

  If the nobles had not mastered powerful witchcraft and combat power, I am afraid they would have been overthrown long ago.

  However, this world is already like a powder keg, just waiting for a spark will ignite a raging flame.

  Midenheim is one of the four largest cities in the empire.

   This is a huge city built on the hills.

   It is not so much a city as it is a majestic mountain fortress.

  White Wolf Knights guard this place.

  Midenheim is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

  Even in the face of a desperate siege crisis, you only need to destroy the bridge entering the city to ensure your invincibility.

This is the case now. After the White Wolf Knights and the Black Panther Knights failed to stop the undead army led by Earl Vlad in Sylvania Province, Middenheim's defenders decisively destroyed the drawbridge, still Besieged by legions of the undead.

   Count Vlad of the province of Sylvania is also one of the electors of the empire.

  The earl allowed the cults of demons, necromancy, and the gods of chaos to spread in his territory.

   Even resurrected the dead bodies in the territory and launched wars on other provinces.

   It wasn't until they were invaded and several cities fell one after another that the rulers of other provinces of the empire knew that all the nobles in the province of Sylvania had been transformed into undead creatures-vampires.

  They commanded a huge army of skeletons and zombies to wage war against other electors.

  As the leader of vampires, Vlad has all kinds of weird abilities.

   During several battles, there is clear evidence that Vlad was killed by the Imperial generals.

   But every time, Vlad returns from the dead and kills those who killed him.

  The army of the living continued to be defeated.

   Many nobles who resisted Vlad became more and more desperate.

  Midenheim was besieged by Vlad, the vampire count, and the surviving knights were unable to fight against the huge army of undead.

  Confirming that Middenheim's army could no longer stop him, Vlad ordered the looting of the entire Middenland.

   Kill those living people, resurrect them again and add them to your army.

  In addition to the undead army, those human routs also fled from the battlefield and became bandits in order to avoid cruel military punishment.

  They cruelly plundered those poor villages, used their swords to coerce the ragged farmers to hand over their winter grain, and raped their women.

   Those who resist will be killed.

  The cries of women and children begging for mercy.

   Men's desperate and angry growls.

  The sound of swords cutting through flesh and blood.

  Countless voices are intertwined to form hell.

  A brutal massacre is being staged in a dilapidated village.

  Udi has a strong body and agile skills.

  He once fought wild beasts in the forest.

  When he waved the crude fork in his hand, used for doing farm work, there would be a pop in the air.

   Several bandits were knocked to the ground by him, but there was no joy in his heart, instead, he was full of despair.

  The swords of bandits are more lethal than the farm tools in their hands.

  The desire for women and food makes them more eager to fight than farmers.

  Farmers simply cannot unite.

  Especially when there is death on the battlefield, they crumble.

  The bandits swarmed and killed the farmers in chaos, kicked open the closed doors, robbed property, and captured the hiding woman.

  The man's screams kept ringing out.

  The severed hands and feet were scattered everywhere, and the chopped-up corpses fell on the battlefield, and the blood that flowed out stained the muddy ground.

  A man had half of his face cut off, and the severe pain caused him to let out a shrill cry when he was on the verge of death.

   "Please, don't hurt us."

  A woman begs for mercy from a robber who broke into her home.

  Udi despaired of this scene.

  Relying on his strong body and the fork in his hand, he was still trying to save something.

  The bandits rushed forward.

  They knocked off Udi's fork, and the sword slashed on his body, leaving shocking scars, even bone wounds.

  Udi thought he was dead.

  Fate changed dramatically at this moment.

  With a deafening sound, those bandits who wanted to cut him into pieces were turned into pieces in front of him.

  Flesh and blood splashed and landed on his face.

  Those bandits didn't even leave a complete body behind.

  The loud explosion made his ears ring and he couldn't hear anything else.

  Udi looks around blindly.

  He saw the moving giants of metal.

  They are tall and tall, wearing heavy armor.

  The eyes of the helmet emit red light.

  Udi stared dumbfounded as they walked towards the village.

