Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 333 The Emperor's Replacement Plan (for subscription)

   Green-skinned orcs are weapons left over from ancient wars.

   Possesses amazing fecundity, and also has its own technological genes.

   When encountering a powerful enemy, he can inspire his technological talents and use all kinds of discarded garbage to create weapons and vehicles.

   also has amazing learning ability.

   will absorb the enemy's technology in a subtle process, and then transform it into its own technology.

   What's even scarier is the WAAAAGH energy they possess.

  The essence of an orc is a fungal spore, a mobile carnivorous plant.

  They formed a system by themselves, and did not need to extract psionic energy through the warp.

  As long as enough orcs gather together, a powerful WAAAGH force field can be generated, and through the WAAAGH force field, spells no less than subspace psionic power can be released or interfere with the real world.

   Biologically, the more concentrated WAAAGH energy will increase the size of the orcs, making them more powerful.

  In terms of engineering, WAAAGH energy can make orc creatures ignore a certain degree of physical law restrictions, such as inappropriate size, serious overweight, lack of horsepower and other small problems can be ignored.

  Orc creations can be used as long as they conform to the basic laws of physics.

  Scholars have another terrible guess, that is, the WAAAGH force field is likely to synchronize their genetics, so that they can get the experience and learned things accumulated by others without learning.

  This can also explain why after an orc learns to use weapons of other races, other orcs will also use those weapons without a teacher.

   They are the same race as the creators of the Eldar.

   Evidence for this truth can be found in surviving historical documents from both the Eldar and Necrons.

  Green-skinned orcs are biological weapons released by the ancient saints in response to the battle of heaven.

   They are pure races that serve war.

   Possessing a warlike mentality, orcs see it as fun and crave more battles.

  Able to use the scraps of the battlefield to tinker with the weapons and equipment they need.

   Green-skinned orcs also have a bug ability, that is, their reproductive ability that makes even the Zerg fear.

  The appearance of an orc on a planet means that countless orcs will appear on this planet in the future.

  Even if you kill the orc and burn the area, it won't do much good.

   All it takes is an orc's hair and dander to fall into the ground, or the spewed spores to meet the right conditions, and they will spread.

   Masses of mushrooms will grow from the surface, squeezing the local ecosystem.

   The root system under the mushroom will grow eggs, and the orcs will be bred in the eggs.

   Before the orcs are born, the spores will reproduce a complete ecosystem.

   First gave birth to a group of close relatives of the orc boys.

   Such as the little grit and the two-legged hound.

   When the orcs come out, they will be able to use the fungal ecosystem to get enough food.

  The reproductive ability of green-skinned orcs can be said to be the strongest among the known races in the entire galaxy.

  As soon as they are born, they have strong muscles and great strength.

  After gaining status, it can continue to evolve, becoming bigger, greener, and stronger.

   What's even more frightening is that they also record a large number of engineering technologies in their genetic codes.

  No need to learn, let them know how to drive a tank to attack, how to take a starship to sail among the stars, and fight everywhere.

  The number of orcs in the galaxy is difficult to count, and some scholars speculate that they may be more than humans.

  The only disadvantage is that the orcs are not united.

   Various orc warlords also often fight among each other.

  The orcs only care about whether there is a battle, and never care who they fight with.

  It is also common for them to hit their own people.

   This situation has been greatly improved after Bonebreaker became the orc emperor.

  According to some Eldar seers, the long-lost orc beliefs, the gods of Gomao guided the bonebreakers and began to make the orcs return to their ancestors, planning to make them regain the invincibility of the biological weapons of the past.

   That's why Orc Boys are now more exaggerated than ever.

  As a biological weapon capable of fighting against the Star Gods and Necrontyrs, the war potential of the orcs is terrific. Once released, it will inevitably lead to terrifying battles.

  Tiers stood on the command deck of the ship.

  The floating information window enveloped him.

  Flowing data gave him an accurate perception of the upcoming battle.

