Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 334 Uncle Wufo (for subscription)

  Guilliman's learning ability can be said to be terrifying beyond imagination for other people.

  Even at the level of Selego, it is extremely terrifying.

  Just obtained the detailed information of the ancient sage's research on orcs, and he was able to extract the information he needed from the vast amount of information.

   And use this to come up with a solution to the Cadia battlefield.

   Everyone looked at each other face to face, and they could see the shock in their eyes.

  Guilliman's idea is crazy, but if it succeeds, the empire will have a terrifying biological weapon.

  The battle strength of the orcs is obvious to all.

  Although they are no longer comparable to humans at this stage, they still have an advantage over races such as Necrons and Eldar.

  Fast reproduction, less dependent on logistics.

  If the biological weapon of green-skinned orcs can be obtained, several sub-universe cultivation bases will be created directly, and the most powerful green-skinned orcs will be selected as the imperial cannon fodder.

   When the war comes, just open the entrance to the sub-universe there.

  Imagine an overwhelming green-skinned orc swarming out, converging into a terrifying green scourge.

   Have no fear, no pain, enjoy war and death.

  Where else can you find such a cannon fodder race!

  The most important thing is that it is cheap and solid.

  It can grow when thrown in the desert, it can grow when thrown in the sea, and it can grow wherever it is thrown.

   One orc is buried in spring, and the whole planet is harvested in autumn.

   "Is it really possible?" Selego looked at the human emperor. If other people said such things, he would only be ridiculed by him as wishful thinking and unrealistic.

   But the man who said this now is a man who has created countless miracles, is about to unify the galaxy in a true sense, and is about to start the war of conquest of different universes and other galaxies.

   Said he was wishful thinking?

   It's better to think about whether you are ignorant or not.

"Theoretically yes." Guilliman replied while flipping through the information in the data crystal, "All kinds of knowledge left by the ancient saints support this approach. They have designed it perfectly and considered various situations, such as this In the event that a biological weapon goes out of control, substitution can be made to remedy it.

  Sicarius asked in confusion: "The question is how can we find an existence that is both obedient and able to withstand enough WAAAAGH strength."

   "At present, the number of orc warlords is rare. It is very difficult to find such an existence. Do we want us to contact them one by one?"

   "So our purpose will be exposed? The Bonebreaker is not a fool! He is very cunning, as long as we show a little clue, he will definitely find us."

   "Should we catch some orc leaders to train them?"

   "Cultivate? Can those guys cultivate?"

  Following Guilliman's train of thought, everyone started discussing.

   Even if it is theoretically feasible, it is still very difficult to actually implement it.

  Just because they chose here, they got stuck again.

   To promote this plan, I don't know how many difficulties there are!

   Seeing everyone frowning, Guilliman laughed.

   "Before going to the Cadia battlefield, I also went to the Natal galaxy once. Do you know the identities of the two who conceived the offspring?"

"Hoke, the commander of the Astral Legion on the battlefield of Armageddon, coordinated and led the Imperial Astral Legion to severely damage the many orc armies rushing to the battlefield of Armageddon. After the Bonebreaker escaped from Armageddon, many of the Astral Legion also Transferred, he was awarded the Medal of Honor, and returned to the Natal system, announcing that he would have a son."

  "Andy, the main leader of the Sara Legion, participated in the Battle of Armageddon, followed Hawke back to the Natal galaxy, and announced that he would give birth to a child."

  Valano told the two people's duties. He has a very good memory, and the things he has seen will be engraved in his mind like a knife and will not be forgotten.

   "Does this have something to do with them?" The Elder Prophet Natal asked, "Excuse me for my ignorance, do you plan to make them emperors of orcs?"

"Naturally not. When they announced that they would have children, I looked up their achievements and achievements, and found an interesting place. In the several battles of the Sara Legion led by Andy, she did not find any local orcs. The leader or the warlord, the opponent fled the battlefield very cunningly, and appeared in another battlefield."

"At that time, I was a little curious and found a very interesting thing. This orc warlord who escaped has actually fought against humans many times. He has appeared in the siege of the orc warlord-arsonist, the Vigilante war, etc. As long as this orc thinks it's not right, he will run away. The amazing thing is that he can always survive, and the next time he appears, he will gain a higher status and a larger size."