  The strange weapons in their hands continuously thundered and blazed.

  Those bandits were harvested by those metal giants in panic.

   Except for those who threw down their weapons and knelt on the ground and surrendered, the other bandits turned into broken corpses.

   "The current empire is really unbearable."

  The sound of exclamation came.

  Udi followed the voice and saw a man in noble clothes riding a war horse.

  His eyes are extremely sharp, like an eagle flying in the sky, Udi feels that he has no secrets in the eyes of the other party.

   "You, noble lord." Udi subconsciously knelt down.

  It is a felony for the farmers in the territory to see the noble master not kneel down.

   "I'm not a nobleman, I'm just a passenger returning home." Dax dismounted and helped the strong farmer up.

  Udi sized up the man in noble attire in front of him.

   It is true that there is no arrogance and contempt of those nobles.

   "Thank you very much for your help, my lord. If it wasn't for your guards, we might as well." Udi spoke again, but was stopped by Dax before he finished speaking.

"They are not my bodyguards." Dax explained, "They are warriors serving the great emperor, and their status is still higher than mine. Remember, don't say similar words again, it is not a wise choice to offend them. Here The battle is over, go and see the wounded, maybe they can still be saved. And your wounds should probably be bandaged."

   After dismissing the strong farmer, Dax turned and walked towards where Valyrian and the others were.

   Noble Scholars are there too.

  The surviving bandits have already kneeled in a row.

  They are interrogating relevant intelligence.

"Six months ago, we were ordered to go to Middenheim for support. At first, it was okay. The leader of the White Wolf Knights, Jerrick, personally killed Vlad and defeated the undead army. But after a while , Captain Jerick died and was transformed into a vampire, we saw that Middenheim was about to lose its hold and ran away secretly." A surviving bandit told their story in detail .

  They came to support from other provinces.

  Who would have thought that Vlad would have the ability to be resurrected continuously.

   On the battlefield, Jerry, the leader of the White Wolf Knights, smashed Vlad's head with his own hands.

  When everyone thought the war was over, Vlad resurrected again, killed Jerick, and transformed him into a vampire.

  This incident made many soldiers terrified, and they no longer had the courage to fight against the undead army.

  They fled the battlefield, looting along the way in order to obtain enough food to return home.

   "After losing the battle and looting along the way, you really deserve death." The noble scholar said: "You have completely forgotten your mission."

"Midenheim has already fallen, and staying here is a dead end, and the undead army has begun a massacre, turning the dead into undead. Even if we don't kill those people, they will die in the hands of the undead. Run away , No one can win those vampires." A bandit said: "That Vlad will be resurrected constantly, and he can't be killed at all. Even if you have great power, if you leave now, you still have a chance to survive. "

  "That's right, run away, leave before those undead come here. Otherwise, it will be too late when they come."

   "We just want to live."

   "Shut up, coward. Stop looking for excuses for your cowardice and brutality." Dax who came over interrupted the bandit.

   Their original plan was to go to the village of the man who asked for help, help the local residents get rid of the Skavens, improve some prestige, and facilitate the plan to establish an outpost in the future.

  Who would have thought that just halfway through, he learned that the vampire earl led the undead army to besiege the main city of Middenland - Middenheim.

   Skavens and vampires, this world is really full of disasters.

   "Should we continue to move forward?" Dax looked at Valyrian, "The undead army is coming menacingly, and we may run into them directly."

  The current leader of the Empire Exploration Team is this big guy in golden armor.

"This may not be a bad thing. Middenheim is one of the largest cities in the empire. If it can be controlled, its influence can radiate the entire Middenland." The noble scholar said, "What's more, our teachers are well-known. .Midenheim fell into the hands of vampires and was recovered by us. According to the law of the empire, we should enjoy the right to rule Middenheim."

   Valyrian was silent for a moment, then made a choice.

"Let's make some changes to our original plan. This world is still at the level of civilization in the Middle Ages, and it is not a big threat to us. As long as we guard against their witchcraft, there will basically be no major problems. Dax, I will give You assign a team, and you take them to solve the matter in that man's village. I will take the others to Middenheim, get rid of the vampires, and gain the right to rule the city, so that a lot of trouble can be saved."