  Before he officially landed, he had to clear up all the orc ships in the void, or make a way out first.

  The orc fleet looks like the wreckage of a battleship, stitched and patched, and the large number of patches on the surface of the ship makes the battleship look very bloated.

  Relying on their own talents and unimaginable mechanical witchcraft, they welded the embroidered hulls dragged back from the celestial body ranch into ancient giant garbage.

  Those scrap iron that should have died could not die again, miraculously regained life in their hands.

  The orc battleship was billowing with black smoke, and the light from the plasma reactor shot out from the inside of the ship, looking as if it was about to disintegrate at any moment.

   It is a miracle that such a thing can work.

   Only in the hands of orcs can they function properly.

  On the void battlefield, there are only those orc ships.

  Tils didn't notice their huge, rusty clockwork war moons.

  Under the order of the orc emperor, the war moon of the orcs has already gone to the battlefield of Cadia, where they are preparing for an unprecedented WAAAGH with humans.

  After Bonebreaker became the orc emperor, the speed of the birth of orc warlords exceeded the imagination of the empire.

  The technology of the orcs also ushered in eruptions again and again.

  Many planets have found orc industrial foundries, as well as various mining and smelting facilities. Obviously, they already have the prototype of war creatures.

  They are billowing black smoke, providing a steady stream of weapons for the orcs.

  Those weapons look terrible, but their power should not be underestimated.

  Tiers watched the orc ships that turned around and prepared to face the empire, and gave orders to the ships.

   "Use light particle shells to destroy their shields, and then use antimatter to destroy them."

  The orcs attacked decisively, trying to seize the opportunity on the battlefield.

   Countless orc warships fired at the Blood Angels fleet at the same time.

  The space is instantly filled with straight lines of lasers, parabolas of torpedoes, and chaos left by explosions.

  Void battlefields usually start at an interval of tens of thousands of kilometers.

   Various energy weapons and bursts of atomic shock waves exploded in the void between the two fleets.

   Electromagnetic shocks produce long-lasting auditory hallucinations.

   It is impossible to distinguish the authenticity of everything in front of you.

  The orcs accelerated all the way, ready to fight the empire at close range without fear of death.

  After Bonebreaker became emperor, the accuracy of the orcs has improved, but it is still very touching.

  The orc ships looked tattered and tattered, but the firepower they released was extremely terrifying.

  Countless artillery, plasma pulse launchers, and laser launchers projected overwhelming firepower, converging into a barrage so bright that it was impossible to look directly at it, covering the fleet of the empire.

  The empire had far fewer ships than the orc fleet, and they did not fire back. Under the terrifying firepower of the orcs, they remained silent.

   Just opened the void shield, transferring all the firepower of the orcs to the subspace.

  The void shield technology of the empire has been fully upgraded, and the attacks it can withstand have increased by more than an order of magnitude compared with the past.

   Few alien warships can break human warships.

  Even if it is damaged, there is no serious problem.

  Many ships have backtracking devices, which are very buggy.

   It can be said that it is inherently invincible.

  Tiers kept the fleet silent.

  Wait until the fleets of both sides get closer to a certain distance before ordering to lock the target and release the attack.

  The force field projector throws the shells created by the strong interaction force.

  Use the force field boost to accelerate the projectile to near the speed of light in a force field of just a few hundred meters.

  The void bloomed with incomparable brilliance. The fired shells rubbed against the particles in the void due to their high speed, releasing powerful radiation, causing a strong light effect.

  The cannonball accelerated to the speed of light drew a brilliant trajectory in the void.

  Because it is very close to the speed of light, the mass of the shell is greatly amplified by the relativistic effect.

  The lethality caused by a shell is far more terrifying than that of light spears and cannons.

  The void shield of the orc ship burst out with strong light, transferring the light-speed shells into the subspace.

  The powerful impact also caused the void shield to overload, and the shield generator installed on the surface of the battleship spontaneously ignited.