   "By the time of the Battle of Armageddon, he had already become a small warlord and controlled a group of powerful orc legions. When he realized that Andy's legion would bring him destruction, he still fled."

  Guilliman waved his hand and turned on the holographic projector, and a huge and ferocious orc appeared in the projection.

   Muscular and huge, the body is inlaid with various steel plates, the two fangs are like those of a giant elephant, and the eyes emit a fierce red light.

   This cruel look doesn't look like he will run away.

"After my research, I think this orc has no orc morality at all." Guilliman showed the photos taken on the battlefield, all of which were extracted from the images of past wars. see it clearly.

   "This guy has used blood axe, evil moon, evil sun and other emblems of different clans, which means that he doesn't care which clan he is at all, as long as which clan has sweetness, he belongs to that clan."

  Hearing Guilliman's introduction, the faces of everyone looking at the projection changed subtly.

   "Is such a thing really an orc??"

   "How can a green skin be more shameless and cunning than a demon!"

   "It looks tough, but it's still a master of escape!"

   "You shouldn't judge people by their appearance."

  Guilliman heard everyone's discussion and nodded.

  When he found out about this guy, he thought the same way.

   I thought it was because I didn't know enough about green skins!

   Now it seems that he understands the green skin, but the problem is that the green skin is not within the scope of people's normal understanding.

   "Is His Majesty going to choose him as a replacement for the Bonebreaker?" Selego asked.

  Guilliman nodded.

   "Yes, such a green-skinned orc who is afraid of death and capable, isn't our best target!"

Guilliman stood up and picked up the data crystal, "Of course, before that, we have to study everything about orcs as soon as possible, and master the methods of making them and controlling them. If we can support this orc to replace the bonebreaker, Maybe there will be surprises in the battle of Cadia."

  In the vast subspace.

  A majestic orc fleet is sailing.

  Each ship is fully patched.

   Such a ship would be able to navigate the Warp if the Imperial treasury officials saw it.

  They will all wonder if there is a problem on Mars, asking for money and supplies in the name of shipbuilding.

   Ufo, who was staying in the largest battleship, lifted a grot with two little fingers in boredom.

  The opponent's thin arm was thinner than one of his fingers.

   "Boss." The Grot cried in a thin voice.

   "Cry louder, make me have fun." Uver looked at the Grit in his hand, and said viciously.

   At this time, an orc boy ran in.

   "Boss, boss, Dajiba said we are here."

   "When we arrive, we will arrive, what are you doing shouting so loudly!" Uver threw the Grit in his hand casually, "Did he say he saw Xiami's spaceship??"

   "Yes, there are seventy or eighty ships."

  Uver's eyes widened at the orc boy's words.

   "Seventy or eighty shrimp boats, damn, I knew the Bonebreaker wanted to kill me, so he sent me to die." Ufo greeted his orc emperor in his heart.

   "Oh my God, that big blue and big guy is so fierce that his men are dying, so many brothers are dead."

   "Boss, turn around quickly, we still have time to go."

   "That's right, let's go quickly, it will be too late."

   "You have to survive to have a chance to be the biggest big guy."

  Maybe because of Uver's character, the orc kid around him has become almost like him.

  Uver coughed twice, ready to order a U-turn.

  Send to die?


  For the sake of the great Mao Ershen, he must retain his usefulness.

   "Boss, it's not a boat for good shrimps, but a boat for bad shrimps."

   These words made Ufo, who was about to give an order just now, almost suffocated to death by what he was going to say.

"Damn, you won't finish talking in one breath!" Wufu knocked the orc boy away with one punch, then stood up straight, and let out a low growl like a wild animal, "Send the boat out for me, who dares?" If you stop Mr. Wufo, just give me a blast. Put on the loudspeaker and tell those bad shrimps that Mr. Wufo is here to save them, this bunch of trash."

  The orc boys drove the mechanic boys back to their posts.

  The huge and bloated orc ship broke the curtain of subspace and reality, and entered the realm of the real universe.

   Abaddon watched them coming with an expression of disgust.

  (end of this chapter)