   "Okay, Lord Valyrian." Dax shrugged, saying that he accepted the arrangement, and hunting the Skaven was not difficult for him.

   I just hope that there are not so many rats, otherwise it will take a lot of trouble.

   "Please take me with you." Udi, who had just received his medicine, ran over.

   Under the eyes of everyone, he walked up to Valyrian.

  Udi is the strongest man in the village.

   But in front of Valyrian and the others, he still looked very thin.

   Even compared to Dax, he is a bit thin.

  Dax was already a battle-hardened warrior before crossing over. He is not a weakling who has struggled in the foggy world for so many years.

   "I can fight, and I am familiar with the road over there. I can show you the way." Udi felt the other party's gaze, and hurriedly explained his usefulness.

   "Okay, follow us." Valyrian turned and left after leaving these words, "Leave some healing medicine for this village, and let's go."

  Saving the village is just a matter of convenience.

  The purpose of Valyrian and others was to go to the village where the man who asked for help was located, and help the local villagers deal with the Skaven.

  Who would have thought that such a thing would happen just after leaving the territory of noble scholars.

  The territory of noble scholars is in a remote corner of Midden, and the information exchange in this era is very closed.

  Many things happened for a long time before being passed on to the territory of noble scholars.

  In the beginning, people thought that Earl Vlad of Sylvania Province only launched the war for expansion.

   Such things are not uncommon.

  Who would have thought that Vlad was actually a vampire, and also mastered the means to control the undead army.

   Several large cities were captured in a very short period of time, and even Middenheim was about to fall.

  Valerian led people to Middenheim, preparing to take the city from the vampires and building it into an outpost.

  Dax took a small team to the village of the man who asked for help, and repelled the Skaven.

  The captured bandits were also taken away, ready to be used as cannon fodder.

  Udi followed the team and left the village.

  He thought this team was just wearing strange armor and using strange weapons.

   After all, this world is full of witchcraft and extraordinary power, so it is not surprising that it is strange.

  When he saw the vehicles of those people, he realized that he had too little knowledge after all.

  Their vehicles are all cast from solid metal, with weird long tubes.

   Can hover in the air without wings.

  Udi and the captured bandits were startled by the levitating metal monsters.

   There will also be a roaring sound coming from the body of the metal giant.

  Varerian originally didn't want to use war units such as suspended tanks and gunboats.

   This is why Dax can ride a horse.

   They were going to walk to the man's village.

   After all, it's just a little Persian Kaven.

   For them, it's just a casual thing.

  Going to Middenheim, the distance is far away.

  If you don't use the vehicle, it will be a waste of time.

  Dax also wanted to apply for a vehicle. He had seen the power of these heavy tanks with his own eyes when he was in the misty world. In this medieval world, it would be no problem to destroy cities and countries by himself.

  Varerian didn't pay attention to his request, but let him continue riding with the team to complete the task.

  The Skavens have always been the enemy of human civilization.

  Like other races, this race also has its own **** - the horned rat.

  A **** with authority over famine, rebellion and desolation.

  The Skavens will wage fanatical wars according to the will of the Horned Rat.

  Thousands of skaven will pour out from that dark lair, killing enemies and plundering land in the name of horned rat.

   They are synonymous with evil and cunning.

   Cruel by nature, good at trickery and deceit.

  As long as they can obtain any small benefits, they will backstab all enemies and allies without hesitation.

  They believe that one day, the supreme ratman empire will rule everything.

   All races will be their slaves and food.

   These evil things are rampant in every corner of the world.

  As Dax guessed at the beginning, the village of the man who asked for help was only plundered by a small group of Skaven.

   After confirming the location of the Skaven, Dax led the team straight to the opponent's base camp.

  PS: There is still a small chapter in the evening. In the next few days, I will try my best to get more than 4,000 words, and speed up the slow-paced episode.

  (end of this chapter)