   The void shield on the orc ship that resisted a light-speed shell flickered a few times, and then went out completely.

  The orc ships are suspended in the air, without protection measures.

  The big techs beat the orc maintenance boys and asked them to repair the equipment that was emitting black smoke and electric sparks according to their orders.

  The efficiency of the orc boys is impressively slow!

  Before they started to set off, the second wave of attacks followed closely behind.

  After the first wave of shells overloaded the void shield of the orc ship, the second round of shells was accelerated to half the speed of light and thrown out.

  The second wave of shells did not reach the speed of light.

  But those shells are still powerful.

  Strong interaction materials can arrange molecules closely together, and their hardness far exceeds that of many alloy materials.

  The shells in the second round are also quite different from the shells in the first round.

  In addition to using strong interaction force materials, the core of the second round of shells also has antimatter **** bound by force fields.

   The orc ship without a void shield was smashed to pieces by the accelerated shells like tofu.

  Accompanied by a loud bang, a huge, patched orc ship was directly torn apart in this barrage of death.

  The shell hit the plasma reactor precisely.

  After the position of the energy pile was penetrated, it first turned into a red-hot state, and then was swallowed by the plasma flame.

  Under the silent explosion and enveloped by flames, the hull of the energy pile turned into millions of tons of metallic magma emitting dark red light and erupted.

  In this tragic destruction, it turned into countless fragments and flew in all directions.

  Even if the energy pile is not hit, the shell only needs to hit the armory below the deck, and it will cause a series of explosions.

  Anti-matter shells will also release annihilation flames upon contact, engulfing the entire ship.

  Several orc ships were destroyed in this way.

   Accompanied by the lasing fuel and ion arcs, countless orc corpses were ejected from the interior of the ship, and the scene was very similar to the scene where fungi sprayed spores outward.

  The imperial fleet maintains a ruthless killing posture, and the formation of the fleet has not changed from beginning to end.

  The orc's attack could do nothing but leave rippling marks on the ship's void shield.

  Every salvo of the imperial ships will destroy the orc ships in pieces, turning into countless fragments and flying in the void.

  The orc's void defense was quickly pierced.

   There are countless fragments floating in the void, as well as a large number of orc corpses, creating a death ring.

  They rotate, are attracted by the planet's gravity, fall into the planet's atmosphere, or reach equilibrium and rotate around the planet.

  The other ships turned around and continued to clear up the broken copper and iron of the orcs.

  Tiers summoned the battle brothers of the tenth company and gathered in the teleportation hall.

  Use the teleportation device to teleport all combat brothers to the battlefield.

  A dazzling white light flashed.

  Tils felt the same sense of spatial dislocation as always.

   As if the whole world is distorted in front of you.

  I didn't feel the movement of the position, and even the time stopped flowing.

  Wait until the glare fades and everything recovers.

  They are no longer in the teleportation hall, but in the midst of a wave of crazy greenskins.

  Countless green-skinned orcs were confused by the hundreds of human warriors who suddenly descended here.

  But soon they threw away the confusion in their hearts, roared at Tiers and the others, and rushed towards these soldiers.

  Rusted armor is fastened with straps and screws to the limbs of mighty orcs, holding weapons of astonishing scale.

  The other orc boys shot at them with well-maintained weapons.

   "Crush them." Tiers roared: "In the name of the emperor, in the name of holy blood, victory belongs to us."

  The battle-brothers of the Tenth Company of Blood responded to their commander.

   Unleashes antimatter bombs in one uniform salvo.

  In an instant, flames soared into the sky, and the antimatter bomb released an annihilating shock wave.

  The orcs in the periphery were blown away, and the high-temperature flames vaporized all the orcs in the center of the explosion.

  The soldiers defending the Armageddon hive saw the teleportation flash, and also saw the flames from the antimatter explosion.

   Like a **** mini-nuke, towers of flames shot up into the sky, blowing all those orcs away.

   "Those Primaris warriors are getting more and more crazy." A veteran, through the detection device of the exoskeleton armor, parachuted to the center of the battlefield with the fighting style of the Blood Angels, and was stunned for a moment.

  The other soldiers were also shocked.

  The artillery fire moved away from the area where the Blood Angels were located, and turned to attack the orcs in other areas.

   When positive and antimatter are annihilated, the impact of the explosion is far greater than that of nuclear bombs of the same mass.

  Using anti-matter bombs in such close combat, it is absolutely impossible for a madman to think of this kind of fighting method.

  The Blood Angels used this tactic unscrupulously with their advanced armor and tyrannical Primaris body.

   In the past, these emperor angels were quite normal.

   At least they will not detonate a nuclear bomb at close range.

  Since the Great Emperor took the place of the previous emperors and further strengthened them, turning them into Primaris warriors.

  Relying on their own strength, these guys started all kinds of brutal and brutal tactics.

  Just jumping down from an altitude of 10,000 meters, without even turning on the propeller, has become a routine operation for the Primordial Warriors.

  Now, it is even more close-range anti-nuclear explosion.

   After a while, I dare not even think about it.

  Tiers didn't know the shock and complaints from the friendly troops in the distance.

  The Blood Angels of the tenth company cleared a large amount of open space with a round of explosive bomb volleys.

  Tiers directly activated the power battle ax and rushed out.

  The heart of the empire is activated, loading him with the ability of black fury.

   This is the unique innate ability of the Blood Angels, which can be freely controlled with the help of the Heart of the Empire.

  After releasing Black Rage, the Blood Angel's combat power will be horribly increased.

  Tiers felt endless anger rising from his heart.

  There is infinite power surging in his body, and he can fight until the end of time.

  The desire to kill filled every cell, and he couldn't help roaring.

  The way he swings his battle ax looks like the Xingtian demon **** in ancient oriental mythology.

   Where the blade of the ax goes, it is difficult for the naked eye to reach.

  Wherever it passed, there were only wreckage and broken arms.

   A giant orc with mechanized muscles rushed towards him.

  The mechanical orc was twice the size of Tiers, with a huge cable extending from his back and connected to the horned helmet on his head.

  Half of the face has been modified with rough machinery, and the steel jaw is hideous and terrifying.

  Thick black smoke spewed out from the two huge pipes behind it.

  A claw that is bigger than normal is mounted on the arm.

  When the big guy started running, the ground shook like a moving mountain of metal trash.

   Those orcs who failed to escape in time were trampled to pieces by it.

  The orc's purpose was clear, and it leaped past its companions, crackling the air with startling arcs of activating claws.

  Just one sharp claw, and a terrifying claw the size of an ordinary person fell towards Tiers' position, with great force.

  Tiers launched a teleport, appeared in the air, and avoided the opponent's blow.

   When it landed, he swung his tomahawk and chopped off the opponent's mechanical arm.

  After landing, he swung his battle ax and chopped off the legs of the giant mechanized orc.

   Then strode forward, chopped off the opponent's head, and stomped off the huge head with one kick.

  Tiers' deputy, Gatalin, used his scepter to knock an orc leader away and let out a roar.

   "In the name of the Holy Emperor." Gatalin raised his scepter.

  His eyes released a dazzling light.

  The power from the highest heaven surged in his body.

  In the past, this kind of psionic spells often had a certain risk of corruption.

   are noticed by those hungry beings eager to devour the minds of mortals.

  Only when the human emperor built a firewall, the psykers could safely release various spells.

  Think tanks also ushered in their highlight moment.

  With their strong spirit, they turned into mobile turrets on the battlefield.

  Can burst out a large number of powerful spiritual spells in a short period of time.

  Terrible flames were released from his hands, and the psychic flames formed a terrible impact, knocking away all the orcs who tried to approach him, and let out a mournful cry.

  The other battle-brothers roared, too, the servo motors inside the armor roaring as they ran.

   Tomahawks, long swords, and heavy hammers hacked those orcs.

  The body of the orc is incredibly strong, able to withstand three times the damage of the kill standard.

  The fury of the Orcs is unusually ferocious, and it keeps rushing towards the Blood Angels with its primitive savage rage.

The Holy Blood Angels rushed forward, slashing hard with a melee weapon in one hand, leaving behind wreckage and pieces of flesh, while holding a bolt gun in the other hand and shooting wildly, tower-like flames would explode into the sky from time to time. rise.

  Tiers saw the key to solving this war.

   Countless strong orcs surrounded a terrifying giant beast.

   Wearing armor, the height is more than ten meters, wrapped in thick armor.

  The helmet has horns, inlaid with rubies, and an orc pattern holding a weapon.

  The behemoth is equipped with a huge cannon and sharp claws, and two thick pipes are installed behind him, billowing black smoke.

   In front of that giant beast, those orc leaders were as weak as a child.

  The guards around the giant beast are equally powerful.

   Their size far exceeds that of other ordinary orcs.

   Much taller than the Primordial Warrior, holding a weapon bigger than a human.

   "Get rid of it." Tiers roared, "Get rid of that orc warlord."

  Gatalin once again released the power belonging to the highest sky, and violent thunder fell from the sky, knocking those orcs into the air.

  The other blood angels also roared.

  Their fangs were exposed, and their eyes turned red and then black.

  They all use the Heart of the Empire to spark a black rage.

  Gatalin howled like a terrifying beast, and the exposed fangs made him look like a demon from hell.

  The light released by the scepter in his hand became more and more brilliant, unleashing the attack of the supreme sky, knocking down the orcs in droves.

  Other warriors are also advancing bravely, splitting the raging tide of orcs, and wading through the sea of ​​​​greenskin flesh.

   Tiers roared, and continued to slash with the battle ax in his hand. With the help of his companions, nothing could stop him.

   Those strong orcs were cut down by him, cutting a road abruptly.

   Countless giant orcs fell under the blade of his axe.

   More orcs rushed over while laughing strangely.

   Didn't care about the countless orc corpses behind Tiers.

   Wave after wave of orcs rushed at them, pounding the Blood Angels.

   But nothing can stop the Son of Blood.

  They formed spears and pierced the waves.

  The tip of the spear was their company commander, Tiers.

  Tiers raised up, and the tomahawk from bottom to top, tore apart a giant orc equipped with tearing claws and breathing fire in its mouth.

   So far, there are no obstacles in front of him.

  He rushed in front of the giant beast.

  The other party has a steel head, with huge teeth like thick tree branches, and those dark red eyes are full of evil and cunning.

   "Blood Rage." Tiers murmured, sending instructions to the Heart of the Empire.

   Howls resounded throughout the battlefield, and Tiers's completely black pupils made Tiers look like a demon **** from hell.

  Infinite power flows.

   His strong and powerful muscles surged with anger.

  Tils jumped up while running, and the battle ax in his hand also entered an overloaded state.

  He slashed at the opponent's ugly, ferocious head with an axe.

  The orc warlord also let out a roar, and its voice echoed on the battlefield, making the orcs scream excitedly.

  Green WAAAAGH energy covers its body.

  It raised its hand and used its mechanical arm to block Tiers' slash.

   The invincible battle ax failed at this moment.

   No mechanical arms capable of cutting down orc warlords.

  The faint green shimmer lags the killing field of the battle axe, rendering it ineffective.

  The ax blade failed to tear the orc warlord's armor.

  The other hand of the orc warlord slapped Tiers, and the heavy force caused the sound of bone cracks and armor shattering in his resisting arm.

   After disengagement, the armor is repaired by nanobots, and the arm is also restored under the powerful restoration force.

  Tiers glared at the opponent with his black eyes, gripping the battle ax tightly and preparing for the next attack.

  The orc warlord rushed over with heavy steps.

  Tiers also rushed over and entered an overloaded state.

  He vaguely touched the limit of the second original casting upgrade.

  In his field of vision, the flow of time slowed down suddenly.

  He could see that every step of the orc warlord was extremely slow, and the whole world entered a state of slow motion.

  The falling dust in the sky is slowed down.

  Tils saw a weakness.

  On the left side of the orc warlord's waist, he rushed over, only a little faster than the others.

   Wait until the time flow returns to normal.

  He and the orc warlord have passed by. His helmet had been torn off, and there was a terrible wound on the right side of his face, and white bones could be vaguely seen.

  The orc warlord let out a roar.

  The next second, he clutched his abdomen and became staggering.

   In the end, he knelt down directly, and the weapon in his hand supported it so that it did not fall down.

  The waist was cut open, and the green intestines flowed out along with the blood.

  Tiers turned to the kneeling orc warlord with a tomahawk in hand.

  The other party stared at him, scarlet eyes full of anger.

   "Go to hell, Alien." Tiers swung his tomahawk fiercely, and chopped off his head directly.

   The frenzied orc frenzy calmed down strangely.

  Tiers let out a roar.

  The orcs who originally wanted to besiege turned their heads in fright and started to run away.

   That scene was extremely spectacular.

   Countless orcs fled under the pursuit of hundreds of blood angels.

  Unfortunately, no matter how strong the Holy Blood Angel is, the number of people is limited after all.

   After chasing and killing them for a while, they had to give up this inefficient killing mode.

  Even if they can kill a thousand orcs alone, it is useless to the huge wave of orcs.

   Those orcs were running around.

   They may go through a long period of melee before deciding on a new warlord leader.

  Tiers will not give them this chance.

  He will sweep away all orcs and Warp plagues on Armageddon in one fell swoop, and bring the planet back to the glory of the Great Emperor.

  The Emperor Supreme sailed smoothly in the subspace.

  Even though the waves of the subspace are so turbulent, it remains motionless.

   There is not nothing in the subspace, the remnants of past memories and the embers of civilization remain in it.

   Those decaying buildings can be seen everywhere, some even built by humans in the past.

  All traces left by civilization will be reflected in subspace.

   To some extent, subspace can be said to be the most equal existence.

  No matter how insignificant civilizations are, the subspace will open their minds to carry their birth, rise, prosperity, and destruction.

  The inanimates entrenched in those ancient buildings, watching the huge imperial ships pass by and howling.

  But the huge double-headed eagle made them feel jealous.

  Recently, there have been more and more things about the disappearance of demons. There are rumors that the empire is abducting and selling demons from the subspace, and selling those unlucky ones to other universes as slaves.

  The danger of attacking human ships is too great.

  If you meet some crazy businessmen, it's hard to say who is the prey.

   Coupled with the fact that humans have built walls, many of their previous methods are useless.

  Before bewitching, cheating, tricks, etc., are useless.

   On the Supreme, the majestic Mechanical Throne still stands there.

   There is no one on the throne.

  Only the conscientious imperial guards are guarding the empty throne.

  At this time, Guilliman is staying under the Mechanical Throne

  The huge reception room accommodates many important figures in the galaxy.

   Sitting at the throne is naturally the most honorable human lord of the galaxy, the great emperor of the empire, Guilliman.

   Then there are several important leaders of the Death Army, Elderal, Ifran, Thousand Faces, etc.

   In addition, there are several prophets from the Harlequin Drama Troupe.

  The **** of laughter of the Eldar - Selego is here.

   On the human side, there are Sicarius, the latest Assassin Grand Mentor-Kesim, the judge who has undergone life-extending surgery and has become young again-Vinsenhorn, and the Gray Knight Grand Mentor-Manjago.

  The previous Assassin Grand Mentor has chosen to leave, and now he is sleeping in the wall area.

  The empire's current technology has been able to make flesh and blood immortal.

   But many souls do not support their immortality.

   Flesh and blood can sustain, their weary souls are overwhelmed.

   Traitors and Imperial Loyalists are slightly different.

  The soul of the traitor has long been decayed, but it is maintained with the help of the gods and subspace, and will be pulled into the kingdom of the gods after death.

   The price is naturally dominated by the gods.

  The tragic point is to become a Chaos Egg.

  The souls of the loyalists of the empire will return to the wall to sleep after death, waiting for the right opportunity, and will be awakened again.

  In fact, not all of the Elders lived as long as Eldrar, and lived longer than those gods.

  Many Eldar will also be coming to an end.

  For this reason, the test of eternal life is not only a test of the biological body, but also a test of the soul.

   Only a soul that is tough enough and strong enough can live forever.

  Guilliman is preparing to recruit a group of heroic warriors.

   and the cursed warriors created by the previous emperor formed a legion.

   Form an army that can fight in the subspace.

   Besides, who said that death is the end of the mission.

   At least I still have a soul, so I have to keep working hard no matter what.

  This is a reward for loyalty.

  How many people did not have this kind of access before!

  This Heroic Spirit project is still under preparation, and related technologies still need to be perfected.

   Guilliman didn't tell anyone either.

   Instead, do it quietly.

  Everyone gathered here, and the discussion was naturally not about eternal issues.

   It is about the gathering of many enemies of the empire on the Cadia battlefield.

   After Bonebreaker became the emperor of the empire, he was no longer a brainless WGHAAAA. In order to fight against the empire, he did not hesitate to cooperate with the cancerous legion and the necromancer dynasty.

   Prepare to fight against the threat posed by humanity together.

   For this reason, an unprecedented terrorist force has been assembled on the Cadia battlefield.

  Once a war starts, it will inevitably bring about an extremely tragic war.

  Guilliman also had to make multiple preparations.

   Avoid too many casualties in the empire, which will affect the follow-up plan.

  The current army size of the empire is already very large.

  But Guilliman still has many plans in the coming time.

  The empire wants to conquer not only other universes, but also other galaxies.

   To be honest, this force is simply not enough.

   Tens of billions of people are thrown into a universe, and the water can't even splash.

   can reduce losses, it is better to reduce losses.

  Promote the application of time retrospective devices.

   Use the database to upgrade the equipment of the empire again.

  Use the fourth original casting upgrade to fully upgrade those qualified fighters and increase the high-end combat power of the empire.

  In addition to these, another aspect of preparation is to find ways to disintegrate the alliance formed by the enemies of the empire.

  The space necromancers are here to be dealt with by King Suotai, let him win the support of those dynasties, let them abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and join the great cause of galactic co-prosperity of the human empire.

   And the green-skinned orcs.

   "Is this all the information that the Old Ones used to study biological weapons?" Guilliman looked at the data displayed by the data crystal in front of him, and at the same time looked at Selego, who was wearing a clown mask.

   "Yes, Your Majesty." Selego said respectfully.

"The green-skinned orcs have been a threat for a long time. My father thwarted them once in Ullanor, but they have made a comeback. Their reproductive ability is too strong. Unless every world is burned, it will be difficult to control the flood. Green-skinned orcs." Guilliman said: "We can't waste time and energy on how to fight against orcs. Killing one will grow tens of thousands, which is really a headache."

   "With the current strength of the empire, no matter how many orcs there are, there is no way to shake the foundation of the empire." Sicarius said confidently.

   "Indeed, those green skins really can't pose a threat to the power of the human empire." Natas, the prophet of the spirit race, also agreed with Sicarius' point of view.

"During the Great Crusade, humans once defeated the orcs and destroyed their empire, but in the end they made a comeback. It is not difficult to wipe out the orcs once or twice. The problem is how to eradicate the orcs." key to the problem.

"That's right." Guilliman said: "It's not difficult to defeat the orcs, the difficulty is how to prevent them from making a comeback. Can the empire just suppress the green-skinned orcs again and again? What if the empire declines again? Those orcs will inevitably die again." Be as big a concern as it is now."

   "The empire is led by His Majesty, and there is absolutely no possibility of decline." Mangago said.

   Guilliman smiled, and asked in a tone that couldn't guess what kind of emotion it was.

   "But what if one day I'm gone??"

   Manjago was stunned for a moment, but before he could recover, Guilliman continued.

"Problems are always to be solved. If the present people don't solve them, should they be left to future generations?? Don't always trust the wisdom of future generations. They have their own problems to solve." Guilliman browsed through the data crystal The stored data is all the knowledge that the ancient sages developed and edited various spiritual creatures.

  It also includes how to shape a subspace **** and other knowledge related to gods.

   This knowledge was not even available to the Eldar Empire in its heyday.

   It is conceivable how terrifying the technology of the Old Sages has reached.

   Had it not been for internal and external troubles, the outcome of the Battle of Heaven would have been very different.

  The Star God was beaten up by the Old Sage.

   The Necrontyr was also beaten by the Old Ones for a while.

  If it weren't for their subspace plan to backfire on themselves, the two little wretches who have been beaten repeatedly would probably continue to be beaten violently.

  Guilliman wants to obtain the knowledge of the Black Library, but also wants to see if there is a way to completely solve the cancer of the green-skinned orcs.

  There is a vast amount of knowledge about the green-skinned orcs, which is countless times larger than the transformation data of the Astartes.

   Even Guilliman, after reading these data knowledge, was a little amazed and felt a pain in his head.

   These superhuman demigods of the Astartes are only improved on the basis of human beings.

  The green-skinned orcs are real laboratory products. The ancient saints directly used the characteristics of animals and plants to create a race.

  There are many fields involved. In addition to the realistic biological genes and physical technology, it also involves the theology of the subspace and the mechanism of emotional power.

   It can be said that the two are not on the same level.

   "Then what is His Majesty doing?" Elder Prophet asked.

"This matter can only be solved at the source, which is why I asked the God of Laughter to bring all the data crystals and books about the ancient holy biological weapons from the black library. The orc is a forged biological weapon. There is no right or wrong with a sword, its value depends on the wielder."

   "Your Majesty, you want to control the orcs? That's impossible." Evelyn shook her head. As the leader of the Death Army, she had a lot of dealings with orcs.

   They are chaotic, brutal, and impulsive.

  The cost of controlling them may be greater than eliminating them.

   "The orcs are absolutely obedient to their warlords and emperors. Nowadays, so many orcs go to the Cadia battlefield. This is why we don't need to control every orc. We only need to control their emperor."

   "Controlling the Bonecrusher? That guy is a lunatic, it won't bend its knees."

  Guilliman smiled when he heard everyone's doubts.

   "If the Bonebreakers cannot be controlled, then we will replace them with an orc emperor who can be controlled."

  As soon as Guilliman's words came out, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

   Change to an orc emperor!

is it possible?

   "Can it really be done? Your Majesty." Surprise also appeared on the face of the imperial guard-Valano, this idea is too crazy.

   Change an emperor for those barbaric, rude orcs!

How to do?

   Kill the Bonecrusher and replace him?

  If it was so easy, the empire would not have such a headache facing the mighty orc empire during the Great Crusade.

"I have read some information, and it is feasible. In order to prevent the orcs from losing their war leader, the ancient saints will become confused and unable to continue fighting. They will transfer the WAAAGH energy after the leader's death to other powerful orcs. Those orcs will pass In battle, the winner will become the leader of the war, and other orcs will obey unconditionally. We only need to let another orc get enough WAAAAGH force field, and then let him kill the original orc emperor, there is a certain chance to replace him , to become the new orc emperor."

  ps: Code a few thousand words later.

  (end of this chapter)